FreedomWorshipDear readers, I am sure, like me, you find it hard to grapple with what is happening in our nation. We could never have dreamed that in free America many governors are continuing to try and shut down churches. Governor Newsom in California has banned singing in church. This is preposterous! It’s what we do as the people of God. We sing! We worship! And to stop doing so is to disobey God. If we don’t worship, the rocks will cry out! We cannot obey extreme socialist governors and disobey God.

Praise the Lord, there is now a petition you can sign to stand up for your freedom to worship God. I think we should all sign it, don’t you? Of course, we know that our greatest weapon is to pray. “If my people . . . “ Yes, God has promised that “IF MY PEOPLE, which are called by my name shall humble themselves and pray and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will HEAL their land.”

Let’s humble ourselves and pray. Let’s seek God with all our heats. Let’s turn from every wicked and worldly way. And let’s stand up for truth—sign petitions, speak out the truth, and stand for our God-given freedoms.

We have God’s Word on our side, and we have the Constitution of this great nation on our side:
“The Frist Amendment (Amendment) to the United States Constitution PREVENTS (my capitals) the government for making laws which  regulate an establishment of religion, prohibit the free exercise of religion, or abridge the freedom of speech, the freedom of the press, the RIGHT TO PEACEABLY ASSEMBLE, or the right to petition the government for redress of grievances.”

We also need to be reminded of the ruling of the US Supreme Court shortly after the Civil War which still stands today: “Neither the legislature nor any executive or judicial officer may disregard the provisions of the constitution in case of emergency . . .

“Section 98 therefore, ANYONE who declares the suspension of CONSTITUTIONALLY GUARANTEED RIGHTS (to freely travel, PEACEFULLY ASSEMBLY,
earn a living, freely worship, etc.) and or attempts to enforce such suspension within 50 independent sovereign continental United States of America is making war against our constitution(s) and therefore, we the people. They violate their constitutional oath and, thus, immediately forfeit their office and authority and their proclamations may be disregarded with impunity and that means ANYONE, even the governor and President.

It’s time for the church to rise up with one voice and tell our government leaders and the rulers of big tech that we refuse to be silenced!

Do you want your freedom to sing in church? Click to sign:…

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BlessingElderlyOne of our Above Readers, Paula Smith writes:

My girls and I have really enjoyed listening to your podcasts while doing jobs around the house. You mentioned the other day on one of them about using our gifts to bless people.

This is something we started when my mom's health began to go downhill. I would call her during our daily prayer/praise time in the morning. A few times a week we would sing one song, the children would say they loved her, and then we'd sign off.

After she died, we started calling their other three grandmothers this way. My dad's current wife asked if we would call a good friend of hers who has been self-quarantined for more than three months due to her health.

I wish I would have started this much sooner. It just takes a little more time, but the feedback that we have gotten has been very positive and we feel much more connected to our family far away. They don't expect us to be polished since we are not performing for them, but rather inviting them to sing with us, even if only in their hearts.

I think that sometimes we homeschooling mamas feel a strong desire to minister beyond our homes and I see this as a way to do this without neglecting our primary calling.

I just thought I'd share since there might be other families who want to try it. I know that there are so many lonely older people out there who would be greatly blessed.

Love from Paula Smith * This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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BigVisionHave you read about Jonathan Edwards (1703-1758)? He was known as one of the greatest preachers and theologians in American history and was involved in the revival known as the Great Awakening. He married Sarah Edwards when she was 17 years and they had 11 children. Not only did this couple influence the nation through their lives and Jonathan’s preaching, but they influenced the nation through their children and continuing descendants.

Let’s peek at the family of Jonathan and Sarah Edwards. In 1900, A. Winship tracked down 1400 descendants of this family. By 1900 this godly marriage had produced . . .

13 college presidents
65 professors
100 lawyers and a dean of an outstanding law school
30 judges
60 doctors and a dean of a medical school
80 holders of public office including:
3 United States Senators
3 Mayors of large cities
3 State governors
Third Vice President of the United States, Aaron Burr
Controller of the United States Treasury.

Members of the family wrote 135 books and edited 18 journals and periodicals. They entered the ministry in platoons and sent 100 missionaries overseas as well as stocking many mission boards with lay trustees. They directed banks, insurance companies, owned coalmines, iron plants and vast oil interests.

Winship states: “There is scarcely any great American industry that has not had one of this family among its chief promoters.”

Because of the responsibilities of Jonathan Edwards' ministry, Winship goes on to say: “Much of the capacity and talent, intensity and character of the Edwards family is due to Mrs. Sarah Edwards.” The influence of one godly mother has continued down through the generations to affect the destiny of the world.

In contrast to the Edwards family, 1200 of the Jukes' family were tracked down. They originated with one immigrant who settled in upstate New York in 1720 and produced a tribe of “idleness, ignorance, and vulgarity.” Only 20 of the 1200 Jukes' ever had any gainful employment and all the others were criminals or lived on state aid.

How are you influencing future generations?

Blessings from Nancy Campbell

P.S. Wouldn't it have been nice if they had smiled for pictures back in those days?

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ChangePeoplesLivesYes, you can change people’s lives every time you open your mouth!

Have you thought much about salutations? They have power to affect people’s lives. What do you say when you greet your husband each morning? I am sure you start with the wonderful words, “I love you.”

And what about your children? When you go out to the breakfast table, do you greet them with positive and loving words?
“Good morning, my most amazing and incredible children.”
“Good morning children. I love being your mother!”
“Good morning to my mighty world changers.”

And what about the people you meet? Paul wrote to the Colossian believers: “To the saints and faithful brethren in Christ. . . Grace be unto you, and peace, from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ” (Colossians 1:2). Do you notice that he called them “saints” and “faithful”? The word “saints” is “hagios” and means “holy, set apart, sanctified, consecrated, and pure.” He greeted them with the positive words: “holy and faithful.”

Why don’t we try to encourage people when we meet them? How lovely to greet friends in a way that will uplift their souls:
“So great to see you today, dear faithful friend. How are you?”
“What a joy to see your smiling face. You light up my day.”
“What a joy to see you. May you be blessed today.”
“I’m blessed every time I meet you.”

Change someone’s life every time you open your mouth.

Be encouraged and blessed,

Nancy Campbell

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At last I am back with you on Facebook and here is my post for you today. May you be blessed.

When God blesses you with a precious little baby, He gives you a very special gift from His heart. A gift that is eternal. Designed and planned by God. He knew this baby before time began. And when God gives you this precious life, He doesn’t give it to you to give to someone else to care for. He gives this child to you. You are the blessed one.

Therefore, as you nurse your sweet baby, love on your little one, and mother and train the other children God has given you, you are in the perfect will of God! You are doing what God intended you to do. And remember the wonderful promise in 1 John 2:17: “He that doeth the will of God abideth forever.”

What attitude should you have to fulfil the perfect will of God? We read the attitude of Jesus in Psalm 40:8: “I DELIGHT to do thy will, O my God.”

Are you delighting in your motherhood? We decide what attitude we will have each day. We can choose to delight in our mothering. To embrace it with all out hearts. To praise God even on the challenging and difficult days. Or we can give in to self-pity and complaining. What does that do? It changes everything into drudgery!

Does someone who serves God in a foreign country and suffers hardship for the name of Christ become disillusioned and grumble about their difficulties? No. They embrace it all with joy because they are serving God. They know they are walking in God’s will.

The perfect will of God is not always the easiest path, but it is the eternal one. The greatest one. The only one. And it brings into joy (Psalm 113:9 and Hebrews 12:2).

Which will you choose today?

Love from Nancy Campbell


Artist: John Fernandes, India, 1951 - 2007.

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CreateHolyHomeYesterday we talked about how God loves to be at the very heart of our lives and what we are doing. Deuteronomy 23:14 tells us how God wanted to move around the camp of Israel, watching over them and delivering them. He wants to move around our homes too and in every room..

But that's not the end of the Scripture. It goes on to say: "Therefore shall thy camp be holy: that he see no unclean thing in thee, and turn away from thee."

God longs to be in our midst, but He dwells in holiness. Therefore, He wants us to make a holy home. He doesn't want to see anything unclean or shameful. The word "unclean" actually means "nudity, nakedness, the genitals, shame, disgrace, uncleanness." This Scripture reveals that even in the home we should be careful as parents, and also teach our children, not to expose private parts. Some families can be too free in this area. In establishing a godly home we must keep to God's ways if we don't want Him to turn away from us (Leviticus 18).

We establish holiness first in our own lives and then it works out in our homes. 1 Corinthians 3:16, 17 says: "Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you? If any man defile the temple of God, him shall God destroy; for the temple of God is holy, which temple ye are." These are strong words, aren't they? And they are New Testament!

The word temple is "naos" and literally means the "Holy of Holies." It was in the Holy of Holies where God dwelt in all His shekinah glory. There is no longer a temple in Jerusalem but now God wants to dwell our mortal bodies. He wants us to become His Holy of Holies. This is truth. Can you take it in? It's revolutionary. These same words are spoken again 1 in 1 Corinthians 6:19, 20 and 2 Corinthians 6:16.

In fact 2 Corinthians 6:16 repeats the truth of our Scripture in Deuteronomy 23:14. It says: "Ye are the temple of the living God; as God hath said, I will dwell in them, AND WALK IN THEM; and I will be their God, and they shall be my people."

Dear friend, you are God's Holy of Holies where He wants to dwell. Let's seek to make this truth reality in our lives. And as we do, we will make our homes into a Holy of Holies.

The greatest blessing of this nation is godly and holy homes whose foundation is in God's living Word. Is your home filled with a holy atmosphere or a worldly atmosphere?

Be blessed today,

Nancy Campbell

Painting: Joseph Clark *(1834 - 1926) English

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GodLoveComeHomeGod is a dwelling God. He is not a God who is afar off. He loves to come near to us. In fact, did you know that He loves to get right in the middle of everything? He wants to come right into the center of your kitchen where you are cooking, cleaning up, and caring for all the little ones who need you at once.

I love the words God speaks to the children of Israel in the wilderness: "For the LORD your God walks about in the middle of your camp to deliver you and defeat your enemies for you" (Deuteronomy 23;14). The Hebrew word "in the middle" means" the nearest part, the center, the interior." It is used to describe the intestines because it is the inner part. God uses the word when speaking of creating a person's spirit. God "formeth the spirit of man within him" (Zechariah 12:1) So we see that God doesn't want to be on the outskirts of your home but right inside where everything is happening.

Isn't that so wonderful? You need Him so much. But you need not despair, because He is right near you, waiting for you to call out to Him. He has promised to be near to those who call out to Him (Psalm 145:18). He is waiting and watching to deliver you. He will help you defeat your enemies. He is a "very present" help in your trouble (Psalm 46:1).

Thank Him for His presence with you. Thank Him that He is with you as you nurse your baby, as you change diapers, as you clean and care for your children. It will make all the difference as you acknowledge His presence.

Blessings from Nancy Campbell

Picture attributes: Unknown

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NothingMoreContraryWe are living in an entitlement society where many people want everything for nothing, especially young people who are currently educated in our colleges and universities. They are consistently brainwashed in extreme socialism where they think they should get everything free without working for it. They want free education, free housing, free health care etc. They don’t even use their brains to think where the money would come from.

I believe we should live with an attitude of expectation that God is going to do good things. That’s the meaning of hope and hope is a biblical attitude. But when things cost money, we should always be prepared to pay our share of it. This is a biblical principle .

When the children of Israel passed through the land of Seir, God told them to make sure they paid for anything they ate or drank.

Deuteronomy 2:6: “Ye shall buy meat of them for money, that ye may eat; and ye shall also buy water of them for money, that ye may drink.”

The same happened when they passed through the land of the Moabites. When they came to the land of Sihon, Moses told King Heshbon: “Thou shalt sell me meat for money, that I may eat, and give me water for money that I may drink” (Deuteronomy 2:28). They were ready to take responsibility for what they used.

God gives us a biblical principle for everything in life. We should always seek to pay for what we need, for what we eat and drank, and for what we use. If we break something that belongs to someone else, we should replace it. If we lose something that belongs to someone else, we should replace it. If we are invited to eat with a family for dinner, we should bring something toward the meal.

I am always challenged by the example of David when he wanted to purchase the threshing floor of Aruunah in order to build an altar to the Lord. Araunah offered it freely to David: “Take the threshing floor. And look, here are oxen for you to use. And here are the threshing instruments. Use them all freely.”

What did David answer? “I will surely buy it of thee AT A PRICE: neither will I offer burnt offerings unto the LORD my God of that WHICH DOES COST ME NOTHING. So David bought the threshing floor and the oxen for fifty shekels of silver” (2 Samuel 24:21-24).

Let’s not be those who take everything for granted. Away with entitlement mentality.

Blessings to you today from Nancy Campbell

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ChildLovebabiesHayley Miller writes:
“Aren't siblings the best? This is my oldest (9) with our fifth (4 months). He is always coming to me with suggestions for the next baby's name . . . and I'm not even pregnant!

“Our children have always been excited about a new baby! I have to shoo them away from the two youngest because they all come charging in excitedly as soon as they wake up! Isn't it a shame when our modern culture influences children away from their natural inclination to love babies and see them as a blessing? Right now my three oldest are playing a board game together.

“If I could go back, I only wish we hadn't prevented pregnancy at all during our marriage. I hope we have many more! As many as God wills to give, I want to receive! Why wouldn't we want more of a good thing? :-) It is a challenge (a great one!) but the blessings are far greater!”

~ Hayley * This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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BiggestJobHave you heard this story? Many, many years ago when China was open to the Gospel, a missionary worked hard to spread the Good News of Jesus Christ. The Standard Oil Company was impressed with the way he worked and offered him good money to develop a branch of their company in China.

He turned them down!

The company was shocked. They doubled their money. He could live a life of luxury.

The missionary turned them down again!

The company was puzzled. “We can’t offer you any more money,” they said. “But what else can we do to entice you?”

What was his reply? "The money's not too small; the job is!"

This missionary was working for an eternal reward.

Dear mother, you are doing the same. Motherhood is an eternal career. As you embrace your motherhood and train and nurture your children in a godly manner you are preparing them for eternity. Motherhood surpasses any other career, no matter how much you are paid. That money will never be worth the time you give up on spending time with your children.

Blessings from Nancy Campbell


Art by Annet Loginova

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Are you blessed?

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LackFriendshipIs your husband your best friend? #marriage #ilovemarriage #marriageisgodsidea #aboverubies

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YourPathGloryGod’s ways are usually opposite to our way of thinking. To save our life we think we must cater to all our needs, pamper to our flesh, and have our own way. But God says we’ll save our life by losing it! That’s certainly the opposite to our way, isn’t it?

Jesus said in Mark 8:35: “For whosoever will save his life shall lose it; but whosoever shall lose his life for my sake and the gospel’s, the same shall save it.” This Scripture has always been the greatest challenge of my life. It was the greatest test in my mothering. But I learned over the years that God’s way is right. It’s the best way. The only way. When we try to save ourselves, we lose. When we try to find out who we are by catering to our own needs, we become confused.

The way to abundant life is losing your own life by pouring it out for others. Jesus takes the challenge even further when He said in John 12:24, 25: “Truly, truly, I say unto you, Except a corn of wheat fall into the ground and die, it abideth alone: but if it die, it bringeth forth much fruit. He that loveth his life shall lose it; and he that hateth his life in this world shall keep it unto life eternal.”

I love the lines from Elisabeth Elliot in her book “Love Has a Price Tag” where she writes: “The routines of housework and mothering may be seen as a kind of death, and it is appropriate that they should be, for they offer the chance, day after day, to lay down one’s life for others. Then they are no longer routines. By being done with love and offered up to God with praise, they are thereby hallowed as the vessels of the tabernacle were hallowed. A mother’s part in sustaining the life of her children and making it pleasant and comfortable is no triviality. It calls for self-sacrifice and humility, but it is the route, as was the humiliation of Jesus, to glory.”

In other words, it is the path to GLORY. Check out these Scriptures too: 2 Corinthians 4:16-18; Philippians 2:5-11; and 1 Peter 1:7, 11.

Have a beautiful day,

Nancy Campbell

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BeStrongCourageousLife is not a vacation. We are in a battle between the kingdom of God and the kingdom of darkness. We face challenges and battles each day in our daily lives. Praise God, He doesn’t leave us weaponless. He gives us many weapons to face the enemy.

We have our sword which is the Word of God, the same weapon Jesus used to defeat Satan (Matthew 4:1-11 and Ephesians 6:17).

We have the power of prayer that can annihilate hundreds and thousands of enemies (Leviticus 26:7, 8 and Ephesians 6:18).

We have the power of the blood and the name of Jesus from which the devil flees (Revelation 12:11).

But do we use our weapons? Psalm 78:9 tell us about the Ephaimites who “being armed, and carrying bows, turned back in the day of battle.” Isn’t that amazing? They had their armor on and their weapons with them, but they didn’t use them. They weren’t skilled and practice and therefore they were fearful when facing the battle.

We’ve got to get familiar with our weapons. They’ve got to become part of us. Remember when King Saul gave David his own armor and a sword? When David tried to walk, he was not comfortable because he hadn’t proved them, and took them off (1 Samuel 17:38, 39).

If we are not familiar with our weapons, we won’t be ready to use them when the need arises.


We have a responsibility to daily fill them with God’s Word. God’s powerful words must get into their mouths (Isaiah 59:21). Let’s teach them how to pray. The way we do this is pray! Never let a day go by, morning and evening, without praying together with your children. Teach them the power of the blood of Jesus and how to use the name of Jesus against the enemy (James 4:7 and 1 John 3:8).

By the time your children leave home and go out into this world they should be so proficient at using their armor that they are ready for any battle they face, which of course they will face. Our military don’t go into battle until they are proficient with their weapons! We, and our children, must also become skilled.

Let’s be “warfare ready” families in this hour.

Be encouraged.

Nancy Campbell


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Family isFirstI believe it is time to strengthen our marriages, homes, and families

Isaiah 54:2 states: “Enlarge the place of thy tent, and let them stretch forth the curtains of thine habitations: spare not, lengthen thy cords, and STRENGTHEN thy stakes.”

Our precious young people live in a society where they are surrounded by deception, evil, and violence on TV, social media, and ow even in the streets of our cities. Broken homes are normal. Divorce is a way of life and yet divorce destroys the lives of children.

It’s not what God planned. He plans for children to live in a home with a father and mother who love one another and who are committed to strengthen and build their family together. This assignment is more important than anything else they do in in life.

All the government programs, and even church programs, are only crutches. They are not the real thing. The real thing is stable family life with a father and mother who are committed to their family—even before their careers and every project they do in life.

The word “strengthen” in this Scripture is “chazaq” and means: “to be bound fast, to be attached, to make firm, to cleave, to be constant, to support, to preserve, to hold fast, and to strengthen.” It means to make your roots deep.

The HCSB translates it: “Drive your pegs deep.”

The NET says: “Pound your stakes deep.” This is what we must do with our marriage and family life. We’ve got to dig in deep.

Why don’t you try to do at least one thing each day to strengthen your marriage and your home life? Establish family togetherness at your meal table. Think of special things you can do as a family in the evenings at home. Don’t always be rushing out. Make your home life rich and exciting.

That’s what you call building. We either build into our marriage and home or we pull it down. Proverbs 14:1 says: “Every wise woman buildeth her house: but the foolish plucketh it down with her hands.”

Are you building into your marriage and home today?

Nancy Campbell

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MomBabypicMother and baby picture:
“The true essence of motherhood is the revelation of God’s maternal heart to the world.”
~ Nancy Campbell

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DidYouKnowDid you know that the Bible likens marriage to a resting place? Does that really sound possible? Two times the story of Ruth, Naomi talks about marriage as a place of rest.

Firstly, in Ruth 1:9 (NET) she says to both her daughters-in-law: “May the LORD enable each of you to find security in the home of a new husband!” The King James Bible says “that ye may find rest.”

The word rest is “menuchah” and means “repose, peaceful, consolation, an abode, quiet, comfort, refreshment, a resting place, and specifically matrimony.” It’s the same word that is used in Psalm 23:2 where our Good Shepherd leads us beside the “still waters.”

Then again, in Ruth 3:1 Naomi speaks to Ruth who came back with her to Judah: “My daughter, shall I not seek rest for thee, that it may be well with thee?” The GNB translation says: “I must find a husband for you, so that you will have a home of your own.” Naomi was concerned to find a husband for Ruth.

This time the Hebrew word is “manoach,” with a very similar meaning, “a settled spot, a home, a place of rest.”

Sadly, this is not always the picture of marriage relationships. Yet this is what God intends. Marriage provides security ,stability, provision, and a resting place to fulfil our God-given career of mothering and nurturing. It is difficult for single moms to cope with providing for their children and nurturing and making a home at the same time. There are many who find themselves in this position through no fault of their own and they need much encouragement and help.

But God intends the home to have a husband and a wife. When a husband knows his mandate from God to provide for his wife and family and to protect and guard them, a wife can live in quietness and rest. She can give herself to the work of managing her home and caring for her children.

Did you notice I said work? “But you are talking about rest” I hear you say. We can work hard and yet be in rest. To live in rest doesn’t mean that we sit around all day. I remember a very busy man of God who would end his correspondence, “Restfully busy.” When you are working hard and busy in your home, think of being “restfully busy.”

I believe that rest is a
state of rest in our soul,
peace with God,
free from the worries of providing for the family, and
basking in the joy of mothering and homemaking.
This is God’s glorious plan.

And this is why marriage is referred to as a resting place. Of course, Satan tries to disrupt the rest that God intends. He wants to destroy every plan of God. Therefore, we must always be on the lookout for his insidious ways. We must watch that we don’t take on too many other things outside the home. We must guard against tension and evil creeping into the home We must resist all rebellions and selfish attitudes. And especially bitterness and hardness of heart.

Marriage is all to do with our attitudes and we can choose which attitude we will take. It’s easy to take the negative one, not so easy to take the godly attitude, but we can do it with God’s enabling.

Let’s seek to make our marriages and homes places of rest.

Have a wonderful day,

Nancy Campbell

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WhereURAn Above Rubies reader sent the following to me which she found on Facebook. It weas a blessing to her and I think it will bless you too.

Have you ever noticed how in the Scriptures men are always going up into the mountains to commune with the Lord?

Yet in the scriptures we hardly ever hear of women going to the mountains.
But we know why, right?

Because the women were too busy keeping life going;
they couldn’t abandon babies,
and a thousand responsibilities to make the climb into the mountains!

I was talking to a friend the other day, saying that as modern woman I feel like I’m never “free” enough from my responsibilities, never in a quiet enough space I want with God.

Her response floored me, “That is why God comes to women.
Men have to climb the mountain to meet God, but God comes to women where ever they are.”

I have been pondering on her words for weeks and have searched the Scriptures to see that what she said is true.
God does indeed come to women where they are,
when they are doing their ordinary, everyday work.

He meets them at the wells where they draw water for their families,
in their homes,
in their kitchens,
in their gardens.

He comes to them as they sit beside sickbeds,
as they give birth,
care for the elderly,
and perform necessary mourning and burial rites.

Even at the empty tomb, Mary was the first to witness Christ’s resurrection, She was there because she was doing the womanly chore of properly preparing Christ’s body for burial.

In these seemingly mundane and ordinary tasks, these women of the Scriptures found themselves face to face with divinity.

So if, like me, you ever start to bemoan the fact that you don’t have as much time to spend in the mountains with God as you would like, remember, God comes to women.

He knows where we are and the burdens we carry.
He sees us, and if we open our eyes and our hearts, we will see Him,
even in the most ordinary places and in the most ordinary things.


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WhereUWorkingThere are many twins in the Bible? Have you noticed them? I love to look out for them—grace and truth, peace and righteousness, faith and love, resting and working, etc. Although God talks about living in His rest, we must also work. We don’t work for our salvation. We only receive salvation by God’s grace. But God has also created us for “good works” (Ephesians 2:10).

In 1 John 3:8 it says: “For this purpose the Son of God was manifested that he might destroy the works of the devil.” The “works” of the devil? Yes, the devil works. It’s the same word that’s used in Titus 2:5 where we are exhorted to be “keepers at home.” Many versions of the Bible translate this Scripture as “workers at home.” It comes from two Greek words: “ergon” which means “to work” and “oikos” which means “home.” This literally means “WORKERS at HOME.”

The challenge to us is that if we do not work to guard our home and family, the devil will outdo us with his works. If mothers would rather work outside their home than in their home, they give room for the devil to work in their home behind their backs! This is one of the reasons the devil woos women out of the home. He can then get his hands upon the minds and hearts of our precious children. If mothers are not protecting, guiding, teaching, and nurturing their children in the home, who is? Who is that person? Are they godly? Are they righteous? Are they anointed from God for the task? Are they teaching our children the truth?

We must work to keep our home a place of love, joy, delight, and holiness—and truth! It takes work to keep deception out of your home. The enemy always looks for a foothold where he can get in.

Keep working dear mother. Don’t let up. Don’t let the devil work havoc in your marriage and children while you are busy with other things.

One of the greatest ways we destroy the “works of the devil” is through fervent prayer. How much are you praying for your children? Your home? Future generations?

Keep the devil at bay from your marriage and home.

Be blessed today,

Nancy Campbell

Painting: Pierre Edouard Frere (1819 – 1886 French).

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RUThereWe often say that “Heaven is my home.” Why is Heaven home? Because God is there. Would it be Heaven if God was not there? Not at all.

What about our homes? The presence of God makes home feel like home. And the mother in the home makes a home. Is there any joy walking into a home when no one is in the home? It’s cold and boring.

It’s people who make home. Mother and father and brothers and sisters. I remember as a child coming home from school. Arriving home my mother would be there, either in the kitchen or in her sewing room. I would say Hi, throw my bag in my room, and run out the door to play with my friends. I was happy and carefree. I felt secure because mother was at home.

However, on some occasions, I arrived home to find no one at home. My mother was late home from shopping. Instead of running out the door to play with my friends, I moped around the house. Something was wrong. I didn’t feel the same freedom to run out and play.

The security that comes from knowing mother is there is powerful. One of the names of God is Jehovah Shammah which means “God is there.” To know that God is always available is so steadying to our lives. In the same way, we as mothers show to our children a wonderful characteristic of God when we are “there” for our children. We show them what God is like.

To be “there” in the heart of the home reveals a little of what Heaven is like because Heaven is only Heaven because God is there. And home is only home because YOU are there, dear mother.

You are not wasting your life when you are in your home and available for your children. You show to them a God-like character which brings great stability to their lives.

Be blessed today,

Nancy Campbell


Painting: "Family Traditions" -- by Mark Arian (b.1947, American)

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