WakeUpToday is the first day of another year. The word filling my mind is AWAKE. In the midst of our busy lives and trying to keep up with everything we can still be asleep.

Asleep to the dangers of the changes happening to our communities and country. Asleep to the insidious plan of the enemy to keep us slumbering while he sows his deceptions into the minds of our children and this generation. Asleep to the plan of the progressives (the new word for socialists and Marxists) who are redirecting our nation from its core Judeo/Christian values to socialist and humanist ideology--opposite to our fundamental belief in God and family. Asleep to the plan to reeducate the children of our public schools to reject God, morality, the authority of their parents and instead embrace multiculturalism and political correctness (and everything that goes along with that word and which is also a form of Marxism). Asleep to our own materialism, half-heartedness, luke-warmnness, worldliness, and apathy. Asleep to the needs of others, the hurting world, and the persecuted church.

It’s time to AWAKE. This is what the Scripture says in 1 Corinthians 15:34: “Awake to righteousness, and sin not; for some have not the knowledge of God: I speak this to your shame.”

This word “awake” is not used anywhere else in the Bible. It means to “awake immediately from a drunken sleep.”

I believe this is God’s Word to us for this year. Awake to what is going on around us. Awake from our sleep of tolerance and turn back to God’s way. Back to righteousness. The majority of Christians are totally oblivious to the total reeducating of the minds of this nation. No wonder the Scripture exhorts us to be “transformed by the renewing of your mind” (Romans 12:2). We will either be propagandized by leftist ideology or transformed by God’s living truth.

The Jerusalem Bible says: “Come to your senses, behave properly.”

Let’s wake up.

Blessings to you and your family,

Nancy Campbell


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