DignifiedChildrenYesterday I wrote about having faithful children. Did you know the Bible also talks about raising DIGNIFIED children?

1 Timothy 1:4 (NASB) reveals that God doesn’t want unruly children, but dignified children. This Scripture once again talks to pastors and elders (but it applies to all parents): “He must be one who manages his own household well, keeping his children under control with all dignity.”

The word for “dignity” is semnotes and means “dignity, decency, honesty, and inspiring respect and honor from other people.” Dignified children have a good testimony before the world.

When specifically speaking to the young men, Titus 2:7 encourages them again about dignity: “In all things show yourself to be an example of good deeds, with purity in doctrine, dignified, sound in speech which is beyond reproach, so that the opponent will be put to shame, having nothing bad to say about us.”

How many of us have dignified children? Dignified in their speech, conduct, and manner of life? So dignified that other people take notice.

Let’s elevate the standard and raise dignified children in this world--children who are good examples of belonging to God’s kingdom and the King of kings and Lord of lords. We must constantly remind them that they belong to royalty.

Blessings to you from Nancy Campbell

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BeFaithfulGod specifically encourages us as parents to raise FAITHFUL children. Titus 1:6 writes to pastors and elders that they must be men of unquestionable integrity who have “FAITHFUL children not accused of riot or unruly.” This is God’s standard for all parents, but a pastor who leads a flock, must of course hold up this standard.

The word “faithful” is pistos and means children who are “believers who hold to the faith, truthful, trustworthy, and faithful in all things.” The same word is used in the following Scriptures:

Matthew 24:45-47: “Who then is a faithful and wise servant . . . Blessed is that servant, whom his lord when he cometh shall find so doing. Verily I say unto you, That he shall make him ruler over all his goods.”

Matthew 25:21, 23: “Well done, thou good and faithful servant: thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will make thee ruler over many things: enter thou into the joy of thy lord.”

Luke 16:10: “He that is faithful in that which is least is faithful also in much.”

We have a responsibility to live this truth before our children. Do they see us being faithful in the little things of life? Do they see us faithfully doing the same things day after day without grumbling and complaining? Do they see us happily and contentedly changing diapers, preparing meals, and cleaning the house?

As they SEE this attribute in our lives it becomes easier to train them to be faithful in the little things of life. It is a God-given principle that we will only move into greater things as we are faithful to the daily routine of life.

The opposite of faithful children are children who are “accused of riot or unruly (disobedient).” The word “riot” is asotia and is used for extravagant squandering (the same word used of the prodigal son in Luke 15:13). It describes one who easily gives into the flesh, worldly lusts, and appetites.

May God help us we lead our children to faith in Christ (No. 1 ultimate vision for our children) and train them to be faithful and trustworthy in the daily duties of life and home. They will not be ready for greater things unless they learn to be faithful in the little things now.

Be blessed.

Nancy Campbell

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ImpossiblePossibleAre you currently facing an impossible situation? Can I encourage you to not look at the “impossible” situation, but to look to God? Did you know that the word “impossible” means nothing to Him. It’s not in His vocabulary.

What did Abraham do in the impossibly looking situation when God promised him a son? He was 100 years old and Sarah was ninety! It couldn’t happen naturally. Romans 4:20 says: “He staggered not at the promise of God through unbelief; but was strong in faith giving glory to God.” The ESV makes it clearer: “No unbelief made him waver concerning the promise of God, but he grew strong in his faith as he gave glory to God.”

I was challenged again as I read this Scripture. Abraham became strong in faith AS HE PRAISED AND GAVE GLORY TO GOD. His faith would have weakened if he had kept dwelling on the impossibility of the situation.

Praise God in your situation, even when you feel the opposite. Even when you can see not light at the end of the tunnel. Give glory to God that He is in control and can do what man cannot do. Even when doubts consume your mind, keep giving glory to the Lord, and your faith will grow strong. Our faith doesn’t grow strong when we can manage the situation ourselves, but only when we are totally cast upon God.

God bless you today,

Nancy Campbell

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EducationStartsHereI talked with a mother at our Above Rubies Saskatchewan Retreat last weekend. She shared with me that she has given her oldest son the project of gradually writing out the whole Bible. He writes two chapters a day and at 12 years old is now up to Deuteronomy. She wants him to write the whole Bible before he is married. What a great blessing for his future life. Anyone want to utilize this idea? Sounds pretty good to me.

Love from Nancy

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ColorCodingA mother talked with me over the weekend about what she does with their PRAYER CARDS for the family. Because she has children of varying ages, she writes very simple prayer needs on colored cards and more intense or political needs on white cards. The older children know to take a white card out of the PRAYER BOX and the younger children a colored card.

I thought this was a great idea and want to pass it on to you.

Blessings from Nancy Campbell

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20LittleThingsDon't forget to say something special to your husband today. And don't forget to say, "I love you." And don't forget to give him a hug and a kiss.

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ILoveMotheringDo you want to be inspired today in your powerful role of mothering?

Check out these pictures of beautiful mothers and babies. Your heart will melt and you will be stirred again in your high and noble calling:


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EnduringTempIsn’t it amazing that many people would rather stake their lives on the temporary rather than the enduring? Many believers conduct their lives on the contemporary values of our modern society.

Jeremiah 6:16: “Thus saith the Lord, Stand in the ways, and see, and ask for the old paths, where is the good way, and walk therein, and ye shall find rest for your souls.” What are these old paths we are to seek after? Doesn’t it seem rather old fashioned to ask after “old” ways?

But what does this word really mean? The word “old” is olam in the Hebrew. It means “from time immemorial, without end.” In most places in the Bible this word is translated as “everlasting.” God’s ways for us are everlasting ways. They stand the test of time from the beginning of time to the end. They were refined in the courts of heaven before they were given to us on earth. They are divine, they are eternal, and they work!

Forget the modern humanistic trend. They are going down the wrong track. Dare to stand up and be counted. Go after God’s everlasting plan, no matter what relatives or friends have to say. Rejoice when God gives you another baby. You are walking in the everlasting plan. You are doing something that is eternal.

What could be more important that nurturing and caring for an eternal soul who will live forever? All other careers will be left behind.

Love from Nancy Campbell

Painting: Motherly Love by Gabriele Baber

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LoveHusband2Every marriage tells a story. What story does my marriage tell? What does yours? We first tell the story to our children for they perceive marriage as they look at us. Is it a sweet, loving story? Does it make them excited to be married? Do we show them a picture of the relationship of Christ and His church?

Is it a story of constancy that makes them feel secure? Do we tell them a story of God’s ways, showing them clearly the different roles God gives to husband and wife, father and mother? Do they see us functioning joyfully in our particular role? Hopefully they don’t see a blur, or our taking our husband’s role.

We also tell a story to everyone around us, either positively or negatively. Let’s show our children and the world a beautiful story of God’s plan for enduring marriage. Amen.

Love from Nancy Campbell

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NamesOfGodYesterday we talked about rejoicing in the name of the Lord. However, to effectively rejoice in His name we need to KNOW HIS NAME. We can never know God fully for He is incomprehensible. However, in His mercy He chooses to reveal His attributes to us through His names.

To know and understand the names and attributes of God should be the greatest pursuit of our lives. Our knowledge of Him determines our walk with Him. And our walk with God determines the way we run our home and mother our children. Also, it’s only as we know God that we can reveal Him to our children.

Here is a good idea for you that I found a great blessing. As you read God's Word, look out for Scriptures which reveal the names of God and His attributes--His faithfulness, longsuffering, love, mercy, justice and judgment, vengeance, holiness, goodness, wisdom, and so on. We often stay stuck on God's love and do not understand the full character of God. Get a notebook and make headings of God’s names and attributes you discover. Write the appropriate Scriptures under each heading. You will eventually have your own personal concordance of the character of God.

As you meditate upon these Scriptures and ask God to give you more understanding and reveal Himself to you through His names, you will come to know Him more and more. You can also take a different heading from time to time and read the Scriptures to your children, perhaps at Family Devotions, and discuss them together. There is no more powerful thing you can do than teach your children to understand and experience the names of God in their lives. I am sure you are like me. You don’t want your children to only know about God, but to truly KNOW Him.

And the more you know of His name, the more you will rejoice in His names.

God bless you and your family today,

Nancy Campbell

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JehovahNamesAre you rejoicing today? “Help, I don’t have anything to rejoice about,” you exclaim! Sometimes you can feel like that when everything goes wrong, insurmountable problems confront you, or you feel just plain lousy.

However, Psalm 89:16 inspires us: “IN THY NAME shall they rejoice all the day; and in thy righteousness shall they be exalted.” It is true that you can’t always rejoice in your circumstances or what is happening in your life, but you can rejoice in the name of the Lord. His name never changes. It is always constant. His name is holy. It is awesome. It is glorious. His name is Jehovah-Jireh--the Lord who provides, Jehovah-Rapha--the Lord my Healer. The name of the Lord is a strong tower into which you can run. And on and on.

And never forget God has given Jesus “a name which is ABOVE EVERY NAME, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth, and that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father” ( Philippians 2:9-112).

We never have an excuse to not rejoice in the name of the Lord. No matter what your difficulty, by faith, rejoice in His name. Praise Him for His glorious attributes Rejoice you are called by His name.

“Rejoice in the LORD, and again I say, rejoice” (Philippians 4:4).

Encourage yourself in His name today,

Nancy Campbell

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WCPrayerBoxDo you use a Prayer Box in your home? We find it a wonderful blessing. Did you know you don’t have to be limited to only one Prayer Box? You can make up more than one for different subjects. You can then alternate them each week. Here are some ideas for different Prayer Boxes you may like to have in your home.


On your prayer cards, write the names of each member of your family, plus extended family.


Write on your prayer cards the needs in our nation, international needs, missionaries you are praying for, and current needs that require prayer. Look up this link to get ideas to pray for the needs of the world: http://tinyurl.com/IdeasForPrayerCards


Going through my cupboards the other week I found this very box which we used for some time. Write cards of the different families in your church who need prayer and encouragement.


This is such a powerful and biblical Prayer Box to use. There are so many countries persecuting Christians that it is hard to keep up with all the needs of the persecuted church around the world. The persecution of Christians in the 10/40 Window has increased by 400 percent over the last 10 years. That’s why it’s great to have a box especially designated for the persecuted church.

Your box will be fat with cards, especially if you write in every one of the 60 countries who persecute Christians. Then you have specific needs happening to those who are being persecuted. Don’t forget North Korea which is the most persecuting country of Christians in the world.

And how can we not pray every day for what is happening in Iraq and Syria where they face beheadings, rapings, and cruelties beyond measure.? No wonder Hebrews 13: 3 tells us to pray for them as though we were in prison with them and to feel their suffering as though we were suffering their pain in our own body.

Here is a link to give you more information about the persecuted church:


The 10/40 Window is the rectangular area of North Africa, the Middle East, and Asia approximately between 10 degrees north and 40 degrees north latitude. These countries include the majority of the world's Muslims, Hindus, and Buddhists--a high percentage of the least evangelized and unreached peoples with the Gospel.

These countries include: Afghanistan, Albania, Algeria, Azerbaijan
Bahrain, Bangladesh, Benin, Bhutan, Brunei, Burkina Faso
Cambodia, Chad, China, Hong Kong China, Macau
Djibouti, East Timor, Egypt, Eritrea, Ethiopia
Gambia, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, India, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Israel
Japan, Jordan, Kazakhstan, North Korea, Kuwait, Kyrgyzstan
Laos, Lebanon, Libya
Malaysia, Maldives, Mali, Mauritania, Mongolia, Morocco, Myanmar (Burma)
Nepal, Niger, Nigeria, Oman, Pakistan, Qatar
Saudi Arabia, Senegal, Somalia, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Syria
Taiwan, Tajikistan, Thailand, Tunisia, Turkey, Turkmenistan
United Arab Emirates, Uzbekistan, Vietnam,
West Bank / Gaza, Western Sahara, Yemen

Wow! Do you know where all these countries are situated? What a great project to learn about each one gradually and add to your Prayer Box. It is such a great way for your children to learn about these countries and get a heart for missions at an early age. Not only a heart for missions, but a heart to pray for the lost and the unreached peoples of the world.


If you have a vision to reach out to your neighborhood, your community, and city, the best idea is to start with your Prayer Box. Put in the names of the families God puts upon your heart to pray for. As you pray for them, God will show you how He wants you to reach out to them. Maybe He will inspire you to invite them over for a meal to show them God’s love and what it’s like to live in a Christian home.

Get your children helping to make the Prayer Boxes you would like to use in your home--and also writing the cards.

Another good idea is to use pictures of people (missionaries, a certain person you are praying for to be saved or healed, the kind of people who live in a certain country and so on) and places (pictures or maps of the countries you are praying for), especially when you have young children. This helps them to pray more effectively.

May you be blessed above measure,

Nancy Campbell

P.S. More links to check out:

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12YearsOldDo you remember the account of Jesus when he was only twelve years old? The family came to the Feast of Passover at Jerusalem. On the way home, along with all the other hundreds of families returning from Jerusalem, his parents noticed Jesus’ was missing. They immediately returned to Jerusalem but it was three days before they found Him.

Where was he? In the temple, sitting among the teachers and doctors, asking and answering questions about his Father. What did Jesus answer to his frantic parents? “Wist ye not that I must be about my Father’s business?” (Luke 2:49).

What vision do you have for your children at this age--twelve years and moving into early teens? It saddens me that when they get to this age many children become less interested in the things of God. This breaks my heart. Statistics reveal that children who grow up in Sunday Schools rather than being in the main service with their parents are usually not interested in church by the time they are twelve years of age. They are influenced and conditioned by their peers to worldly things rather than pursuing after God.

Some translations of the Bible say that Jesus replied, “I must be in my Father’s house?” The Greek allows for either translation as it is only a definite article, not a specific word. I love the words “be about my Father’s business,” or “my Father’s affairs.” Even at this young age He wanted nothing else than God’s will. This was His consuming passion for life.

I also love the words, “My Father’s courts” or “my Father’s house.” He loved to be in the house of God. He loved to talk with and learn from older men of the deep things of the Word of God. This was his home. Do your children love to come to church, love to pray, and love to listen to adults sharing the deep truths of God?

What is the spiritual temperature of your twelve year olds and teens? Let’s pray intently for our children that they will become more passionate for God with every passing year, rather than less and less.

Bless you today,

Nancy Campbell

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DoingGoodWorkEphesians 6:8 tells us: “Whatsoever GOOD thing any man doeth, the same shall he receive the Lord.” Dear mother, I want to remind you that you are doing a GOOD work.

God tells us in Titus 2-5 that the “GOOD” things the older women must teach the younger women are all about the home--loving your husband, loving your children, and being a keeper at home. When you embrace this lifestyle God planned for you, you are doing a good work. When you nurse your baby, teach your children, prepare the meals, and clean and keep your house in order you are doing GOOD things.

1 Timothy 5:10 also describes the woman in the home--embracing and nurturing children, showing hospitality, and ministering to the needy. Once again it says these are “GOOD works.”

And what does God say when you do the good things He wants you to do? You receive your reward from the Lord. Be encouraged today. As your pour your life into building your marriage and your family, it is never wasted. God sees every effort. And you will not miss your eternal reward.

Live in the joy of knowing you are doing a good work,

Nancy Campbell

P.S. Painting by Norman Rockwell

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EatenUpSome people allow themselves to get eaten up inside with bitterness, hurt, and jealousy etc. We cannot allow this to continue in our lives for it will only destroy us and our entire family. We have a responsibility as mothers to keep our spirit whole--pure, blameless, and continually forgiving.

However, there is one area where the Bible tells us we are to get eaten up in our spirit? Do you know what it is? John 2:17 says of Jesus: “The zeal of thine house hath EATEN ME UP.” These words were spoken after Jesus made a whip and cleansed the temple, driving out all the sheep and oxen, and tipping over all the tables and money and cried out: “Take these things hence; make not my Father’s house a house of merchandise” (John 2:16) and “It is written, My house shall be called the house of prayer: but ye have made it a den of thieves” (Matthew 21:13).

Your home is also God’s house if you have dedicated it to the Lord, which I am sure you have. We can’t be lackadaisical about building our home for the Lord, about making it a house of prayer, and about keeping it a holy place for God. Our passion and vision to raise a godly family in this ungodly world should consume us. It’s the only thing we are allowed to eat us up! Jesus was zealous for His house. We should also be zealous for the house we build for Him.

Jesus Christ redeemed us to be “zealous of good works” (Titus 2:14). Building your home and family for God is a good work. Do it with zeal. Don’t do it half-heartedly, allowing other things to consume your mind and time than the great commission God has given to you.

May you be zealously anointed for God in your home today.

Blessings from Nancy Campbell

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WhoseTableI wonder what kind of table you have in your home? Is it round, square, or rectangular? Is it old or new? It doesn’t really matter what it looks like. The real question we have to ask ourselves is: who does our table belong to? Is it my table? Or is it the Lord’s table?

If God dwells in our home, it will be God’s table.

Did you know that God loves to have a table? In the Old Testament He says: “They shall enter into my sanctuary, and they shall come near to MY TABLE to minister unto me” (Ezekiel 44:16). Everything changes when you understand your table belongs to God. It changes how you conduct your meals. It changes what you do at your table. We understand that the table is not only a place to eat some food, but a place where we feed our children body, soul, and spirit. We feed their bodies, but God is present to feed their souls and spirits.

We notice four wonderful things about your table which belongs to God.

1. God reminds us to “enter into my sanctuary.” We cannot taste the delights of God’s table unless we come to the table. Oh how many hours of delights families miss together because life’s programs stop them from sitting at the table together. So many of our activities happen around the evening meal time. They may be good, but they deprive us from the best.

We have to come to the table. We have to enter into His sanctuary. We have to understand that our table is a sacred place because it is God’s table. When we understand it is God’s table, we won’t want to miss being at the table to meet with Him.

2. God reminds us to come NEAR to Him. God doesn’t want us to be far away from Him. He doesn’t want everything else in the world to captivate our hearts. At the table we come near to one another and near to Him.

3. God reminds us (as we have mentioned) that our table is HIS TABLE.

4. God reminds us that the table is where we MINISTER UNTO HIM. God had His table in the Holy Place in the tabernacle. Every single day the twelve loaves of bread sat upon the table. Every week the priests came in and ate of the bread and fellowshipped with God and then placed new bread upon the table. The table was never without bread. It was called the “CONTINUAL shewbread” (Leviticus 24:5-8 and 2 Chronicles 2:4). Even when they traveled to a new place the continual bread had to be upon the table (Numbers 4:7).

God always has bread on His table. It’s there every day for us. It never runs out. We never have to go hungry in our souls and spirits. And therefore at our table each day, we open God’s precious Word and read it. It ministers to us and to our children. It prepares them for life. It prepares them to face the world. We cannot do without it or we starve spiritually. And not only does God minister to us by filling us with His eternal bread, but we minister to Him as we pray, and praise Him for all that He is.

Don’t vacate God’s table. He waits at His table in your home to meet with you, to feed you, and to have fellowship with you.

Be encouraged,

Nancy Campbell


Painting is by a Scottish painter: John Henry Lorimer (1856-1936)

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ForgivingDid you notice the comment from Renee Fogg with the post below, “Are you living in the bitterness of unforgiveness or the freedom of forgiveness? I’ll post it here for you in case you missed it. It is encouraging.

“Forgiveness does NOT mean:
a) you're down-playing what happened,
b) you're acting as though it didn't happen at all,
c) you're acting as though it didn't really matter,
d) that they are "off the hook." They are accountable to God.

Forgiveness IS:
a) Getting YOURSELF "off the hook," because unforgiveness gives Satan "hookholds" to harm you and others so much.
b) Positioning yourself closer back to the Lord's side, because unforgiveness is sin. It comes between us and our Good Shepherd, a dangerous place to be. "Sin, when it is finished, brings forth death."
c) It leaves the offending party's offense at the Lord's throne, where only He can deal perfectly with it. We will only botch it up! We are not God.
d) It frees us from terrible bitterness which "defiles many," and only wastes away years of your life, which should instead be spent serving and glorifying the Lord.
e) It sets the Godly example for who knows how many generations to follow.

Do not be as the "unforgiving servant." Instead, forgive as He has forgiven YOU. There is nothing anyone could do to you that is worse than the sin God forgave YOU for.

And do not forget to "Pray for your enemies," in the hopes of their receiving forgiveness. The Holy Spirit is ready and willing to empower us to do so, for the Lord has commanded it. Our Father God knows best and He loves us far more than we love ourselves.”

~ Renee Fogg

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DontGiveUpI remember seeing a cartoon many years ago. It was a picture of a mother looking at the adverts in the newspaper. Around her were children out of control and the house in utter chaos. The caption read: “I’m looking for a job, I need a rest!”

This may be just how you feel sometimes. Dear mother, I want to remind you today that you already have the greatest career in the nation. I know it’s not easy. It has the longest hours. It’s full of challenges. Sometimes you feel so tired you can hardly see straight. But no job that is nation-changing, generation-influencing, and eternity-investing is easy.

And to top it all off, God is with you all the way through. He does not give up on you half way through your commission. He is with you to the end. David reminded his son, Solomon that “God will be with thee; he will not fail thee, nor forsake thee, until thou hast finished all the work for the service of the house of the LORD” (1 Chronicles 28:20).

God is also with you as you build your “house of the LORD” and daily serve Him as you mother and train your children. And did you get the message? He will be with you UNTIL YOU FINISH THE WORK! Yes, in all the serving in your home. Not half way through, but all the way through. You may feel exhausted along the way, but because God is with you, you will make it to the finishing line!

God’s promise to you in Hebrews 13:5, 6 says: “Be content with such things as ye have: for he hath said, I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee.” Wuest’s Word Studies from the Greek New Testament reveal the full meaning of this Scripture: “I WILL NOT, I WILL NOT, I WILL NOT let thee down, leave thee in the lurch, leave thee destitute, leave thee in straits and helpless, abandon thee.”

Lift up your head today. You are not doing this on your own. GOD IS WITH YOU UNTIL THE FINiSIHING LINE!

Be encouraged.

Nancy Campbell

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WinningBattleIt’s so easy to get carried away without thoughts, isn’t it? I find that that when I don’t discipline my thoughts they can often tend toward self-pity, “poor me, why do I have to put up with all of this?,” selfishness, and even my own pitiful thoughts about God which are not worthy of Him.

We must bring our thoughts into captivity for we live according to how we think. Our mothering is according to how we think. The whole atmosphere of our home depends on how we think! That’s why God wants us to think correctly. That’s why He wants us to be transformed by the daily renewing of His living Word (Romans 12:1 ,2).

2 Corinthians 10:3-5 (HCSB) says: “For though we live in the body, we do not wage war in an unspiritual way, since the weapons of our warfare are not worldly, but are powerful through God for the demolition of strongholds. We demolish arguments (reasonings) and every high-minded thing that is raised up against the knowledge of God, taking every thought captive to obey Christ.”

Are you ready for some warfare? We can’t hope our negative and unbelieving thoughts will disappear. We must take action against them. Demolish them! That’s right. The word literally means “to demolish, destroy, overthrow, and make extinct.”

Speak out: “I refuse these high-minded, deceiving, destructive thoughts in the name of Jesus. They don’t belong to me. I demolish them through the power of the blood of Jesus.” Now, go to God’s Word and speak His living words out loud. This is how Jesus over came the enemy (Matthew 4: 3-11). Every time the devil put his thoughts into Jesus’ mind, He demolished them by saying, “It is written.”

Through the Word of God and the power of the name of Jesus you can have victory over your thought life.

Be blessed today.

Nancy Campbell

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KingofKingsTHE GREATEST MAN in history
had no servants, yet they called him Master.
had no degree, yet they called him Teacher.
had no medicines, yet they called him Healer.
He had no army, yet kings feared him.
He won no military battles, yet He conquered the world.
He committed no crime, yet they crucified Him.
He was buried in a tomb, yet He lives today.
He is my Savior and Redeemer.
His name is Jesus Christ, KING OF KINGS, AND LORD OF LORDS!

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Above Rubies Address

Email Nancy

PO Box 681687
Franklin, TN 37068-1687

Phone : 931-729-9861
Office Hrs 9am - 5pm, M - F, CTZ