Above Rubies Daily Encouragement Blogs
Through the weekly and daily devotionals you can be constantly encouraged in your great role of parenting, the highest career in the nation. You can also stay updated on what's happening with the Above Rubies ministry.

The word “declare” is a strong word. The Hebrew word, ‘nagad” means “to front, to stand boldly out opposite, to manifest, announce, expose, predict, denounce, and certainly declare.” We can declare God’s truth in different ways.
1. The Bible tells us we can declare God’s truth by sending a message through the post ((Jeremiah 51:31). You can write an encouraging word on a card and send it to someone who is hurting or downcast. That’s a beautiful thing to do. These days, you can use your social media. It can be a time waster, or you can use it to proclaim God’s truth. If you can’t think of messages to send out, you can share some of mine.
2. The Bible tells us we can declare God’s truth by singing (Psalm 78:9). I love the words in Isaiah 48:20 where it says: “God ye forth of Babylon, flee ye from the Chaldeans, with a VOICE OF SINGING DECLARE YE, TELL this, UTTER it even to the end of the earth; SAY ye, The LORD hath redeemed his servant Jacob.” God wanted the miracle of bringing His people from the bondage of Babylon to be declared to the ends of the earth.
But do you notice that God uses six different words to remind them to boldly proclaim His works? Voice, singing, declare, tell, utter, and say! The Hebrew words for voice and singing both mean to make a LOUD noise.
3. And of course we declare His truth by speaking boldly. Upfront. Speaking boldly. We are not afraid to speak the truth even if it is counter-culture. We fear God rather than man (Acts 4:19, 20 and 5:29). In most cases in the Bible, it was only the remnant that stood fast to God’s truth. Let’s never be taken in by the most popular opinion (Matthew 7:13, 14).
We have no excuse for hiding our light. Being too fearful to speak. Not wanting to step on anyone’s toes. e
Let’s be declarers of God’s truths to our children, our grandchildren, and all whom we meet. Let’s remember that our only privilege and opportunity to declare God’s truths are in this lifetime.
Blessings from Nancy Campbell