HomeIsBestOne of my favorite poems . . .


Stay, stay at home, my heart, and rest;
Home-keeping hearts are happiest,
For those that wander they know not where
Are full of trouble and full of care;
To stay at home is best.

Weary and homesick and distressed,
They wander east, they wander west,
And are baffled and beaten and blown about
By the winds of the wilderness of doubt;
To stay at home is best.

Then stay at home, my heart, and rest;
The bird is safest in its nest;
O'er all that flutter their wings and fly
A hawk is hovering in the sky;
To stay at home is best.

~ Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

The picture is by the American illustrator, W. L. Taylor, a 1904 painting of this very poem.

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GodInMotheringWe talked yesterday about knowing God in all our ways (Proverbs 3:6). What does it say? ALL our ways. That means ALL the practical ways of our lives. We can often feel very close to God when we are away on our own with our Bible and no distractions. In fact, we can feel very spiritual. But what about when we get back in the fray? In the midst of babies, toddlers, tantrums, teens, frustrations, and overwhelmingness! How can we know God then?

Dear mother, God wants you to KNOW HIM in all your mothering ways. Let’s get to the reality of life. God is the One who created our bodies. He wondrously, intricately, and amazingly created them to carry and nurture life in our wombs, to give birth, to pour out life and sustenance from our breasts, and to mother and teach our children. We are created, called, chosen, ordained, designated, and destined physically, emotionally, and spiritually for this purpose.

Therefore, as we realize this divine truth (and can I please interrupt my sentence here--it is a divine truth and because it is God’s plan the enemy wants to rob us from it. When he robs us of this truth, he robs us of our full understanding of God). As we embrace this divine truth we come to find out more and more who God is like. And the more we embrace His ways for us as wives and mothers, the more He reveals to us and leads us in His paths.

Seek with all your heart to KNOW GOD in the way He created you. Discover all the amazing hormones He gives to you when you are pregnant. Experience the blessed hormones He gives you while you nurse your baby. God is wrapped up in all your mothering. You miss knowing much of who God really is when you discard your mothering ways for other ways.

We understand how He wants us to mother even as we read these negative Scriptures about animals and birds:
Job 39:13-16: “The ostrich . . . which leaveth her eggs in the earth, and warmeth them in dust, and forgetteth that the foot may crush them, or that the wild beast may break them. She is hardened against her young ones, as though they were not hers: her labor is vain without fear.”

Lamentations 4:3: “Even the sea monsters draw out the breast, they give s.uck to their young ones: the daughter of my people is become cruel, like the ostriches in the wilderness.”

Jeremiah 8:7: “Yea, the stork in the heaven knoweth her appointed times, and the turtle and the crane and the swallow observe the time of their coming: but my people know not the judgment of the Lord.”

Be blessed, Nancy Campbell

P.S. Here are some links you may like to check out:

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DoChildrenKnowGodI am sure you have memorized and have taught your children Proverbs 3:5, 6: “Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.” They are good Scriptures to memorize as a family.

Although I have known these Scriptures from a child, it was only the other day that I discovered that the word “acknowledge” is “yada” in the Hebrew. This is far more than a casual acknowledgement of God. It means to know God in an intimate way. This same word is used of sexual intimacy. We read how God knew Abraham in a personal relationship, He spoke with Moses face to face, and He knew Jeremiah in the womb (Genesis 18:19; Exodus 33:17; Deuteronomy 34:10 and Jeremiah 1:5). He wants us to also know and experience Him (Jeremiah 9:23, 24).

“The Scriptures” is a relatively new translation published by the Institute for Scripture Research. They translate the verse correctly: “KNOW Him in all your ways.” We can only experience God’s true direction in our lives as we know Him. If we have put God into our little box and made Him a god of our own understanding, we will be led our own way. We have to pursue knowing God. We must seek the revelation of Him in His Word.

And dear mothers, we must seek above all things to teach our children to know God, not only know about Him. When God spoke to the little boy, Samuel in the temple 1 Samuel 3:7 states: “Now Samuel did not yet know (yada) the LORD.” Samuel lived in the very temple with the priests but didn’t know God personally yet.

Your children can grow up in your godly home and know about God, and yet miss KNOWING Him personally. Pray that they will come to know God intimately. Fill them with the Scriptures daily because it is the Word that makes them “wise unto salvation” (2 Timothy 3:17). Make sure you are revealing to them the God of the Bible, not a god of your own imagination. They will only know God’s ultimate direction upon their lives as they know God truly and intimately.

Be blessed,

Nancy Campbell

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WeepingHearts“Because your heart was tender and you humbled yourself before the LORD when you heard what I spoke against this place and against its inhabitants, that they would become a desolation and a curse, and because you have torn your clothes and wept before Me, I Myself have heard you . . . “ (2 Kings 22:19). We read this Scripture in our Family Devotions this morning. It’s the story of when they found the “book of the law” and read it to king Josiah. When the king heard God’s Word and His judgments upon the sin in the land, he wept and tore his clothes.

I feel very convicted about the state of my own heart. We face the same evils in our land today that were happening in Israel. What is our response? Do we just carry on as usual? Or do we have soft, tender, and broken hearts about the sin in the land? I am horrified about the same sex marriage law. I get on my knees and cry out to God. But I have to admit I haven’t torn my clothes. Do I really see sin like God sees it?

It seems that God is getting at me. I also read these Scriptures over the weekend:
Psalm 119:53: “HORROR has taken hold upon me because of the wicked that forsake thy law.”
Psalm 119: 136: “RIVERS OF WATER run down mine eyes, because they keep not thy law.”
Psalm 119:158: “I beheld the transgressors, and was GREIEVED; because they kept not thy word.”
Romans 12:9: “ABHOR that which is evil.” (“Abhor” in the Greek means to ‘SHUDDER WITH HORROR.”

I know this is not a nice, comforting post, but we must get down to reality. If we as God’s people are not mightily affected by the sin in the land, if our hearts are not grieved to tears, if we don’t shudder with horror at evil, and if we are not concerned enough to cry out to God repentance, we not much different from the world (Jeremiah 10:25).

Are our hearts hardened because we are so used to the sin and worldliness all around us? Or do we have soft, tender hearts. My continual cry is that God will keep me walking in the fear of the Lord with a weeping heart over sin (in my own life, in my family, in the church, and in the nation).

My prayer for you and me,

Nancy Campbell

A few more Scriptures to ponder: 2 Chronicles 7:14; Ezra 9:1-3; Isaiah 66:2; Jeremiah 9:17-21; Ezekiel 9:4; Amos 5:15; Joel 2:16-18; James 4:8-10; and 1 Peter 1:17.

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Today I am going to ask you six questions:

AR90coverQUESTION 1:

Did you read the magazine, Above Rubies # 90? If not, you can email me at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to ask for a copy and I’ll be so happy to send it to you. Don’t forget to give your mailing address.

P.S. The cover of this magazine is my daughter, Evangeline at her spinning wheel.


prayerboxIf you have Above Rubies # 90 in your possession, did you read the article, OUR PRAYER BOX?

If not, here is the link for you to read it: http://tinyurl.com/OurPrayerBox

I believe this is such an important article to read for not only the blessing of your family, but for the blessing of the world.


If you read OUR PRAYER BOX in the magazine (or you have just read the link that I sent you), did you take notice of the idea and make a Prayer Box for your family?

If so, I’d love you send me a picture of your Prayer Box or Prayer Boxes (I mention two types in the article) and share a little of how this idea has blessed your family.

Send your picture by attachment and your few comments to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

I’d appreciate it so very much. Thanks.


If you haven’t made a Prayer Box yet, would you like to make one?

It doesn’t have to be professional. Just find any box around the house, big or little, and enlist your children to decorate it or write a Scripture about prayer on it.

They will love to be part of making the Prayer Box.

Send me a picture when you do to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

PrayerBoxQUESTION 5:

Do you need help with ideas of what to write on the cards in your Prayer Box?

Here is a link for you to get ideas. It lists a lot of the needs that we have listed in our Prayer Box.

Of course, you will add many that relate to your family. You will find that your children will enter a new realm of prayer as they learn about important needs to pray about:


Do you need to know where to get more information of what is going on in the world in order to effectively pray as a family?

Check out this link that will give you loads of information:

~ Nancy


Have you read all the six questions?

In regard to QUESTION 1, a lot of mothers say they didn't get Above Rubies 91. If you didn't get this one, email me at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with your MAILING ADDRESS and I'll be happy to send you one. If you have not received any Above Rubies magazines and would like to be on the mailing list, you can also email me your name and mailing address.
Blessings, Nancy

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famskating wTwo bright EYES are watching you, mother and dad,
They’re watching you all the day long,
Absorbing unconsciously all that you are,
Not dreaming that you could be wrong.

Two quick EARS are listening to all that you say,
They’re listening to you, mother and dad.
Then speak of the things that are lovely true,
For some day you will wish that you had.

Two swift little FEET follow you all of the day,
They step in the footprints you make.
If you follow God’s paths, they’ll walk there too,
Or stray if His ways you forsake.

Two soft little HANDS have been placed into yours,
They’re trustfully clinging to you.
Today, while they’re pliable, train them aright,
They’ll do what you teach them to do.

A warm little HEART beats to music you make,
To your life notes of love or of hate,
It swings to the rhythm of your life all day,
Do not let it hear the love notes too late.

~ Anon.

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GodlyWisdomDid you know that all wisdom is not godly wisdom? The Bible talks about man's wisdom, vain wisdom, fleshly wisdom, wordy wisdom, foolish wisdom, worldly wisdom, perishing wisdom, crafty wisdom, conceited wisdom, and Egyptian wisdom. This is an eye-opener! We can't trust all wisdom. We must seek God for discernment to cut through man's wisdom to understand God's wisdom. God's wisdom is from above (James 3:17, 18). God reveals His wisdom in His Word and therefore we must be filled with His Word to understand it.

Egyptian wisdom is an interesting one. Acts 7:22 says that "Moses was learned (educated from a child) in all the wisdom of the Egyptians." Egyptian wisdom is humanistic wisdom. What did God do with Moses' Egyptian education? He took him out to the backside of the desert for 40 years to get rid of it! He couldn't use Moses to be a leader of His people when filled with Egyptian wisdom. And what did God do with the children of Israel when He brought them out of Egypt? He caused them to wander in the wilderness for 40 years to get rid of Egyptian wisdom out of their brains and hearts before He brought them into the Promised Land.

And yet what do many Christians do? They send their children to the public school each day to be educated in Egyptian wisdom (the vain wisdom of this world). Do they want their children to be used mightily by God? Well, God will have to allow their children to go through His dealings at some stage to get all that Egyptian wisdom out of their system before He can use them in His plan!

Why waste their time? Why waste years of our children's lives that will need to be eventually eliminated from their hearts? Make it our daily vision to pour God’s wisdom into their minds and hearts (Psalm 1).

Blessings from Nancy Campbell

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TheBestWith all the gadgets and labor-saving devices on the market for babies nowadays, I thought I’d try to find the best of each. I was not surprised to find that:

The BEST infant seat is mother’s arms,
The BEST baby swing is mother’s lap in a rocking chair,
The BEST stroller is mother’s body,
The BEST nursery record is mother’s own heart beat,
The BEST lullaby record is mother’s singing, and of course,
The BEST food, pacifier, electric warmer, and tranquilizer can be found at the mother’s breast.

~ Sally Simmons, Nebraska.
Printed with permission from LLL News.

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NursingABabyWhat a joy and privilege. Dear mother, you are blessed beyond measure. God is so good. When He gives you a precious new baby, He doesn’t leave you to manage on your own. He fills you with wonderful hormones to help you in this God-given task.

When you nurse your baby you produce prolactin and oxytocyn. They are called the love hormones. They are also called the anti-stress hormones. Who wants their body to be filled with anti-stress hormones? Well, embrace nursing babies!

God doesn’t intend women to be high-powered, stressed-out women in the work-force. He designed them to have His anointing of peace upon them (Isaiah 66:11-13). Do you realize that the more your nurse your baby, the more prolactin and oxytocyn you produce? Therefore the more motherly and loving you become. Your love spills out on all the rest of the family. The more relaxed you become. Your brain marinates with dopamine and feelings of pleasure. And without having to take a pill, God-induced anti-stress hormones fill your brain and body.

Who wouldn’t want to be a mother? Don’t miss out on all the blessings God has for you. Don’t only nurse your baby for food. Nurse your baby to console, comfort, delight, and satisfy his God-given sucking instinct. Don’t use a pacifier which is a mother substitute. Don’t try to wean your baby too soon. Let your baby wean when he is ready. Bask in the joys of God’s blessing hormones as long as you can. It is your inheritance as a mother.

Sadly, Satan wants to rob us of the fullness of motherhood that God has for us. He comes to rob, kill, and destroy. Don’t let him rob you. Embrace all that God has for you. Live in the glory of your motherhood.

I think you will find the following article very interesting: http://www.thealphaparent.com/…/how-breastfeeding-changes-y…

God bless you in your mothering today,

Nancy Campbell

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RUPregnantWhat an awesome blessing. Pray this prayer over your precious baby growing in your womb. It would even be better to pray together with your husband. Ask him to lay his hands upon your womb and pray over you every day of your pregnancy. If you have a friend who is pregnant, you could also pray this prayer for them.

"Father, I thank You for filling my womb with life. I know this precious little baby comes from You and has been destined by You from the beginning of the world. I thank You for this miracle growing inside me, in the "secret place" of my womb. I thank you that You are giving this little baby to us as a gift, but also as a gift for the world. We can't wait to see another image of Yourself come forth into this world and the plans You have for this child.

We ask you, Father, in Jesus' name, to hedge our little baby about with Your mighty protection. Watch over this little one each day as You intricately create him/her in the hidden sanctuary of my womb. Please sustain me in good health and vitality throughout this whole pregnancy.

I ask that You will fill me with Your joy and that everyone will see the glory of God upon me as I nurture this precious life within me. Thank You again for this amazing miracle and for giving my husband and me an eternal soul that will live forever. It is awesome to think that I am part of something eternal. I pray that You will keep this baby growing in the womb until FULL TERM and this baby will come forth in Your perfect timing. In Jesus' name. Amen."

May God pour out His blessing and refreshing on you each new day,

Nancy Campbell

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FamPrayer2Charles Hadden Spurgeon writes: "It would not be easy for some of us to recall the hour when we first heard the name of Jesus. In very infancy that sweet sound was as familiar to our ear as the hush of a lullaby. Our earliest recollections are associated with the HOUSE OF GOD, THE FAMILY ALTAR, THE HOLY BIBLE, THE SACRED SONG, and THE FERVENT PRAYER."

It was this foundation that produced a man such as Spurgeon. What memories will your children have of growing up in your home?

~ Nancy Campbell

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Nagging“Where there is complaining, it shall fail,
Where there is nagging, it shall drive the husband away,
Where there is bitterness, it shall poison the marriage,
Where there is self-pity, it shall bring self-destruction,
But loves goes on forever!”

Adapted for wives from 1 Corinthians 13.

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DadDaughterAs for The one who shares my life;
It was my choice to be his wife!
And for our jobs, if I could choose,
I wouldn’t want to wear his shoes.

No, I won’t sign the lib’s petition
To do away with wife’s submission,
I'd be a fool to boss my spouse,
I want a man and not a mouse!

I do not have to prove my might
For we are equal in God’s sight,
But we’re to function differently,
God made us that way purposely.

He’s my provider, what a gem,
And I’m a helper fit for him.
To live the role God planned for me
This makes me completely free!


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LongTermCareerBe encouraged today, dear mother. You are not mothering, teaching, and training your children just for today! You have a long-term career. You are doing it for ALL THE DAYS OF THEIR LIFE! You are doing it for your grandchildren and generations to come. Your teaching will last throughout their life. Even when they leave home, it will keep them from evil, continue to talk to them in their minds, and lead them in the right paths (Proverbs 6:20-22).

Deuteronomy 6:1, 2 says: “Now these are the commandments . . . that ye might do them in the land . . . that thou mightest fear the LORD thy God, to keep all his statues and his commandments, which I command thee, thou, and thy son, and thy son’s son, ALL THE DAYS OF THY LIFE.” Read also Deuteronomy 4:9.

You are not going to be fired. You have a job for ALL THE DAYS OF YOUR LIFE. And it will influence your children for ALL THE DAYS OF THEIR LIVES.

Be encouraged.

Nancy Campbell

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children campingCan I ask you a question? If your children are in public school, do you know their friends and who they hang out with? Are they children or teens who fear the Lord and follow after His truth? What about their teachers who are influencing them daily? Are they keepers of the truths of the Bible or filled with humanist ideology?

The psalmist confessed: “I am a companion of all them that fear thee, and of them that keep thy precepts” (Psalm 119:63).

We are influenced by the people we keep company with, even as adults. What about our children? They are influenced even more by the company they keep. You can be the greatest parent in the world, but if your children start hanging around with ungodly friends, they influence your children more than you. I raised my children on Proverbs 13:20: “He that walks with wise men shall be wise, but a companion of fools shall be destroyed.”

Can I encourage you dear mother that if your children do not have godly friends who fear the Lord in their school environment to take them out of school. Although you also need wisdom regarding “Christian” friends these days.

Now I know I am going to be bombarded with those who say they send their children to school to be a witness. That sounds such a good idea, but it doesn’t always work. When planting a sapling that we want to one day be strong tree, we must protect it from the winds and elements. I have to confess to my shame that I lost many trees I planted because I didn’t protect them adequately.

We don’t send our saplings out to be brainwashed by the enemy with humanist propaganda, ungodly teaching, and to be taught to accept abominable practices as though they were normal. We first of all ground our children in the truth. We make sure they are strong in the Lord and in His Word and able to contend for their faith. We get them ready before we send them out. We are not getting them ready for hibernation, but for the revelation of God to the world. But they better be strong first. And they better not just look like Christians and yet have minds filled with humanism! The current church of God is filled with humanist thinkers.

Teens especially long for friends, but they better be surrounded by godly companions! This is what the Bible says to do so we had better take notice. 1 Corinthians 15:33 (HCSB): “Do not be deceived: ‘Bad company corrupts good morals.’”

Make it a daily prayer with your husband that God will provide godly friends for your children and teens.

Blessings to you today from Nancy Campbell

Check out Psalm 1:1-3; 26:4; Proverbs 14:7; Matthew 18:6; 1 Corinthians 5:6; 2 Corinthians 6:14-18; and Ephesians 5:11.

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BetterPlaceWhere are you today, mother? Bewildered? In confusion? In despair? In the pit of self-pity? Your stomach is tied in knots?. God has a better place for you.

His plan for you is to live in rest. Christ Jesus lives in rest. Nothing takes Him by surprise. Nothing gets Him in a panic. And if you have received Him into your life He lives in you. And you live in Him. Therefore, Positionally you live in rest (John 15:5-7).

It’s your enemy who wants to rob you from your place of rest. Come on now, don’t let him have the victory. Confess out loud the words of the psalmist: “RETURN UNTO YOUR REST, O my soul” (Psalm 116:7). If you have left this place, RETURN! You may have to say it more than once! And as you confess it, you must let go your burden, your bitterness, or your concern--and trust God with it!

“Dear Lord Jesus Christ, I thank you for the rest I have in You. You are my rest. I let all my concerns go and trust completely in You. I find my rest in no other place but You. Thank You with all my heart. Amen.”

Blessings from Nancy Campbell

Look up these Scriptures and be encouraged: Proverbs 24:15; Isaiah 32:17, 18; Jeremiah 6:16; 50:5; Matthew 11:28-30; and Hebrews 4:9-11.

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OurAttitudeProverbs 15:15 says: “All the days of the afflicted are evil: but he that is of a merry heart hath a continual feast.”

In this Scripture the “afflicted” are not those who go through great misfortunes, but those who see the worst in everything. They are depressed in their minds. The New Living Translation says: “For the despondent, every day brings trouble; for the happy heart, life is a continual feast.”

When we see the negative in everything, we live a miserable life. And what is the bottom line? We are leaving God out of the equation! For no matter what happens in our lives, in the little annoying things of our daily lives or the big situations that seem like the end of the world, God is in control. He is bigger than our problems and difficulties. We can totally trust Him, and “Whoso trusts in the Lord, HAPPY IS HE” (Proverbs 16:20). Your life can actually be a continual feast!

When we put our trust in the Lord and rejoice in the fact that He is our Strength, our Source, Our Rock, our Help, and our Deliverer, we can keep our hearts joyful in any salutation.

It’s all in how we look at things. I love Paul’s confession in 2 Corinthians 43:8-10: “We are troubled on every side, yet not distressed; we are perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not forsaken, cast down, but not destroyed.” He goes on to say in verses 16-18: “For which cause we faint not; but though our outward man perish, yet the inward man is renewed day by day. For our light affliction, which is but for a moment, worketh for us a FAR MORE EXCEEDING AND ETERNAL WEIGHT OF GLORY; while we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen: for the things which are seen are temporal; but the things which are not seen are eternal.”

Instead of looking on the dark side today, why not count some blessings?

Love from Nancy Campbell

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The following is a lovely poem about motherhood, sent to me by Ashley O’Brien (and here is her picture). I know it will bless you.


Welcome to the world, sweet baby be
You came hand-delivered, sent to me
With a tiny small frame, hands and toes,
A full head of hair and rosy pink nose.

Up at my breast you slurp and sip,
Nourishing milk is found on your lip,
I haven't always known, but now I see
Your whole entire world depends on me.

I'm a mama bear, called to stand in the fight
Against evil and lies, to pray in the night,
Our home is a place, come storm, wind, and rain
That will forever and ever exalt God's name.

Give me grace through the day to mirror Your light,
Disciplined, Bible reading, and tender goodnight,
Help me honor this man who’s at my side
With submission, appreciation, come any tide

Help me nurture wee tots crowded around,
This is Your army, hear their triumphant sound,
Giggles and yawns, pitter-patter feet,
You see the future, You don't miss a beat.

I'll train them steadily with Your law and order,
Standing firm and leaning on Your shoulder,
With prayer and petition, I'll run this race
So my family and I will one day see Your face .

With every warm meal, diaper change, and kiss,
I'm cherishing moments I would have missed
If I took a job, which sometimes sounds nice,
But I'd be ditching my calling, too heavy a price!

Instead I'll stay here in these homey four walls
With my quilts, fire place, children filling the halls,
This is my sphere, I'll take care of it well,
I'll allow The Lord's blessings, my womb will swell.

Oh mother, stand firm, you're doing holy work,
You get paid in kisses, that's a neat perk,
Your children will rise and call you blessed
And every now and then you'll find some rest.

After babes are in bed, grab your Bible and tea
Sit in bed with your man and read with glee,
These are the words that will shape your heart,
They'll keep surprising you, with every new part.

Set your priorities right, it's costly to fail,
Soon you'll be a legacy, children setting the sail,
A family that’s molded on God's unchanging Word
And went out to witness, out into the world.

Be sweet, kind, and fair, always gentle and giving,
Your children's children will always see you smiling,
And this, oh mother is very hard to do,
But do it with grace, God's covering you!

An older woman you'll be on your death bed
With many gathered around that you have led,
Your children will say (all grown up now),
"Thank you, Mama, for teaching us how.”

You'll smile up at them with a contented white glow,
Knowing they'll go beyond you and continue to grow,
You'll watch from Heaven the countless lives you began
When you chose to trust God in all of His plans.

~ Ashley Lynn O’Brien

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PleaseGod“Dear Father, please pour out your Holy Spirit upon me today. I cannot fulfill this great task You have given me in my own strength. I look to You for Your strength, Your wisdom, Your refreshing, Your patience and longsuffering, and Your anointing. Please come alongside me and help me to raise . . .

godly children in this ungodly world
holy children in this unholy world
pure children in this impure and unclean world
truth-loving and truth-keeping children in this deceived world
overcoming evil children in this evil world
God-seeking children in this entertainment seeking world
God’s Word reading and God’s Word loving children in this humanistic world, and
prayer-loving children in the midst of a prayer-less church.

This is my life. This is my vision. Please enable me, Oh God, in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.”

~ Nancy Campbell

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MothersWonWarI have just received this great prophetic writing from an Above Rubies reader, Sharon White. I would like to share it with you:

The old town church bell began to ring. There was heard a shout! It was a call throughout the land for Mothers everywhere to return home.

"The children need you,” came the cry.

"Your husbands need you," the preacher urged from the front church steps. "This nation needs a great Christian revival for Mothers to get back on the old fashioned path of being at home. This is your post. Stand by! Stand Fast! The country is in turmoil. There is misery and suffering everywhere. We need all the Mothers in the home. Dig in your heels and make your homes lighthouses of holiness and service. Don't let the enemy invade the hearts of our homes. Don't let the enemy get a foothold in or they will slowly erode and take away the godly home."

There was a cry of repentance and lamentation. There were tears of conviction and a softening of cold, worldly hearts which had been hardened by materialism, the seeking of money, and a life of seeking constant recreation. Work must be done in the home! A sense of joy, pride, and relief filled these mother’s minds. There was heavenly work to do and they were coming from the byways and highways, back to their own homes. The Mother's place was being restored everywhere.

As the sun rose the next morning, there were mothers on their knees in prayer. They were reading their Bibles. They were making homemade breakfasts, doing the laundry, wearing aprons, and caring for all who entered their doors. They were soldiers for the HOME.

Every house had a Mother in her post in every community across this land. Every child in every neighborhood had security and peace knowing that a loving, godly mother was always home. Their innocence was restored and protected.

Husbands were now known in the gates for their work in civic and church duty. They were no longer coming home to empty houses, or having to take on the extra task of Mother's work. They provided the living again. They served the community and took on church work. They had loving wives at home, who cared for their families and provided a place of rest.

All the prayers and Bible reading from the mothers infiltrated the lighthouses and brought holiness into the children's souls. Mothers trained up their children to do a mighty work for the Lord. Mother was always there to make nutritious meals, to keep the home pretty and clean, and to have the patience of a saint to care for her charges.

This revival of Mothers at Home affected the land and the nation. Godly children grew up with integrity and honor. They took political offices, held places of authority in both business and government, and their actions and lives turned the tides and won the war against the threat of ungodly ruin and sinful devastation.

The tide was turned. Mothers helped win the war because they heard the preacher's cry. They heard the bell from the town church which called all citizens to stand fast, to stand by, and to take action! The land was restored to order as all the mothers were called out of the world and back into their homes.

They sacrificed much, they sacrificed energy, money, and fulfillment. And by their actions of a mass exodus of Mothers back to their homes, these women restored a godly nation!

~ Sharon White

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