Above Rubies Daily Encouragement Blogs

Through the weekly and daily devotionals you can be constantly encouraged in your great role of parenting, the highest career in the nation. You can also stay updated on what's happening with the Above Rubies ministry.

Strengthening Families Across the World through the encouragement of women in their high calling from God as wives, mothers and homemakers.


buildingGodlyHmMotherhood does not end when the last child leaves the home. We are mothers until we meet Jesus. We will always be nurturing. A hurting world waits for mothering and nurturing hearts. And we as older mothers must keep showing the way of Nurturing and mothering to the next generation of mothers. We don’t do this by leaving the home. We must show the right example.

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WordsWeSpeakWe either build up or destroy our marriage and our children by the words that we speak to them. Be a builder, not a destroyer.

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MissionFamNever underestimate the power of daily praying with your family. Imagine if every Christian family prayed daily for this nation! What great answers to prayer we would see. Praying families are nation changing families. Praying families are world changing families.
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ShapingSoulsA mother has a ministry
That all too soon will pass,
Too often held in low esteem,
But its influence will last.
She daily shapes eternal souls,
Patterns life skills, sets the goals,
Guides and counsels, eases pain,
This season will not come again.
The world would lure her out the door,
Thinking that there must be more
Than dirty faces, grimy hands,
And constant things that home demands.
But nothing on the earth compares
With the awesome role she shares
Of being to her girls and boys
Their greatest source of earthly joy.
Other interests sure will keep
Until she rocks her babes to sleep,
Things can wait, the time will come
When she won't have these little ones.
As she seeks God's kingdom first,
He'll fill her plate and quench her thirst,
For what it is she's looking for
Lives there with her, not out the door.
So, if you have a precious child,
Cherish them this little while,
Shun the pressure that could make,
Their longing for you to forsake.
That time to serve them fast will fly,
And then you'll wish for days gone by.
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WhereJusticeHave you heard the recent news of how Paul Vaughn (a loving father of 11 children) and five others are branded as “convicted felons” and could expect 10.5 years in prison for singing hymns at an abortion clinic?
A few months ago, I interviewed Bethany, Paul’s wife, who tells the story of how the FBI raided their home in the early hours of one morning, grabbing her husband at gunpoint without even a warrant. The following is a poem one of her children wrote after that traumatic event:
Banging, Banging, Banging at our front door,
“Who has come?” we ask, “our neighbors for sure.”
But alas, no. Agents armed to the teeth,
Guns drawn and their fury on us, release.
Handcuffed, absent from wallet, keys, and phone,
Agents take dad away, hearts cold as stone,
Lights flashing and engines whirl as they go,
We, left in shock, disbelief, and woe.
Ev’n in midst of horror, we still survive
And will know: Demons don’t just arrive
To break our bodies and steal our gold,
Rather, they try to ransom to Satan our souls.
So fight now and stand for the preborn’s cause!
Stand against tyranny and wicked laws,
Though in jail, your destination may wait,
In heaven, your reward shall be great!
Then last month, January, they went to trial. After six exhausting days and continual false accusations Vaugn and five others were found guilty. Here is a little excerpt from Bethany as they continue to trust their lives into God’s keeping:
“On January 30, 2024, a Nashville jury, after about 3 hours of deliberation, found all 6 defendants guilty on all charges, (each defendant had 2 charges each: FACE Act Violation and Conspiracy). A sentencing date is set for July 2, 2024. An appeal will be forthcoming. We walked out of the courthouse after the verdict and gathered with a large group of family and friends and sang to the Lord.
“While this is a heavy outcome for our family, it is still a glorious one that Christ has chosen for us to bear. Jesus is Lord and He rules and reigns from on high . . . His Story is the best story. If we believe Christ and we understand that we were born for such a time as this, we can rejoice wherever we find ourselves and trust that He who began a good work in us will be so faithful to complete that work He started! We can joyfully commit our souls to our faithful Creator and, though the storms rage all around us, be still and know that He is God!”
Please pray for the Vaugn family and the others who were also sentenced.
Go to this link to read more of the story:
If you didn’t get to hear the two interviews with Bethany Vaughn, you can go to these links:
Introducing Bethany Vaughn, wife of Paul Vaughn who faces up to 11 years in prison for saving babies. Bethany, mother of 11 children and 8 grandchildren (so far) tells the beginning of their story. And guess how Bethany was dressed when her husband proposed! Check it out.
These are the words our government and the FBI call God-loving, children-loving, freedom-loving families. Bethany Vaughn is with me again today as she tells the horrific story of how the FBI kidnapped her husband in the early hours of the morning at gunpoint, without even showing a warrant! Do you really know what is happening in our country?
Blessings from Nancy Campbell
Picture: Paul and Bethany Vaughn at the Court with their youngest daughter and four of their grandchildren.
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NearlyDestroyed(A testimony from a Grateful Wife).
How lonely and neglected I felt! I was a young mother with several small children and still a new Christian. My husband, who was antagonistic to Christianity, spent most of his weekends on the golf course. During the week he would arrive home from work, eat his dinner with scarcely a word to his family, then disappear into his workshop where he would work, sometimes until midnight.
It seemed to me, at the time that we were completely incompatible, so I turned to the warm fellowship I found in the church which I attended.
It was during this state of rebellion against my situation that I “fell in love” with a Christian married man. He seemed to me to be everything my husband was not, and I lived for prayer meetings and the weekends when I would be able to see him and talk with him. I thank God that this man never knew of my feelings for him and there was nothing improper outwardly in our relationship.
My mind was full of “good reasons” and excuses for myself – after all, didn’t God want His children to be happy? My husband and I had not been Christians when we were married, and I was sure God wouldn’t expect me to stay united with an unbeliever.
When my nights became full of dreaming about this man, my conscience started pricking, but I brushed conviction aside and continued for several weeks in a lonely and miserable state.
I am grateful that deep down in my heart I knew that God had the answer to my problems if I was willing to listen to His voice with an obedient spirit. Eventually, in desperation and distress, I cried to Him my first honest prayer for weeks, “Please, Lord, show me the way out of this mess and show me the root of the problem.”
His answer came almost immediately, and it made me tremble with fear – a message that shook me to the roots of my being. Across my mind, in letters of fire and accompanied by a voice I can only describe like thunder were burned the words: “Remember My commandment: Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor’s wife.”
For the first time I saw clearly how objectionable and evil were my desires. I was thoroughly convicted of my whole attitude towards my husband and this other man.
God’s words left me in a state of shock, but I was still suffering and in pain because of the emotions which I was still unable to control. At night I was frightened to go to sleep because of adulterous dreams, and in the mornings I would awaken sick to the heart with myself.
After several thoroughly miserable days, I knew that for the first time I was completely willing to give up all thoughts of this man I thought I was “in love” with. Then I cried my second honest prayer to God.
“Lord, Jesus, You know what is best for me and my family and I trust You to work out the difficulties in our family life. Please forgive my disobedience and cleanse my heart of all sinful desires. Please, Lord, take away the pain and show me what to do about the dreams.”
As bedtime approached there was still some trepidation about sleeping but there was also a peace and a deep knowledge that God had heard my prayer and would answer in His own way.
As I was settling down to sleep, I heard His voice again, this time tenderly bringing to my mind a verse in John 1:14 which says: “And the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us.” I prayed, light flooding in, “Lord Jesus, You are the Word, so I want You to hold my hand all night and I trust you to give me a peaceful night’s sleep.”
I took my small copy of the New Testament, tucked it under my pillow and placed my hand between its pages. In a few minutes I drifted off into the most restful and deep sleep I had experienced for a long time. When I awoke in the morning my heart was singing with joy and release from the burden I had been carrying for so long. The assurance of my restoration to fellowship with God was very sweet.
Now I could see a completely new view of my husband and our family to which I had been blind. God showed me my husband as a loyal and hardworking man who was being sadly neglected by his wife. Now I genuinely thanked Him for all the blessings of a fine husband, bright healthy children, and a comfortable home.
Gradually I learned how to love my husband and how to accept him as he was. I must not try and change him but leave him completely to the Lord. I also learned about submission to my husband as head of our household – placed there by God Himself.
Now, many years later, I look back and thank the Lord from the bottom of my heart for loving me enough to discipline me on a point that could have wrecked the lives of many people. It frightens me to think of what might have happened and the wonderful blessings I could so easily have missed.
I praise and thank Him for His love that is manifested in our happy, peaceful home, our loving grown up children, and a husband who has come to know the hand of God upon his life.
(Name withheld).
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WordsWeSpeakYesterday I wrote about WHAT DO OUR HUSBANDS NEED MOST? I believe it is showing them respect and honor. Of course we do this so much with our words. Each new day we are either building up our marriage with our words or slowly destroying it with our words.
My podcast for this week was about THE WORDS WE SPEAK. You can pick it up at this link: https://www.buzzsprout.com/183665/14449300
And next week, Tuesday morning, we continue the same subject, THE WORDS WE SPEAK, Part 2, speaking about the kind of words we should be using in our homes. Don’t miss these podcasts.
~ Nancy
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WordToWivesTo keep your marriage brimming
With love in the loving cup,
Whenever you’re wrong, admit it;
Whenever you’re right, shut up.
~ Ogden Nash
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WhatHusbandNeedWhat do you think is your husband’s greatest need? What would be your answer?
After many years of marriage I have come to know the answer. More than love, more anything else husbands long for respect and honor. God created them to innately desire it. The reason is that marriage is the picture of Christ and the church. We who are the bride of Christ are to give honor and reverence to our heavenly Bridegroom. When we do this to our husbands we are showing the true picture of marriage.
What happens when we don’t respect our husbands? They withdraw. They become grumpy. They become distant. Often, they don’t even know why themselves, but it is because they are not receiving respect.
I am constantly challenged regarding this myself and continually need to remind myself that this is my husband’s greatest need.
Some time back I asked this question on Facebook. Here are some of the answers I received.
* Allow your husband to decide things.
* Ask his advice instead of giving it.
* Talk respectfully to him.
* Talk respectfully about him to others.
* Thank him for providing and working hard.
* Praise his good points instead of focusing on the not so good.
* Think of specific things about him that you're thankful for.
* Don't undermine him.
* Make sure dinner is ready for him when he comes home from work.
* Make his table place at the head of the table.
* Think of all the good things he does and focus your thoughts on them, then your thoughts will turn into respectful words and actions.
* Stop telling him your "better way of doing things.”
* Listen without talking. Let him finish talking without interrupting.
When we do it God’s way rather than our own way, we will be amazed at what happens.
Love and blessings,
P.S. Would love to hear more ideas from you on how to show respect to your husband.
Beautiful painting by Vickie Wade.
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crabbyDon’t you think this is a good idea?
A happy mother makes a happy home! What is the atmosphere like in your home today?
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JumpingJacksJesus Christ was our supreme sacrifice. He became the sacrificial Lamb, slain upon the altar for our sins. His ultimate sacrifice gives us forgiveness of sins, victory over sin in our daily life, sweet fellowship with Him, and eternal life. Romans 12:1 beseeches us that our logical and reasonable response should be to yield our lives back to Him as a living sacrifice. What does this mean?
Because Jesus laid down His life to be our sacrifice, we should also lay down our lives to be a living sacrifice.
We face this principle every day as wives and mothers. Constantly we choose whether we will demand our own way, do what pleases us, or lay down our life for our husband, our children, and sacrifice our own selfish desires.
Sometimes this is a battle. We need to be constantly reminded of Psalm 118:27: “Bind the sacrifice with cords, even unto the horns of the altar.” We willingly lay our life upon the altar as we feel the moving of the Holy Spirit in our lives. But then we get back to the challenges of daily life and mothering and off the altar we jump!
We need His cords to bind us. What are the cords? God says in Hosea 11:4: “I drew them with cords of compassion, with bands of love.” He says again in Jeremiah 31:3 “Yes, I have loved thee with an everlasting love: therefore with lovingkindness have I drawn thee.”
Because Christ now dwells in our hearts (if we have been born again), we no longer live to ourselves, “but unto him which died and rose again” (2 Corinthians 5:14). This lifestyle of dying daily to our own selfish desires does not ruin our lives. Instead, it releases us into the joyful life of serving that is the life of Christ (Mark 8:35).
I read about a mission board that had an ox for its seal. On one side of the ox was an altar, on the other side a plough. Their motto was “Ready for either.” There are millions of Christians being martyred for their faith today (more than at any other time). They are literally dying upon the altar. Others (like you and me) become a living sacrifice as we take up the plough of the daily grind of life. Not doing it grudgingly, but with joy and exhilaration.
May God save us from being jumping jacks--jumping off the altar as soon as anything becomes too difficult, looms bigger than we can imagine, or does not work out the way we planned. Instead may it become our lifestyle to be bound with joy to the altar. This is the least we can do in response to the ultimate sacrifice of Jesus Christ for us.
Love from Nancy Campbell
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Gathering your family together for family meals is a wonderful way to strengthen family life.

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GoodOrBestWe need great discernment to truly know what is good and what not just “looks good,” don’t we? Many times, things that are good rob us of the best! We can be involved I so many “good things” in our parenting and in Christian work and yet they are not God’s best. They are what we think is good. Or even what the enemy tricks us to think is good.
This is how Satan tempted Eve in the beginning. He didn’t tempt her with anything evil, but what looked good and wise (Genesis 3:6). If Eve could be so easily tempted who walked with God each day in the garden, how much more are we be susceptible to Satan who is “an angel of light.”
The greatest antidote to deception is God’s Word. It is our plumbline for everything we believe and do. It is also a great lie detector. Many times, we don’t know things are lies until we line them up with God’s Word.
One of the ways the enemy robs families of what is best is many of our extracurricular activities. None of them are bad. They are all good. And yet often they rob us of what is the most important.
The tricky thing is that most of them are always about the time we should be in the home preparing the meal for the family so we can enjoy family togetherness around the table each evening. And of course, to have family devotions and worship together. And pray together.
The devil hates families praying, and he will use good things to stop us. He’ll get us doing all these great things for our children, which are good, but which stop us from coming together as a family to pray. And the devil laughs. He wins the victory.
It’s praying families who are world-changing families. And as you know, this doesn’t easily happen. It takes a complete life change in our families to make it happen. But world-changing families are also sacrificing families. They’re families who know what is the BEST, not only what is good.
Nancy Campbell
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It’s not so much what you say
As the manner in which you say it,
It’s not so much the language you use
As the tone in which you convey it.
“Come here” I said,
And the child cowered and wept.
“Come here,” I said—
He looked and smiled,
And straight to my lap he crept.
Words may be mild and fair,
And the tone may pierce like a dart,
Words may be soft as the summer air,
But the tone may break my heart.
For words come from my mind
Grow by study and art—
But tone leaps from the inner self
Revealing the state of the heart.
Whether you know it or not,
Whether you mean or care,
Gentleness, kindness, love, and hate,
Envy, anger, are there.
Then, would you quarrels avoid
And peace and love rejoice?
Keep anger not only out of your words—
Keep it out of your voice.
~ Unknown
Painting: Arthur John Elsley
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I saw them tearing a building down,
A team of men in my hometown,
With a heave and a ho and yes, yes, yell!
They swung a beam and a sidewall fell.
And I said to the foreman, “Are these men skilled
Like the ones you’d use if you had to build?”
And he laughed and said, “Oh no, indeed,
The most common laborer is all I need,
For I can destroy in a day or two
What it takes a builder ten years to do.”
So I thought to myself as I went my way,
Which one of these roles am I willing to play?
Am I one who is tearing down,
As I carelessly make my way around?
Or am I one who builds with care
To make the world better because I was there?
~ Author Unknown.
Dear mother, I believe these words apply also apply to us as we build our homes and families. Proverbs 14:1 says: “Every wise woman builds her house: but the foolish plucks it down with her hands.”
One of the names God gives to us as mothers is “builder.” Because He names us builders, He wants us to be professional builders. A common laborer can tear down a house, but it takes a professional to build a good home.
Let’s be those who build into our marriages and families each day.
Don’t let a day go by without building a little more into your marriage. Think of something lovely and kind to say to your husband today and each new day. Your greatest building weapons are the words that come out of your mouth.
Seek to do something each day to make your family life stronger. Remember, you are building into your children’s lives until the day you present your children “in the presence of our Lord Jesus Christ at his coming” (1 Thessalonians 2:19).
Have a beautiful day with your family,
Nancy Campbell
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InHisPresenceIn Bible times God had a tabernacle and later a temple where He deigned to dwell in the midst of His people. Today, we have no temple, but God is a dwelling God and He still loves to dwell in our homes.
One of the most beautiful things we can do as a mother and homemaker is to make our homes a dwelling place for the living God. I love the Scripture in Hebrews 9:1 (JBP) where it tells us about God’s sanctuary “a holy place in this world for the eternal God.”
This morning I read Psalm 84:1-3 (NLT): “How lovely is your dwelling place, O LORD of Heavens Armies . . . Even the sparrow fins a home, and the swallow builds her nest and raises her young at a place near your altar, O LORD of Heaven’s Armies, my King and my God!”
This is such a beautiful word to us mothers. How often we feel overwhelmed and wish we had more time to read God’s word and spend time in His presence. But how do we do this with little babies and toddlers and even older ones all vying for our attention. It seems impossible.
But dear mothers, we need to think of our homes as God’s sanctuary and each room as an altar of the Lord. Instead of thinking we have no time to spend with God to realize that we are living in His presence. As you dedicate your home to Him to be His sanctuary, you are living in His presence. Even in the midst of bedlam and all the needs of your little children, remember that you are making a nest for your children in the presence of the Lord.
Just as the sallow built her nest in the temple of God, you are making nest where you can lay your young ones in His presence. As you nurse your baby on your rocking chair, think of it as an altar as you pray for this child and dedicate him or her to God.
When you sit at your table with your children realize it is an altar where you feed your children body, soul, and spirit. As your husband reads God’s word at the end of the meal you too will find sustenance as the Scriptures are read.
You can make every room in your home an altar. I remember one time when my children were little and I longed, like the psalmist, to be in the courts of the Lord. How could I get away alone? Of course, it’s impossible when you have little children.
I remember taking my four under four into the bedroom and closing the door. I kneeled by my bed and began to pour out my soul to the Lord. As I entered into His courts, I began to feel His presence with me.
Suddenly there was a knock on my door. A guy who was boarding at our place was home and began shouting, “Please calm down those children, I can’t sleep!” I was so enjoying the Lord’s presence I wasn’t even aware of all the noise the children were making!
This psalm continues: Vs 4 – 6: “What joy for those who can live I your house, always singing your praises. What joy for those whose strength comes from the LORD . . . When they walk through the Valley of Weeping, it will become a place of refreshing springs.”
Make your home a dwelling place for God where your children can grow up near the altars of the Lord.
Blessings to you today,
Nancy Campbell
Painting: Polina Luchanova, Russia
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BlessednessI have been thinking of the blessedness of motherhood. Yes, along with the blessedness is hard work and heartache. However, I believe that the devil robs mothers of the joys and glory of motherhood. Because God ordained motherhood and created us for this high purpose, the devil hates it. He hates what God mandates. He feeds us with lies to think we are wasting our lives when in fact, we are fulfilling the very perfect will of God. When we embrace motherhood, we are on God’s side.
No other woman can compare with the highest favor that was ever given to a woman, a young teenager named Mary who was privileged to carry the Son of God in her womb. The angel called her “highly favored” in Luke 1:28 and 30. This privilege was given to only one woman in the whole of history.
However, each time a new baby is conceived in a womb, it is also a God moment. It is God who gives the conception. It is God who creates this new, precious life in the womb—a life that has never lived before and there will never be anyone like this one again. And because God gives life and loves life, His favor is also upon every pregnant woman.
In the original Greek, the word for “highly favored” is “charitoo.” This word was never used before the New Testament! It means “to be accepted, to give grace to.” It was God’s grace to Mary to receive the privilege to carry Jesus in her womb. It is also God’s grace to us to carry a life in our womb.
Dear mother, don’t be deceived by the lies of the world and society around you. There is no higher mission you can do in your life than to carry a new human being, and more truthfully, an eternal soul in your womb.
Embrace the blessedness. Embrace the truth. Live in the joy of it. Live in the glory of it. Lift up your head for you are doing something eternal. Everything else you do in life will be left behind, but you will take this precious child into the eternal realm with you if you are faithful to lead him/her to salvation.
What an amazing assignment. You are giving a child the opportunity and privilege to experience the glory of eternity with Christ forever. It’s only in the “forever glory” that you will truly understand the enormity and power of carrying a child in your womb.
Be blessed,
Nancy Campbell
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GodsSideI wonder if we really understand the power of God’s words that He releases into the universe. He spoke, and the worlds came into being. All it took was for God to open His mouth and speak.
And then we read the first words He spoke to the man and woman He created: “Be fruitful and multiply; fill the earth and subdue it; have dominion . . .” These are not idle words. They are a divine mandate. They are an eternal law which progresses to a conclusion. The people who obey this law and are fruitful are the people who will take dominion.
Satan knows God’s plans and seeks to thwart them. God wants His people to be fruitful and take dominion for Him in the earth. He wants His image to be revealed in the earth. He wants the revelation of His name, His salvation, truth, love, compassion, and righteousness to fill the earth.
The easiest way for the devil to stop the image of God filling the earth is to subtly brainwash God’s people to stop having children. He has been very successful. Most Christians today think God’s first mandate are idle words. They have been deceived to think they don’t have to take any notice of them at all. They think they have a better way than God.
How can we be true believers in God’s infallible Word if we don’t think His words are important? Eternal? Jesus said: “Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away” (Matthew 24:35).
Most people in the church have the same small families as the world. Most believers are so entrenched in this world system that they continue sending their children to public schools and colleges where they are propagandized in liberal doctrine, alternative lifestyles, transgenderism, and antagonism to God and His Word.
When will God’s people begin to stand on God’s side instead of the devil’s side?
Blessings from Nancy Campbell
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FemininityOnly two: male or female; feminine or masculine. Completely embrace who God created you to be. You bring glory to God when you live to the full who God created you to be. There’s no need to be confused.

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Keep your eyes on Jesus! He is bigger than the problems that are facing you.

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Above Rubies Address

Email Nancy

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Franklin, TN 37068-1687

Phone : 931-729-9861
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