MotherhoodbirthingI’d love to add a few thoughts to my post yesterday. Not every mother has the privilege to give birth to a baby, but every woman is created with the anointing to nurture and to mother. It is innately within her by divine creation. This is why the eradication of the word “mother” is a slap in the face against women.
As I shared yesterday, God used the word “mother” before there was a mother on the earth (Genesis 2:24 and 3:20). It is His design.
Women cannot get away from their nurturing anointing. Many who refuse to birth and mother their own children will mother something, usually a pet cat or puppy. Childless women always have a pet. They must have something to pour out their nurturing instinct upon.
Some of the greatest mothers in history have been women who have never given birth. We think of Gladys Aylward (the little English woman who rescued hundreds of children to safety in China), Mary Slessor, Amy Carmichael, Lillian Trasher (founder of the first orphanage in Egypt) and so many others who poured out of their mothering and nurturing hearts to minister to so many needy souls.
And we cannot forget the late Mother Theresa who mothered more children than any mother in the last century. She never birthed children but lived in the anointing of motherhood.
Motherhood is far more than birthing a baby. It is the revelation of the mothering heart of God to the world. It is the fulfillment and glory of every female. That is why mothers who have not given birth but have adopted children into their families are mothers in the same essence as those who have given birth.
Motherhood is a God-given career. It is the glory of every female, whether she has birthed or not birthed. I think of my own sister who was not able to have children. She experienced a “long” pregnancy as she waited and prayed and agonized for a child and eventually, after much heartache, God blessed her with a precious little baby from China. My sister was a mother before she ever received Promise, her little Chinese baby. She mothered everything she could get her hands on. She mothered animals like her babies.
Last weekend we went to Promise’s graduation. She has grown into a beautiful young woman as Kate has mothered her through the years. When Promise came into her life she lived in the glory of motherhood even though she hadn’t given birth.
God has placed mothering above every other career in the nation. Read the allegory in Ezekiel 19:10-14. Exalted! The highest of all.
Never be ashamed of motherhood.
Blessings to you today from Nancy Campbell

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