YourRestfulhomeGod is the creator of the home and it is meant to be the most beautiful place on earth. It is meant to be a replica of God's home in heaven. Jesus asked us to pray: "Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven" (Matthew 5:10).

Of course, everything that God designed the devil hates and seeks to destroy. He wants to steal from us every lovely thing God intends for us. God woos us into the home which He designed for them and where we find true rest and joy; the devil woos women out of the home and into a life of deception.

Our God is a dwelling God who loves to dwell. He dwells in His home in heaven. He dwelt amongst His people in the tabernacle and later in the temple in Jerusalem. He dwells in our hearts. He loves to bring His presence to our homes. And He will dwell with us for all eternity (Revelation 21:3).

He also wants us to be a dwelling people. The word "dwell" occurs 468 times in the Bible, translated by many different words. I found 26 different Hebrew words for the word "dwell" and five more that speak of temporary dwelling.

Every Hebrew word gives a beautiful description of dwelling in our homes. Let me tell you about one for today. The word "mnuwchah" means "matrimony, repose, consolation, an abode, comfortable, quiet, resting place." Although it means to dwell in a home, did you notice that it also includes matrimony? When we marry, we make a home-a place of comfort and consolation, a repose, a resting place for God, ourselves, and our children.

Here are a few Scriptures where it is used:
"My people shall dwell . . . in quiet resting places (mnuwchah)" (Isaiah 32:18).

"The ark of the covenant of the LORD went before them in the three days' journey, to search out a resting place (mnuwchah) for them" (Numbers 10:33). God intends our homes to be resting places. He loves to call them resting places.

"He maketh me to lie down in green pastures, he leadeth me beside still (mnuwchah) waters" (Psalm 23:2).

"The LORD grant you that you may find rest (mnuwhchah), each of you in the house of her husband" (Ruth 1:9. It was expected that they would find rest in a marriage and home.

God Himself speaks and says: "This is my rest (mnuwhchah) forever; here will I dwell; for I have desired it" (Psalm 132:14). God desires to live in rest. He wants to rest in our homes. He wants to rest in our hearts.

As you think about all you need to accomplish, can I draw your heart back to your home? God wants to do beautiful things in your home. Powerful things. World-changing things. Great things can come out of a home that is filled with God--filled with His rest, His peace, and His joy.


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