JesusWayDavid said in Psalm 4:6: “There are many who say, “Who will show us any good?” Or, where can I find true happiness? Some look for happiness in material things, pleasures, entertainment, prestige, or the favor of people around them.

In the same Scripture David confessed that he found his happiness in the favor and friendship of God. It is only God who can truly satisfy the longing and deepest desires of our heart. You cannot find it in “things.” You cannot even find it in your closest friend, your husband. Only in God.

But there is another thought in this Scripture, “Who will show us good?” Who in this world will show us the true way to soul rest and joy? God reveals Himself through His people. Will we be one who will show good and do good to those around us?

Acts 10:38 tells us “How God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Ghost and with power: who went about DOING GOOD, and healing all that were oppressed of the devil; for GOD WAS WITH HIM.” Many of us just “go about,” but if Jesus Christ lives in us, we will go about our daily life “doing good.”

What a privilege we have as mothers. When we wake up each morning we have a whole day ahead to “do good” and “say good things” to our children. We are the face of Jesus to our little ones. We can show them “good” all throughout the day.

And what about our husband? Proverbs 31:12 says the virtuous woman “will do him good and not evil all the days of her life.” Not just one day, but EVERY DAY of her life.

Dear wife and mother, may you have the most wonderful day today, going about doing and speak good to your husband and children and everyone else you come in contact with.

What a great way to live, the way of Emmanuel, God with us.

~ Nancy Campbell

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GodOurHope“Thou art my hope in the day of evil”
(Jeremiah 17:17)

Thank you, Lord, that You are our hope. You are our hope, even when evil is all around us.”

We do not put our hope in man, but only in God. Don’t dwell on the difficult circumstances you face today. Look up and put your hope in God. Tell your soul to hope in God. That’s what David did.

“Why art thou cast down, O my soul? and why art thou disquieted within me? HOPE IN GOD: for I shall yet praise him, who is the health of my countenance, and my God” (Psalm 43:5).

The word “health” is “yshuwah” and also means “salvation, deliverance, victory. You may see no hope in your circumstances. You may feel no hope in your soul, but God is your hope, your salvation, your deliverance, and your victory. Praise Him.

Love from Nancy Campbell

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PowerfulWeaponDo we really believe in the power of God’s Word? I’m sure that if we truly understood its power to work in our lives that we would read it a lot more. We would read it to our families far more. We would make it a priority to fill our children’s minds, hearts, and mouths with God’s powerful words.

I am constantly amazed at how little young people from Christian homes know of God’s Word. They are very unfamiliar with it. They cannot even repeat well-known Scriptures. What’s the story? Haven’t their parents understood the most powerful tool they have at their fingertips to train their children and prepare them for life? And yes, we have it at our fingertips. I think of thousands of believers who are being persecuted because they value God’s Word so much, and yet we cast it aside.

Let’s read again Hebrews 4:12 in the Amplified Version. It really tells us like it is: “For the Word that God speaks is alive and full of power - making it active, operative, energizing and effective; it is sharper than any two-edged sword, penetrating to the dividing line of the breath of life (soul) and (the immortal) spirit, and of joints and marrow (that is, of the deepest parts of our nature) exposing and sifting and analyzing and judging the very thoughts and purposes of the heart.”

If we, are our children, are not filled with God’s Words which sift, analyze, and judge every thought and purpose of our hearts, we can easily be deceived. It is only God’s Word that enables us to see through deception. And it breaks my heart to see so many Christians (or who say they are Christians) deceived. We see it even with the coming elections. We see evangelicals deceived by hype and “good things” candidates say, and yet not checking out their testimony and seeing through to their hearts and who they really are.

God’s Word divides between the soul and the spirit. This Scripture also uses the illustration of joints and marrow. Have you ever sucked marrow out of the bone? It’s one of my favorite parts of the meat. One writer explains it: “It’s like dividing joints and marrow. Joints are the thick, hard outer part of the bone. Marrow is the soft, tender, living inner part of the bone. That is an analogy of “soul and spirit.” The Word of God is like a sword that is sharp enough to cut right through the outer, hard, tough part of a bone to the inner, soft living part of the bone. Some swords, less sharp, may strike a bone and glance off and not penetrate. Some swords may penetrate partway through the tough, thick joint of a bone. But a very sharp, powerful double-edged sword (sharp on each side of the point) will penetrate the joint all the way to the marrow.” From

This is the power of the living and effective Word of God. It’s the only thing that can expose deception! Because deception is so subtle we often don’t know we are deceived!

Come on, mothers. Let’s take hold of the most powerful tool we have in our homes--God’s living Word. Let’s feed on it. When I wake in the morning I am desperate for God’s Word. I’ve got to get it to feed my spirit. Give good meals of God’s Word to your children each day, at least every morning and evening at your family devotions. Don’t starve their spirits. Raise them to be discerners of good and evil through the power of the Word.

Blessings from Nancy Campbell

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AdoptionFundsMany of you know my daughter, Serene. Along with her sister, Pearl they wrote the book, TRIM HEALTHY MAMA, which has gone viral across the world. Serene and her husband, Sam, are blessed with 13 children, eight biological and five adopted. Serene’s oldest adopted daughter, beautiful Selah, is now married with two children (Sammy and Eureka) and expecting a new baby in July.

Selah and her husband, Samuel, are also wanting to adopt three more children from Liberia, where they both come from. These three children are their relatives whose parents have died, one through the recent Ebola epidemic in Liberia. Selah is the most beautiful and devoted mother and Samuel is a wonderful father. We are so proud of them. We know they will be wonderful parents to these children who are actually part of their flesh and blood.

Here’s some more information if you would like to help them:

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Going . . . Going . . . GONE!

GoingGoingIs the light in your soul dim? Or perhaps nearly out? What about your home? Does the light of Jesus burn brightly in your home, or is it fading?

Do you remember the story Jesus told of the five wise and the five foolish virgins? Because the bridegroom delayed his coming, they all grew drowsy and went to sleep. At midnight the cry came, “Behold, the bridegroom comes; go ye out to meet him.”

Awaking, they began to top up the oil in their lamps to go out to meet the bridegroom. However, the five foolish exclaimed: “Give us some of your oil, for our lamps are going out.” Did you notice, they didn’t say, “Our lamps have gone out”? No, they still had some light, but it was fading. They had got used to their dim light, but that dim light was not enough to meet the bridegroom. Because they were not diligent, they missed out on the wedding feast. Read the whole story in Matthew 25.

It’s so easy for our light to go out if we don’t keep refueling. We have to constantly and daily replenish the light in our soul with the oil of the Holy Spirit. We have to abide in Christ. We have to feed on the Word daily. Unless we feed and refuel, our light fades.

Dear mothers, we have the responsibility to not only keep the light of God burning in our hearts, but also burning in our homes. That’s why the Jewish mother lights the candles on the eve of Shabbat because it is her responsibility to keep the light of God burning in the home. To do this, we have to keep our own light constantly topped up with the infilling of the Holy Spirit. We have to fill our own and our children’s hearts with God’s Word which is a lamp to our feet and a light to our paths (Psalm 119:105).

Don’t let the light of Jesus grow dim in your home.

Be blessed,

Nancy Campbell

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SpotlessBrideEver since my childhood
I’ve dreamed of my wedding day.
I would find my one true love
And he’d steal my heart away.

I’d look like a fairy princess,
Like the one in my storybook.
And I’d be happy, oh so happy,
Beaming each step I took.

Down the aisle, toward my Love,
All I’d see was his face.
He would take my hand in his,
And then my heart would race.

I’d promise him my whole heart,
My love, my strength, my life,
Because I’d wish for nothing more
Than just to be his wife.

These are the dreams of childhood,
Written on every girl’s heart.
We want to be beautiful, loved, and cherished,
We want to play our part.

But as I grew, I began to lose
The hope of the dream come true.
No longer did I feel beautiful,
And the pain inside me grew.

I believed the lies they told me:
“Beauty is soft, shiny hair,
And tall, slim bodies, flawless skin,
And in the clothes you wear.”

The lies―they kept on coming,
Harder and stronger each year.
“You’ll never be fulfilled,” they said
"If you don’t have a career."

But then one day I heard a Voice
Call my name, soft and clear.
It was the voice of my loving God
Whispering in my ear.

He said, “My beloved, lovely daughter,
You are beautiful to Me.
My love for you does not depend
On anything man can see.”

And then I knew that it was true.
I am lovely in His eyes.
His beloved, spotless bride,
His most precious, valued prize.

Oh the joy of being loved,
Not for what you do,
Or how you look, or what you say,
But just for being you.
~ Eliza Haley

Eliza was one of my incredible Above Rubies helpers. Although she is now back home, she continues to create beautiful Above Rubies picture posts which I send out to you. She wrote this beautiful poem to go with this picture. I know you'll want to share it with your daughters.
~ Nancy

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OneNeedsGodI recently read two opposite views of two of our presidential candidates. Charlotte Underwood writes: When Dr. James Dobson interviewed Ted Cruz he told him he had worked with three presidents over the years, but he had never seen the nation in “a situation as dire as it is. I believe you are strong enough to stand up and take on Washington. Are you ready for that job?”

Cruz paused ever so slightly before replying. “I hope and believe I am. But you’re right – it is an incredibly difficult job. The challenges facing this country, the challenges facing the world – it’s a job that is definitely too much for any one person – and if you don’t begin every day on your knees asking God for his wisdom and support, I don’t believe you’re fit to do this job.”


Last year Moderator Frank Lutz asked Donald Trump, “Have you ever asked God for forgiveness?”

“No” he answered. He also stated, “I don’t like to have to ask for forgiveness.”

In a recent interview with CNN Donald Trump says that after months reflection he still doesn't regret his decision not to ask God for forgiveness for his sins . . . partially because he says he doesn't have much to apologize for.

I think I would feel safer in a country with a president who relies on God than one who doesn’t need God, don’t you?

~ Nancy Campbell

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ChristAtHome~ J. R. Miller.

Parents are the custodians of their children's lives. If they would meet their responsibility and be able to look God and their children in the face at the judgment, they must make their homes as nearly “gardens of Eden” as possible.

The way to save your children from the temptations of the streets is to make your home so bright, so sweet, so beautiful, so happy, so full of love, joy and prayer that the streets will have no attractiveness for them, no power to win them away. "Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good" (Romans 12:21).

The place of the home-life among the influences which mold and shape character is supreme in its importance. Our children are given to us in tender infancy to teach them and train them for holy, worthy, beautiful living.

It is not enough to have an opulent house to live in! It is not enough to have fine foods, and luxurious furniture, and expensive entertainments! Most of the world's worthiest men and women, those who have blessed the world the most, were brought up in plain homes, without any luxury!

It is the tone of the home-life, that is important. We should make it pure, elevating, refining, inspiring. The books we bring in, the papers, and magazines, the guests we have at our tables and admit to our firesides, the home conversation, the pictures we hang on our walls—all these are educational. As in everything, LOVE is the great master-secret of home happiness.

The religious influences are also vitally important. In that first “garden home,” the Lord came and went as a familiar friend. Christ must be our guest if our home is to be a fit place either for our children or for ourselves. If there is no sincere prayer in it, it is not a true home at all—it is only a heathen lodging-place!

How can we make “new Edens” of our homes? What are some of the secrets of home happiness? I might gather them all into one word and say—CHRIST! If we have Christ as our guest our home will be happy! He must be welcomed into all our life. He must be in each heart. He must sit at our tables and mingle with us in all our family interaction. Christ can bless our home, only through the lives of those who make the home circle.

Make your home so sweet, so heavenly, with love and prayer and song and holy living, that all through it, there shall be the fragrance of the heart of Christ!

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SharpSensesMost animals have sharp senses in order to detect danger. Have you watched a dog prick up his ears? He hears or senses someone coming before we ever hear them.

Hebrews 5:14 talks about those “who by reason of use have their senses exercised to discern both good and evil.” It is important to keep our spiritual senses heightened and on alert. Many allow them to become dull and insensitive.

How do we keep them sharp? The margin of my Bible explains “reason of use” to be a habit. Another translation says it is by “constant use.” We constantly use our senses to discern what is good and what is evil. We are not conditioned by a humanistic society, but daily sharpen our minds in God’s Word. That’s the only place to receive discernment. If we don’t know what God says about a subject, we won’t know God’s discernment about it.

We have a responsibility to train our children to have sharp spiritual senses in this deceived world. That means we must put God’s Word into them daily so that it is the habit of their lives to constantly discern what is righteous and what is evil. Many times evil can have a “nice look” and it takes godly discernment to know the truth (Leviticus 10:10; Jeremiah 15:19; Ezekiel 22:26; 44:23-24).

Many so-called Christian young people today are conditioned by their education to accept same-sex marriage, excuses for abortion, and the whole liberal agenda. Their spiritual senses have been totally dumbed down because, instead of being filled with God’s Word, they are programmed with feminism and socialism.

What about all the Christians who are enamored with Donald Trump? He has many good things to say, but do we have discernment? There is more to fixing our nation than the economy. How can godly people vote for a man who does not walk with God and who has built an empire building casinos and all the evil that goes with them? That includes the first American casino to have a strip club and all-male revue club for women. And who boasts of sleeping with many women. The Bible says that “Godliness makes a nation great, but sin is a disgrace to any people” (Proverbs 14:34 NLT).

It’s time for God’s people to have their “senses exercised to discern both good and evil.”

Blessings from Nancy Campbell

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DoubleTalkMy husband and I listened to the GOP debate on Saturday evening. Two of the candidates were asked their stance on abortion. Both governors boasted of their pro-life work in their states and that they were against Planned Parenthood selling body parts. That’s great. However, they both said they believed in exceptions for rape or incest.

That sounds very caring, but it is double talk. They, and you and I, are either pro-life or not! If we are pro-life, we believe in protecting the baby in the womb (because it is a newly conceived human life) no matter what the situation.

I have read many testimonies of babies who have been conceived through rape and grown to be happy and well-rounded people, enjoying useful life. They certainly did not want to be murdered. I am printing a testimony in this coming issue of Above Rubies of a woman whose mother chose life even though she was raped. She gave her baby up for adoption and this child was raised in a loving Christian home, enjoyed a happy childhood, and is now happily married today.

I personally know a friend of mine who was raped and chose to keep the baby she conceived. Her daughter was the delight of her life and grew up to be a beautiful Christian woman. It certainly was not the end of that mother’s life. Of course it was a difficult time for her, but she came through victoriously and with the blessing of a beautiful daughter. And she will never have to go through life carrying the burden of knowing she killed her own child.

We have to follow through our thought patterns. We can’t be distorted in our thinking. How can we think it is lawful to kill a baby in the womb because it was conceived through rape? It is still a living human being. If someone was to murder that person at twenty or thirty years of age, would that be okay? No, the murderer would be guilty and charged with life imprisonment.

We have in our very own family an adopted granddaughter who was conceived through incest. Should she have been murdered in the womb? No, she is a delightful, sweet child and a joy to us all. Let’s get our thinking straight.

We cannot be clouded by humanistic thinking, but need to understand the true meaning of life. We also must know how our presidential candidates think, because they affect the nation and also the future of our progeny. After listening Saturday night, I decided I better check out all the candidates. I’ll share what I found with you.

The current GOP candidates who are continuing the race all say they are pro-life. However, some are not totally pro-life, but compromise according to situational ethics.

Ted Cruz: Opposes exceptions for rape and incest.
Marco Rubio: Opposes exceptions for rape and incest.
Ben Carson: Opposes exceptions for rape and incest.

Donald Trump: Supports exceptions for rape and incest. Trump would rather this issue was a “personal issue” and "should be left to the women and their doctors." I think that is cop out. It is very much a political issue when our nation stands guilty before God for the killing of over 58 million babies since Roe v. Wade in 1973.
Jeb Bush: Supports exceptions for rape and incest.
Chris Christie: Supports exceptions for rape and incest.
John Kasich: Supports exceptions for rape and incest.
Carly Fiorina: Supports exceptions for rape and incest.

~ Nancy Campbell

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ProcessProgressWhy do we correct and discipline our children? Because we want them to grow up prepared to be successful in life. Some parents scream at their children and lash our when their children irritate them and get on their nerves. This is opposite to training children. Responsible parents diligently discipline bad behavior. They correct their children and bring them into line when they are out of order, disobedient, tell lies, talk back, pout, and have moods. They will not tolerate these negative habits.

Why? Because they are preparing their children for life--to one day be the best employee in the company, to have good attitudes, to be a vessel ready to be used by God, and also to enjoy a happy and successful marriage If we allow our children to grow up with negative habits, those habits can destroy their marriage.

Dear wife and mother, in the same way God diligently works in our lives. His wants to conform us into the image of His Son (Romans 8:29). This certainly doesn’t happen without some serious working of the Holy Spirit in our lives. Paul said to the Corinthians: “Our one prayer is for the complete correction of your lives” (2 Corinthians 13:9 Barclay). The KJV uses “perfection” for the word “correction.” I checked my Lexicon and it says the word “denotes a process in the progress.” This can only happen through correction of what is wrong in our lives.

We must always be open to God’s gentle correction. He uses many ways to do this. He speaks to us as we read His Word and shows us what grieves the Holy Spirit in our lives (Ephesians 4:27, 30). He uses other people to correct us (sometimes our husband). We don’t usually like it, do we? But we must remember that it is ultimately God who wants to correct us and conform us into His image.

If we don’t listen to God speaking to us through His word, or we don’t have a soft heart to receive correction from our husband or other people, He often has to resort to allow difficulties and trials to come into our lives to wake us up and to refine us and bring us into line with His will.

Let’s keep soft hearts, always open to correction. If our children are stubborn and do not receive our correction, they become willful and rebellious. It’s just the same with us. We either have soft and tender hearts to God’s correction in our lives or we become stubborn and rebellious.

The Amplified version ;says: ”And this we also pray for: your all-round strengthening and perfecting of the soul.” I want this, don’t you? It only comes through CORRECTION.

Love from Nancy Campbell

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TakeCaptiveAre your thoughts running wild today? Where are they are running? Down to the pit of self-pity? Into the doldrums? Holding on to bitterness and hurt? The Word tells us to take EVERY THOUGHT CAPTIVE! You can’t do it by yourself, but as you speak forth the name of Jesus, OUT LOUD, you can take them captive and cast them out of your mind.

Keep you mind free for Got to fill it with His thoughts and to be able to bless others. You can never help another person (your husband or your children) when you are bound by negative thoughts.

~ Nancy

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MoreBeautifulDon’t you love these words from the hymn, “Loved with Everlasting Love” written by Wade Robinson back in 1890)? When Christ dwells in our hearts, we see everything from a different perspective. Not only nature, but also our children and everything going on in our home. When Christ dwells in our hearts, we see everything from His point of view rather than our own negative or pessimistic viewpoint.

Heav'n above is softer blue,
Earth around is sweeter green!
Something lives in ev'ry hue
Christ-less eyes have never seen;
Birds with gladder songs o'erflow,
Flowers with deeper beauties shine,
Since I know, as now I know,
I am His, and He is mine.
Since I know, as now I know,
I am His, and He is mine.

Have a beautiful day,

Nancy Campbell

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PleaseGod2“Dear Father, please pour out your Holy Spirit upon me today. I cannot fulfill this great task of raising the children You have given me in my own strength. I look to You for Your strength, Your wisdom, Your refreshing, Your patience and longsuffering, and Your anointing. Please come alongside me and help me to raise

godly children in this ungodly world
holy children in this unholy world
pure children in this impure and unclean world
truth-loving and truth-keeping children in this deceived world
overcoming children in this evil world
God-seeking children in this entertainment seeking world
Bible-believing and Bible-loving children in this humanistic world, and
prayer-loving children in the midst of a prayer-less church.

This is my life. This is my vision. Please enable me, Oh God, in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.”

~ Nancy Campbell

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PlayFairWhy are homosexuals are allowed to be militant, and yet Christians brow-beaten to tolerance? If conservatives raise one tiny voice of protest, they are pounced upon immediately. The homosexuals freely express their agenda, but Christians must not say one word about same-sex marriage. Are we supposed to be talking about tolerance?

Do we bow down to such distortion of truth such as words by Michael Swift from the Gay Manifesto: “The family unit-spawning ground of lies, betrayals, mediocrity, hypocrisy and violence--will be abolished. The family unit, which only dampens imagination and curbs free will, must be eliminated. Perfect boys will be conceived and grown in the genetic laboratory. They will be bonded together in communal setting, under the control and instruction of homosexual savants.” It would be too embarrassing to print all of this article, but it can be read at:

Homosexuals have freedom to stand up for their lifestyle and yet Christians face unbelievable fines, court costs, and maybe prison if they refuse to give business to a homosexual. Where is the tolerance in this?

I believe in free speech. I believe in a free country. The alternatives can say what they like, but Bible believers should also be prepared to speak truth with freedom.

The Bible is not allowed in schools, but we now have state-mandated standards on middle school social studies implemented during 2014-2015. Parents complained in my state of Tennessee of their children having to recite out loud, and do projects on the Shahada, or Five Pillars of Faith in Islam. They also had to write: "Allah is the only God." Reports are also coming from parents in many states saying their children are being asked to learn the Five Pillars. Are they asked to learn Bible Scriptures?

Let’s play fair! And most of all, let’s not be deceived. And even more, let’s make sure our children are not deceived, brainwashed, propagandized, and programmed by leftist ideology. What are you doing to prepare your children against this militant agenda?

Blessings from Nancy Campbell

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InstinctivenessAwhile back we were given a little “outside” cat. We didn’t know she was already pregnant and soon we had four more kittens to care for! It was amazing to watch “Shadow” mother her kittens. She gave herself to them as they contentedly nursed from her day and night. She didn’t resent that she was “stuck” with these kittens and couldn’t go on her usual haunts and adventures.

She instinctively mothered. And she is only an animal. I think of some women (not animals, but precious human beings made in the IMAGE OF GOD) who give birth to a baby and yet soon leave it for someone else to feed and care for. An animal wouldn’t do this. How have we become so brainwashed?

Shadow continued to feed her babies for many months until they were as big as her, sleek and fat. And now she has had kittens again! Is she upset? No. Once again she contentedly and intently mothers four new kittens. We put her outside to go to the bathroom (although an outside cat, it’s winter time and we allow her in while she nurses her kittens) and she is back as quickly as possible to be with her kittens, letting them nurse as often and as much as they want.

The Bible also questions those who do not embrace their instinctive maternalness:
Lamentations 4:3: “Even the sea monsters draw out the breast, they give to their young ones: the daughter of my people is become cruel, like the ostriches in the wilderness.”

Job 39:13-16: “The ostrich . . . which leaveth her eggs in the earth, and warmeth them in dust, and forgetteth that the foot may crush them, or that the wild beast may break them. She is hardened against her young ones, as though they were not hers: her labor is vain without fear; because God hath deprived her of wisdom, neither hath he imparted to her understanding.”

Isaiah 49:15: “Can a woman forget her sucking child, that she should not have compassion on the son of her womb?”

Surely we who are made in the image of God should embrace the inherent maternalness God has put within us.

Blessings to you today,

Nancy Campbell

P.S. A picture of Shadow with her first set of kittens. They are now bigger and can be outside.

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NotForWimpsThere are those who would spurn the vocation of mothers
And say of careers, it’s inferior to others,
I'll have to admit that it's not easy work,
It's relentless and from it you cannot shirk.

It takes all of your energy being a mother and wife,
Requiring daily commitment and a disciplined life,
It demands all your resources of patience and love,
Long-suffering and wisdom from the Father above.

It takes self-control and continual endurance,
It needs constant faith and great perseverance,
It means total sacrifice, forgetting your self,
Sometimes you think that you’re left on the shelf!

And what about time? It’s no longer yours,
It belongs to all those who come in your doors.
Claim your own rights? No, they're all gone too,
Like your right to sleep the whole night through!

It's not so easy to crawl into bed with a book
Or go off and dream in some quiet little nook.
It seems like you're totally losing your life
To be a good mother and a submissive wife.

But oh, faithful mother, please do not despair,
In God's perfect plan you do have a share,
To fulfil your destiny planned from creation
Which is to nurture children and BUILD A NATION!

You’re walking in the footsteps of Jesus your Lord
Who sacrificed all, His life He out-poured,
He didn't cling to His rights with selfish futility
He didn’t claim any privilege but walked in humility.

He gave up His life to save millions of others,
This principle works in the lives of all mothers,
When you lose your own life you'll find it again,
A rewarding life, without guilt or shame.

So lift up your head, embrace your calling so high,
You're in God's perfect will, there’s no reason to sigh!
You may often feel worthless - don't listen to this lie,
Your influence goes higher than the clouds in the sky!

As you nurture and train your God-given seed,
As you sharpen these 'arrows' by word and by deed,
You shape the nation - you determine its course,
Your mothering’s not wasted, it’s a great mighty force!

As your children leave home and go into the world
The proof of your training will soon be unfurled
You’ll influence countries where you've never been,
And down the generations its effect will be seen.

Your work is so powerful, no wonder it's tough,
But God is behind you, He's the GOD WHO IS ENOUGH,
His strength and His wisdom He will give to you,
He stands by His promises which are totally true.

He'll always be with you right through to the end
As you follow His leading and deny the world's trend,
Each morning you wake, your strength He'll renew.
He'll fill your home with His presence and His blessed peace too.

Love from Nancy Campbell

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PayBackWhat do you do when someone hurts you or says something that cuts deep into you like a knife? How do you feel when it is someone very close to you, perhaps your husband? You either retreat into a shell with self-pity and bitterness. Or you shout and yell. You want to pay them back.

Yes, that’s our first reaction, to pay them back. And can you believe it? God agrees with us. But He has a different way of paying back than we do. He wants us to “pay them back with a blessing” (1 Peter 3:9). Another translation says: “Retaliate with a blessing.”

How can you bless someone back when you feel hurt and mad at them? Only by God’s grace. Only by the power of Christ’s love and forgiveness that is in you because Christ lives in you. God’s ways are opposite to the way we feel, but they always work.

Can I encourage you to try it? Is you husband cold and indifferent to you? He says things that hurt you? Think of ways to bless him. Take time to think of words blessing to say to him. Speak kind, sweet, and loving words to him, even in the face of his indifference. You don’t feel like doing this, but let me tell you, you will be amazed at the miracles that will take place when you do it God’s way.

Proverbs 12: 25 (TLB) says: “A word of encouragement does wonders.”

Love from Nancy Campbell

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Dear sweet mother, why do you cry?
Don’t you know that your God is nigh?
He is closer to you than your very breath,
He will never forsake you, not even in death.

BrokenHeartedHe created you for His joy and pleasure
And has chosen you as a special treasure,
He has graven your name on His very own palm,
He’ll come to your aid with His mighty right arm.

He is your Source, He will fill your cup,
When you are down, He will lift you up.
You don’t have to stay sad, for He is your Joy,
He’ll help you conquer those things that annoy.

God has given you children, which are your glory
To enrich your life and help write your story.
You’re in God’s perfect will, this is your calling,
He’ll help you each day and keep you from falling.

You can’t do it alone, your strength is weak,
Trust in the Lord and things won’t seem so bleak.
Look to the Lord, not the problems you face,
And you’ll be amazed how He’ll give you His grace.

A joyful mother is what He wants you to be,
Filling your home with gladness and glee.
Counting your blessings and praising the Lord
For His daily mercies and love out-poured.

“The Lord is nigh unto them that are of a broken heart”
(Psalm 34:18).

“Weeping may endure for a night, but joy comes in the morning” (Psalm 30:5).


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ResistBaby2Who can resist a baby
Sent from God above?
An eternal gift to you
From His heart of love.

~ Nancy

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PO Box 681687
Franklin, TN 37068-1687

Phone : 931-729-9861
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