Above Rubies Daily Encouragement Blogs

Through the weekly and daily devotionals you can be constantly encouraged in your great role of parenting, the highest career in the nation. You can also stay updated on what's happening with the Above Rubies ministry.

Strengthening Families Across the World through the encouragement of women in their high calling from God as wives, mothers and homemakers.


ApronsAnd to tell you the truth, I need aprons! When I am cooking I am tempted to wipe my hands (help, not on my dress, so I need an apron). Previously, I kept my aprons folded in my pantry until the other weekend when I visited with Amber Koenig who organized the Above Rubies ladies’ seminar in Michigan. I saw all her pretty aprons hanging on a hat stand and thought, What a great idea! I came home and bought one! Actually, Amber shared that she got the idea of wearing aprons from me and now I have the idea of hanging them from her!

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BadAttitudesIt doesn’t take long for our children to develop bad attitudes and habits. However, one of the biggest tasks we have as parents is to correct their bad habits, so they don’t become part of their lives. We want to eradicate bad attitudes and establish good attitudes. Here are a few ideas although I know you will have more.
1. Begin with having a positive and happy attitude yourself. If we don’t live with a good attitude, even when things are going wrong, how will our children know what to do? Of course, we don’t always feel happy and joyful and in good spirits. But feelings are not the point. We don’t live by feelings; we live by the truth. And the real truth is that if Christ dwells in us, we can live in joy because HE IS JOY! Dear mother, your attitude sparks the attitude for the rest of the home.
2. If your child has already received Christ into His heart and life remind him that Jesus lives in Him. Teach Him how to yield to Jesus rather than yield to his feelings and the flesh. You can start teaching your children this habit from when they are young.
3. Sing with them. “Come on, Johnny, let’s sing together.” Get him singing a joyful song with you. Do you know “I’ve got the joy, joy, joy, down in my heart, down in my heart”? That’s a good one with actions too. Don’t let him off the hook. Get all the children singing to help him along if necessary.
4. Inspire positive attitudes by doing a weekly competition. Pin up on the fridge the names of your children with columns for each day of the week. As you notice good attitudes give them stickers. When they have a good or bad attitude, put a black mark. The one who gets the most stickers for the week receives a prize. Make it something special.
5. If they wake up in the morning or come to the table with a sour and glum face, encourage them to put on a smile. If they are stubborn and refuse, they should go to their room until they are ready to come to the table with a happy face.
Don’t allow your children to get away with bad attitudes and moods. These habis must be broken while they are young.
Blessings from Nancy Campbell
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TableShouldIt’s not enough to only set down some food for our children. We must feed their souls with conversation, interaction, and wholesome and stimulating dialogue. But most of all, we must feed their inner man, their spirits with the living and nourishing word of God.
How sad if our children grow tall in body and yet are starved and shriveled in their inner man. Never let your children leave the table until they have been fed from God’s word.
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BoostFert2Continuing from yesterday.
~ Meadow Hall.
2. Eat less of these foods:
• Foods high in added sugar and refined grains
• Hydrogenated oils
• Fast foods and processed foods
• Synthetic fortified foods
• Excess caffeine
• Excess alcohol
• Certain food sensitivities that may trigger inflammation (dairy, gluten, etc.)
• Processed meats with preservatives
3. Limit Exposure to Toxins and Endocrine Disrupters:
• Replace plastic Tupperware for glass
• Throw out toxic non-stick pans
• Avoid drinking from hot or old plastic water bottles and plastic coffee filters or keurig cups
• Buy canned tomatoes in glass containers instead of bpa or bps lined cans
•Replace synthetic candles and air fresheners with natural wax candles and air fresheners scented with essential oils
• Filter tap water
• Throw out all personal products with phthalates (or anything that has “fragrance” listed unless it’s derived from natural fragrance or says “phthalate-free”)
• Replace toxic household cleaners and laundry detergent with white vinegar, baking soda, or non-toxic cleaners
• Ask for digital receipts (paper receipts can contain high levels of PBA)
4. Establish daily habits that boost overall health and lower inflammation:
• Do moderate exercise
• Practice Deep Abdominal Breathing to reduce stress and inflammation
• Don’t skip breakfast
• Aim for 7-8 hours of sleep
• Get exposure to morning sunlight to help regulate hormones and metabolism
• Stay hydrated
5. Consider supplements to boost egg and sperm quality:
• Folate (Methylfolate, not folic acid)
• N-acetylcysteine (NAC)
• Omega-3
• Vitamin D
• CoQ10
• Alpha-lipoid acid
• Vitamin C
• Magnesium
• Vitamin E
• Zinc
Additional supplements/medications:
• Myo-inositol (best for women with PCOS)
• Bioidentical Progesterone (for women with low progesterone)
• Metformin (has been shown to increase fertility in women with PCOS)
Manage health conditions that increase inflammation or are linked to infertility
• Gut issues
• Endometriosis
• Thyroid disorders
• Gum Disease
• MTHFR mutation
• Hormonal imbalances
• Diabetes
• Obesity or being underweight
• Chronic infections
• Heavy metal toxicity
• Mold toxicity
• Chronic stress
Diagnosing medical conditions can be helpful in enabling you to manage them and lower chronic inflammation that can negatively affect fertility. Talk with your health provider about any symptoms you may be experiencing that could relate to these conditions and discuss a treatment plan.
Blessings from MEADOW HALL
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Currently living in Japan
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Are You Praying Daily For President Trump?


He needs our prayers for God’s supernatural protection over his life. We thank God with all our hearts for his miraculous survivals but we must keep praying.

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BoostFertility(Part 1) by Meadow Hall
(For those who need this information).
(I am sending this out in two parts so keep checking!)
It’s Meadow here! For those of you who don’t know me, I’m Pearl Barrett’s oldest daughter and Nancy Campbell’s granddaughter. The following are some of the helpful things I’ve learned about fertility after struggling with multiple miscarriages. Here’s my little background story:
I have three little blessings here on earth and three in Heaven. My first two miscarriages happened after my first child was born and my last one after having my second. After my first two miscarriages, I found out I had two of the MTHFR gene mutations. This meant my body had a harder time processing folate which is very important for egg quality. I then discovered that synthetic folic acid (which is usually encouraged to be taken during pregnancy and is added to many of our foods) is actually harmful and what my body really needs is natural folate (or methylfolate).
After my last miscarriage, I did some deeper diving and learned that folate was only a small part of the equation. I learned how many miscarriages are the result of the embryo having chromosomal abnormalities which begins with poor egg or sperm quality, and that there are many other nutrients that are important for egg and sperm quality. I learned about how toxins, inflammation, and endocrine disrupters (which are all around us) can damage egg and sperm health.
At the time of my last miscarriage, my body was dealing with a lot of inflammation due to digestive issues that came from damaging my stomach lining from previously overdoing pain meds (like Tylenol and ibuprofen) since I had a reverse neck curve that caused chronic pain. It eventually got better after chiropractic adjustments, stretches, and better posture.
I suspected that all the inflammation my body was dealing with probably had something to do with my egg quality, so I became very dedicated to eating anti-inflammatory foods to heal my gut. My husband and I also took several months before trying again to take some of the supplements that can improve egg and sperm quality listed on this graphic, and we became more aware about some of the products we had been using that contained endocrine disrupters.
After our fertility game-plan, we conceived right away, and I gave birth to our first daughter. Now I’m sharing some of the information I’ve learned in hopes that it may help someone else. Keep in mind that none of these steps are a guarantee at becoming pregnant or keeping a baby, but having more knowledge and taking the right steps may help our chances and rekindle our hope.
*I do not have a medical degree, and this is not meant to be taken as medical advice. I am simply sharing the knowledge I’ve learned in hopes that it might help others make decisions that will improve their fertility. Keep in mind, some supplements may interact with specific medications or medical issues. If that is the case, you may want to discuss these supplements with your doctor. Lastly, always do your own personal research.*
We all know that a baby comes from a sperm and an egg but did you know that a healthy live birth baby comes from a healthy sperm and egg?
It turns out, sperm and egg quality play a very important role in increasing the chance of conception and reducing the risk of miscarriage. We can improve their quality by eating nutritional anti-inflammatory foods, supplementing with antioxidants that support the mitochondria, limiting harmful toxins and endocrine disrupters that decrease egg and sperm quality and managing health issues that may be putting our bodies in a state of chronic inflammation.
It takes about 90 days for the egg to mature and about 74 days for sperm to mature. This is why it is best to take three months at minimum to improve sperm and egg quality before trying to conceive.
Since egg and sperm play an equal role in fertility, it’s important that both parents dedicate teamwork in stewarding their fertility. Be sure to share this information with your hsuiband, as many of the same things listed that benefit or harm egg quality can effect sperm similarly.
Here are five ways to boost egg and sperm quality:
1. Eat more of these foods:
• Wild caught salmon
• Extra Virgin Olive Oil (consumed raw or cooked at low-temp)
• Organic oats and quinoa
• Organic fruits and vegetables
• Fermented dairy (homemade kefir and yogurt)
• Beans and lentils
• Nuts and Seeds
• Beetroot (can support blood flow to uterus)
More tomorrow.
Blessings from MEADOW HALL
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Meadow and Kendall and the children are currently living in Japan where Kendall works for Nissan.
Picture: Meadow and Kendall in
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Make your home a happy home for your husband and your children.

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One day at a time, mother.
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WillYouDoItOh how blessed we are to serve a God who cannot lie. It is impossible for God to lie. He is the changeless One. His promises are immutable. We can trust them with our lives.
1 Thessalonians 5:24 says: “Faithful is he that calleth you, who also WILL DO IT.” I love these words.
Philippians 1:6 states: “Being confident of this very thing, that he which hath begun a good work in you WILL PERFORM IT until the day of Jesus Christ.”
God will do it. You can count on it.
However, because God is a faithful God and He has made us to be His people, He wants us to be faithful too. As we are faithful, even in the very little things, we show forth the character of God.
There are many things we don’t feel like doing but WE DO THEM because we are faithful. Just like God is faithful. Faithfulness is action. It takes doing things. Doing things we really can’t be bothered doing. Mundane things. Duty things. Preparing and cooking meals three times a day every day! Yes, we do them because we are faithful and in being faithful, we reveal this attribute of God’s character to our children and to those around us. How will our children know that God is a faithful God if they don’t see us being faithful?
We are faithful to keep our word. Our word is our bond. When we say something, WE WILL DO IT. Amen?
Let’s cultivate a character of faithfulness. Faithfulness to God, our husbands, our homes, our motherhood, our daily duties, and what we say. And let’s impart this character to our children. We have a generation that does not know the meaning of keeping their word. If we belong to God’s kingdom, we’ll be faithful to keep our word just as God is faithful to Keep His Word.
Be blessed.
Nancy Campbell
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WorkFromSoulDid you know that God wants us to not only work with our hands but with our souls?
The Williams translation of Colossians 3:3 says: “Whatever you may do, work WHOLESOULEDLY for the Lord and not for men, for you know that from the Lord you will receive the inheritance as your remuneration; you are working for your Master Christ.” I’ve never read the word “wholesouledly” before, but I like it, don’t you?
The Fenton translation says: “Working from your soul.”
AMP: “Work from the soul.”
LEB: “Whatever you do accomplish it from the soul.”
NET: “Whatever you’re doing, work at it with enthusiasm.”
HCSB: “Whatever you do, do it enthusiastically.”
TPT: “Put Your heart and soul into every activity you do.”
Everyone will know when we are working from our souls, because we’ll have a smile on our face, and we’ll be working enthusiastically with our hands. This is how we embrace homemaking and motherhood and even all the mundane duties we must do daily.
We must also teach this principle to our children. Teach them how to do their chores, not only with their hands but with their souls. Give them this godly understanding. Train them to work hard with a happy attitude.
Don’t give up on this training for it is the secret to their future success. If they do not learn to work with all their hearts when they are young, they will not be in the habit when they are older and will be deprived of much success.
Blessings to you today from Nancy Campbell
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Guard it with all your heart.


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WithChildTo be “with child” in the womb is a woman’s defining glory! All the amazing feats, remarkable inventions, and brilliant discoveries that take place in the world happen because of a person. And that person begins in the womb! Without the womb of a woman nothing happens in this world. It all comes to a halt!
Our society today refuses to even define a woman. They are taking sides with Satan who comes to rob, kill, and destroy. When we are on God’s side when we embrace life.
A woman is a womb-man. The womb is her distinguishing identity as a woman. A woman who does not embrace her womb is denying who God created her to be.
Blessings from Nancy Campbell
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NoOneUnderstandsDo you feel that no one understands what you are going through? Yes, there is Someone who understands and the Bible reminds you to “Cast all your care upon Him for He careth for you” (1 Peter 5:7)
I love the words of the beautiful hymn we sang at our Family Devotions this morning:
No one understands like Jesus,
Every woe He sees and feels;
Tenderly He whispers comfort,
And the broken heart He heals.
No one understands like Jesus,
When the days are dark and grim;
No one is so near, so dear as Jesus,
Cast your every care on Him.
Cast your every care on Him today.
Blessings from Nancy Campbell
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SurprisingInfoGod loves to bless His people. I’m sure you love reading Deuteronomy chapter 28, the blessing chapter. Such wonderful blessings God promises to those who diligently listen to His voice and obey His commandments. Read them over again from verses 1-14.
Did you notice the first blessing God gives? After promising that He will bless us in the city or the country, the FIRST blessing He states is the blessing of the fruit of the womb. Isn’t that interesting? I wonder why there is such a discrepancy between what we want and what God wants?
Let’s go back to the beginning. The very first words God spoke to mankind were: “Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth.” But before He spoke those words the Bible says: “And God BLESSED them, and God said unto them . . . “
Here’s some more interesting Scriptures”
Genesis 32: 9: “I will deal well with thee.” The Hebrew word for “deal well” is “yatav” and means “to do good, beautiful, pleasant, lovely, blessed.”
God continues talking to Jacob and in verse 12 says: “I will surely do thee good (it’s the same word, yatav).” And how does God do us good and give us a beautiful life? Let’s find out. The verse continues: “And make thy seed (children, descendants, progeny) as the sand of the sea, which cannot be numbered for multitude.” This is how He wants to give us a beautiful and blessed life.
Deuteronomy 6:3: “Hear therefore, O Israel, and observe to do it; that it may be well (yatav) with thee, and that ye may INCREASE MIGHTILY.”
Deuteronomy 30:5, 9: “And the LORD thy God . . . will do thee good (yatav), and multiply thee above thy fathers . . . And the LORD thy God will make thee plenteous in every work of thine hand, in the fruit of thy womb . . . for the LORD will again rejoice over thee for good, as he rejoiced over thy fathers.”
Are you getting the picture? When God rejoices over us and wants to do us good, He blesses us with children! Now here comes the question. Is this the God you believe in? The God of the Bible? Or do you believe in someone different? Or perhaps a god you have made to fit your circumstances.
Let’s be Bible believers.
Blessings from Nancy Campbell
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MoreAbundantWhy would we be deceived by the devil’s way? God’s way is full of life, love, light, and liberty. Embrace His way. Jesus comes to bring life, and LIFE MORE ABUNDANTLY!

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LifeChangingSecretThere is a Scripture that changed my life when learning to walk in victory as a young mother. It is found in Philemon 1:6: “That the communication of thy faith may become effectual by the acknowledging of every good thing which is in you in Christ Jesus.”
How can the fruit of the Holy Spirit be truly effectual in my life? By acknowledging that Jesus Christ lives in me by His Holy Spirit, and that every good thing that is in Jesus is therefore in me! Now that is amazing! But I must let Him live His life through me. When Jesus came into my life, He didn’t leave out His joy. When He came into your life, He didn’t leave out His joy. He comes as who He is, and He wants to reveal His life through you and me.
Joy is a noun, but also a verb, usually translated rejoice! The joy of the Lord doesn’t change just because you feel lousy. It’s still the same. It’s always there. Rejoice that you are a child of God. Rejoice that you have eternal life. Rejoice that God has blessed you with your precious children. Rejoice that you trust in a God who will never fail you. Rejoice even when everything looks hopeless. “Rejoice in the Lord always, and again I say, Rejoice!” (Philippians 4:4).
Love is a noun, but also a verb. Love doesn’t become effective until we verb it. We love, not because we feel like loving, or because the person is nice or doing what we want them to do, but because Jesus Christ wants to love through us!
Peace is a noun, but the Bible makes it a verb. It tells us to extend peace, follow peace, love peace, make peace, ordain peace, preach peace, publish peace, pursue peace, seek peace and speak peace.
Dear mother, all the beautiful attributes of Jesus are in you because He lives in you! Next time you are getting upset and tense because everything is overwhelming you, start confessing the truth.
“Thank You, Jesus, for Your peace. Thank You for Your peace that fills my very being. Thank You for Your peace that fills our home.”
When you are losing your patience, start confessing the truth. “Thank You, Jesus, for Your patience that is in me. I am the most patient mother in my city!” Well, that’s not a lie, because there is no more longsuffering person than Jesus and He lives in you
Instead of living by your feelings and allowing your circumstances to dictate to you, yield to the life of Jesus that dwells in you. Confess His attributes that are now in you. Remember, it’s no long you, But Christ that lives in you (Galatians 2:20).
God wants to bring heaven to your home today. Yield yourself to Him so He can shine His attributes through you. Invite Him to fill you to overflowing so you will overflow with His love, His joy, His longsuffering, His patience, and His self-control.
Blessings from Nancy Campbell
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LightinPersonEach new baby is born with the stamp of God upon them. John 1:9 describes Jesus, who was God, being the true Light, “which lighteth every man that cometh into the world.” Each person has an awareness of God for they are created in the “image and likeness” of God. They have a conscience. They have a knowingness of God.
Gerhard Eberling writes of “a spark of the Eternal implanted in the first human person and in all subsequent human progeny.”
This is the great blessing of children being born into a godly home. Godly parents will fan this flame. As you teach your children the ways of God and His Word the light increases. More understanding and revelation of God fills their lives.
That’s why children who are daily fed God’s Word can come to know Christ at an early age. They can be born again into God’s family while they are young. Paul said to Timothy in 2 Timothy 3:15: “From a child thou hast known the holy Scriptures, which are able to make thee wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus.” Young children can receive Christ into their lives at three and four years of age. Most of our children came to Christ at four years of age and have never deviated from walking with God.
In an ungodly home where Jesus is never mentioned and His Word is never opened, this light is dimmed and squelched. But the spark is always there. No matter how degraded the person, we can continue to witness to them of the truth of the gospel. The spark of light waits to be lit.
Dear mother, keep fueling the light that God has put in your children so they will be bright shining lights in this dark world.
Let’s keep lighting the flame.
Love from Nancy Campbel
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PrayForHomesby Jennifer Anne Messing
Lord, may I honor Your Name by keeping a peaceful home.
May Your Word and Your promises be quoted often and sprinkled generously throughout our conversations.
May our sons and daughters know the fullness and the sweetness of Your everlasting love for them.
May the practices of kindness, tenderness, and selfless love guide our words and actions toward one another.
May we strive to work with all diligence in the tasks of home, resting content in the center of Your will.
May each guest in our home sense Your gentle presence and be nourished with manna freely given from Your bountiful table.
May You equip us daily to live godly and fruitful lives.
May Your purposes for our home be accomplished, for we offer ourselves to You as living sacrifices. Amen.
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Home should be the most exciting place in all the earth.


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EvenThoughDo we allow our emotions and attitudes to dictate our circumstances? That’s so easy to let happen, isn’t it?
Habakkuk 3:17, 18 (NLT) is always such a challenge to me: “EVEN THOUGH the fig trees have no blossoms, and there are grapes on the vines; EVEN THOUGH the olive crop fails, and the fields lie empty and barren; EVEN THOUGH the flocks die in the fields, and the cattle barns are empty, yet I will rejoice in the Lord! I will be joyful in the God of my salvation!”
This situation was total devastation and destruction. This guy had nothing left but God Himself. And yet he is still rejoicing.
What about us?
Have you been up all night with the baby? And you’re feeling lousy, tired, and overwhelmed? Can you still say, “Even though . . . God is good. I will rejoice.”
You wonder how on earth you can pay next month’s rent! “Even though . . . I will rejoice in the Lord. I know that God will not fail us.”
You are burdened with a sick parent or child. “Even though . . . I will rejoice. I will trust my God. He is bigger than this situation.
Your house is so small and you long for more room for the children. “Even though . . . I know God is with us and we are blessed.”
I think it all comes back to putting our trust in God and knowing that He is a God who cannot fail. Let’s trust Him more.
Let’s confess the right confession. Let’s be those who can say “Even though . . . “
May the Lord abundantly bless you today,
Nancy Campbell
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Email Nancy

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Franklin, TN 37068-1687

Phone : 931-729-9861
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