GuiltyHave you read the words to the Newsboys song, “Guilty.” They wrote this song for the new movie, GOD’S NOT DEAD 2. However, they have received flack for the words of this song. There are some Christian radio stations who will not play it because they don’t want to offend! I beg your pardon! If we cannot stand up for Christ and for the truth, we should not use the name “Christian.”

May we never be ashamed to own Christ and to lift up His name. May we be Christ up-lifting families, never compromising with the spirit of this world.

This song and the new movie are getting negative criticism from the secular world and even the compromising Christian world. Praise the Lord, that means the devil doesn’t like it. He is scared. Let’s stand up for truth. Let’s go to the movie and take others with us. Oh yes, and here’s the words to the song:

When did it become breaking a rule
To say Your name out loud in school
When Your name is the only one that sets us free
When did it become incorrect
To speak the truth about life and death
When Your life gave us all eternity

Even if it gets me convicted
I’ll be on my knees with my hands lifted

If serving You is against the law of man
If living out my faith in You was banned
Then I’ll stand right before the jury
If saying “I believe” is out of line
If I’m judged ‘cause I’m gonna give my life
To show the world the love that fills me
Then I want to be guilty

I’ll rise up and honor You
I’ll testify to the good You do
‘Cause your grace and Your mercy have overtaken me

Guilty by association
Guilty of being a voice proclaiming
Your ways
Your truth
Your life
I’ll pay the price to be Your light

I want to be guilty

~ Nancy Campbell


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