Above Rubies Daily Encouragement Blogs
Through the weekly and daily devotionals you can be constantly encouraged in your great role of parenting, the highest career in the nation. You can also stay updated on what's happening with the Above Rubies ministry.

You can also see by the picture of the inside pages (of a new book) that it has just the right amount of Scriptures. Not too many for little children, but enough to talk about, ask questions, and discuss together with older children.
We have this devotional available on our Above Rubies store. You can purchase either the NKJV version or the KJV version. The KJV version has the added blessing of CREATIVE WAYS TO READ GOD’S WORD TO YOUR CHILDREN, a new idea at the beginning of each month.
Even with the few Scriptures provided it is easy for children to get into a daydream and not hear what is being read. These ideas will help to keep your children on their toes and make it exciting for them.
This devotional is also a great blessing for fathers who may not know what passage of the Bible to read to their children. This saves the day. Takes away all the stress. All you have to do is go to the date, and PRESTO, the Scriptures are WAITING FOR YOU TO READ!
Some parents think that the King James Version is too archaic to read to their children and you may like to read a more modern version. However, I think it is a good thing to enlarge our children’s vocabulary rather than keep them to a limited vocabulary. It also opens up wonderful discussions as you talk about some words that may not be used so much in our language today. It’s an opportunity for them to come to a greater understanding of truths in the Bible and enlarge their vocab at the same time. So don’t be scared of the KJV.
Although I love to read the KJV I am not a King James Only person. Often as we read, we check out other translations to see how they compare, and that sometimes give more understanding.
Blessings from Nancy Campbell
To order the King James Version with creative ideas to keep your children on their toes go to:
Or the NKJV which does not have the ideas for each month: