Above Rubies Daily Encouragement Blogs
Through the weekly and daily devotionals you can be constantly encouraged in your great role of parenting, the highest career in the nation. You can also stay updated on what's happening with the Above Rubies ministry.

These Scriptures are very specific about what we are to teach—to love their husbands and to submit to their husbands, to love their children, to be keepers at home, to be self-controlled, kind, and pure. It’s all to do with the home.
The sad thing is, that once their children have grown, many mothers move on to other things and other careers, forgetting that it’s not time to give up motherhood. It’s time to extend and enlarge our motherhood.
Now that the new Above Rubies is arriving to women, I often receive emails from woman who say: “Thank you so much for encouraging me in motherhood over the years, but now my children have grown, and I no longer need it.”
My heart grieves because we older mothers still need the message of Above Rubies (which is the message of Titus 2) as much as ever. If we don’t continue to walk in the truth of this message and continue teaching it to the younger generation, we fail our mandate from God. And we older mothers constantly need refresher courses. I am now in the great-grandmothering stage and yet I am still learning more about God’s ways for marriage and motherhood. There is always more to learn. And if we don’t keep learning, how can we teach the younger generations?
Do these mothers not care about the younger generation of mothers? And what about their own children? That’s an even greater responsibility, to teach and train them in God’s plan for marriage and the home.
But God’s word is even more definite. It goes on to say that if we older mothers do not fulfill our mandate that we blaspheme God’s Word. Oh wow. That’s a strong word, isn’t it? It’s not mine, it’s God’s.
Some other translations of the Bible use the words: slander, revile, malign, insult, dishonor, disgrace, discredit, bring shame, disrepute, reproach and shame. All powerful words too.
Oh for a powerful army of older women to rise up to show the way for the next generation.
Blessings from Nancy Campbell