TRUMP CARD produced by Dinesh D/Souza.

TrumpCardI’d like to recommend this DVD. It was meant to the theaters but because of the spamdemic never got there. We watched this the other night. It is very POWERFUL, revealing the reason why Trump is so hated. He is the only one who is prepared to stand up against globalism and the new world order which will take us into darkness and communism. No wonder Biden stated in the presidential debate that we are going into “a dark winter.” That’s where he wants to take us.

This movie should not be missed. However, it is not for children, not even young people without parental supervision. There is one part in the film which I detest where Dinesh exposes things that Obama did before becoming president that were never exposed to the media (and yet the fake media have brandished lies about Trump night and day since he became president). The things that were exposed were so revolting that I wouldn’t want any young person to watch or hear.

If you want to know what you are getting into if Biden is elected president, you better watch this movie.

Go Online to either purchase the DVD or stream Online.
~ Nancy

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BeeEncoragedDear ladies,
It is a joy to be in contact with you and to write encouraging (and sometimes challenging) posts to your through Facebook.

However, I thought I would let you know of other ways you can be encouraged too.

I also write an EMAIL DEVOTION each week (although forgive me, I don’t always get it written every week) to encourage you. It will come straight to your email if you join by using this link:

You can also join this link where you will receive in your email box any sales we are doing, urgent information, or a MINI ABOVE RUBIES MAGAZINE while you wait for the new issue to arrive:

Be blessed.

Love from Nancy Campbell

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BeStrongActionIn the midst of deception and persecution (which is the context of this Scripture), the people who know God will be strong, rise up, and take action.

The NCV says they will be “strong and fight back.” The Knox translation says they “shall go all the more boldly to work.”

In this time of deception and fraud regarding out election, it is not a time to sit back. Take action in whatever way the Lord impresses upon your heart. Call your Senators, Congressmen, and governors to make sure votes are counted legally. Stand strongly for truth. And most of all pray. Prayer is our most powerful weapon.
~ Nancy Campbell

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FamnationPrayLet’s keep earnestly praying for all voting fraud and hidden agendas to be exposed and for a true and righteous count for the final results for this election. We cannot give up interceding. The battle is not over! #keeppraying #keepinterceeding #dontgiveup #gatheryourfamilytopray #aboverubies

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HemGarmentBy Vini Tejas Pandya

My daughter, Shalom, the fulfillment of God’s promise to me, was born on September 8th, 2017. We all waited expectantly for this moment when we would take our little princess home and our loving family of four would turn to five. Instead, we had to wait at the hospital for exactly 115 days before we could finally reunite as a family.

When Shalom opened her beautiful mouth with a loud cry, we noticed the roof of her mouth had an unfamiliar opening. Her chin looked small, her little jaw was siting further back than normal, and no one knew her tongue was a little tiny too. She was diagnosed with Pierre Robin Sequence and had a cleft palate.

Shalom came into the world struggling to breathe. Considering the complications, she was transported to one of the largest children’s hospital in Fort Worth, Texas. They handed her over to the best team of doctors and various specialists who also discovered Shalom was born with two holes in her heart which eventually filled on their own.

After almost two months at the hospital, one fine Friday, we had a decision-making meeting. We were advised by the doctors and surgeons about a surgical intervention for Shalom. The procedure was called the jaw distractors and involved enlarging her jaw in the hope that it would help with her breathing.

We were deeply troubled and had no peace about the surgery. We called out to God to save our daughter and pleaded to bypass the jaw surgery as the surgery sounded quite invasive and involved breaking her jaw. I reminded God of the Scripture in John 19:36 where none of Jesus’ bones were broken and hence to protect Sholom’s jawbone too.

The next Monday, Shalom developed a viral flu (a blessing in disguise). This common cold infection prohibited the surgeon from touching Shalom for any surgery till she was four weeks’ virus free. It was such a relief as it gave us time to pray and seek God’s face for His healing touch upon Shalom. We claimed the Scripture where the touch of Jesus’ hand would heal every one (Luke 4:40).

Miraculously, God Himself gave growth to Shalom’s chin and after two months of laying her alternatively either on her right or left side, she could easily lie on her back without dropping her oxygen level. Her tongue grew a little and didn’t fall back anymore.

The surgeon came back saying that she didn’t need the jaw distractors as her breathing had improved on its own. We rejoiced in our hearts to see the touch of the Master. Jesus, the Miracle-Worker, was constantly interceding and mediating on behalf of Shalom.

God was not just looking after Shalom, but He supernaturally provided an army of prayer warriors from various groups and churches to pray for Shalom’s healing. Various friends and pastors visited us at the hospital with words of hope and encouragement, making our journey easier. Twenty-four-hour prayer chains were held for Shalom and even different prayer lines continually made intercession for Shalom’s healing.

Our home church strongly stood by and we knew that God was carrying us in His very own hands. He spoke to us through His Word and guided us continually.

Almost four months at the hospital seemed like forever but I felt peace in my heart when I surrendered Shalom to the Lord and went about praying for other NICU mothers at the hospital. That made my journey a lot easier as I shifted my focus from my own problems, and it gave me a mission to share the love of God with the broken hearted.

As for Shalom, her battle was not over yet. The feeding was still an issue. She could not go home till she ate safely. Shalom was not fed orally for over six months of her life because of the possibility of aspiration. After a long wait, they put in a gastrostomy tube.

Then the day came when it seemed like our chains were broken. On December 31st, a cold, snowy day, Shalom was discharged from the hospital. God’s timing was strategic and on the New Year’s morning, Shalom opened her eyes in her own home in the presence of her most loving family. God proved His faithfulness to us.

After two months of being home with excessive trials and lot of prayers, Shalom started eating and drinking by mouth and never developed any of the chest or ear infections that were possible. The gastrostomy tube was taken out and she has been doing everything so beautifully. God amazed us with His goodness.

Our God is a God of miracles. We believe that because Jesus lives, so shall Shalom live an amazing and abundant life. In May 2020, they successfully operated on Shalom for her cleft palate repair.

We believe the God who created the heavens and the earth by His great and mighty power and infinite wisdom is the same God who has given such profound wisdom and knowledge to the most amazing surgeon, Dr. Eric Hubli, to do such artistic work with so much skill and expertise. God not only looked after us but also provided us with the best hands to perform Shalom’s surgery. We thank and appreciate Dr Hubli very much and give all glory to our great God.

Matthew 14:35, 36: “(They) brought unto him all that were diseased; and besought him that they might only touch the hem of his garment: and as many as touched were made perfectly whole.”


Vini has also written a lovely book of poems called, I TOUCHED THE HEM OF HIS GARMENT. You can contact her at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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InteruptionsOh, isn’t that so true, dear mothers? Those interruptions can be some of your most significant mothering moments. It’s often the spontaneous interruptions that open the way to do something special, to give that extra hug and affirmation, or to give an anointed and needed word to one of your children at just the right moment. Look at your interruptions a s part of your mothering life. Use them positively instead of wasting them. #divineinterruptions #ilovemotherhood #embracemotherhood #motherhoodlife #motherhoodlifeisfullofjoy #mothering #motheringmoments #aintnohoodlikemotherhood #aboverubies #cslewis #cslewisquotes

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HaveVotedYetI voted for . . .
Life and the protection of the unborn baby
Freedom of speech and protecting the First Amendment
Freedom to worship
Freedom to get this country back to business
Protection of the Second Amendment
Protection of our borders
Protection of Christianity
Law and order
To preserve our Republic
Fracking, protection of oil industry
And much more . . .

I voted against
Abortion up until birth
Extreme socialism and the Green New Deal
The Equality Act which Biden wants to enforce in his first 100 days
Defunding our police
China take over
Islam take over (Biden wants to put Muslims in every department of leadership and increase Islam education in schools)
Open borders
Lockdown of our nation
Annihilation of oil industry

As you can see, I am not ashamed to say that I voted for Trump.…/must-see-list-of-presid…/…/

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Sing your heart out at church this weekend!

SignHeartOutSing your heart out at church this weekend!

"Sing unto the LORD a new song, and his praise in the congregation of
saints" (Psalm 149:1).

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BlessednessI have been thinking of the blessedness of motherhood. And yes, along with the blessedness is hard work and heartache.

However, I believe that the devil robs mothers of the joys and glory of motherhood. Because God ordained motherhood and created us for this high purpose, the devil hates it. He hates what God mandates. He feeds us with lies that we are wasting our lives when in fact, we are fulfilling the perfect will of God. When we embrace motherhood, we are on God’s side.

No other woman can compare with the highest favor that was ever given to a woman, a young teenager named Mary, who was privileged to carry the Son of God in her womb. The angel called her “highly favored” in Luke 1:28 and 30. This privilege was given to only one woman in the whole of history.

However, each time a new baby is conceived in a womb, it is also a God moment. It is God who gives the conception. It is God who creates this new, precious life in the womb—a life that has never lived before and there will never be anyone like this one again. And because it is God who gives life, His favor is also upon every pregnant woman.

In the original Greek, the word for “highly favored” is “charitoo.” This word was never used before the New Testament! It means “to be accepted, to give grace to.” It was God’s grace to Mary to receive the privilege to carry Jesus in her womb. It is also God’s grace to you to carry a life in our womb.

Dear mother, don’t be deceived by the lies of the world and society around you. There is no higher mission you can do in your life than to carry a new human being, and more truthfully, an eternal soul in your womb.

Embrace the blessedness. Embrace the truth. Live in the joy of it. Live in the glory of it. Lift up your head for you are doing something eternal. Everything else you do in life will be left behind, but you will take this precious child into the eternal realm with you if you are faithful to lead him/her to salvation.

What an amazing assignment. You are giving a child the opportunity and privilege to experience the glory of eternity with Christ forever. It’s only in the “forever glory” that you will truly understand the enormity and power of carrying a child in your womb.

Be blessed,

Nancy Campbell

Photo: My grandson Crusoe Johnson with his lovely wife Stephanie and their little one, Hosanna. Stephanie is due to have her second baby next week.

Autumn Rose Photography (Autumn is my granddaughter, Pearl’s daughter).


Did you know, I am now doing a podcast for you each week called FROM OUR HOME TO YOURS w/ Nancy Campbell? I know you will be blessed and encouraged. Go to and you’ll see the icon. Or go to

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YourRestfulhomeGod is the creator of the home and it is meant to be the most beautiful place on earth. It is meant to be a replica of God's home in heaven. Jesus asked us to pray: "Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven" (Matthew 5:10).

Of course, everything that God designed the devil hates and seeks to destroy. He wants to steal from us every lovely thing God intends for us. God woos us into the home which He designed for them and where we find true rest and joy; the devil woos women out of the home and into a life of deception.

Our God is a dwelling God who loves to dwell. He dwells in His home in heaven. He dwelt amongst His people in the tabernacle and later in the temple in Jerusalem. He dwells in our hearts. He loves to bring His presence to our homes. And He will dwell with us for all eternity (Revelation 21:3).

He also wants us to be a dwelling people. The word "dwell" occurs 468 times in the Bible, translated by many different words. I found 26 different Hebrew words for the word "dwell" and five more that speak of temporary dwelling.

Every Hebrew word gives a beautiful description of dwelling in our homes. Let me tell you about one for today. The word "mnuwchah" means "matrimony, repose, consolation, an abode, comfortable, quiet, resting place." Although it means to dwell in a home, did you notice that it also includes matrimony? When we marry, we make a home-a place of comfort and consolation, a repose, a resting place for God, ourselves, and our children.

Here are a few Scriptures where it is used:
"My people shall dwell . . . in quiet resting places (mnuwchah)" (Isaiah 32:18).

"The ark of the covenant of the LORD went before them in the three days' journey, to search out a resting place (mnuwchah) for them" (Numbers 10:33). God intends our homes to be resting places. He loves to call them resting places.

"He maketh me to lie down in green pastures, he leadeth me beside still (mnuwchah) waters" (Psalm 23:2).

"The LORD grant you that you may find rest (mnuwhchah), each of you in the house of her husband" (Ruth 1:9. It was expected that they would find rest in a marriage and home.

God Himself speaks and says: "This is my rest (mnuwhchah) forever; here will I dwell; for I have desired it" (Psalm 132:14). God desires to live in rest. He wants to rest in our homes. He wants to rest in our hearts.

As you think about all you need to accomplish, can I draw your heart back to your home? God wants to do beautiful things in your home. Powerful things. World-changing things. Great things can come out of a home that is filled with God--filled with His rest, His peace, and His joy.

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GodsSide2That means standing on the side of LIFE. That means standing on the side of TRUTH. That means standing for “one man, one woman marriage. “ That means standing for Israel. That means ALWAYS standing on God’s infallible Word, no matter what man may say. Who will say Amen with me? #amen #standforlife #prolife #promarriage #godistruth #godswordistruth #iwillnotcompromise #godswordisinfallible #aboverubies #nancycampbell

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BlindGuideTrueTeachersWhat kind of a home are you creating? We often carry on the same ideas and traditions of the home in which we were brought up. We do what we do because we’ve always done it and that’s the way our mothers did it! I was talking to a lady yesterday who said she always used Tide to wash her clothes because her mother always used Tide.

I will admit that some traditions are good, and we should keep them going for generations. Other things may not be the best. We should always seek to know find the best way, don’t you think?

I am sure we’ll all concede that God’s ways are the best ways. Now we are not going to learn the best ways to clean our home or cook a certain meal from the Bible, although God will teach us as we seek Him. However, He does shows us the best way to live our lives and establish our families. That’s why we must constantly seek God’s Word to know if we are living in the truth or not.

I believe this is especially necessary for us mothers. We have such a responsibility to lead our children the right way, or we are “blind guides” and both we and our children will fall into the pit (Matthew 15:14).

Let’s look at just two examples in God’s Word today. 2 Corinthians 5;15 says: “He (Jesus Christ) died for all, that they which live should not henceforth live unto themselves, BUT UNTO HIM which died for them, and rose again.” These words are the opposite to the attitude that is prevalent today. Most Christian women confess they must have time for themselves, time to get away from their children, time to go out and relax, and so on. These things are nice, but it doesn’t always work out practically when we have little children.

Therefore, what is our attitude? Do we get into a state of self-pity because we don’t have all the time we want for ourselves? Do we have an entitlement attitude of “I deserve to have my time and I deserve this and that?” Or do we embrace the principle that we are not meant to live unto ourselves, but unto Jesus who died for us. Jesus didn’t live His life to Himself but poured out His life for us.

Most people would like to be great and known for something important into their lives. That’s why some mothers are discontent with motherhood. They feel they should be out in their career, making a name for themselves. But what is God’s principle? If you want to be great in God’s kingdom, you must become the servant of all (Mark 10:42-45).

“A servant,” did you say? Yes, that’s what Jesus was. And because He humbled himself to become a servant, God highly exalted Him (Philippians 2:5-11).

Which attitudes do you have? Are you building them in your family? Showing by your example and teaching your children these biblical principles? These principles make for harmonious and blessed living. God’s way is always the best. And they prepare our children how to live their lives TOO.

Be blessed today,

Nancy Campbell

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SpringInStepHow do you walk around your home? Do you walk with a spring in your step? Oozing joy and happiness? Pouring out encouragement and blessing?

Or does this sound a bit over the top? “Oh, please come down to earth,” you say. Well, would you rather walk around with bent shoulders? Sighing and groaning as you go. Look out children or they’ll get a frown or a negative word. And your husband? He better not come too near.

Help. Are we meant to be earthly? Didn’t Jesus ask us to pray the words: “As in heaven, so in earth” (Luke 11:2)? One translation says: “As above, so below.”

Colossians 3:1-3 says: “If ye then be risen with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ sitteth on the right hand of God. Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth. For ye are dead, and your life is hid with Christ in God.”

Proverbs 20:7 (NLT) says: “The godly walk with integrity; BLESSED are their children who follow them.” The word “walk” means “to walk about; to walk to and fro.” It’s all about our walk—what we say and what we do. Starting in our home.

How do you walk out to the kitchen from your bedroom? What do you say when greet everyone in the morning? What does your countenance look like?

How you walk in your home will affect your children, now and for years to come. When you walk with negativity, you have nothing positive to impart to your family but when you walk with joy and purpose, your children will be blessed.

Be blessed as you bless your husband and family today,

Nancy Campbell

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2ofUDon’t you like these words? TWO OF YOU! That’s you and your husband. God gives a great promise to the TWO OF YOU. It’s found in Matthew 18:19 where Jesus said: “If TWO OF YOU shall agree on earth as touching any thing that they shall ask, it shall be done for them of my Father which is in heaven.”

I know that TWO OF YOU can relate to any two people who agree together. But it is tailor-made for marriage. As husband and wife, you have the privilege and opportunity to agree together, pray, and expect God to answer.

It is sad that many couples are not aware of the power they have as a married couple to see great answers to prayer. We all face many challenges as we raise our children, but God has given us the TWO OF YOU power of prayer. Don’t waste this privilege.

Can I ask you: do you pray with your husband each day? Praying together is the very foundation of marriage. And can I ask you another question: if you both don’t pray for your children together, who will? No one cares as much for your children as you and your husband. And this is the greatest thing that you can do for them. Pray for them. Nothing is powerful as praying for them. Nothing will accomplish as much as praying for them!

Instead of complaining about the difficulties and challenges of parenthood, pray together about them. You’ll be amazed at what happens.

Blessings to you,

Nancy Campbell

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AbundantlifeI’m still processing the last debate. Firstly, my brain finds it difficult to understand Joe Biden’s ability to BLATANTLY lie. Nearly every word was a lie. Isn’t it amazing that only an hour or so before the debate Bobulinksi (the man who was brought into be the CEO of Biden’s company) came forward on TV to give evidence and proof of Joe Biden unlawfully receiving money from China. Although challenged in the debate he blatantly said it was untrue. And yet it just been exposed, WITH PROOF!


His message was also very confusing. Or I should say, full of dark foreboding. He began by telling the nation that we are “going into a dark winter” and that “another 200,000 people will die because of the virus!” And talking about the virus that has now proved to have a 99.9 percent cure, “We are learning to DIE with it!”! And we MUST wear masks (which have proved to be ineffective!) What dismal words. What a way to encourage the nation. These are not facts. These are his own words of doom and gloom. Only more fearmongering to the nation.

Even the lie that 200,000 people have already died from the virus is not true. A very small percentage of them were actually from COVID only. The majority had either one or two other medical diagnoses.

He began his debate with the need for more lockdowns and closing the nation down again and yet ended with the words that he will bring “hope over fear!” I beg your pardon. He didn’t give us one word of hope. It was all gloom and doom and lockdowns!


On the other hand, Trump talk about opening up the nation, getting businesses back, and restoring our nation again. Talking about the virus his words were the opposite of Biden’s. Instead he said, “We are learning to LIVE with it” sharing his own experience of contracting the virus and being healed in three days!

To me it was like a picture of the words of Jesus in John 10:10 (ESV): “The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it ABUNDANTLY.” The KJV says: “MORE ABUNDANTLY!”

One party brings the message of gloom and depression and death, to rob fathers of providing for their families, to rob us from singing and meeting freely in our churches, and living life as God intended. The other party wants to bring freedom, optimism, hope, and life back to the nation. This is how God intends us to live. This is the lifestyle of the kingdom of God rather than the kingdom of darkness.

Romans 14;17: “For the kingdom of God is not meat and drink; but righteousness, and peace, and JOY IN THE HOLY GHOST.”

Romans 15:13: “Now the GOD OF HOPE fill you with ALL JOY AND PEACE in believing, that ye may ABOUND IN HOPE, through the power of the Holy Ghost.”

What do you want? I don’t want to live in fear and despair. I want to live in hope as God intends us to live (1 Peter 1:3). I want to live in “the land of the free and the home of the brave” where we can live freely, enjoy family life, enjoy church life, and interact socially with people as God created us to do.

And of course, one of the main issues that was never mentioned in the debate, the protection of life in the womb. Joe Biden wants babies in the womb to be murdered right up until the time of birth, and even after birth if the precious baby survives the abortion. Kamala Harris promises to “always fight” for the “right” to abort unborn babies!

On the other hand, we are blessed that we have a president who is adamantly pro-life. President Trump states: “Every child is a precious and sacred gift from God. Together, we must protect, cherish, and defend the dignity and the sanctity of every human life."

Again he says: “Let us reaffirm a fundamental truth, all children, BORN AND UNBORN, are made in the holy image of God.”

Last month he stated: “Today I am announcing that I will be signing the Born-Alive Executive Order to ensure that all precious babies born alive, no matter their circumstances, receive the medical care that they deserve. This is our sacrosanct moral duty.”

Have a wonderful day, filled with hope and cheer,

Nancy Campbell…/here-are-president-donald-trump…/…/hunter-ex-partner-tony-bobulinski-cal…/…/

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PictureToWorldOne of my favorite quotes about marriage is from John Piper: “There has never been a generation whose view of marriage is high enough.”

I believe this is so true. The Bible reveals that marriage is a picture of the relationship of Christ and His bride, the church. That is a big thing for us to reveal in our marriages, isn’t it?

How can we reveal it when we don’t even know or understand the fullness of what it means? I don’t think many of us really do.

Thinking on this, I was challenged yesterday when reading the Ten Commandments in Exodus 20. I saw them in a new light. We often think of them as religious laws with no love in them. But as I read again, I began to see something of God’s relationship with us which should also be revealed in our marriages.

Let’s look again shall we? “And God spake all these words, saying, I am the LORD thy God, which have brought thee out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage: thou shalt have no other gods before me.” God is saying to His people Israel and to us: I have delivered you out of the kingdom of darkness. I have made a marriage covenant with you and you and are mine. You now belong to me and no one else (Exodus 16:8-14; Song of Solomon 2;16; 6:3; 7:10; and Isaiah 54:5).

This commandment comes from God’s heart of love for His people. Because we belong to Him, He wants our total allegiance. Because our marriages are pictures to show this relationship between Christ and us, we should have this same attitude toward our husbands. When we are married, we belong to our husband, and he belongs to us, and no one else. The marriage vows say: “forsaking all others.”

The next commandment says: “Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image . . thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them for I am the LORD thy God am a jealous God . . .” God is a jealous husband over us. He gave His only Beloved Son to die and shed His blood to purchase us to Himself. It’s not wrong for a husband or wife to be jealous if either one is looking at someone else!

The third commandment says: “Thou shalt not take the name of the LORD thy God in vain; for the LORD will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain.”

To take the name of the LORD means in the Hebrew to “carry His name or to bear His name.” We are created in His image to bear His likeness and image. When we belong to Him, He wants to manifest His character and image through us.

When we marry, we give up our old name and take our husband’s name. We now carry his name wherever we go. As we live in a way that honors our husband’s name, we not only bring honor to him but honor to ourselves. If we dishonor his name, we literally dishonor ourselves.

But then God goes on to say that we must not take His name in vain. That means to speak of it lightly or worthlessly. This also speaks to us in our marriages. It is a serous thing to speak critically, dishonoringly, or lightly of our husband’s name.

How sad to hear a wife criticizing her husband, pulling down his image, or speaking of him disparagingly or lightly. It is the opposite of what God intends for us in our marriage relationship. He wants marriage to reveal to the world the same attitude we have to God and to Christ.

We honor God’s name because it is hallowed. It is worthy. It is holy. It is great. Maybe you don’t feel your husband is worthy and you can only think of negative things to say about him. Well, keep your mouth shut. If you can’t say something that is honoring, don’t open your mouth.

Because remember, we are to be a picture of the relationship of God and His people.

Isn’t it amazing how God reveals this even in the first few commandments?

I am challenged. Are you?

Be blessed.

Nancy Campbell

Petition to Stop Abortion

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HolyPlaceGodDid you know that God wants your home to be holy? Wow, that’s a huge undertaking isn’t it? Especially when our homes are filled with sinners. We are sinners and our children are sinners. Yes, even though we are sinners saved by grace, we are still prone to sin. But as we invite God to come and dwell in our lives and our homes, He woos us to holiness.

In my early morning Bible reading this morning I read Hebrews 9:1: “Then verily the first covenant had also ordinances of divine service, and a worldly sanctuary.” That’s King James language. Let’s read it in the J. B. Phillips’ translation: “ . . . and it had a sanctuary, a holy place in this world for the eternal God.” Don’t you love those words? Let’s read them again: “. . . a holy place in this world for the eternal God.”

Back in those days, God dwelt in the midst of His people, Israel. God dwelt in His Shekinah glory in the Holy of Holies in the tabernacle, and later the temple. Today, God does not live in a temple, but He still wants a dwelling place on earth. Now He comes to dwell in our hearts and He also wants to dwell in our homes (2 Corinthians 6:19, 20).

On this bit of earth, in the neighborhood where you live, you have a great commission to make your home a holy place for the eternal God! What could be more powerful? Can you seek to make your home a holy place for Him?

But there’s more. God not only wants our homes to be holy, but all the area around our homes. Talking about Ezekiel’s temple in Ezekiel 43:12 it says: “This is the law of the house; Upon the top of the mountain the whole limit thereof round about shall be most holy. Behold, this is the law of the house.” You may only have a little backyard, or you may own many acres. Whatever God has given to you, He wants it all to be holy.

We not only guard what goes on in our homes, but what goes on around our homes. Who hangs out with our children? What is happening on the inside? What is happening on the outside?

God wants every material thing in our homes to be anointed with His presence. Yes, even our pots and pans (Zechariah 14:20, 21). Fill your home with everything that promotes holiness and cast out every evil thing.

Holiness begins with us wives and mothers. We are the heart of the home and it is our responsibility to make it holy. Let’s make holiness our vision.

Hebrews 12:14: “Follow peace with all men, and holiness, without which no man shall see the Lord.”

Have a beautiful day with your family,

Nancy Campbell

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CourtestyAtHmI ran into a stranger as he passed by,

"Oh excuse me, please" was my reply.
He said, "Please excuse me too,
I wasn't watching for you."
We were very polite, this stranger and I,
We went on our way and we said good-bye.

But at home a different story is told,
How we treat our loved ones, young and old.
Later that day, cooking the evening meal,
My son stood beside me very still.

When I turned, I nearly knocked him down.
"Move out of the way," I said with a frown,
He walked away, his little heart broken,
I didn't realize how harshly I'd spoken.

While I lay awake in bed,
God's still small voice came to me and said,
"While dealing with a stranger, common
courtesy you use,
But the family you love, you seem to abuse.

“Go and look on the kitchen floor,
You'll find some flowers there by the door.
Those are the flowers he brought for you,
He picked them himself, pink, yellow, and blue.

“He stood very quietly not to spoil the surprise,
You never saw the tears that filled his little eyes."
By this time, I felt very small,
And now my tears began to fall.

I quietly went and knelt by his bed,
"Wake up, little one, wake up," I said.
"Are these the flowers you picked for me?"
He smiled, "I found 'em, out by the tree.

I picked 'em because they're pretty like you,
I knew you'd like 'em, especially the blue."
I said, "Son, I'm very sorry for the way I
acted today,
I shouldn't have yelled at you that way."

He said, "Oh, Mom, that's okay.
I love you anyway."
I said, "Son, I love you too,
And I do like the flowers, especially the

~ Unknown.

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IfHadntBeenMomWhat would life have been like, I wondered
if I hadn't been a Mom?
If God had never placed a baby
In the shelter of my arms?

If I hadn't been a Mom
I probably would not have cried so much
I surely would not have laughed so much
I definitely would not have loved, or been loved, so much.

If I hadn't been a Mom
I wouldn't have had the chance to be
A hero, saving the day
A fashion consultant, explaining why some things just don't match
A nurse, comforting the sick
A general, rallying the troops,
A teacher, shaping young minds,
A detective, searching out truth,
An explorer, seeking lost treasures,
A missionary, sharing the gospel of Christ.

If I hadn't been a Mom
I would never have
Been loved unconditionally by a five-month old
Snuggled under a special blankie with a two-year old
Sang veggie tales songs with a four-year old
Had a tickle fight with a five-year old
Found a willing and able helper in a seven-year old
Received a one-of-a-kind original masterpiece from a nine-year old
Been beaten in chess by an eleven-year old
Been instructed in the top Christian artists and their latest songs by a
thirteen-year old
Had my book-reading record broken by a fifteen-year old
Or been prayed for faithfully each night by a sixteen-year old.

I would have missed out stargazing, water-hose tag, read-alouds,
dancing, birthday parties, and Christmas mornings full of joy.

If I hadn't been a Mom
I wouldn't have had the chance to fall in love with my husband
Time and time again as he kissed a tiny baby
Or danced with a little girl
Wrestled with little boys
Or took young ladies out on their first dates
And taught young men what it means to be a man.

If I hadn't been a Mom
I wouldn't have to read Amelia Bedelia or play "This Little Piggy"
numberless times
I wouldn't have to wipe crayon off the walls
Scrub Play-Doh out of the carpets
Or spot-treat countless little clothes.
I wouldn't find old diapers under my car seat,
Rocks in my washing machine,
Or my toothbrush on the floor behind the toilet.

I wouldn't have had to make last-minute searches for shoes,
Fix hundreds of ponytails,
Wipe thousands of noses,
Clip millions of fingernails.

I wouldn't have been drooled, thrown up, pooped and peed on.
I wouldn't have come to think of the bathroom as my private sanctuary
Or settled into the dentist's chair with a sigh of pleasure
At the prospect of thirty minutes of peace.

But if I hadn't been a Mom
I wouldn't have been given butterfly kisses
Or felt baby hands clasped around my neck.

I wouldn't have received love notes
With questionable spelling
But matchless expression.

I wouldn't have enjoyed wildflower bouquets
Or head rubs
Or been the object of so many radiant smiles.

I wouldn't have received
An encouraging word, a hug,
Or an act of service just when I needed it most.

I wouldn't have shared heart-to-heart talks
With aspiring young film-makers,
Computer experts, artists, writers, interior decorators,
Chefs, gardeners, singers, architects, ballerinas, engineers, inventors,
Explorers, horse-trainers, and future Daddies and Mommies.

I wouldn't have a front-row seat to the blossoming of future
And the pleasure of living with my very best friends.

If I hadn't been a Mom I wouldn't have heard a child cry "Mommy!"
If I hadn't been a Mom
I wouldn't have been challenged
To love Christ more,
Trust my Father more,
Listen to the Holy Spirit more,
Repent quickly,
Speak carefully,
Forgive graciously,
Give generously,
Be truer, braver, freer.
I might never have plumbed the depths of my own weakness
And found, at the bottom, the miracle of God's grace.

So for all you little girls—
Hold fast to your baby dolls and love them well.
And to you big girls
Standing on the edge of life's great adventure,
When you hear the lie, as you surely will,
That life is too short to be lived
Within four walls
Washing dishes,
Changing diapers,
Cleaning up messes,
Teaching ABCs,
And being the center of a whirlwind of noise and activity,
Don't pay it any mind.
Take it from someone who has gone before you
That, although whatever road God takes you down in life will be blessed,
There is no richer journey than the one you will find
If you are one day privileged
To be a Mom.

Jenny Hutchins, Mother of 10.


Painting: Evert Pieters (1856 – 1932, Dutch).

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HowWeRespondI talked to a friend recently who is going through a fiery trial. Heartache beyond compare. At one stage her daughter came to her sobbing, “Mother, what shall we do?”

She told me: “I said, ‘We will rejoice in the Lord. We will pray without ceasing. We will give thanks in the storm. We will forgive and love in the face of rejection. We’ll do all that God wants us to do.’”

Wow, what a positive answer. The opposite of giving in to despair and wallowing in self-pity. This dear woman is a woman of faith and has learned how to weather the storms.

Let’s be encouraged by her example. Instead of confessing our trials, let’s confess the truth that God is with us in the storm and He will bring us through.

Isaiah 43:2, 3 (NASB): “When you pass through the waters, I WILL BE WITH YOU; and through the rivers, THEY WILL NOT OVERFLOW YOU. When you walk through the fire, YOU WILL NOT BE SCORCHED, NOR WILL THE FLAME BURN YOU. For I am the LORD your God, the Holy One of Israel, Your Savior . . .”

Blessings from Nancy Campbell

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