Above Rubies Daily Encouragement Blogs
Through the weekly and daily devotionals you can be constantly encouraged in your great role of parenting, the highest career in the nation. You can also stay updated on what's happening with the Above Rubies ministry.

But God was watching over him and thinking about him. Thinking about he needed to be refreshed and nourished. So He sent His angel to bake him some bread on some hot coals and give him a jug of water. The angel woke up and told him to get up and eat!
Elijah enjoyed this delicious hot bread and pure energizing water from God and went back go sleep! Awhile later, the angel come back, shook him again, and told him to eat some more. “You’ve got a long journey ahead” he said.
He got up, ate and drank to the full, and set off on his journey. It was such a nourishing meal that we walked in the strength of that food for 40 days and nights.
What gets to me about this incident is how God thinks about food. He thinks about feeding His people. He thinks about nourishing us. God loves food. He created all the beautiful fruits and vegetables for us to eat. He gave us creativity to cook with them and make them into palatable and delicious meals.
But dear ladies, if God thinks about feeding, we should think about it too. Of course, we can’t help thinking about it in our homes when we have hungry children all around us and a husband wanting a good hearty meal. But sometimes we don’t think about it enough.
We just cook the food because we’ll have grumbling children if we don’t. I believe we should creatively think about it. Think about how we can nourish our families. How we can make the most nourishing and health-filled meals. How we can make the food taste tantalizing and delicious.
Food is all about taste. That’s why God created so many different tastes in foods. Food is boring if is tasteless. An important part of preparing food is to make it appetizing and delectable to the palate.
So let’s think about preparing food for our families. And not only our families, but for others. Do you love hospitality? There’s hardly an evening that we don’t have people joining us at our meal table. Tonight we’ll have 12 of us, mostly young people. I am looking forward do it.
Let me remind you again dear mother that you are not wasting your time as you think about the food for your family. You are being like God. He thinks of how He can feed and strengthen His people, both physically and spiritually. That’s one of the powerful things about motherhood. We are feeders, both physically and spiritually. We reveal the likeness of God as we do this in our families and also reaching out to others.