Above Rubies Daily Encouragement Blogs
Through the weekly and daily devotionals you can be constantly encouraged in your great role of parenting, the highest career in the nation. You can also stay updated on what's happening with the Above Rubies ministry.

Because they do not want God to have any part of their party, they keep taking out words from the Bible that have belonged to the generations since the beginning of time. They want nothing to do with God and His ultimate plan.
Yes, a mother is someone who births a baby into this world, one of the most beautiful and powerful experiences a woman can have. But birthing a baby is only the beginning of motherhood. A mother also nurses and nurtures her baby.
Motherhood is a lifestyle. Motherhood is lifetime work. We don’t stop becoming a mother when our last child leaves home. Our mothering heart broods upon that child until the end of their days. Scientific studies reveal that the mother carries something of every baby she has birthed in her body. And when our children leave home, we become older mothers who teach the younger mothers, continuing to show by example and word the anointing of motherhood.
Motherhood is the innate and God-given instinct that God has put in every female. We were born and created to nurture. Motherhood is nurturing, loving, praying, agonizing over every child, training, teaching, feeding the body, the soul, and the spirit. It never stops.
Motherhood is the highest career God gives to women. She may fulfil other careers, but they are secondary to motherhood. Every other career will be left behind when we meet God face to face, but motherhood continues into eternity. Every child God gives us is an eternal soul that has the privilege to inherit eternal life and to answer the call to eternal glory forever and ever.
God chose the word mother! And I’m not giving it up. God used the word “mother” before there was ever a mother on the earth (Genesis 2;24)! He ordained mothers before there were mothers. Mothers are His plan for the world. To reveal His maternal heart to the world. To bring softness and tenderness to the knocks and the hardships of this world. To keep this world going and to birth, nurture, and train great men and women who will bless the world.
In this world of ridiculous deception, embrace your motherhood anointing in a greater way than you ever have before. Know that you are walking in the perfect will of God. Lift your head high and be proud of the calling God has given you. You have been named “mother” by God. You have been created for this purpose. Never be intimidated by those who are deceived.
It’s time for mothers to rise!