RELIGHT YOUR LAMPS (Day 5 of Hanukkah)

RelightLampsHanukkah is also called the "Festival of Lights" because of the relighting of the Menorah. This was a huge thing that happened that day, because the Jews knew that God had commanded the lights in the Holy Place to BURN CONTINUALLY. They were to never to go out--and they had been out for a long time! God said it was a statute that must continue for all generations (Exodus 27:20-21 and Leviticus 24:1-4).

How did they keep the lamps burning day after day, year after year? God said they had to attend to the lamps every morning and every evening. They had to trim the wicks and pour more oil into the lamps, the oil speaking of the Holy Spirit. Once a day was not sufficient. It required attention two times a day to keep the light burning

This is a type for our lives today. When the Holy Spirit comes into our lives, He fills us with His light, but it is very easy for the light to dim or even go out. There are many temptations, deceptions, and evils around that diminish our light. To keep the light burning, we must tend to it every morning and evening. We need to do this individually and as a family.

A powerful way to keep God's light burning in every member of our family is to have Family Devotions (or whatever you call it in your home) every morning and evening. Each time we come together as a family, read the Word, and spend time in prayer, we relight our lamps. If we fail to do this, our light will go out very quickly.

How big is the flame in your family? We are not meant to be a flickering light, but a great light. If your flame is only smoldering, get back to God's "morning and evening" principle. It's the only way that works. Let the light in "the holy place" of your temple and your home shine for all to see God's light.

Love from Nancy Campbell

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GiveSunshineThe verse that spoke to me this morning as we read our Scriptures about walking in the light was Psalm 89:15: “Blessed is the people that know the joyful sound: they shall walk, O LORD, in the light of thy countenance.” Oh to walk in God’s light. What awesome fearfulness. And yet what joyful blessedness. In His presence is fullness of joy (Psalm 16:11).

In the Scriptures the countenance of the Lord speaks of His presence. This is the ultimate vision for every believer--to walk continually in the light of His presence. How can walk this life in your home? Notice the Scriptures says “walk.” It talks about our daily walk, whatever we are doing at any moment. Are you facing squabbles and constant immaturity of children? Are you overwhelmed with all you have to do in your home today? I was just on the phone to one of my daughters and in the midst of our conversation she said, “Mom, got to go. I’ve got children fighting, and even punching!”

The wonderful thing is that God’s presence is not limited to church meetings. God’s presence is available to you constantly. And please remember, dear mother, it is not the hassles, the difficulties, or even sorrow that hides God’s face from you. The only thing that hides His face is our sin and rebellion against Him.

As we seek to walk in holiness because we fear the light of His countenance, we also walk in the unspeakable joy of His constant presence because of His nearness to us--to strengthen us, give us peace, wisdom, and continual rest.

The Bible commentator, Alexander Maclaren calls it living in “continual sunshine.”

Live in the sunshine of His presence today.

Love from Nancy Campbell
I would encourage you, when you have a spare moment, to go to the following link. It is the commentary of this Scripture by Alexander Maclaren. You will be so blessed:…

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CantLiveThis morning we read Scriptures about God’s Word being our light. Did you read these Scriptures too? Psalm 19:8 says: “The commandment of the LORD is pure, enlightening the eyes.” If we want true understanding about life and any matter at all, we’ll find it in God’s Word. I love the HCSB translation which says: "The command of the Lord is radiant, making THE EYES LIGHT UP." Don't you love that? God’s precious Word not only makes our eyes light up, but our heart and soul light up too.

The Hebrew word for “enlighten” means “to luminate, to kindle, to set on fire.” It is also a picture of the break of day. God’s Word eradicates the darkness and awakens us to see as we never have before.

We can’t live without it. Your children can’t live without it either. Make time each day to gather your children around to listen to God’s Words.

Love and blessings,

Nancy Campbell

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A MOTHER'S COURAGE (Day 4 of Hanukkah)

MothersCourageA brave mother watched her son being killed. No, not just killed but cruelly tortured. They cut out his tongue, scalped him, cut off his hands and feet, and then maimed and helpless, fried him alive! In the same manner they tortured and killed her second and third sons. The third son cried out, "I have received these limbs from heaven, and I give them up for the sake of God's laws." Another cried out, "We are prepared to die rather than sin against our ancestral laws" (2 Maccabees 7:2, 11).

Because they would not bend and turn from God's laws this dear mother watched as Antiochus tortured her fourth, fifth, and sixth sons the same way. The mother had only one son left, her beloved youngest. Antiochus tried to influence the mother to save his life. He promised he would make him rich and prosperous and even a political advisor. She obliged by turning to her youngest son saying, "Son, pity me who carried you in the womb nine months, nursed you for three years, nurtured you, and brought you into this stage of life with care. I beg you, child . . . Don't fear this killer but prove worthy of your brothers. Accept death so that in God's mercy I should recover you with your brothers" (2 Maccabees 7:27-29). She watched her last son die before she was put to death herself.

This mother was a nurturing and caring mother. But she had a vision for her children beyond this earth. She raised her sons to fear God rather than man. She raised them to stand for truth, no matter what the consequences. She raised them to see beyond this earth to the endless life of the heavenly.

May God help us to be courageous mothers. May He save us from raising wimpy, mediocre children who are seduced by the humanist trend of an ungodly society. May He anoint us with the mighty power of God to raise children who will have the courage to stand for God and for truth, no matter what persecution they face.

(You can read the whole of this amazing story in the Apocrypha in 2 Maccabees chapter seven).

Blessings from Nancy Campbell

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PathofJustDo you enjoy reading the “light” Scriptures together with your family each day? This morning at our Family Devotions we read the Scriptures about shining the light of Jesus to the world. We read one of my favorite Scriptures in the Bible: “But the path of the just is as the shining light that shineth MORE AND MORE unto the perfect day” (Proverbs 4:18).

Our walk with God is a MORE AND MORE walk. We should never be stagnant. Never get in a rut. Never stay the same. Never think we have arrived. Never come to a halt.

Let’s look at some of the things we should experience MORE AND MORE each day.
Abound MORE AND MORE in loving one another (1 Thessalonians 3:12; 4:10 and 2 Thessalonians 1:3).
Abound MORE AND MORE in pleasing God (1 Thessalonians 4:1).
Abound MORE AND MORE with thanksgiving (Colossians 2:7).
Change MORE AND MORE into the image of Christ (Romans 8:29 and 2 Corinthians 3:18).
Filled with MORE AND MORE joy (Romans 14:17; Hebrews 1:9 and 1 Peter 1:8).
Gather MORE AND MORE with the saints (Hebrews 10: 25).
Increase MORE AND MORE in the knowledge of God (Colossians 1:10).
Increase MORE AND MORE in righteousness (2 Corinthians 9:10).
Increase MORE AND MORE in wisdom (Proverbs 4:5, 7; 8:11; 19:8; and Proverbs 31:26).
Learn MORE AND MORE of God’s heart for mothering (1 Timothy 2:15).
Live MORE AND MORE by faith (Luke 17:5 and 2 Thessalonians 1:3).
Praise the Lord MORE AND MORE each day (Psalm 71:14).
Shine MORE AND MORE of God’s light to others (Proverbs 4:18).

And what about this wonderful promise? “The Lord shall increase you MORE AND MORE, you and your children” (Psalm 115:14).

We certainly have no opportunity to stay stagnant, do we?

Let’s be families who never stay the same, but instead are always growing in the knowledge of God, shining His love and light to one another and others, and strengthening and building up our marriage and family a little more each day.

Love from Nancy Campbell

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FamDedServiceWhy do we call this celebration "Hanukkah"? Because "Hanukkah" is the Hebrew word for "dedication." When Judas Maccabee (the hammer) and his army eventually crushed their enemies, Judas and his brothers said, "Let's go up to cleanse and rededicate the sanctuary" (1 Maccabees 4:36). The temple was desolate, the gates burned, and even shrubs were growing in the courts like a forest! But they restored the sanctuary, built a new altar with whole unpolished stones (because the altar had been desecrated by Antiochus Epiphanes), brought in the Lampstand, the Altar of Incense, and the Table of Showbread, and offered sacrifices as God had originally commanded. "So they celebrated the re-dedication of the altar for eight days" (1 Maccabees 4:56).

How does this affect our lives? God no longer lives in the Holy of Holies in the temple, but in our bodies, which are the temple of His Holy Spirit. In fact, we are not just the temple of the Holy Spirit, but the "naos" which is the Holy of Holies. This is the very word which is used in 1 Corinthians 6:19 and 2 Corinthians 6:16. What an indescribable truth!

Our temple may not be desolate, but it is very easy for us to allow things to come into our lives which grieve the Holy Spirit and spoil and dirty our “naos.”

It is a lovely idea to have a re-dedication service one night during Hanukkah and dedicate our temples again to the Lord. Choose which morning or evening you would like to do this together as a family. Explain to your children about it, and then ask each one of them to confess to the Lord anything in their lives that grieves the Holy Spirit and to rededicate their "body temple" to the Lord. This includes mom and dad too, of course. Each one can do this silently or orally as you feel led of the Holy Spirit.

When we have all dedicated ourselves individually, then the father can rededicate the whole family to be a living sacrifice to the Lord and to be set apart for His purposes (Romans 12:1-2).

I know that the Spirit of the Lord will come upon you mightily as you experience this dedication service in your home.

Love from Nancy Campbell

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ShineBigDid you read the Day 2 Hanukkah Scriptures “Jesus is the Light of the World” this morning? We read them at our Family Devotions, each one taking a turn to read a Scripture. We were so blessed to be reminded again that Jesus is the One who brings light into the darkness of this world.

Did you notice the Scriptures tell us that Jesus was not only a light, but a GREAT (Isaiah 9:2 and Matthew 4:12-17)? The Greek word is “megas” meaning huge! Yes, exceedingly! I guess this is where we get the word mega.

Jesus was not a flickering little light. He came to shine a huge light into the darkness of this world. And this is where He came--to those who “sit in darkness.” It was a dark and sinful time when Jesus entered this world. Sometimes we despair of what is happening in our country at this time. Darkness and evil is increasing. But this is when Jesus wants us to shine even GREATER! He has chosen us to bring light to the darkness.

Every child, born in the image of God, especially born into a godly home is another opportunity to reveal the light of God to the darkness of this world. The more lights born into this world the more God’s plan is fulfilled. Don’t hold back having children because you may think this world is too evil to bring children into. This is the reason we need more children-- to bring more of the light of God into this world.

Jesus still wants to be a GREAT light in this world, and now His plan is to SHINE BIG AND BRIGHT through our lives (Matthew 5:16). Ask Jesus to expose all darkness in your life and in your home. Repent of anything that grieves the Holy Spirit. And then, filled with the LIGHT OF THE WORLD, shine MEGA. When you go out with your children be conscious of SHINING A HUGE LIGHT for the glory of God in this dark world.

Blessings from Nancy Campbell

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STAND FOR TRUTH (Day 2 of Hanukkah)

StandUpBelieveJesus Christ, the Son of God was never reticent to speak the truth, even in the face of death. When he came to Jerusalem to celebrate the Feast of Dedication, he walked in Solomon's Porch (on the eastern side of the temple) and people gathered around him.

Jesus knew the Jews would be remembering more than the rededication of the temple and the lighting of the Menorah again. They remembered the great victory over Antiochus Epiphanes, but also how he lifted himself to be god over them. It was Antiochus himself who added "Epiphanes" to his name, which means "God manifest" which was utter blasphemy to the Jews.

In the midst of this thinking Jesus boldly and publically declared, "I and my Father are one" (John 10:30). In other words, He confessed that He was God, which of course, He was! This was too much for the Jews who, remembering Antiochus Epiphanes the evil blasphemer, took up stones to stone him (John 10:22-33).

It was no coincidence that Jesus chose this timing to speak these words. Everything about Hanukkah speaks of standing up for truth even in the face of danger.

May we never cringe to speak the truth, no matter what the consequences. "The righteous are bold as a lion" (Proverbs 28:1).

Love from Nancy Campbell

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NeverGiveUp2(Day 1 of Hanukkah)

Hanukkah, or the Feast of Dedication as it is called in the New Testament (John 10:22-23) is a festival of lighting candles for eight days to remember the dedication of the temple and the relighting of the lampstand which God commanded should never go out (Exodus 27:20-21).

It all happened because of a very brave family. At this time in history Antiochus Epiphanes ruled over Israel and commanded all Jews to renounce their way of life, practice pagan observances, and live like the Greeks. He erected the "abomination of desolation" in the temple. Many Jews assimilated to avoid persecution and being killed. BUT NOT THIS FAMILY!

Mattathias was a godly older man with five brave sons--John, Simon, Judas (known as Maccabeus), Eleazar, and Jonathan. When the officials came to their town of Modein, they tried to get Mattathias to influence the people of his town to turn away from God. Listen to his reply, "Mattathias answered in a LOUD VOICE: What do I care if everyone in the king's entire kingdom turns from their own religion and starts obeying his laws? MY FAMILY AND I WILL ALWAYS KEEP THE PROMISES OUR ANCESTERS MADE TO GOD. WE WILL NEVER GIVE UP OUR FAITH OR DISOBEY EVEN ONE OF GOD'S LAWS. WE WILL NOT OBEY ANTIOCHUS!" (1 Maccabees 2:19-20).

When a cowardly Jew stepped forward to obey the king by offering a sacrifice, Mattathias was so furious that he rushed over, killed the man, destroyed the altar, and killed the official who ordered the sacrifice. He and his sons then ran to the hills leaving everything they owned behind. Thus began the bravery of the Maccabee family who conducted continual battles against the enemy and eventually delivered Israel and Jerusalem and the temple of God.

We don't face being killed for our faith today here in our Western countries, although this is currently happening in many countries of the world. ISIS has beheaded thousands of Christians in Iraq, and not only adults, but young children. Many brave young children are being beheaded for their faith. One report of many shares about ISIS threatening four children: "You say the words that you will follow Mohammed." How did these children (under the ages of 15) answer? "No, we love Yeshua [Jesus], we have always loved Yeshua." Immediately their heads were chopped off.

The United Nations Committee on the Rights of the Child released a report of children being tortured, crucified, buried alive, used as suicide bombers, and sold as sex slaves by ISIS. We are not facing this kind of persecution yet. But we have to watch out for another insidious way the enemy attacks us. Daily we face subtle indoctrination to succumb to Satan's plans and give in to humanist, progressive ideology which is all around us--proclaimed in our public schools, the media, and even in liberal churches.

Will we be those who give in or will we have courage, individually, and as families to stand true to God, even if no one else stands? The Scripture says, "Let God be true, but every man a liar" (Romans 3:4).

May God give us the strength and anointing to be bold and courageous and to raise children who will have courage and boldness to stand up for truth and never give up their faith.

Blessings from Nancy Campbell

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~~~ HANUKKAH ~~~

HappyHanukkah01This is the week of HANUKKAH which actually began last night. It’s now Day One and we celebrate it for eight days. For the last few years I have posted devotions about Hanukkah and readers have asked if I will do it again this year. I’ll send Day One post to you soon. We enjoy celebrating Hanukkah in our family each year. Why?

1. It is a celebration that Jesus celebrated (John 10:22-23).

2. Hanukkah in the Hebrew means "dedication." God's temple was desecrated by Antiochus Epiphanes in 167 BC but the Maccabees family led a revolt against the Seleucid armies and called the nation back to God. After they had driven them out of Judea and Jerusalem, the Maccabees consecrated and rededicated the temple. However, God no longer lives in a temple in Jerusalem, but lives in the temple of our hearts. We like to use Hanukkah as time to rededicate the temple of our lives to God.

3. It is called the Feast of Dedication (John 10:22) and also the Festival of Lights. It celebrates the re-lighting of the Menorah. They could only find enough oil for one day, but miraculously the lights kept burning for eight days while they prepared the anointing oil, specifically commanded in the Scriptures. Because this celebration remembers the relighting of the menorah, we like to read Scriptures about God who is the light and how He also wants us to be His light in this world. We do this at our Family Devotions each morning and evening. And each night we light a Hanukkah candle.

I will post the Scriptures in a separate post for you to print out for the following week. Read and meditate on them in your personal devotional time. Then choose the ones you would like to use with your family. For each day, you may like to take half the Scriptures at Family Devotions in the morning and the other half in the evening, or whatever works out in your home.

If you have older children, it's a lovely idea for each one to have their own Bible and give a Scripture for each one to read aloud--and to share what they feel God is saying through the Scriptures. If you have little ones, you may only want to take one, or one or two Scriptures from the list and talk about it.

And don't forget to ask your children questions as you read the Scriptures. This is how you learn together.

During the eight days of Hanukkah, I will also send out a post each day telling you a little story about Hanukkah that relates to us as mothers, or a revelation from the Scriptures about the meaning of Hanukkah. By the way, you may like to take time to read the history of the Maccabees in the Apocrypha. The books in the Apocrypha were not chosen to be part of the cannon of Scripture but the books of Maccabees, 1, 2, 3, and 4 are great historical reading and tell how the Jewish nation was saved from extinction at that time. I am sure God used these brave men to protect His natural people and also the coming Messiah. No wonder our Savior, Jesus Christ celebrated Hanukkah.

Blessings from Nancy Campbell

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Day 1
Genesis 1:3-5
Exodus 27:20-21; 40:24-25; cf. Leviticus 24:1-4; Numbers 8:1-3
Exodus 13:21; Nehemiah 9:12,19
Psalm 36:9
Psalm 104:1-2
Matthew 17:2 (You can read the whole story in Matthew 17:1-8; Mark 9:2-13; and Luke 9:28-36).
1 Timothy 6:16
James 1:17

Day 2
Isaiah 9:2, cf. Matthew 4:12-17
Luke 1:76-79; 2:27-32
John 1:4-9,cf. Job 18:5-6; Proverbs 27:20
John 3:19-21
John 8:12
John 9:5
John 12:44-46
Acts 26:22-23

Day 3
Proverbs 4:18
Isaiah 58:6-8, 10
Isaiah 60:1-2
Matthew 5:14-16
Luke 12:35
John 5:35
Acts 13:47
2 Corinthians 4:4-6
Philippians 2:14-15

Day 4
Ezra 9:8
Psalm 19:7-11
Psalm 119:18, 105, 130
Proverbs 6:20-24
Ephesians 1:17-18
2 Peter 1:1-21

Day 5
Psalm 89:15
Isaiah 2:5
Romans 13:12-14
2 Corinthians 4:4-7
1 John 1:6-9
1 John 2:8-11
Ephesians 5:8-20

Day 6
2 Samuel 22:29 (Psalm 18:28)
Isaiah 42:16
Isaiah 50:10
Acts 26:17-18
1 Corinthians 4:5
1 Thessalonians 5:5
1 Peter 2:9

Day 7
Psalm 4:6
Psalm 27:1
Psalm 37:3-6
Psalm 43:3-4
Psalm 112:4
Micah 7:8

Day 8
Isaiah 24:23; 30:26
Isaiah 60:19-20
Revelation 21:22-25
Revelation 22:3-5

Love from Nancy Campbell

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SecretFriendThis is a lovely idea we used to do with our children when they were growing up. I put the names of each one in the family in a bowl or hat, mom and dad and children. Each one pulls out a name and that person becomes their SECRET FRIEND for the week. They have to something special for that person every day without his or her knowing who is doing it, until they find out at the end of the week.

You can give your children ideas for when they first start, such as:
Write an encouraging or loving note and leave on or under their pillow.
Clean their shoes when not looking.
Put a chocolate or something they like to eat in a special place where they know they'll find it.
Make their bed.
Clean their bedroom for them when they are not around.

However, encourage them to use their own imagination. Our children were so excited to think up different things to do. I remember one time when our oldest son got his father's name for his secret friend. At that time Colin left very early each morning. One morning we heard noise in the kitchen as our son was up even earlier to cook his father's breakfast and a have cup of tea ready for him before he left for work.

This is a wonderful way to teach the children to care for one another and to think of others instead of themselves. We played SECRET FRIEND so many times.

Would you like to try it too?

Blessings from Nancy Campbell

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WenceChildBefore the world began she was in God’s mind,
A God who loves to create and is very kind,
He’s the author of life and destiny
And He already knows what He wants her to be.

What an amazing miracle–the birth of a child!
We stand in awe--and God has a smile!
He’s created a life that’s never lived before,
A life that is special, unique, with gifts galore,

She’s a gift to her parents and a gift to the world
As we wait for her destiny to be unfurled.
She’s a budding life that will come to full bloom,
And of course her parents are “over the moon.”

But the greatest wonder of all we see
Is to know she was born for eternity!
She’s not just a life, but an eternal soul,
Born to embrace a heavenly goal.

Oh the wonder, the privilege we have as a wife
To bring into this world an eternal life.
Praise God for this privilege, and for this babe
Whom He has lovingly and intricately made.

Nancy Campbell

If your little one is a boy, replace “she” for “he.”
Painting: Motherly Love” by Gabriele Baber

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ResistBabyWho can resist a baby
Sent from God above?
An eternal gift to you
From His heart of love.

~ Nancy

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ExpertToday I am sending you a lovely article from Bonnie Loveday. I have spoken at two Above Rubies retreats in the large meeting room in their home near London, Ontario.

Here is Bonnie with her husband, Ben and their beautiful children: Duke (14), Dorian (12), Sunny Mae (11), Tobin (10), Tucker (7), Snowy Belle (5), Auden (3), Poppy Lane (2) Cotton Song (1) and expecting a new baby in the spring.

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SarahAbramThe only woman in the Bible we are encouraged to look to is Sarah. Isaiah 51:2 tells us to “Look unto Sarah that bare you.” We go to the New Testament and read in 1 Peter 3: 6 that we will be “Sarah’s daughters” when we do what is right and good.

Names are very important in the Bible and each one has a meaning. Sarah was first called Sarai, which means princess because she was born of noble birth. But in Genesis 17:15 God changes her name to Sarah. This is a sacramental name because God Himself names her. It still means princess, but this time not only within her family, but in a greater way, yes, even worldwide. When God renamed her, He said: “She shall become nations; kings of people shall be of her.” Sarah means "lady, princess, noblewoman." It also means “to rule, or chieftainess.” It is the feminine of “Sar” meaning a “captain or commander.”

Sarah ruled as a queen in her home and wherever she traveled. She was queenly in her demeanor, her spirit, her graciousness, her beauty, the ruling of her home, and in every manner of life. Although queenliness revealed her personality, we read many other things about Sarah.

1. She was a submissive wife (1 Peter 3:5, 6).

2. She honored and revered her husband (1 Peter 3:6).

3. She wholly trusted God, no matter what the circumstances (1 Peter 3:5).

4. She was a woman of faith (Hebrews 11:11-13).

5. She was beautiful (Genesis 12:11-14). Not only the Bible, but Hebrew tradition informs that Sarah was exceedingly and bewitchingly beautiful. One writes that she was “One of the four most exquisite women in the world and was regarded as the fairest, even in comparison with all the women in the nearby lands. Of all women, only Eve was comelier.”

It caused her problems. Imagine ravishing kings wherever you go! When Abraham and Sarah went to Egypt, the princes noticed her beauty and she was taken into the Pharaoh’s house. King Abimelech of Gerar was also captivated by her beauty (even when she was 90 years of age) and took her to his house. Praise the Lord, God delivered her in these situations.

6. She was beautiful on the inside “with the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit” (1 Peter 3:4).

7. After a lifetime of infertility, she embraced motherhood and nursing a baby even as an older woman (Genesis 21:7).

But of all these great attributes, we go back to the meaning of her name--lady, princess, queen. As Sarah’s daughters, shouldn’t we seek to also live and act like queens? We are not only Sarah’s daughters, but royal daughters of the King of kings and Lord and lords!

It’s sad that there are some women who don’t really want to be a lady today. They would rather be like a man--dress like a man and take on the man’s role. They do not rule as queen in their home because they are either not there, or there is nothing much to rule over. What does a mother do when she limits the number of her children and sends the limited number off to school? She has to find a life elsewhere, and usually this is working for someone else, not being a queen and ruling her own domain.

Let’s aim to be Sarah’s daughters.

~ Nancy Campbell

Further to my post above, you will be encouraged by reading this article about Sarah.

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PersonalForYouI love the words of God to Abram in Genesis 17:7: “And I will establish my covenant between me and you and your descendants after you in their generations, for an everlasting covenant, TO BE GOD TO YOU AND YOUR DESCENDANTS AFTER YOU.” God wanted to be God to Abram. God also wants to be God to you. He is the One who seeks us out. He wants to have a personal relationship with us--every day and all through the day. As John the disciple confessed, “We loved him, because he first loved us” (1 John 4:19).

When David prayed to God, he prayed to One who was so personal to Him. Over and over again he addresses God as “MY God.” David understood God as the God of creation and King over all, but he daily experienced God personally in his life. He not only addresses God as “MY God,” but also as . . .
MY rock,
MY fortress,
MY deliverer,
MY buckler,
MY Savior,
MY high tower,
MY refuge,
MY shepherd,
MY exceeding joy,
MY strength,
MY defense and more.
David experienced God personally ministering to him in all these ways. And this is how God wants you to experience Him too.

But not only you. This promise is for your children. He wants to be God to your children. He wants them to know Him personally and to experience Him personally in every part of their lives. This is more important than all the education you give your children. They can be the most educated children in the world, but if they don’t KNOW GOD, the One who created them, died for them, and who planned their destiny before the foundation of the world, they are deprived of their destiny.

In John 17:3 Jesus said: “And this is life eternal, that they might KNOW THEE the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent.” Amen.

When Peter preached on the day of Pentecost, he proclaimed the words: “For the promise is unto YOU, AND TO YOUR CHILDREN.”

Claim the wonderful promise in Isaiah 44:3 (NET): “I will pour my Spirit on ;your offspring and my blessing on your children.”

Let’s seek to know God personally and pray earnestly that our children will also experience God personally in their lives.

Blessings to you today,


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ThanksMemoriesHow blessed we are in this nation to have a day to celebrate together as families and give thanks for God’s goodness throughout the year. It’s one of my favorite days in the year and along the way we have gathered many traditions.

We began at midday with a big family sit-down meal with name places for 82 people! And even then, 21 of our immediate family were not able to be with us. And there will be more next year as the family keeps enlarging.

Because we originate from New Zealand we love to celebrate with not only turkey, but lamb. I cooked a huge turkey and a big leg of lamb (well actually mutton). Our son, Stephen, also brought two pieces of lamb. We have a competition every Thanksgiving and Christmas to see who cooks it the best. And forgive me saying it, but you have to be a New Zealander to really know how to cook lamb. Although once again, I rarely cook lamb. I prefer hogget (which is a one year old sheep) or even mutton (which is two years or older).

But, we actually had a lamb feast this Thanksgiving. Our grandson, Zadok, recently led an Islamic guy to the Lord, who now loves His Savior with all his heart. We asked him to join us for Thanksgiving. The night before he arrived with not a piece of lamb, but a whole, live sheep! Can you believe it? All the guys killed and dressed it at about midnight and began cooking it in an outside oven ready for our Thanksgiving.

We also had many extra dishes and after our wonderful meal and fellowship we began toasting which we love to do. It was a rich time of sharing God’s goodness and giving thanks to Him.

After this we moved outside. We were certainly blessed this year in Tennessee. It was such a warm glorious day. We usually have to put on coats and are often shivering, although we still never give up our traditions, no matter how cold. We were just spoilt this year. We began with our egg-throwing competition. Each person has a partner to whom they throw the egg. Those whose eggs broke go out of the game. The others move back so they have to throw it further, and so it continues until the last couple are left throwing quite a long distance!

We then have tug of war with the adults against the children--always fun. The children then have their running races, three-legged races, and sack races and so on which they love.

Now it’s getting later and time for dessert. Back inside for a table full of desserts and more great fellowship. After this the children like to gather around and share poems and Scriptures they have learned, etc. Toward the end of this time last night, one of our Above Rubies girls received a call from their family in Montana to say that her 15 year old brother was lost out in the wild. He and his sisters had been out hunting elk. They shot two elk, and he went off to find his but the tracks were covered and they couldn’t find him. He had been out for many hours and it was now getting late. We all gathered round and cried out to God that he would be found. Praise the Lord, before we went to bed, we got the news that they had found him. We were all praising the Lord.

We thank the Lord for another Thanksgiving and we’re already looking forward to next year’s celebration. And of course, wondering who else God will have brought into our family in another year. We already know of one as Rashida and Jack are expecting a precious little baby. They rejoiced to receive a honeymoon conception after their wedding in August.

~ Blessings from Nancy

P.S. This picture is from last year--our son, Stephen and someone else on the father’s side. These days the children are getting so big and strong that they are winning. I’ll try and post some up-to-date pictures for you this coming week.

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GiveThanksHAPPY THANKSGIVING to you and your precious family. May you be filled with thankfulness, today, and every day of the year.

Some good Scriptures to read today are Colossians 2.7 and 1 Thessalonians 5:18. And say out loud, “I am thankful today.” Thank God for specific things for which you are thankful. Here are some things for which I am grateful.

T I thank God for TEACHING me His ways
H I thank God for giving me my HUSBAND
A I thank God for ANOINTING me to be a mother
N I thank God for creating me to be a NURTURER and NOURISHER to my family
K I thank God for His KINDNESS to me
F I thank God for my FAMILY and His daily FAITHFULNESS to me
U I thank God for giving me UNDERSTANDING of His truth
L I thank God for LOVING me enough to die for me and shed His precious blood for my sins

Today, let’s take positive action to thank God for each little thing—the joys of our children, their unconditional love, food on our table, or a smile or kind word someone says to us.

Let’s choose to be thankful.

~ Nancy Campbell

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FillHeartsAlmighty God, You have given us this good land for our heritage. We humbly ask You that we may always prove ourselves a people mindful of Your favor and glad to do Your will. Bless our land with honorable endeavor, sound learning and pure manners. Save us from violence, discord, and confusion, from pride and arrogance, and from every evil way. Defend our liberties and fashion into one united people the multitude brought here out of many nations and tongues. Endow with the Spirit of wisdom those to whom in Your Name we entrust the authority of government, that there may be justice and peace at home, and that through obedience to Your law we may show forth Your praise among the nations on earth. In time of prosperity fill our hearts with thankfulness, and in the day of trouble do not allow our trust in You to fail. Amen.

~ President Thomas Jefferson, Washington D.C. (March 4, 1801).

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Above Rubies Address

Email Nancy

PO Box 681687
Franklin, TN 37068-1687

Phone : 931-729-9861
Office Hrs 9am - 5pm, M - F, CTZ