Above Rubies Daily Encouragement Blogs
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Back in Above Rubies #93 my friend Pam Fields wrote an article about Prayer Bracelets. Pam got this idea of making a bracelet to wear for each of her children to remember to pray for them each day. She made beaded bracelets with each name.
As she prayed for each one during the day, she would change the bracelet to the other hand so she knew she had prayed for them. If she still had names on one arm at the end of the day, she still had some praying to do!
I thought it was such a great idea but didn’t think it would work for me with so many names to pray for in our family. I would need over 100 bracelets! However, recently I realized that of course I could do it. I only needed a bracelet for each name to represent their whole family. I mentioned it to Pam, and she lovingly made me a set for my birthday. She even gave me a lovely vase to put the bracelets on at the end of the day (after everyone is prayed for). I am so blessed to have them.
Now it is another tangible way to remember to pray for all the members of our family. As I take the name of one bracelet, I remember to pray for all the members of that family.
If you would like to read more about it and how to go about making them, go to the link below.
Blessings from Nancy Campbell
If you would like to be encouraged more from Pam, go to these links:
Podcast: “The Mom Next Door, Stories of Faith” available on most podcast players or directly from my website https://tendingfields.net/the-mom-next-door-podcast/
Interactive Facebook group for mothers: “Less Than Perfect Christian Mamas” https://www.facebook.com/groups/231087377942997
Website is https://tendingfields.net/ If you sign up for my e-mail list, you should receive a link to a supply list and the directions on how to make your own prayer bracelets!
Instagram is @tendingfields
Facebook Page is “Tending Fields”