LikeALionGod gives mothers an anointing of strength and gentleness. These attributes come from God himself, for we are made in His image and likeness. We see a picture of this in Isaiah 40:10-11: “Behold, the Lord God will come with strong hand, and his arm shall rule for him . . . He shall feed his flock like a shepherd: he shall gather the lambs with his arm, and carry them in his bosom, and shall gently lead those that are with young.” God comes to rule with strength and might but He also comes as the personal and tender shepherd who holds the lambs close to His heart.

Tenderly shepherd your little flock day. Speak gently to them. Keep them close to your heart. But, also take authority over all disobedience and rebellion. The shepherdess must have sheep that listen to her voice and are obedient to her. Guard your flock from the enemy who wants to steal their souls.

God chose David to be king of Israel because he had a shepherd’s heart (Psalm 78:70-72). He loved his flock and fiercely protected them, sacrificing his life to kill lions and bears that tried to attack them. Such was his courage that he would take a ferocious lion by its beard and rescue his lamb from its mouth (I Samuel 17:34-36).

You are a tender mother. But also be prepared for the times when you have to rise up like a lion to protect your children from the enemy.

You are their defender.

Be encouraged.

Nancy Campbell

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MyPurposeMy purpose as a wife and mother is to:

P Passionately love my husband and minister to his needs.
U Unflinchingly keep my eyes upon the goal of raising a godly generation.
R Resist all temptation to come down from my high calling (Nehemiah 6:3). .
P Persevere in building my marriage and home in the face of all obstacles.
O Order my home with diligence.
S Saturate my children with God’s Word and loads of encouragement.
E Embrace my life-giving role of mothering and nurturing.

Have a wonderful day,

Nancy Campbell

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DisciplineChildrenUndisciplined and disobedient children bring sorrow to their mothers; disciplined and obedient children bring delight to their parents and everyone else they meet.

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NationBuilder2Can I remind you today to make every decision in the light of building your marriage and your home? Ask yourself, “Is what I am doing, or what I plan to do going to fragment my home or build and strengthen it? Do the words I speak to my husband strengthening my marriage? Do the words I say to my children building them up?

In this hour of the weakening of families, we must make every decision in this light. The decisions we make not only build or pluck down our family life now, but also future generations.

You as a wife and mother have power to affect this nation. You can strengthen this nation and turn it more toward God as you strengthen your marriage and your family life. The decisions to build can sometimes be sacrificial, but they bring great fruitfulness. The decisions to take the easy or selfish route may seem fine for now, but in the end they wreck havoc on the family.

Think not only of the now, but of the future. Be a nation builder today.

Blessings to you today,

Nancy Campbell

P.S. Painting by Tom Browning

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UnbelievableIt’s amazing! It’s too much to comprehend. The Bible tells us in 1 Corinthians 3:16; 6:19; 2 Corinthians 6:14-18; and Colossians 17 and many other Scriptures that God has chosen us to be the dwelling place of His presence.

When the children of Israel wandered through the desert, God lived and walked with them, dwelling in the Holy of Holies in the tabernacle. Later when the temple was built, God dwelt in the Holy of Holies in the temple. But there came a day when the thick curtain between the Holy Place and the Holy of Holies was torn from the top to the bottom. God was no longer hidden. Because of the death of Jesus Christ upon the cross to atone for our sins, He now dwells in His personally by the power of His Holy Spirit.

When God tells us that our bodies are now “the temple of the Holy Spirit” the word used for “temple” is the Greek word “naos.” That’s the word that was used for the Holy of Holies where God dwelt in His Shekinah glory. God now uses that word for us! Can you take it in? Surely this changes the way we live and act! And every moment in our homes.

But there’s even more. Psalm 74:7 calls the tabernacle of God’s presence “the dwelling place of thy name.” God is His name and all His name represents. His name is powerful, mighty, and awesome. His name is “goodness, merciful, gracious, longsuffering, truth, and forgiveness” (Exodus 33:19; 34:6,7) and the continuing revelation of His name all throughout the Scriptures. The more we understand of His name, the more we are awed at who He is. And yet this is the One who wants to dwell in us.

We read in Psalm 74:7 that the enemies of God defiled the “dwelling place of thy name” (by burning it with fire and casting it down to the ground). The word “defiled” means “to profane, to defile (originally referring to sexual defilement), to desecrate something which is holy.” The enemy of our souls tries to tempt us to defile our bodies in order to defame the name of God, but because we are bearers of His glory and His name, we seek after purity and righteousness.

Our God is a dwelling God. He not only wants to indwell our bodies, but our homes. He wants to fill them with His presence and all that His name represents. May our bodies and our homes be worthy of His presence.

Be blessed today,

Nancy Campbell

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election16Today, Americans will vote in the Republican primaries in the states of Hawaii, Idaho, Michigan, and Mississippi.

Are you an intercessor? Is your family a praying family? Please pray for these states and that people will vote righteously and seriously today. Pray that all hype and deception will be exposed to voters and that they will vote for a godly man who loves God, loves the Word of God, loves family, loves life, loves Israel, and loves the constitution.

Did you know that Ted Cruz learned the constitution by heart as a young teen. He was able to recite it by heart and write it by heart. At that age he became passionate for the constitution and has never lost that passion.

With the possibility of the next president appointing up to three or four more Supreme Court Judges, we must vote in a man who would appoint judges who will not deviate from, but stand strong with the constitution of this country.

~ Nancy

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TwoBetterAt the last Above Rubies Retreat in Olympia, Washington, I read to the ladies the following lines about marriage. Some asked if I would post it on Facebook so they could copy and keep it. Here it is for you:

--A Formidable Force

One man, one woman,
Fused into one.
God's plan! Is there a better?
There is none.

One body, one flesh--
One purpose, one vision--
One soul, one spirit--

What is the foundation?
Praying together daily--
High priority!
Reading God's Word together daily--
Paramount for success.

What does it take?
Sacrificial love.
Yieldedness and submission.
No longer "me" but "you."
Laying down my life.
Delighting to serve.
Sticking together through thick and thin.

What is the fruit?
A union that cannot be broken.
A union that survives the storms of life.
A union that forges a path for God in this world.
A union that builds a godly generation
for now and generations to come.

What is the power?
A God-fearing family who are
formidable to the enemy!

~ Nancy Campbell

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WorthyLambFrom the beginning of the Bible we read of lambs being slain and the blood poured out to atone for sin. The Bible says that without the shedding of blood there is no remission for sin( Hebrews 9:22). God ordained the daily morning and evening sacrifice of the lamb and the blood was sprinkled upon the altar. Every sacrifice pointed to the Lamb of God, the Lord Jesus Christ, who died and shed His precious, spotless blood for our sins. No longer do lambs have to be killed every morning and evening. Hebrews 10:10 tells us that Jesus Christ was slain for our sins “once for all.”

Just as every sacrifice pointed to Christ, now we look back to His sacrifice for us. And personally, I do not want to forget. That’s why, when each of us pray at our Family Devotions every morning and evening, I like to thank My Savior for His sacrificial death upon the cross for my sins. If every morning and evening sacrifice pointed to Christ, surely the least I can do is to gratefully thank and worship Him every morning and evening for His eternal salvation. We are not mandated to do this, but it is my personal conviction.

We know that Jesus was “The Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world” (John 1:29). But we often forget that He was the Lamb of God before the foundation of the world (1 Peter 1:18-20 and Revelation 13:8). But more. He will always be the Lamb. Throughout all eternity. In the book of Revelation John reveals many pictures of the Lamb.

I love Revelation 7:17: “For the Lamb which is in the midst of the throne shall feed them, and shall lead them unto living fountains of waters: and God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes.” Even in the eternal realm it is the Lamb of God who leads us into blessings which our eyes and ears cannot even imagine. We will not even need the sun or moon because “the Lamb is the light thereof” (Revelation 21:23).

Let’s daily give to the Lamb the honor that is due to Him, for He was the Lamb from the foundation of the world and will be Lamb forever and ever. What a privilege to praise Him now. And of course, you will want to do this with your children each day. We, along with our families, must never take for granted the enormity of our salvation.

Blessings from Nancy Campbell

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HigherPlaneI was pricked in my conscience this morning as we read the Scriptures at our Family Devotions. 2 Corinthians 5: 7 says: “We walk by faith, not by sight.” Can we truly say these words?

How often we get in a state of turmoil if everything around us looks overwhelming or even impossible. What do we do when we don’t know where the next penny is coming from and we can’t pay the bills? When we can’t see what we want, or think we need, we panic. But we, as God’s children, are not to walk by what we see, but by faith.

I pray that God will raise me to a higher plane. May we all rise to a higher plane. Why live on the plane of doubts, fear, and despair when God wants us to come up to the plane of faith? I love the words of the hymn by Johnson Oatman, Jr.:

Lord, lift me up and let me stand,
By faith, on Heaven’s table land,
A higher plane than I have found;
Lord, plant my feet on higher ground.

My heart has no desire to stay
Where doubts arise and fears dismay;
Though some may dwell where those abound,
My prayer, my aim, is higher ground.

We are also encouraged in 2 Corinthians 4:17, 18: “For our light affliction, which is but for a moment, works for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory; while we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things are not seen: for the things which are seen are temporal; but the things which are not seen are eternal.”

Do you think we could seek to live by the truth of “what we cannot see” today? Try it for a day. When difficulties, afflictions, and problems arise, turn your eyes away from them and turn them on the Lord and the eternal perspective. Look at them with the eyes of faith. Look at how God sees them from the eternal point of view.

And remember, God is far bigger than your worries, your problems, and the biggest mountain you can face. He sees beyond what you see. As we look to the Lord and allow Him to have His way, our afflictions work for us a “FAR MORE EXCEEDING AND ETERNAL WEIGHT of glory.” Do you notice that God uses five adjectives to describe the eternal blessings we receive for a temporary affliction here on earth?

Be blessed today,

Nancy Campbell

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HowSaveLifeGod’s ways are usually opposite to our way of thinking. To save our life we think we must cater to all our needs, pamper to our flesh, and have our own way. But God says we’ll save our life by losing it! That’s certainly the opposite to our way, isn’t it?

Jesus said in Mark 8:35: “For whosoever will save his life shall lose it; but whosoever shall lose his life for my sake and the gospel’s, the same shall save it.” This Scripture has always been the greatest challenge of my life. It was the greatest test in my mothering. But I learned over the years that God’s way is right. It’s the best way. The only way. When we try to save ourselves we lose. When we try to find out who we are by catering to our needs, we become confused.

The way to abundant life is losing your own life by pouring it out for others. Jesus takes the challenge even further when He said in John 12:24, 25: “Truly, truly, I say unto you, Except a corn of wheat fall into the ground and die, it abideth alone: but if it die, it bringeth forth much fruit. He that loveth his life shall lose it; and he that hateth his life in this world shall keep it unto life eternal.”

I love the lines from Elisabeth Elliot in her book “Love Has a Price Tag” where she writes: “The routines of housework and mothering may be seen as a kind of death, and it is appropriate that they should be, for they offer the chance, day after day, to lay down one’s life for others. Then they are no longer routines. By being done with love and offered up to God with praise, they are thereby hallowed as the vessels of the tabernacle were hallowed. A mother’s part in sustaining the life of her children and making it pleasant and comfortable is no triviality. It calls for self-sacrifice and humility, but it is the route, as was the humiliation of Jesus, to glory.”

In other words, it is the path to glory. Check out these Scriptures too: 2 Corinthians 4:16-18; Philippians 2:5-9; and 1 Peter 1:7.

We get another glimpse of the life in which God delights when we read the description of the older women God wants the church to provide for and to bless: “She must have been the faithful wife of one husband. She must have a reputation for good works. She can only be enrolled, if she has brought up children, if she has practiced hospitality, if she has been prepared to render the most menial service to God’s people, if she has been in the habit of helping people in trouble, if good works of every kind have been the aim and object of her life” (1 Timothy 5:9, 10 William Barclay trans.).

As usual, I am challenged again. Are you?

Blessings from Nancy Campbell

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DefendNationHorace Greeley said these words, “It is impossible to mentally or socially enslave a Bible-reading people. The principles of the Bible are the groundwork of human freedom.” It is hard to believe that in this great land, “the land of the free,” that our freedoms are slowly eroding. Is it because we are no longer a people of the Book?

As I talk with Christian young people I find they are more familiar with the names of movies, actors, and singing stars than they are with God’s Word. In fact, many are not very familiar with God’s Word at all. Many don’t even know whether a certain Scripture comes from the Old Testament or the New!

Dear mother, we are accountable before God to fill our children with God’s Word. We must not only get it into their hearts, but into their mouths (Isaiah 59:21). How can God’s Word be their guiding light if they don’t know it? How can it become their world view if they don’t know it? How can it affect their lives to change them into the image of Christ if they don’t know it?

It won’t just happen. As mother we have the responsibility to make it happen (Proverbs 6:20-24).

John Quincy Adams (6th President of the United States) said, “So great is my veneration of the Bible that the earlier my children begin to read it the more confident will be my hope that they will prove useful citizens of their country and respectable members of society.”

As you impart the principles of God’s Word deep into the hearts of your children, you become a nation-impacting mother, defending the freedoms of your nation.

God bless you today,

Nancy Campbell

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BigDifferenceAll mothers love their children, but not all mothers love motherhood!

This above statement is the secret for liberating us into the fulfillment of motherhood. It is only when we receive the revelation that God created us for this task and that this is our highest destiny that we experience the power and anointing of motherhood. It is only when we embrace motherhood with all our hearts that we truly enjoy it. Even though we devotedly love our children, if we do not wholeheartedly accept the role of mothering, we will never understand the true glory of motherhood.

This is why many mothers are frustrated with their mothering role. They spend years training for careers and find motherhood a threat to their career. Of course they love their children, but the actual function of motherhood is a hindrance to their plans. This causes vexation and frustration. God wants us to not only love our children, but to totally love and embrace the high calling of motherhood which He has given to us as a divine charge.

Blessings to you today from NANCY CAMPBELL

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LeastCanDoDavid confessed in Psalm 26:3: “Thy lovingkindness is before mine eyes.” David did not forget God’s love to him. He continually meditated on it and acknowledged it.

May God save us from forgetting all His goodness to us. We only have to look out the window to see God’s wonderful creation. But, more than that, how can we forget His great salvation?

Oh, the love that drew salvation's plan!
Oh, the grace that brought it down to man!
Oh, the mighty gulf that God did span at Calvary!

How can we go for one day without thanking and praising Him for His sacrifice upon the cross for our sins and for the eternal redemption we have received? I think this is one reason why it is so important to have Family Devotions morning and evening with our families. At least two times in the day we can remember His lovingkindness to us and His great salvation. And isn’t this the least we can do?

David made sure that he declared out loud the lovingkindness of the Lord every morning and every evening. Psalm 92:1-2: “It is a good thing to give thanks unto the Lord, and to sing praises unto thy name, O most High: to show forth (declare, tell, proclaim) thy lovingkindness in the morning, and thy faithfulness every night.”

Did you notice this is a good thing? Better than a lot of other things that compete for our time.

Be blessed today,

Nancy Campbell

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GivenBirthHow wonderful to know that you have recently been blessed with a precious gift from God. There’s no greater gift you could receive. This precious gift will last forever--for eternity! How amazing. You have embarked on an eternal mission!

What a mighty task. What a mighty privilege. You are nurturing an eternal soul. You will be training and preparing a life to be used by God to accomplish His mighty tasks and who will be a threat to the enemy. No wonder Satan blinds the eyes of God’s people towards having children. He gets scared of the godly seed coming into the earth to fulfill God’s plans!

You are doing the greatest and most powerful thing you could ever do. Be encouraged today.

Love from Nancy Campbell

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ALifestyleDo you have a busy day planned? Of course you do. Every moment is filled when we have precious children to care for isn’t it?

How about fitting in some prayer? Romans 12:12 tells us to be “instant in prayer.” Many other Scriptures exhort us to “continue in prayer.”

“Help,” you cry out! “My whole day is filled with cooking, caring for my baby, teaching my children, cleaning the house, and a thousand other interruptions—and you expect me to pray all day too? Impossible!”

I know. My day is filled to the max, too. So, how do we do it? How can we continue in prayer throughout the day? I believe it is having an attitude of response toward God. We turn every frustration and problem into prayer. We turn every sigh into a Hallelujah!

The children are squabbling; hold their hands and pray with them. It sure works better than screaming at them. One of the children is having a problem with his lesson; pray together about it. One of them falls over and scratches his knee; pray for him.

Perhaps a friend calls to ask prayer for a specific need or to share that a friend is in labor. Don’t say, “I’ll be praying.” Instead, pray together immediately over the phone right at the moment.

My, we as mothers can be continuing in prayer all day long as we constantly and instantly bring every matter to God. Don’t forget the “Thank You” prayers, too. Whenever something good happens, even a little thing, praise and thank the Lord.

Have a great day prayer day in your home today.

Be blessed,

Nancy Campbell

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EternalPlanIsn’t it amazing that many people would rather stake their lives on the temporary rather than the enduring? Many believers conduct their lives on the contemporary values of our modern society.

Jeremiah 6:16: “Thus saith the Lord, Stand in the ways, and see, and ask for the old paths, where is the good way, and walk therein, and ye shall find rest for your souls.” What are these old paths we are to seek after? Doesn’t it seem rather old fashioned to ask after “old” ways?

But what does this word really mean? The word “old” is olam in the Hebrew. It means “from time immemorial, without end.” In most places in the Bible this word is translated as “everlasting.” God’s ways for us are everlasting ways. They stand the test of time from the beginning of time to the end. They were refined in the courts of heaven before they were given to us on earth. They are divine, they are eternal, and they work!

And the are “good.” And the bring us into “soul rest”! Who doesn’t want peace and rest?

Forget the modern humanistic trend. They are going down the wrong track. Dare to stand up and be counted. Go after God’s everlasting plan, no matter what relatives or friends have to say. Embrace your divine career of mothering Become the greatest homemaker. Rejoice when God gives you another baby. You are walking in the everlasting plan. You are doing something that is eternal.

What could be more important that nurturing and caring for an eternal soul who will live forever? All other careers will be left behind.

Love from Nancy Campbell
Painting by Alessandra Vitelli

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AngelicMessengerWhat is God’s purpose for you? Isaiah 43:21 says “This people have I formed for myself; they shall show forth my praise.” This Scripture is primarily speaking about Israel. God’s purpose for Israel was to show forth His praise in the earth. Through the Jewish people God brought forth the promised Messiah, the Lord Jesus Christ. Through God’s ancient people He gave us His precious Word, the Bible. And they are yet to show forth His praise in magnificent ways (Romans 11:15).

God also wants to show forth His praise through you. 1 Peter 23:9 tells us: “But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a peculiar (set apart) people; that ye should show forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvelous light.”

“To show forth” is the Greek word “exaggello” and means “to publish, to celebrate.” It comes from a root word “aggelos” which means “a messenger, or especially an angel.” What does God want you to do? To be an angelic messenger! God wants to use you has His messenger to bring His Word, His truth, and His love to people every day.

This means of course that you begin in your home. Mother, you have little ones, and maybe bigger ones around you every day. You are God’s messenger to each one of them. You have the opportunity to bring God’s Word and truth to them every day--when you are lying down, walking around, or sitting at the table (Deuteronomy 6:6-9). You are to light up their lives and day by day bring them from darkness to light.

You’ll continue to be God’s messenger when you leave the home too--when you go out to get the groceries or whatever you have to do. Remember you are God’s messenger to everyone you meet.

Have a lovely day being God’s angel to everyone in your home.

Blessings to you,

Nancy Campbell

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ImOffendedI don’t want to be offended by people’s hurtful remarks, rejection, or even hostility towards me. I have learned over the years, and am continuing to learn, to react to these slights with blessing and love.

However, I believe there are areas in life where I can legitimately be offended.

I am offended at the shallowness and weakness of the church of God today.
I am offended at the lukewarmness, the half-heartedness, the middle-of-the-roadness, and the indifference of many who say they are believers.
I am offended at how many are deceived and who cannot discern between the holy and the profane, the clean and the unclean.
I am offended that so few want to pray, or even make prayer and Bible reading a priority in their lives and their homes.
I am offended that many have gullibly imbibed the new religion of “tolerance.”

I am not offended at these precious people themselves, but at their mind-set, for I know it is the ploy of the devil to keep them from being light in the darkness and a bright flame for God in this world. I know it is the work of the enemy to deceive and weaken the church of God.

And yes, I am offended at what happened last weekend, where the so-called “evangelical” state of South Carolina gave their majority of votes to Trump, an immoral man who boasts of sleeping with the top women of the world. A man who does not believe that he needs to ask God for forgiveness of his sins. A man who has made his millions building casinos, which include strip clubs! A man whom a leading gay-activist organization calls “one of the best, if not the best, pro-gay Republican candidates to ever run for the presidency.”

The evangelicals comprised 72 percent of the voters in South Carolina! Does the word “evangelical” no longer have anything to do with the cross of Jesus Christ that deals a blow to all our sin and immorality? I am grieved, like Paul, who wept as he wrote: “For many walk, of whom I have told you often, and now tell you EVEN WEEPING, that they are the enemies of the cross of Christ . . . who mind earthly things” (Philippians 3:18,19). 1 Corinthians 1:23, 24 and Galatians 5:11 talk about the “offence of the cross.”

Trump calls himself a “common sense conservative.” He says many good things and promises “To make America great again.” However, we must look beyond what he says. He does not have a track record of being a righteous or godly man who walks in the fear of God. He calls himself a “nice man,” and a “good Christian” although not believing he needs to ask forgiveness from God. He says he is “pro-life” but out the other side of this mouth says that Planned Parenthood “does wonderful things for women.” Did you hear him say that, as I did, in debate No. 9?

I weep in my heart for our nation because I know we cannot trifle with God. We cannot expect His blessing upon us unless we vote for righteousness. And if God’s people cannot be counted on to vote for the most righteous man (for we will never find a perfect man), what hope do we have? We are blessed to have one, or even two righteous men that we could vote for.

Proverbs 29:2 says: “When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice: but when the wicked beareth rule, the people mourn.” God wants His people to be a “holy nation” (1 Peter 2:9). All the promises in the world to make America great again will not happen unless we come back to God’s holy standard and stand on the side of righteousness.

~ Nancy Campbell

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EarthquakesThere is nothing more powerful that you can do as a mother. Are you facing difficulties and challenges in your family life or in your children. You have your answer: PRAY!

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BuildingDestroyingProverbs 15:4 says: “A wholesome tongue is a tree of life: but perverseness therein is a breach in the spirit.” “Wholesome” means medicine or a cure. Every time we open our mouth and speak kind, loving, sweet, healing, and encouraging words we hammer another nail into building up our marriage and family.

Every time we speak nasty, reactive, discouraging, hasty, or negative words we hammer another nail into the coffin of our marriage.

We build with our words or destroy with our words. No wonder this chapter of Proverbs begins with “A soft answer turns away wrath; but grievous words stir up anger” (Proverbs 15:1).

Implore God to touch your lips today with coals of fire from His holy altar (Isaiah 6;1-7).

Be encouraged today,

Nancy Campbell

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Above Rubies Address

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