Above Rubies Daily Encouragement Blogs
Through the weekly and daily devotionals you can be constantly encouraged in your great role of parenting, the highest career in the nation. You can also stay updated on what's happening with the Above Rubies ministry.

They are not interested in the “old way” which is actually the best way. Jeremiah 6:16 says: “Thus saith the LORD, Stand ye in the ways, and see, and ask for the old paths, where is the GOOD WAY, and walk therein, and ye shall find REST FOR YOUR SOULS.” The biblical way is the good way, and it is the way of rest. Sadly, many young mothers are involved in so many things outside their home that they can no longer live in a state of rest. They join with the answer at the end of that Scripture: “But they said, We will not walk therein.”
I was reading about Rehoboam the other day. He was the son who began to reign after Solomon died. The people of Israel came to him and asked him to make the burden lighter than they had experienced under his father.
Rehoboam first went to the older men who had been with Solomon and asked them what they thought. They advised him to be a servant-leader to the people and to speak good words to them.
Rehoboam then check out with his peers, the younger guys he grew up with. They advised him to tell the people: “My little finger shall be thicker than my father’s loins . . . whereas my father did lade you with a heavy yoke, I will add to your yoke: my father that chastized you with whips, but I will chastise you with scorpions” (1 Kings 12:10-13).
And that was it! The 10 tribes rebelled and deserted. Rehoboam was left only with the tribe of Judah.
It is sad that many younger women would rather listen to the voices that are all around them. However, we never give up our mandate. We always keep encouraging. And as many shared on the thread, the greatest thing we can do is not tell them what to do, but to encourage and inspire them.
When you see a young mother with her little children, take a moment to tell her what a great job she is doing. That she is fulfilling the greatest and most important career in the whole nation. That she is determining the destiny of the nation. Tell her what lovely children God has blessed her with. Pray for her and bless her if the moment if right.
We can be a “blessing older mother” wherever we go. There are always young moms around—at church, in supermarkets, and at functions who need encouragement.
Invite a young mom with her children for lunch. Wait on her. Bless her and encourage her. Take some young mothers on a picnic at the park. Hospitality is such a wonderful ministry. As you sit at the table together and she unburdens her heart, you can minister to he and pray for her.
Begin a Bible Study in your home for wives and mothers. Even to facilitate some mothers to get together for a morning tea or lunch is a great idea. Mothers need fellowship with other mothers. It’s a necessity. It’s survival for mothers! As you seek the Lord, He will give you wonderful ideas.
The main thing is to keep our vision. To be faithful to our mandate. We do what God has commanded us to do. We will all do it in different ways. Seek God for how He wants you to do it. And remember, we not only teach, but we SHOW!
The Jerusalem Bible says: “The older women . . . they are to be teachers of the right behavior and SHOW the younger women HOW they should love their husbands and love their children, HOW they are to be sensible and chaste and HOW to work in their homes and be gentle and do as their husbands tell them.” We must keep living the way God intends us to be an example. We can’t be out doing something else. The young women should see us in our homes—loving and serving our husbands, loving homemaking, loving preparing meals for our families, loving to serve, and loving hospitality.
The Message Bible paraphrases it: “By LOOKING AT THEM the younger women will know HOW to love their husbands and children . . .”
Will the young women be inspired as they look at you?
Love to you today,
Nancy Campbell