IsGodAbleAre you fearful that God cannot provide for you family, or even for another baby? Dear mother, what God do you believe in? Isaiah 40:25 asks the question: “To whom then will ye liken me?” Do you bring God down to a level with your own thinking and your own abilities to provide? Who is bigger in your life? Your fears, or God? Surely God is bigger than all your imaginary fears and worries.

He answers this question in verses:26-29: “Lift up your eyes on high, and behold, who hath created these things, that bringing out their host by number: he calleth them all by names by the greatness of his might, for that he is strong in power: not one faileth . . . Hast thou not known? has thou not heard, that the everlasting God, the LORD, the Creator of the ends of the earth, fainteth not, neither is weary? there is no searching of his understanding. He giveth power to the faint; and to them that have no might he increaseth strength.” Even while you sleep, God watches over and cares for you

David confessed in Psalm 37:25: “I have been young, and now am old; yet have I not seen the righteous forsaken, nor his children begging bread.” It all comes down to which God you worship; either a god of your own imagination or the God of the Bible who is totally faithful and totally able to provide and will never let you down.

Check out the following article that is filled with God’s promises to you as parents:

Blessings from Nancy Campbell

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LonganimityWe often think we will do great things by faith. That we will inherit the promises by faith. Yes, that’s true, but only half the picture. Hebrews 6:11, 12 exhorts us: “That ye be not slothful, but followers of them who through faith and PATIENCE inherit the promises.”

Sometimes we can give up on faith because things don’t happen immediately for us. We wait years for God to answer our cries. We wait and wait and it seems that nothing happens. But we must remember that it is not only faith, but patience! In our modern, hectic age, most of us have not learned to have patience. We don’t get any practice.

We don’t have to chop the kindling and then bring in the wood to light the fire (although that’s what we do each day); we just expect our heating system to keep us warm. We don’t have to boil the copper, scrub our clothes on the old scrubbing board, and then hang them out on the line; we just press a button on the washing machine and then the drier.

Many mothers simply cannot wait until their baby is born to find out if it will be a boy or girl. I’m not saying it’s wrong; just that we don’t have patience! Most children today have never experienced the longing and anticipation of waiting for something for months and months or even a year or more. And so we have lost the art of patience. I think it’s time we learned it, don’t you?

We forget that God lives in eternity. He is not in a hurry. He is not ruled by time, nor does He succumb to the timetables of our frenzied lives. But He always comes in the perfect time. He is Alpha and Omega.

The word Greek word “patience” in the above Scripture means longanimity. Have you have heard of that word before? It’s really another word for longsuffering and forbearance. It means that we often have to wait a LONG TIME, even though we are filled with faith, to receive the fulfillment and promise.

Take heart, dear ones. God has not forgotten you. He has you in the palm of His hand. He will deliver you in His perfect time. He will bring the answer at the right time. And as you wait, trusting in Him, He will fill you with joy and peace.

And remember, it’s not a patience of resignation. “Oh well, I guess I’ll just have to stick it out and wait.” No, it’s a patience of anticipation, always believing that God will come at the very perfect time.

Blessings to you today,

Nancy Campbell

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AllDayLongDoes this Facebook post find you rejoicing? Actually, rejoicing ALL DAY LONG! Maybe I hear you responding, “What are you saying? You have no idea what I am putting up with here today. You’ve got no idea of the fiery trial I am enduring.”

Yes, I know. You can’t always rejoice in your circumstances. David went through many trying and difficult times, often nearly to the point of death. He couldn’t rejoice in His sufferings, but what did he do instead? He rejoiced in the name of the Lord. Psalm 89:16 says: “IN THY NAME shall they rejoice ALL THE DAY.” Can I encourage you to lift up your eyes from your problems and instead trust in the name of the Lord? You can’t trust in man. You can’t trust in all that’s happening around you. But you CAN trust and rejoice in the name of the Lord.

Proverbs 18:10 says: “The name of the LORD is a strong tower: the righteous runneth into it, and is safe.”

Rejoice in the name of the Lord. Your circumstances may not change but your attitude will. Instead of turmoil you’ll have peace. And the atmosphere of your home will change.

Psalm 71:8: “Let my mouth be filled with thy praise and with thy honor ALL THE DAY.”

Be blessed.

Nancy Campbell

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AbnormalDid you know that most modern women menstruate about 400 times during their childbearing years? Did you know that this is ABNORMAL? God intended the ovaries to have resting times through pregnancy and lactation. Did you know this is one of the reasons why there is such an epidemic of ovarian and endometrial cancer?

Did you know that a hundred years ago women only ovulated about 100 times in their entire lifetime? Did you know that this is NORMAL for the female body? Did you know that every time a woman gets pregnant and bears a child, her lifetime risk of ovarian cancer drops 10 percent?

Did you know that women in their childbearing years are meant to be predominantly "suckling mothers" rather than "menstruating mothers"? This is far kinder to their female body and how God intended it to function.

Malcolm Gladwell quotes Drs. Coutinho and Segal when citing an anthropological work by scientist, Beverly Strassman in Mali, Africa: "Incessant ovulation serves no purpose except to increase the occurrence of abdominal pain, mood shifts, migraines, endometriosis, fibroids, and anemia." And again, "Ovarian and endometrial cancer are characteristically modern diseases, consequences, in part, of a century in which women have come to menstruate 400 times in a lifetime."

Romans 9:20: “Shall the thing formed say to him that formed it, Why hast thou made me thus?”

Blessings from Nancy Campbell

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jesusfriend“When a man becomes a Christian, a new act of creation happens to him. His old life is gone for ever; a new life has come into being. And the whole process is due to the action of God, who through Christ turned our enmity to himself into FRIENDSHIP. The fact is that God was acting in Christ to turn the world’s enmity to himself into FRIENDSHIP . . . As the representatives of Christ we appeal to you to accept the offer of FRIENDSHIP that God is making to you” (2 Corinthians 5:17-20 Barclay).

Jesus died upon the cross for our sins in order to make us His friends. He wants to fellowship with us. He wants us to live in His presence.

Jesus said: “Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends. Ye are my friends, if ye do whatsoever I command you. Henceforth I call you not servants; for the servant knoweth not what his lord doeth; but I have called you friends; for all things that I have heard of my Father I made known unto you” (John 15:13-15).

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HighestCareerMany times I hear mothers saying they gave up their career to come home and care for their children. I believe this is a wrong conception. What they are really doing is giving up an inferior job for the greatest career in the nation. Most careers outside the home are not building for eternity. However, when you come home to mother your children--to train and nurture them body, soul, and spirit you build for eternity. Your children are eternal souls and all you pour into them will count for eternity.

The Merriam-Webster Dictionary says a career is “a profession for which one trains and which is undertaken as a permanent calling.” Motherhood is not a part-time job. It is a permanent calling, a calling for life.

The Free Dictionary says that a career is:
a) A chosen pursuit; a profession or occupation.
b) The general course or progression of one's working life or one's professional achievements.

Motherhood is even more than a chosen pursuit. It is a calling and commission from God. He created us for this very task. This is His divine plan for our lives. When we embrace our career of motherhood, we know that we walk in the perfect will of God.

In Ezekiel 19:10, 11 God gives us a beautiful allegory about motherhood. He speaks about Judah and likens her to a mother. He says that “her stature was exalted.” The word “exalted” in the Hebrew means “to soar, to mount up, to lift up, to raise up to great height.” One translation says that she is higher than all the other trees around. There are many careers for women, but motherhood is the highest one of all. We don’t “come down” to come home to our children, we “COME UP” to the highest career of all.

Love from Nancy Campbell

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PresenceGodGod wants us to live in His presence. He gave His beloved Son to die for us in order to restore us to fellowship with Himself and to live in His presence. But do we really live in His presence in our daily lives?

What does it look like to live in God’s presence? If know we live in His presence we will live in . . .

LIGHT for He is the light and in Him is no darkness at all (1 John 1:5-9). This Scripture reminds us that if we live in the light we will have fellowship with one another. We live in harmony with our husband and our family. We do not hold grudges, bitterness, or unforgiveness. To live this way we must constantly confess any sin or any thing that grieves the presence of the Holy Spirit in our lives. And praise the Lord, God promises that the blood of Jesus Christ, His Son cleanses us from all sin.

LOVE for God is love. If He dwells in us and we dwell n Him we will live in love which will manifest through our eyes, our countenance, our hands, and our feet. It will fill our home.

TRUTH for God is truth (John 8:32). Let’s open our hearts and minds to the presence of God for in His presence all deception is exposed.

REST for God lives in rest (Matthew 11:29-30). What a beautiful revelation. If we live in God’s presence we live in rest. Nothing takes God by surprise. Nothing gets him tied up in knots. When you live in Him you live above the difficulties that try to pull you down.

JOY for God is our exceeding joy (Exodus 33:14-16; Psalm 16:1l; 43:4 and Jude 1:24). Worry and self-pity do not live in God’s presence.

HOLINESS without which no man will see the Lord (Hebrews 12:14). We cannot enjoy God’s presence if we allow sin in our lives. We must keep short accounts with God, allowing His Holy Spirit to search our hearts each day.

It is not enough for us to live daily in God’s presence. God wants our children to live in His presence. He wants our continuing generations to live in His presence. Claim Psalm 102: 28 (NEB) for your children: “Thy servants’ children shall continue, and their posterity shall be established IN THY PRESENCE.”

May your home be filled with the presence of God today.

~ Nancy Campbell

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OneLawWhen people come into your home to stay, how should they fit in? Should you allow them to make their own rules and do what they usually do? Or should you expect them to fit into your lifestyle and the way you run your home? What about when children come into your home and are disrespectful to your home?

No matter what the subject, my philosophy is to find out what God says about it. I am always amazed that I find the answer to all my questions in God’s Word.

The children of Israel had many strangers living amongst them. Egyptians came with them out of Egypt. So how did they work things out? Did the strangers live according to their own laws or did they have to fit in with the laws God gave to the children of Israel? God makes it very clear in His Word that the strangers were to have the same laws as the "homeborn.” Let’s look at some of the Scriptures:

Exodus 12:49, 50: "One law shall be to him that is homeborn, and unto the stranger that sojourneth among you. Thus did all the children of Israel; as the Lord commanded Moses and Aaron, so did they."

Numbers 9:14: "Ye shall have one ordinance, both for the stranger, and for him that was born in the land."

Numbers 15:15, 16: "One ordinance shall be both for you of the congregation, and also for the stranger that sojourneth with you, an ordinance forever in your generations: as ye are, so shall the stranger before the Lord. One law and one manner shall be for you, and for the stranger that sojourneth with you."

Numbers 15:29: "Ye shall have one law for him that sinneth through ignorance, both for him that is born among the children of Israel, and for the stranger that sojourneth among them."

Therefore I use this biblical principle in my home. Of course, I do have grace and mercy, but there are times when I have to lovingly, but firmly, state the rules of our home. If parents do not have the decency to stop their children jumping on my sofas, I will have to tell the children to stop. I have often seen them jumping on beds and had to curtail them.

We like to sit up at the table when we eat. And I don’t allow eating throughout the house, expect in the kitchen and dining room. It’s not easy to keep a home clean when crumbs are dropped through the house and drinks spilt on carpets.

We expect people who stay or live with us (and because we open our home continually in hospitality, we have many people coming and going) to join with us for Family Devotions morning and evening. This is part of the lifestyle of our homeborn family, and therefore we expect “strangers,” although usually friends, to partake with us. Now if we have non-Christians sitting at our table, we won’t expect them to pray personally around the table as we usually do. However, we don’t forgo reading the Word, but my husband will pray instead.

I could go on talking about many issues and you will have lots of questions too. We need to be sitting around together in a circle to discuss this question. However, I hope these Scriptures will give you a guideline as you face situations like this in your home.

In His love,

Nancy Campbell

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GetUpAgain2Have you blown it? You've fallen again! You feel as though you have failed! Don't despair. God has put a principle in the universe that when we fall we will get up again. Isn't that great? Jeremiah 8:4 says: "Do men fall and not get up again? Does one turn away and not repent?"

If you've fallen, just get up again! That's the way! Isn't that how we encourage our little ones when they are learning to walk or when they are learning anything new as they grow older? This is the same way God treats us. He knows that we are weak and frail, but He encourages us to get up again. If you have sinned, repent and receive God's forgiveness which flows freely to you through His blood that He shed for you.

Psalm 37: 23-24 says: “The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord: and he delighteth in His way. Though he fall, he shall not be utterly cast down: for the Lord upholdeth him with His hand."

Even if you fall seven times in one day, you can get up again each time. Proverbs 24:16 says: “A just man falleth seven times, and riseth up again.”

Micah 7:8 says: “Rejoice not against me, O mine enemy: when I fall, I shall arise when I sit in darkness, the LORD shall be a light unto me.” Read also Psalm 145:14.

Be blessed today.

Nancy Campbell

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helpmeet2Genesis 2:18 says that I am created to be a help-meet to my husband. I can be a helper to him by:

H Heaping love and kisses upon him.
E Excitedly preparing meals for him.
L Lovingly serving him rather than my own pursuits.
P Praying for him.
E Encouraging him daily.
R Reverencing him and submitting to him.

How often I fall short of God’s divine plan for me. May God help me, and each one of us, to be the helpers He wants us to be to our husbands.

~ Nancy Campbell

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BacktoLifeHow is your soul today? Downcast? Reveling in self-pity? Or even dead? I have answer for you. It’s God’s living Word.

Psalm 19:7 says: “The law of the LORD is perfect converting the soul.” Most other translations say either: “restoring the soul.” “refreshing the soul,” “reviving the soul,” and “renewing the soul.” I love Knox translation which says: “The Lord’s perfect law, how it brings the soul back to life.” Don’t you love that? Does your soul need coming back to life? Get back into God’s Word. You cannot expect to keep your soul alive when you don’t feed it.

“But I don’t seem to get time to read the Bible,” you answer. I know it is not easy when you have little ones around you. When my children were little I used to keep a Bible beside the toilet, one on my windowsill in the kitchen, and one in the place where I nursed the baby. There are many moments when you can receive life and sustenance if you make them happen. Open your Bible to the Psalms or Proverbs where it is easy to read a few verses in context.

And it is the same for your children. We would not dream of starving our children. We faithfully feed them three meals a day, and often in-between. And yet we let their souls and spirits starve! Make sure you gather together as a family morning and evening to read God’s Word together. You’ve got to keep their souls and spirits alive too.

Blessings to you home today,

Nancy Campbell

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GiftsFromGodWhat happens when we have a baby? We receive a child from the Lord. When Eve gave birth to Cain she exclaimed, “I have gotten a man FROM THE LORD” (Genesis 4:1). Some translations say “with the help of the Lord.” I love the Knox Version which says, “I have been ENRICHED by the Lord with a man-child.”

What an awesome privilege we have as women! Every child God gives you comes from Him. He is the giver of life. You cannot even conceive without God visiting you (Genesis 21:1, 2 and 1Samuel 2:21).

Let’s embrace the privilege and awesomeness of conception and birth--miraculous blessings from God. Because this is God’s beautiful plan, the devil hates it and tries to destroy life every way He can.

Let’s be life receivers rather than life stoppers.

Love from Nancy Campbell

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GenerationBuilderDo your dreams and prayers include the generations to come?

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SaveLoseItI love the line from the delightful children’s book by George MacDonald, “At the Back of the North Wind.” He says, “For our Selves will always do pretty well If we don’t pay them too much attention.” How true are these words. It is the same principle Jesus gave us in Mark 8:35: “For whosoever will save his life shall lose it; but whosoever shall lose his life for my sake and the gospel’s, the same shall save it.”

When we focus on ourselves--our own problems, sicknesses, and how to make ourselves happy we end up self-serving which pulls us down into the slough of self-pity and delusion. It is an eternal principle that when you forget about yourself and pour out your life for others you become fulfilled. You are happier and more relaxed, peaceful, hopeful, and content.

“But what about me? you cry. Of course we have to care for ourselves spiritually, mentally, and physically. That’s basic. But we don’t tune all our thinking on ourselves. I’ll never forgot a moment in my life years ago. My children were all little and I had just come home from purchasing the groceries. As I walked over the threshold of my home, I felt the voice of the Holy Spirit speaking strongly to my heart, “Nancy, how can I reveal to you the needs of others if you are always thinking of yourself?” I have never forgotten those words. From then on I learned to give much more room in my mind and heart for others.

Will we be forgotten when we pour out our lives for others? No, the opposite. God makes sure that our “self” as George MacDonald puts it, will be blessed and comforted. God pours into those who pour out.

Mothering is a liberating ministry into this eternal principle. Not on the odd occasion, but 24/7 we forget self as we pour out our hearts for our children--praying for them, teaching them, training them, caring for them, cooking for them, and often agonizing over them.

Let’s embrace this eternal principle and live in the fullness of the joy and life God intends for us. We teach our children how to be joyful; we need to adhere to it ourselves.

J Jesus first
O Others second
Y Yourself last

Be blessed,

Nancy Campbell

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WomansBrainI am sure all mothers will enjoy reading this article. Here are a couple of lovely quotes:

“Becoming a parent looks—at least in the brain—a lot like falling in love.”

“The blueprint for mothering behavior exists in the brain even before a woman has children. Perhaps, then, motherhood really is like secret space in a woman's brain, waiting to be discovered.”


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BeautyJesusMy life touched yours for a very brief space,
And what, oh what did you see?
A hurried, a worried, an anxious face?
Or the beauty of Jesus in me?

Was I steeped so deep in the ways of the world
That you couldn't detect one thing
That would set me apart and show that my heart
Belonged to the heavenly king?

Did I carry no banner for Jesus my Lord?
Not one thing at all that could show
Whose side I am on in the glorious fight?
I am his. But you wouldn't know.

Forgive me! and if we should e'er meet again
Upon earth, oh I pray you will see
No mark of this world, but his banner unfurled,
And the beauty of Jesus in me!

~ A. H. Mortenson

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MotherQueenHome based upon Christian marriage is so evidently an institution of God, that a man must become profane before he can deny it . . . Of this realm woman is queen. It takes its cue and its hue from her. If she is in the best sense womanly--if she is true and tender, loving and heroic, patient and self-devoted--she consciously or unconsciously organizes and puts in operation a set of influences that do more to mould the destiny of the nation than any man, uncrowned by power or eloquence, can possibly effect.

~ Dr. J. G. Holland

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SpadeSpadeWords have power. God gave us the gift of speech to communicate to one another with words. Jesus Himself is THE WORD! John 1: 1, 2, 14 says: “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God. . . . And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth.” God gives words of truth.

However, words can also deceive. Words can lie. Words are misleading the majority of this nation. By euphemisms-- nice sounding words to cover up the true meaning of something so it no longer sounds offensive. Our humanistic society and the political left use euphemisms to cover up their agenda. To change your thinking! Hide the real truth.

Let’s not be fooled. Don’t allow your children to be fooled either. If they grow up accepting these words they will be brainwashed and imbibe falsity. They will hook into an anti-biblical mindset and become self-deceived.

Let’s look at just some of the examples. Please forgive me, the list got a little longer than I intended:

Abortion mentality. Currently accepted as the “right to choose,” “pro-choice," "women's health," or "reproductive freedom." The real truth is: “I choose to murder my own flesh and blood baby.”

Abortion act is called the “termination of pregnancy, “removal of fetal matter.” Would abortion clinics have as many clients if they posted the sign: “Come in here to have your baby murdered”?

Abortioner. The evil act of the abortioner which kills a live human being is called “Embryo Reduction Procedure” (ERP).

Adultery which breaks sacred vows proclaimed before God and betrays the marriage partner is called “temporary marriage,” “extra marital affair,” or just “an affair.”

Assisted Suicide by physicians giving a lethal overdose to kill a person is called the nice sounding phrase of “Death with Dignity.” No matter how nice it sounds, it’s still murder.

Baby in the womb is called everything but a human baby. Instead it is called “uterine contents,” “birth matter,” “products of conception,” etc.

Bad debts are called “under-performing assets.”

Bums. The accepted word is “homeless.”

Charity is called “entitlement.”

Child sexual abuse is watered down by the words “intergenerational sex.”

Collapse of American society. Our president calls it “fundamental transformation.”

Confiscation by threat of what belongs to others is called “social justice.” It’s really injustice.

Contraception is advocated by “Every child a wanted child.” Sounds lovely, but does that mean that a mother who does not find the timeframe convenient to have a baby can abort?

Fornication which is sexual intercourse before marriage is accepted as “pre-marital sex.” God calls it sin and says that no fornicator (along with other listed sins) will enter the kingdom of heaven (1 Corinthians 5:9, 10). Of course, God gives total forgiveness when someone repents (1 John 1:7, 9).

Downright lies are called “inoperative statements” or “terminological inexactitude.”

Drug abuse is called “substance abuse.”

Gangs are called “youth groups.”

Expecting people to accept lifestyles that are contrary to the Bible is called “tolerance.”

Government spending is called “investment.”

Homosexuals are called “gay.” How can it be gay when it is an abomination in God’s eyes?

Illegal aliens are called “undocumented immigrants,” or Obama’s favorite term, “Americans-in-waiting.” My husband and I came from a different country and had to pay thousands of dollars and work hard to receive our Green Card on which was printed “Resident Alien.” Even though we were here legally we were stilled called “alien.” Today people are no longer called alien even when they are illegal! We later went on to become US citizens.

Liberal Left are called “progressives” or “progressive change agents.” They are not progressive and it is more correct to call them “leftists” or “statists.”

Marxism (which is really socialism, communism, or collectivism) currently practiced by many in government is covered up by the misleading names of “fairness,” “economic justice,” “redistribution,” “progressivism,” and “spreading the wealth around.”

Southern American children from infants to 18 years, arranged by gangs and drug cartels and welcomed by Obama into this nation, are called “unaccompanied minors.”

Micromanagement of our daily lives, thoughts, and businesses by self-appointed elitists is called “socialism.”

Pedophiles who prey on young children are called “minor-attracted persons” (MAPs).

Perverts are called “sexual variants.”

Porn movies are called “adult movies.”

Prostitutes are called “sex workers” or engaging in “social activity.”

Wasteful spending is called by our government “legislative directive.”

Rejecting the female role is called “feminism.” This term is devious because it sounds so much like the word feminine which gives the picture of a gentle, submissive, and nurturing woman. Instead, they want to annihilate motherhood and the family.

Sex change is called “Gender Assignment Surgery.” Everything that is against God and His creation is changed to a misleading word or phrase.

Twenty-four hour government-funded child care is called “flexible child care.” That doesn’t sound like a takeover, does it? But that it is the eventual plan.

Taxes. Obama, the professional euphemizer calls tax increase “Revenue enhancement,” “shared sacrifices,” or “advanced approach.” And yet he has already spent, using the people’s taxes, over $40 million on his vacations alone while in office. It will be over $50 million by the time his term ends.

We dare not be fooled by these euphemisms. The political left tells us like it’s not. Let’s not be afraid to tell it like it is!

We will not be seduced!

~ Nancy Campbell

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NoChildrenNo children in the house to play-
It must be hard to live that way!
I wonder what the people do
When night comes on and the work is through,
With no glad little folks to shout,
No eager feet to race about,
No youthful tongues to chatter on
About the joy that’s been and gone?
The house might be a castle fine,
But what a lonely place to dine!

No children in the house at all,
No finger marks upon the wall,
No corner where the toys are pile—
Sure indication of a child.
No little lips to breathe the prayer
That God shall keep you in His care,
No glad caress and welcome sweet
When night returns you to your street;
No little lips a kiss to give—
Oh, what a lonely way to live!

No children in the house! I fear
We could not stand it half a year.
Would we talk about at night,
Plan for and work with all our might,
Hold common dreams about and find
True union of heart and mind,
If we two had no greater care
Than what we both should eat and wear?
We never knew love’s brightest flame
Until the day the baby came.

And now we could not get along
Without their laughter and their song,
Joy is not bottled on a shelf,
It cannot feed upon itself;
And even love, if it shall wear,
Must find its happiness in care;
Dull we’d become of mind and speech
Had we no little ones to teach.
No children in the house to play!
Oh, we could never live that way!

~ Edgar Guest.

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WakeUpToday is the first day of another year. The word filling my mind is AWAKE. In the midst of our busy lives and trying to keep up with everything we can still be asleep.

Asleep to the dangers of the changes happening to our communities and country. Asleep to the insidious plan of the enemy to keep us slumbering while he sows his deceptions into the minds of our children and this generation. Asleep to the plan of the progressives (the new word for socialists and Marxists) who are redirecting our nation from its core Judeo/Christian values to socialist and humanist ideology--opposite to our fundamental belief in God and family. Asleep to the plan to reeducate the children of our public schools to reject God, morality, the authority of their parents and instead embrace multiculturalism and political correctness (and everything that goes along with that word and which is also a form of Marxism). Asleep to our own materialism, half-heartedness, luke-warmnness, worldliness, and apathy. Asleep to the needs of others, the hurting world, and the persecuted church.

It’s time to AWAKE. This is what the Scripture says in 1 Corinthians 15:34: “Awake to righteousness, and sin not; for some have not the knowledge of God: I speak this to your shame.”

This word “awake” is not used anywhere else in the Bible. It means to “awake immediately from a drunken sleep.”

I believe this is God’s Word to us for this year. Awake to what is going on around us. Awake from our sleep of tolerance and turn back to God’s way. Back to righteousness. The majority of Christians are totally oblivious to the total reeducating of the minds of this nation. No wonder the Scripture exhorts us to be “transformed by the renewing of your mind” (Romans 12:2). We will either be propagandized by leftist ideology or transformed by God’s living truth.

The Jerusalem Bible says: “Come to your senses, behave properly.”

Let’s wake up.

Blessings to you and your family,

Nancy Campbell

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Above Rubies Address

Email Nancy

PO Box 681687
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