DoYouAgreeAmos 3:3 asks the question: “Can two walk together, except they be agreed?” I have always thought of this in the context of two people, specifically a married couple. However, it is really in the context of God and me. Can God walk with me if I don’t agree with what He says in His Word? That’s not going to work very well, is it?
I immediately think of Isaiah 55:8, 9: “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the LORD. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts.”
Our job is to come up to God’s thoughts and ways. We cannot bring Him down to puny thinking.
We must also think about motherhood the way God thinks about it. When God says His ways and thoughts are higher than our ways, the word in the Hebrew is “gabah” which means “to be high, exalted, to soar, to raise up to a great height.”
God also uses this word in describing motherhood. In Ezekiel 19:10-14 we read an allegory about motherhood. God is actually talking about Judah but likens her to a mother. He likens Judah to a fruitful mother planted by the waters, similar to the description in Psalm 128:3. Verse 11 says: “her stature was exalted” and "higher than all the other trees around.” The words “exalted” and “higher” are also “gabah” meaning to soar to a great height.
God sees motherhood higher than every other career for women. Every other career is only for this life. It will be left behind. But motherhood is an eternal career. It impacts eternity as we bring forth eternal souls into this world to reveal His image and to prepare them for the eternal world.
Motherhood is more influential than any other career in that we determine the destiny of the nation. The nation is strong or weak according to the mothers in the home who raise godly or worldly children. We have the power to turn the nation to righteousness or to evil.
Dear mother, don’t listen to the lies of this world who seek to push motherhood into the mud. Those are the lies of the enemy. God states that our career is “exalted.” This is how He sees it. This is how He planned it. Think like God thinks.
You can’t walk with Him if you don’t agree with Him.
Blessings to you today,
Nancy Campbell

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