ChangePeoplsLivesHave you thought much about salutations? They have power to affect people’s lives. What do you say when you greet your husband each morning? I am sure you start with the wonderful words, “I love you.”
And what about your children? When you go out to the breakfast table do you greet them with positive and loving words?
“Good morning, my most amazing and incredible children.”
“I love you and I love being your mother!”
“Good morning to my mighty world changers.”
And what about other people? Paul wrote to the Colossian believers: “To the saints and faithful brethren in Christ. . . Grace be unto you, and peace, from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.” Do you notice that he called them “saints” and “faithful”? The word “saints” is “hagios” and means “holy, set apart, sanctified, consecrated, and pure.” He greeted them with positive words: “holy and faithful.”
Why don’t we try to encourage people when we meet them? How lovely to greet friends in a way that will uplift their souls:
“So great to see you today, dear faithful friend. How are you?”
“What a joy to see your smiling face. You light up my day.”
“What a joy to see you. May you be blessed today.”
“How wonderful to meet another sanctified saint.”
Bring encouragement to your husband and children today. Change someone’s life every time you open your mouth.
Be encouraged and blessed,
Nancy Campbell
Painting by Mary Cassatt
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BarringtonDeclarationDid you know that 130 million people will starve this coming year as a result of the economic damage from lockdowns? Awhile back I posted a note about the GREAT BARRINGTON DECLARATION? In case you missed it, I am posting it again. The GREAT BARRINGTON DECLARATION is a petition you can sign if you are concerned about the continuing lockdowns in our nation. You can read about it and then sign the petition by going to the following link:
Already over 40,000 medical practitioners have signed this petition, plus over 13,000 medical and public health scientists, and over 700,000 concerned citizens. You can also add your name.
~ Nancy
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WhenStopMotheringDear precious ladies, we don’t stop mothering when our children leave the nest. We increase in mothering. It won’t be long, and grandchildren will come. These years go quickly and then another generation begins.
Life as a mother is meant to enlarge, broaden, and unfold more and more into the fulfillment of God’s plan for families. We keep on mothering. Plus we have a new responsibility to encourage and teach the new generation of young mothers.
How do the new generation of mothers know what to do unless the older generation teaches them? It is sad that in many homes today young women grow up not knowing how to cook or run a home. Many of them are unfamiliar with babies. If there were only two children in the family, they haven’t experienced babies around them as they grew up. They are unprepared for mothering and homemaking.
This is not how God intends it to be. He has COMMANDED the older women to teach the young women HOW to love their husbands, HOW to love their children, and HOW to be keepers at home, etc. Read it all in Titus 2:3-5 (JBP). It’s not enough to teach them. They must show them how.
Can I ask: How can they show them how if they are no longer interested in mothering? I believe that we as older mothers should continue to seek God for His plan for us as women. I continually cry out to God to show me His ways for us as women and I am amazed that after all these years God continues to show me more and more of His beautiful plan for wives and mothers in His Word. Sadly, most older women do not even know God’s ways to pass them on to the younger generation.
To teach the new generation, we as older women must continue in the anointing of motherhood. Continuing to mother. Overflowing in it. Immersing ourselves in it. And seeking to faithfully and continually teach it to the new generation of mothers.
The Titus 2 passage ends with very strong words. It tells us that if the older women are not faithful to teach the younger women the truths of wifehood, motherhood, and homemaking that the Word of God will be BLASPHEMED! Wow, that’s a strong word. I’m glad the Bible said it and not me or you’d be wanting to throw rocks at me!
Why does God use such a strong word? I believe it is because if mothers do not embrace their role of mothering and the beautiful place of the home God has provided for them to raise their children, they show an opposite picture of God’s ultimate plan. And this is blasphemy to God.
Blessings to you today,
Nancy Campbell
P.S. Older mothers, let’s keep getting Above Rubies and pass it out to the younger generation of mothers. Let’s pass it on to our daughters and daughters-in-law. Let’s keep getting the message out. Email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. if you need extra copies of the Above Rubies magazine, the most wonderful magazines to encourage marriage and motherhood.
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GrantUsWe sang this hymn at our Family Devotions this morning. Powerful words for these times.
God of grace and God of glory,
On thy people pour thy power;
Crown the ancient church's story;
Bring its bud to glorious flower.
Grant us wisdom, grant us courage,
For the facing of this hour,
For the facing of this hour.
Lo! the hosts of evil round us,
Scorn thy Christ, assail his ways!
From the fears that long have bound us,
Free our hearts to love and praise.
Grant us wisdom, grant us courage,
For the living of these days,
For the living of these days.
Cure thy children's warring madness,
Bend our pride to thy control;
Shame our wanton, selfish gladness,
Rich in things and poor in soul.
Grant us wisdom, grant us courage,
Lest we miss thy kingdom's goal,
Lest we miss thy kingdom's goal.
Set our feet on lofty places;
Gird our lives that they may be
Armoured with all Christlike graces,
Pledged to set all captives free.
Grant us wisdom, grant us courage,
That we fail not them nor thee,
That we fail not them nor thee!
Save us from weak resignation
To the evils we deplore;
Let the search for thy salvation
Be our glory evermore.
Grant us wisdom, grant us courage,
Serving thee whom we adore,
Serving thee whom we adore.
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firstamendmentAs Colin and I were walking down Pennsylvania, going home from the Trump Rally I noticed the First Amendment written in huge letters on the side of a building. I was so blessed to see it and to think this is what we had come to DC for, to stand up for our freedom. Here it was written plainly for everyone to read and yet it is being pulled out from underneath our feet!
When I returned home, I searched to read more about the building to find that it is being sold and the new owner wants to take down these powerful words which are the foundation of our nation.
Consequently there is now a petition you can sign to keep these words plainly on view at 555 Pennsylvania is Ave.
“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.”
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LessImportThere are so many things to accomplish in your home as a homemaker, but remember, your greatest role is as a mother. When everything is piling on top of you and you don’t know how you’ll do it all, remember you are a mother first. It doesn’t matter if your windows aren’t cleaned. Sit down with your children and read them a story. Enjoy your baby. Take time with your children. #mother #mama #motherhood #ilovemotherhood #powerofmotherhood #joufulmotherhood #gloriousmotherhood #gloryofmotherhood #aboverubies #nancycampbell

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BritishLockThis article is a MUST read:

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BabyThinkI wonder if we really understand the power of God’s words that He releases into the universe. He spoke, and the worlds came into being. All it took was for God to open His mouth and speak.
And then we read the first words He spoke to the man and woman He created: “Be fruitful and multiply; fill the earth and subdue it; have dominion . . . These are not idle words. They are a divine mandate. They are an eternal law which progress to a conclusion. The people who obey this law and are fruitful are the people who will take dominion.
Satan knows God’s plans and seeks to thwart them. God wants His people to be fruitful and take dominion for Him in the earth. He wants His image to be revealed in the earth. He wants the revelation of His name, His salvation, truth, love, compassion, and righteousness to fill the earth.
The easiest way for the devil to stop the image of God filling the earth is to subtly brainwash God’s people to stop having children. He has been very successful. Most Christians today think God’s first mandate are idle words. They have been deceived to think they don’t have to take any notice of them at all. They think they have a better way than God.
How can we be true believers In God’s infallible Word if we don’t think His words are important? We have become so deceived that we don’t even realize the state in which we are in. Instead of righteousness filling the land, we encompassed with evil, especially in high places. Most people in the church have the same small families as the secular world has.
Most believers are so entrenched in this world system that they continue sending their children to public schools and colleges where they are propagandized in extreme socialism, alternative lifestyles, and antagonism to God and His Word.
When will God’s people start standing on God’s side instead of the devil’s side?
Blessings from Nancy Campbell
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TroubleEducating“The trouble with our way of educating is that it does not give elasticity to the mind. It casts the brain into a mold. It insists that the child must accept. It does not encourage original thought or reasoning, and it lays more stress on memory than observation.”
- Thomas Edison

Painting by Carl von Bergen 1853

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Twenty, twenty, what a year!
A rollercoaster built on fear.
Bats were blamed as sickness spread,
We’d no idea what lay ahead.
Dead bodies lay on China’s roadside,
Caught on film and shared worldwide.
The Chinese guided us with care,
Taught world leaders everywhere
How to lock their nation down,
How to silence every town.
Our leaders gently took our hands,
Led us gently as was planned.
They made it fun, we clapped and danced,
Our eyes on screens, quite entranced.
We learnt to Zoom, we didn’t mind,
Not seeing Granny now was kind.
Shaming people next was taught,
Granny killers must be caught!
Beaches filled with families playing,
Home was where they should be staying!
Protesting was quite accepted,
If black lives should be protected.
But dare to speak of lockdown’s pain
Your voice was silenced, all in vain.
Masks were next to keep the pace,
To keep us focused on the race.
To find the vaccine was the mission,
We had to share this global vision.
Then testing came to raise the fear,
And keep us locked up for the year.
Testing ramped up, cases grew,
False positives were not a few.
Healthy people were no more,
Silent carriers ‘caused’ this war.
Healthy people stayed inside,
Touch and love all were denied.
Until our lives became a shell,
Each day for many, living hell.
As days wore on and winter dwelt,
The toll of lockdown could be felt.
No more dancing or doorstep clapping,
Now tempers fray with families snapping.
Desperate people, broken now,
Looking to the sacred cow—
The vaccine is their promised saviour,
Let’s add it to the new behaviour.
They’ve said we’ll have to keep the mask,
Still keep our distance, they have asked.
Add the vaccine, we need all three
To make the Covid trinity.
So what lies ahead in this new year?
More of the same for those who fear.
Written by a friend of mine in England.
Let’s go into the New Year, leaving the old behind, trusting in God, not giving in to tyranny, but living according to God’s living Word, living in freedom and living the lifestyle He planned for us to live.
~ Nancy
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BuildOwnKingdomDear mother, you are the builder of your home. Build a strong family (Proverbs 14:1). #buildyourhome #ilovehome #ilovehomemaking #homesweethome #ilovemotherhood #ilovebuildingmyhome #proverbs141 #powerofmotherhood #joyfulmotherhood #gloryofmotherhood #aboverubies

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WhatFilledWithWhat are you filled with this Christmas? Many folks have cars filled with gifts, homes filled with decorations, tables filled with food, and stockings filled with things we will never use. We are filled to over the top. However, when we read about the birth of Jesus, we find that instead of being filled with the things of the world, they were filled with the Holy Ghost!
* The angel came to Zacharias and told him that he would have a son who would be "FILLED with the Holy Ghost, even from his mother’s womb (Luke 1:15-17).
* When Mary came to visit her cousin Elisabeth during her sixth month of pregnancy, the moment she greeted her “the babe leaped in her womb; and Elizabeth was FILLED with the Holy Ghost: and she spake out with a loud voice” (Luke 1:41-42).
* At the circumcision celebration for John the Baptist, his father, Zacharias was "FILLED with the Holy Ghost, and prophesied” (Luke 1:67).
* Jesus was conceived by the power of the HOLY SPIRIT COMING UPON Mary (Matthew 1:20 and Luke 1:35).
* When Joseph and Mary took baby Jesus to the temple to be dedicated, Simeon, a man FILLED with the Holy Spirit and waiting for the coming of the Messiah, took him up in his arms and blessed God (Luke 2:25-28).
* During Jesus' childhood he was FILLED with wisdom (Luke 2:40).
The challenge is: what are we filled with as we remember the birth of Christ? Are we filled with anxiety and busyness, or are we filled with the Holy Spirit? Imagine if we spent as much time seeking to be filled with the Holy Spirit as rushing around buying gifts and preparing for Christmas. What would happen? Imagine if we took time to listen to the Holy Spirit. What would He say to us? What difference would it make in our lives and in our homes? Imagine if we asked the Holy Spirit to lead us instead of doing our own agenda. How would He direct us?
May you enjoy a FILLED WITH THE HOLY SPIRIT Christmas?
Love from Nancy Campbell
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LetLightInGod told Simeon that he would not die until He had seen the Messiah! When Mary and Joseph brought Jesus to the temple to present Him to the Lord, Simeon knew from God that this baby was THE MESSIAH for which he had been waiting. He took Jesus up in his arms and proclaimed: "For mine eyes have seen thy salvation, which thou hast prepared before the face of all people; A LIGHT TO LIGHTEN THE GENTILES, and the glory of thy people Israel" (Luke 2:26-32).
Simeon, like Zacharias also prophesied that Jesus came to bring LIGHT. Jesus is the LIGHT GIVER! When He comes in with His light, He also brings His glory.
Job 18:5-56: "Yes, the light of the wicked shall be put out, and the spark of his fire shall not shine. The light shall be dark in his tabernacle, and his candle shall be put out with him." What a terrible indictment it would be to have people say, "The light is dark in their home!" I don't want there to be any darkness in my home, do you? I don't want our light to die out. I want the light of Christ to increase.
Are you letting Jesus light up your home? Let's make room for the light of Christ Jesus to shine into our hearts, into the hearts of our children, into our plan of every day, and into every room in our home. Let's push out any darkness that subtly creeps and let the light and glory in.
Be blessed today,
Picture: Don’t you love this amazing painting of Simeon taking baby Jesus up in His arms, knowing that he is privileged to behold the Messiah and embrace Him in his arms? Read the whole story in Luke 2:22-38.
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GodChoseWombOh, come and see what God has done! How did He come? How did God choose to send His Son? We immediately think of how He came as a little helpless baby. But first He came into a womb, the womb of a young virgin. Luke 1:31 states: “And, behold, thou shalt conceive in thy WOMB, and bring forth a son, and shalt call his name JESUS.” Who could ever dream of such a thing? Our Savior, Jesus Christ related to every aspect of our humanity, even to being conceived and growing in the womb of a woman.
Isaiah 49: 1, 5 is a messianic prophecy which also speaks boldly of the womb: “Listen, O isles, unto me; and hearken, ye people, from far (God wants the whole world to receive this amazing news!); The LORD hath called me from the WOMB; from the bowels (WOMB) of my MOTHER hath he made mention of my name. . . . And now, saith the LORD that formed me from the WOMB to be his servant, to bring Jacob again to him . . . “ three times He uses the word womb.
Because God put such favor and importance on the womb to bring forth His Beloved Son, Satan hates the womb (Genesis 3:15). There is still war against the womb today. Satan seeks to delude and deceive women about the power of their womb. The Son of God came through a womb to deal a death blow to the enemy and bring salvation to the world. But God still wants children to come forth from the womb to bear His image and to bring salvation to many.
The womb is God’s blessing to us. It is His blessing to the world. Nothing in this world can happen except through the womb. All the mighty works God wants accomplished can only happen through His servants and they must come into the world through a womb. All the great feats and accomplishments of this world only happen through someone who was conceived and birthed from the womb.
Why do so many women today choose to close their womb? To stop the function of their womb? Many reject their womb, and yet GOD CHOSE A WOMB! Think of it. God chose a womb for His Only Beloved Son who is King of kings and Lord of lords.
Mary’s response was: “Behold the handmaid of the Lord; be it unto me according to thy word” (Luke 1:38). What is your response?
Be blessed today,
Nancy Campbell
Painting. The beautiful picture of Mary and Elizabeth meeting. Not only do the mothers meet, but their babies recognize one another! When John the Baptist (in the womb) supernaturally recognized Christ the Lord in the womb of Mary he “leaped in her womb” (Luke 1:39-45). So powerful. This is such an irrefutable truth that babies in the womb are fully human!
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HomeFloodedLightWe are currently in the season of remembering the most wonderful celebration in the history of the world--when Jesus Christ, the Son of God, came to this earth as a little baby. We know that this was not the actual time of his birth, but it could have been the time of His miraculous incarnation.
God spoke through the prophecy of Zacharias that He would send His Beloved Son into the world "TO GIVE LIGHT TO THEM THAT SIT IN DARKNESS and in the shadow of death, to guide our feet into the way of peace" (Luke 1:79). This is not the light of Christmas lights, but the light of Jesus Christ that fills are hearts and which He wants us to shine to everyone around us.
They had no room for the Light of the World in Bethlehem. Do we make room for Him in our lives? Do we allow Him to expose the darkness and flood our lives with His light? Every time we respond to the moving of the Holy Spirit in our lives and say Yes to God we open to His light. When we are stubborn, want our own way, and say No to the convicting of the Holy Spirit, we choose darkness.
Dear mother, we must teach our children this powerful principle too. Every time they say Yes to you and Yes to the Holy Spirit, they receive more light into their lives. When they disobey you and say No to the voice of their conscience, they allow darkness into their lives.
Let’s be those who open up MORE AND MORE to the Light and less and less to the darkness. Proverbs 4:18: "But the path of the just is as the shining light, that shineth MORE AND MORE unto the perfect day."
Each new day, individually and as a family, ask God to FLOOD YOU WITH HIS LIGHT.
Love from Nancy Campbell
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FulltimeApart from the official Hanukkah celebration, we read about a number of dedication celebrations in God's Word.
1) Dedicating the tabernacle for 12 days. Each prince of Israel dedicated the altar for a day each (Number 7:10-11, 84, 88). This was the first dedication we read about.
2) Dedicating a new house (Deuteronomy 20:5). It is biblical to dedicate a new house.
3) Dedicating Solomon's temple which he built for the Lord (1 Kings 8:62 and 2 Chronicles 7:5, 9).
4) Dedicating the rebuilt temple when they came back from Babylon--Zerubbabel's temple (Ezra 6:16).
5) Dedicating the rebuilt walls of Jerusalem (Nehemiah 12:27).
And there is one more! You'll never guess!
It’s found in Proverbs 22:6: "Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it." The word "train" is “hanuk,” the verb of hanukkah, meaning "to initiate, dedicate, consecrate." It is not enough to celebrate Hanukkah for eight days. As parents, we are FULLTIME HANUKKAH CELEBRATORS!
When we realize that training our children means to dedicate them to the Lord, it gives us a much larger and loftier vision. Everything we do and plan for our children should be done in the light of dedicating them to the Lord and setting them apart for His service. It's not a one-time dedication. It’s a verb which requires daily action.
When our children are disobedient or don't complete what we have asked them to, we can sometimes be lazy and let it go. But not if we understand we are daily dedicating them to the Lord. How can we let things go when we consecrating them to God's holy service? We have the responsibility to train them to obedient so they will be obedient to the Lord!
As children get older, they can become more worldly and want to do what other worldly teens are doing. We could think, "Oh that's the stage they are going through." But not if we understand that we are daily consecrating them to the Lord. We will pray up a storm. We will fight the devil. We will work with our children to keep them on the narrow road that leads to life. We will do everything to save them from the broad road that leads to destruction. WE ARE PROVERBS 22:6 HANUKKAH PARENTS!
When we “hanuk” our children, it determines how we educate our children. It would be ludicrous to send our children into an ungodly education system each day if we are daily consecrating them for God's purposes.
As we consecrate our children to the Lord, we recognize that they totally belong to the Lord for whatever time God has for them on this earth. Above everything else, we know that we are ultimately preparing them for eternity.
Every day is a day of dedicating our children to the Lord,
Raise your vision up to God’s vision for your children!
Blessings from Nancy Campbell
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ShineLetItEach morning and evening during Hanukkah we love to read the Scriptures about God’s light and how He wants us to light up this world.
Genesis 1:4: “And God saw the light, that it was good: and God divided the light from the darkness.” God’s purpose is to separate the light from the darkness. One of the plagues God sent to Egypt was three days of darkness. In the land of Egypt, they experienced “thick darkness.” It was so dark that they could not see in front of them. No one could move. But the children of Israel had light in all their dwellings (Exodus 10:21-23).
In the Bible Egypt speaks of darkness, deception, and the spirit of this world. God does not want us to have any part of Egypt. Read Isaiah 30:1-3; 31:1-3; 2 Corinthians 6:17, 18; and Revelation 18:4. He wants us to separate from the kingdom of darkness. Separate. Sever. No blur. No grey.
When dark thoughts come into our minds, or evil tendencies from the enemy, we separate immediately!
As parents, we must guard against the dark things of evil subtly coming into our home. We must watch the little grey areas. They gradually multiply. You can be outside at dusk and the darkness slowly comes. Then suddenly it is black. We must guard against the encroaching darkness in our homes.
Job 5:5, 6 (GW) speaks of the wicked and says: “The flame of his fire stops glowing. The light in his tent becomes dark.” We must not let the light in our homes become dark. We must expose and push out all darkness and daily open our home to the light of God.
Instead, in the midst of deception and darkness, let’s shine with God’s light of ruth. Isaiah 60:1-3 says: “Arise shine; for thy light is come, and the glory of the LORD is risen upon thee. For, behold, the darkness shall cover the earth, and gross darkness the people: but the LORD shall arise upon thee, and his glory shall be seen upon thee.”
Don’t hide your light (Matthew 5:14-16).
Blessings from Nancy Campbell
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LivingabundantThis is the life Jesus came to give you. Not only life, but “life MORE ABUNDANTLY” (John 10:10). And that means in your home, at your breakfast table, and coping with all you have to do each day!
Have a glorious day!
~ Nancy Campbell
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Hanukkah post for today:
Judas Maccabee and his brothers continually fought battles to save Israel and every time they faced armies far larger and stronger than themselves. On one occasion the enemy came to wipe them out with 20,000 men and they could only muster 6,000. But their trust was in God.
Listen to Judas' confession before one battle: "When all his followers saw the host coming against them, they said to Judas, 'How can so few of us fight against so many? Besides, we have had nothing to eat all day, and we are exhausted.' Judas replied: 'Many can easily be overpowered by a few; it makes no difference to Heaven to save by many or by few. Victory does not depend on numbers; strength comes from Heaven alone . . . Heaven will crush them before our eyes. You need not be afraid of them'" (1 Maccabees 3:17-21).
The Israelites also had to face enemies far bigger than them. Deuteronomy 9:1-3 says: “Hear O Israel: Thou art to pass over Jordan this day, to go in to possess nations GREATER AND MIGHTIER than thyself, cities great and fenced up to heaven, a people great and tall, the children of the Anakims (giants), whom thou hast heard say, Who can stand before the children of Anak! Understand therefore this day, that the Lord thy God is he which goeth over before thee; as a consuming fire he shall destroy them, and he shall bring them down before thy face: so shalt thou drive them out, and destroy them quickly, as the LORD hath said unto thee.”
I know that you, too, often face challenges that loom much bigger than you can handle. Don't focus on your difficulty. Look to God. He is your Strength. He is your Source. He is your Sufficiency. He will always do what you cannot do. When we try to handle our problems on our own, we usually make a mess of the job. Put them in God's hands because He always knows best how to handle them.
Victory does not come by intelligence or fleshly strength. It only comes from God. Just as God continually delivered the Maccabees as they faced insurmountable armies, so God will deliver you as you trust in Him. Make sure you have the right confession. Don't confess your problems; confess your trust in God. It's the way to victory.
Even currently, we are facing an enemy that looms bigger than us! No matter how much evidence arises regarding the fraudulent election, it is immediately stomped upon. We have nowhere to go but God. But we will not give up trusting Him to expose all evil and abominable fraud and bring forth righteousness and integrity to this nation again.
Blessings from Nancy Campbell
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A MOTHER'S COURAGE (Day 4 of Hanukkah)

Today's Hanukkah story.

CouragemuscleA MOTHER'S COURAGE (Day 4 of Hanukkah)
(Forgive me for sharing such a gruesome story, but it is history)!

A brave mother watched her son being killed. No, not just killed but cruelly tortured. They cut out his tongue, scalped him, cut off his hands and feet, and while he was maimed and helpless, fried him alive! In the same manner, they tortured and killed her second and third sons.

The third son cried out: "I have received these limbs from heaven, and I give them up for the sake of God's laws." Another cried out: "We are prepared to die rather than sin against our ancestral laws" (2 Maccabees 7:2, 11).

Because they would not bend and turn from God's laws this dear mother watched as Antiochus Epiphanes tortured her fourth, fifth, and sixth sons the same way. The mother had only one son left, her beloved youngest. Antiochus tried to influence the mother to save his life. He promised he would make him rich and prosperous and even a political advisor.

She obliged by turning to her youngest son saying: "Son, pity me who carried you in the womb nine months, nursed you for three years, nurtured you, and brought you into this stage of life with care. I beg you, child . . . Don't fear this killer but prove worthy of your brothers. Accept death so that in God's mercy I should recover you with your brothers" (2 Maccabees 7:27-29). She watched her last son die before she was put to death herself.

This mother was a nurturing and caring mother. But she had a vision for her children beyond this earth. She raised her sons to fear God rather than man. She raised them to stand for truth, no matter what the consequences. She raised them to see beyond this earth to the endless life of the heavenly.

May God help us to be courageous mothers. I believe it’s time for a renewal of courage which seems to have disappeared from our nation today. Instead of rising up for truth and freedom the majority are submissively cowering to ungodly mandates, lockdowns, and masks and giving up their God-given freedoms. Courage is more than a virtue. It is a muscle which must be exercised. The more we exercise it, the more we will grow in courage. And we need to exercise it now. If we don’t brave up now to face these issues in our nation, how will we fare when we face the “mark of the beast” which will eventually come? These things are like a pre-curser and prove what we will do in the final round.

The great men of faith in Hebrews 11 did not start out brave. They grew in courage. What was their testimony? “Their weakness was turned to strength. They became strong in battle and put whole armies to flight” (v.34. NLT).

May God save us from being cowardly submissive and may He save us from raising wimpy, mediocre children who are seduced by the humanist trend of an ungodly society. May He anoint us with the mighty power of God to raise children who will have the courage to stand for God and for truth, no matter what persecution they face.

Ephesians 6:13: “Wherefore take unto you the whole armor of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day and having done all TO STAND.”

Have a great day,

Nancy Campbell

(You can read the whole of this amazing story in the Apocrypha in 2 Maccabees chapter seven).

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