PutOnRighteousness“I beg your pardon. Are you talking to me?” I hear you say. “That’s not me. I’m for ever failing and getting angry with the children.” Yes, I understand. The Bible says: “There is none that doeth good, no, not one” (Psalm 14:3 and Romans 3:10). True!

“Behold, I was shapen in iniquity; and in sin did my mother conceive me” (Psalm 51:5). True!

“All have sinned, and come short of the glory of God” (Romans 3:23). True.

However, when Jesus died upon the cross for our sins, He died to not only save us from our sins, but to make us righteous! Yes, that is His purpose. He not only died for our sins, but lives again to dwell in our hearts by faith. When Jesus Christ comes into our lives, He comes in the fullness of who He is. And who is Christ? “Jesus Christ the righteous” (1 John 2:1).

The blessing of salvation is Christ in you and you in Christ. And because He is in you, He is righteousness in you. You have to get hold of this truth. You have no righteousness of your own, but you are righteous because of the righteous life of Jesus Christ who dwells in you.

1 Corinthians 1:30 says: “But of him are ye in Christ Jesus, who of God is made unto us wisdom, and righteousness, and sanctification, and redemption.”

Therefore, in your home, in your kitchen, caring for your children, and managing your home, you are Mrs. Righteous.
Righteous Emma--Yes!
Righteous Rachel--Yes!
Righteous Jennifer--Yes!

As you embrace this truth and confess your righteousness in Christ, you will begin to live in the truth. You can’t confess that you are living in the righteousness of Christ and at the same time fly off the handle!

Be blessed today, Mrs Righteous.

Love from Nancy

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HaveHoldThe original wedding vows state: "I take you . . . TO HAVE AND TO HOLD from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and health, until death do us part." The words “to hold” are strong and powerful. What do they mean? What do they mean to you? I’ll share a few thoughts, but I’d love to hear from you too.

The Bible tells us that we hold on to our faith by confessing our faith. I believe this is also a very important way to hold on to our marriage. Confession is a huge part of our every day our lives. We keep what we confess. Therefore, every day remember to say “I love you” to your husband. Many times a day is better. Confess your commitment to your marriage to your husband and to others.

You can love your husband in your heart. You can think lovely things in your heart, but unless you speak them out they won’t impact his life. Husbands can’t do without encouragement. Encourage him daily.

It is innately within a husband to desire honor from his wife. God made him this way. Seek to show him honor in the little things of life and then it is easier in the big things.

When Jesus spoke about marriage, He stated the powerful words: “Let no man separate.” The word actually means to let nothing get in between you both. God wants you to be one. Glued together. Therefore, don’t let any relationship (and that includes Facebook relationships--you don’t need men on your Facebook), any church activity, any organization, or any attitude to get in between you.

Make it your responsibility to prepare healthy meals for him. Get his breakfast for him. Have a lovely meal ready for him when he comes home each evening. Prepare a lovely and inviting table for him to sit down to each evening. This shows your love to him.

Touch, cuddle, and kiss and hug him when you see him throughout the day.

Encourage and solicit constant sexual intimacy with your husband. This is God’s beautiful intention for you and a big part of your marriage relationship. Never deny your husband; instead always welcome him.

I’ll look forward to hearing more from you about your commitment to your marriage vows “to hold” your husband.

Blessings from Nancy Campbell

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OpenMouthHow do we stay strong in faith? How do we stand fast against the ungodly influence of others around us? God has the answer for us of course. The way to do it is to continually confess your faith. We are born again into the family of God by believing and CONFESSING that Jesus is our Lord (Romans 10:9,10). But we don’t stop there. We keep on believing and CONFESSING every day of our lives (Colossians 2:7).

You only keep what you speak out. Both David and Paul stated: “I believed; therefore have I spoken” (Psalm 116:10 and 2 Corinthians 4:13).

Can I encourage you to continually confess your faith, your hope, your convictions, and the truths God daily reveals to you? If you don’t speak them out, you’ll lose them. The more you speak them out, the more they become part of you, and you become UNWAVERING in your faith. You will stand no matter what people say against you.

When doubts and unbelief creep in, speak the truth out loud to your soul. When discouragement and despair begin to overwhelm you, encourage your soul. This is what David did: “Why art thou cast down, O my soul? and why art thou disquieted in me? hope thou in God: for I shall yet praise him for the help of his countenance” (1 Samuel 30:6; Psalm 42:5, 11; 43:5).

Share the truths and revelations you receive as you read God’s Word with your husband. As you share them, they will become even clearer and stronger in your spirit.

Speak out God’s truths and ways daily to your children. It is not enough to have God’s Word in your heart. You must have it in your MOUTH! And even that’s not enough. God’s purpose for you as a mother is to get His Word and His truths into your children MOUTHS! Not just their hearts.

Isaiah 59:21 is the vision we must have: “My Spirit who is upon you, and my words which I have put in your MOUTH, shall not depart from your MOUTH, nor from the MOUTH of your descendants, nor from the MOUTH of your descendants’ descendants, says the LORD, from this time and forevermore.” How will your children get it into their mouth unless it continually comes out of your mouth?

Always be ready to open your mouth to sow seeds of truth--to friends at church, but also to unbelievers you meet when shopping or out and about (Hebrews 3:13; 10:25; 1 Peter 3:15).

Hebrews 10:23 (ESV) says: “Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering."

Truth becomes part of you when you confess it. Therefore, the more you confess, the less you will waver! The more you speak out, the less you will be intimidated by your antagonists.

Are you a confessing family? It’s the only way for you and your children to stay strong in the truth.

Blessings to you today,

Nancy Campbell

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NoExemptionDo you really believe what God says? Do I? God’s words are eternal. He doesn’t give us a different set of plans for each generation, but His plans work for all generations. Yes, even in 2016! In fact, no generation is exempt from God’s plans and purposes. Every generation is without excuse.

Psalm 33:10, 11 says: “The LORD bringeth the counsel of the heathen to naught: he maketh the devices of the people of none effect. The counsel of the LORD standeth forever. the thoughts of his heart to all generations.”

God established His plan for the way He wants us to live in the eons of eternity, from before the foundation of the world. He created male and female to bring them together in marriage. He wants them to be fruitful and fill the earth in order to take dominion for God. Together as families we advance God’s kingdom and bring light into the darkness all around us. God invests His power and authority in families. Marriage and family are the first institutions God gave and He has never changed His plans.

He makes His plans clear for the man to be the provider and protector of the home and for the female to be the nurturer and nourisher in the home and in society. Let’s be encouraged to embrace God’s everlasting ways that have never changed. Man often thinks he knows best but “The LORD bringeth the counsel of the heathen to naught.” The fruit of man’s ways are an epidemic of divorce and fragmented families. God’s ways result in strong marriages and family life.

God does not change His statutes. We have to change to fit in with His plans, for they are eternal and unchanging.

The word “counsel” is “etsah” and means “advice, purpose, plan, decision.” The word “thoughts” is “machashabah” and is very similar in meaning, “intention, plan, purpose.” But did you notice the most beautiful thing? It’s the counsel and thoughts “of His heart.” They are not some unproved, fleeting idea, but come from God’s very own heart.

I’d rather take advice from God’s heart than man’s, wouldn’t you?

Be blessed today, Nancy Campbell

Look up these Scriptures about God’s unchanging Word:
Psalm 19:7-11; 93:5; 111:7; 119:160; Proverbs 19:20, 21; 21:30; Acts 5:39; Isaiah 30:1-3; 14:27; 40:8; 46:10; 55:8,9; and 1 Peter 1:25.

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RightSpiritIt’s so important to have a right spirit, isn’t it? Our spirit is who we really are. Our body is only the house of our spirit. The attitude of our spirit determines how we live our lives, tearing us down or lifting us up. It determines the atmosphere we create in our home.

After David sinned with Bathsheba, he cried out in repentance and confession, “Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me” (Psalm 51:11). The word “right” is "kuwn and means “erect, standing up straight, faithful, fixed.” It is the same word that is used in Psalm 57:7 and 108:1: “My heart is fixed, O God, my heart is fixed.” Also Psalm 112:7 speaking of those who fear the Lord and delight in His commandments: “He shall not be afraid of evil tidings: his heart is fixed, trusting in the Lord.”

Other translations of the Bible translate the word “steadfast” or “faithful.” I love the New English Translation which says: “Renew a resolute spirit within me!”

Is your spirit resolute? You are not swayed by the “lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life.” You are not torn this way and that way. You are not double-minded in all your ways. Your heart is fixed in God’s truth. You are obedient to His ways, even if the way is difficult, even if the going is hard, even if no one else agrees with you, and even when family members and friends despise you for walking in truth!

God is looking for women with resolute spirits. Women who do not live according to “situational ethics” but according to God’s Word. We also train our children to have faithful, “standing up straight,” and resolute spirits. Children who will not be lured away by the temptations of this world, who will not be influenced by wrong friendships, and who will not be deceived by the humanistic philosophies of our society.

Blessings from Nancy Campbell

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MakeHappenYour home doesn’t suddenly become a home of tranquility and joy. Your home doesn’t suddenly become orderly. Your husband and children are not assured of your love and affirmation without your telling them. Nothing in life just happens. You have to make it happen.

Make beautiful things happen in your home today. Your attitude, your words, your doing what you have to do instead of dreaming about it, and your love and smiles will determine the blessing in your home.

Make it happen.

Love from Nancy Campbell
P.S. Those who have heard me speak know that this is one of my favorite affirmations!

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MotherhoodWimps2There are those who would spurn the vocation of
And say of careers, it’s inferior to others,
I'll have to admit that it's not easy work,
It's relentless and from it you cannot shirk.

It takes all of your energy being a mother and wife,
Requiring daily commitment and a disciplined life,
It demands all your resources of patience and love,
Long-suffering and wisdom from the Father above.

It takes self-control and continual endurance,
It needs constant faith and great perseverance,
It means total sacrifice, forgetting your self,
Sometimes you think that you’re left on the shelf!

And what about time? It’s no longer yours,
It belongs to all those who come in your doors.
Claim your own rights? No, they're all gone too,
Like your right to sleep the whole night through!

It's not so easy to crawl into bed with a book
Or go off and dream in some quiet little nook.
It seems like you're totally losing your life
To be a good mother and a submissive wife.

But oh, faithful mother, please do not despair,
In God's perfect plan you do have a share,
To fulfil your destiny planned from creation
Which is to nurture children and BUILD A NATION!

You’re walking in the footsteps of Jesus your Lord
Who sacrificed all, His life He out-poured,
He didn't cling to His rights with selfish futility
He didn’t claim any privilege but walked in humility.

He gave up His life to save millions of others,
This principle works in the lives of all mothers,
When you lose your own life you'll find it again,
A rewarding life, without guilt or shame.

So lift up your head, embrace your calling so high,
You're in God's perfect will, there’s no reason to
You may often feel worthless - don't listen to this lie,
Your influence goes higher than the clouds in the

As you nurture and train your God-given seed,
As you sharpen these 'arrows' by word and by deed,
You shape the nation - you determine its course,
Your mothering’s not wasted, it’s a great mighty

As your children leave home and go into the world
The proof of your training will soon be unfurled
You’ll influence countries where you've never been,
And down the generations its effect will be seen.

Your work is so powerful, no wonder it's tough,
But God is behind you, He's the GOD WHO IS
His strength and His wisdom He will give to you,
He stands by His promises which are totally true.

He'll always be with you right through to the end
As you follow His leading and deny the world's
Each morning you wake, your strength He'll renew.
He'll fill your home with His presence and His
blessed peace too.

Love from Nancy Campbell

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LoveHusbandA while back I asked our readers to share the little things they do to show their husbands they love them. The following are the replies I received. Each one of us are different personalities and therefore we show our love in different ways. You may not do all the things written in this list, but take time to read it through. You are sure to find some new ideas. Never be content with a boring marriage. Always be thinking of new and exciting ways to love your husband. Surprise him with something you’ve never done before. And why not do it today.

If I love my husband I will...
Love to serve him.
Love to cook his meals.
Love to have a wholesome meal prepared for him when he arrives home in the evening.
Love to serve him breakfast.
Love to make his lunch to take to work.
Love him to come home to a clean and fresh smelling house.
Love to keep an orderly home for him.
Love to make sure he always has clean laundry.
Love to make him coffee.
Love to encourage him and affirm him.
Love to purchase special goodies for him that he loves.
Love to buy him his favorite dark chocolate.
Love to do extra nice things for him.
Love to smile at him.
Love to ravish him and satisfy him sexually.
Love to follow him even though I may not agree with him.
Love to praise him instead of criticize him.
Love to wake up and cuddle with him.
Love to greet him passionately when he comes home from work.
Love to run a bath for him.
Love to encourage and compliment him with my words.
Love to make him smile and laugh.
Love to tell him that he is the best.
Love to text him during the day to remind him how much I love and appreciate him.
Love to speak well of him to my friends and to praise him in front of others.
Love to be his BEST and closest friend.
Love to be his only confidante.
Love to pray with him.
Love to respect him and his decisions.
Love to pay attention to him when he talks to me.
Love to look at him adoringly.
Love to encourage the children do special things for him.
Love to give him massages.
Love to softly tickle him.
Love to rub his back, shoulders, legs, and feet.
Love to be with him while he works.
Love to do what he asks me with a smile and cheerful attitude.
Love to listen to his dreams and ideas and support them.
Love to raise the children in the way that pleases him.
Love to take an interest in his passions.
Love to do everything I can to keep him healthy.
Love to kiss him when he comes near me during the day.
Love to blow him kisses.
Love to give him surprises.
Love to appreciate him for working hard so I can stay home with our children.
Love to hold hands with him at every opportunity.
Love to admire and adore him.
Love to be faithful to him until death or we meet the Lord face to face.

~ Nancy

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RightOneDo you think you married the wrong person?

Zig Ziglar gives some good advice:

“I'll be the first to admit that it's possible that you did marry the wrong person. However, if you treat the wrong person like the right person, you could well end up having married the right person after all. On the other hand, if you marry the right person, and treat that person wrongly, you certainly will have ended up marrying the wrong person. I also know that it is far more important to be the right kind of person than it is to marry the right person. In short, whether you married the right or wrong person is primarily up to you.”

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The Creator of male and female divinely designed His perfect plan. It is God who joins the man and woman in marriage: “What therefore GOD hath joined together.”

God revealed His plan in the beginning for all future marriages: “Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh.” Where were the father and mother? They were nowhere on the scene when God spoke these words. Adam and Eve had never seen a father and mother! God was prophetically revealing His plan and how it would work for all future mankind.

God unmistakably states His plan: “They two (the man and his wife) shall be one flesh. Wherefore they are no more two, but one flesh.” It does not matter what mere man thinks, it is what God states! His Word is eternal. It doesn’t change from the beginning to the end.

There are no “if, buts, or maybes,” but “And God said.” Not man (the created), but God (the Designer and Creator) has the last say!

The coming together of male and female to be “one flesh” in marriage is a perfect fit. The sexual organs of male and female are opposite, (the man’s external and the woman’s internal), but they fit perfectly by God’s design. Male and male or female and female are not a perfect fit. This lifestyle is outside the Creator’s design.

When Jesus answered the questions of the Pharisees He said: “Have yet not read, that he which made them at the beginning made them male and female, and said, FOR THIS CAUSE. . .” It was FOR THIS CAUSE (because He created them male and female) that the man cleaves to his wife. Please notice the words “man and wife,” not two of the same sex.

The coming together as “one flesh” results in the potential procreation of children and children’s children. From the two come one, or many, each bearing genetic genes of both the father and mother. This is impossible in a homosexual relationship which is outside of God’s blessing. These relationships end in nothingness and future destruction. It is the male and female oneness that God blessed: “Male and female created he them. And God BLESSED them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth.” Children only come through the blessing of God.

God must have been filled with joy and delight when He designed the “one flesh” marriage. Who but our amazing God could plan for the man and his wife to experience such ecstatic joy, fulfillment, and wonder together? Proverbs 5:18,19 speaks of the married couple ravishing and intoxicating one another with their love.

Human beings are not animals. We are created in the image and likeness of God. We are body, soul, and spirit. Because God created us with a heart, mind, and soul, the “one flesh” statement is more than physical. It is also a oneness of soul. I am not whole without my husband. He is not whole without me for “they are no more two, but one.” We complement one another and each one brings different strengths to the marriage to make it complete.

Our bodies are only the house of the real person, the spirit--the part of us which was made for fellowship with God. God’s highest purpose for us in marriage is to become one together in spirit--connected to one another by our spirits and God’s Holy Spirit. We are to be glued together as one.

God brings the male and female together to accomplish His purposes. God’s primary purpose for male and female is to have children. As husband and wife, and together with their children, they are to be fruitful, fill the earth, and “subdue it: and have dominion.” Purposefully together they advance God’s kingdom in the earth, reveal His image and likeness, and bring more of His love, truth, justice, and peace to the earth.

Marriage is called “holy matrimony” and the marriage bed is holy and sacred. At the beginning of the wedding vows, the minister says: “Into this ‘holy estate’ these two persons come now to be joined. Therefore; it is not to be entered into unadvisedly or lightly, but reverently and soberly.”

Marriage is God-mandated and to be enjoyed according to God’s pattern, but it is designed only for male and female. Hebrews 13:4 (ESV) states: “Let marriage be held in honor among all, and let the marriage bed be undefiled, for God will judge the sexually immoral and adulterous.” God created the sexual act to be totally fulfilling without the use of “toys,” alternative methods, or anything that violates the conscience.

The traditional wedding vows state: "I take thee . . . to love and to cherish, till death do us part (or, as long as we both shall live), according to God's holy ordinance.”

Sadly, we don’t live in a perfect world and there are times when it is no longer safe to live in a marriage where one of the two continues in a despicable, ungodly, and unrepentant lifestyle. Jesus admitted when talking to the Pharisees that Moses allowed divorce because “of the hardness of your hearts,” but He continued, “From the beginning it was not so.” It was never God’s plan.

Jesus also forcefully stated: “What therefore God hath joined together, let no man put asunder (or separate).” Or, let no man or woman, no organization, no church, no Facebook, or anything at all separate a man and wife from each other. They are to be fused as one.

~ Nancy Campbell

Read the following Scriptures referred to above: Genesis 1:26-28; 2:23, 24; Proverbs 5:18, 19; Matthew 5:27, 28; 19:4-9; Mark 10:2-9; 1 Corinthians 6:16,17; 7:1-5; Ephesians 5:31-33; and Hebrews 13:4.

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WhenInDoubtHow much to do you believe in the power of God’s Word? I read this morning in Psalm 19:7-11 that His Word restores the soul, makes wise the simple, rejoices the heart, enlightens the eyes, gives us warning, and “in keeping of them there is great reward.”

I believe God’s Word has the power to fill up weaknesses in our own lives and our children’s lives. If you have a weakness in your life, search the Scriptures for God’s victory in this area. Meditate on and memorize the appropriate Scriptures you find. Constantly confess these Scriptures out loud. As you do, you will find that the weakness will turn into strength in your life.

I also used this principle as I raised our children. When I saw an area of weakness in their lives, or an area where I knew God needed to work in their lives, I would search the Scriptures to find answers. I would then minister these Scriptures into their lives. I wrote them out in big letters and pinned them up in appropriate places. I encouraged them to memorize the Scriptures. We talked about them at Family Devotions. It is not our words, but God’s Word that changes their lives.

I would encourage you to do this also in the training of your children. Write the applicable Scriptures up in big print and pin them in appropriate places on your walls. Teach and explain the Scriptures you researched to you children. Talk about them at Family Devotions. Use them as memory verses. Repeat and recite them over and over again.

You will be amazed at how the Word brings change into their lives and molds them into the image of Jesus. It’s the greatest way to fill up their weaknesses.

Be encouraged,

Nancy Campbell

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HeadHouseholdJeremiah 10:7 asks: “Who would not fear You, O King of the nations? Indeed it is your due!” What comfort to know that our God is King of the nations. No matter how much the nations rant and rave and turn away from God, God will have the last say. He is King of kings and Lord of lords. “He that sitteth in the heavens shall laugh: the LORD shall have them in derision” (Psalm 2:4).

Not only is He King of the nations, but He wants to be King in our lives and in our homes. If He is King, we are His subjects. We are to serve Him and honor Him for it is our due! If this is true in our family life, the least we will do is to come before our King as a family morning and evening to hear from Him, to worship Him, and to pray to Him.

It is sad that many Christian families are too busy to take time for the Family Altar twice a day. Sports and other extracurricular activities take precedence. Is this making Jesus King in our home? What example do we teach our children?

Who or what reigns as King in your home?


Nancy Campbell

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SelfEsteemWhat was the first thing God did after He created man? I'll give you a little moment to think about it?

He blessed them. Did you get the right answer?

God is a BLESSER. He wants to bless you. He wants to bless your family.

And because we are created in His image, we should be blessers, too. It should be second nature to us. More correctly, it is God's nature in us.

Did you bless your husband this morning? Have you blessed your children today? Are you speaking encouraging words? If not, there's still more time in the day.

Let's make it a habitual part of life to speak life, blessing, and encouragement to each one in our family each day, and to all we meet.

Have a wonderful day blessing others today,

Nancy Campbell

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Make it HappenAre you desperate to establish some order in your home? Here are a few thoughts for you:

1. Take some time to sit down and think about your home and how you want it to run (maybe this evening when the children are in bed). Write down your vision. Write down your plan to make it happen. Think of a schedule for the day. You don't have to be too rigid, but you do have to have a plan of action. If you don't, nothing will happen and you'll keep going the way you are. My constant affirmation is: Nothing just happens; you have to make it happen!

2. Some things you need to think about. All children need to be up and dressed (and if old enough), beds made by breakfast time. This enable you to be ready to have family devotions together after breakfast. It will never happen if you don’t organize it to happen!

Appoint jobs for each member of the family to clean up the kitchen and get laundry started for the day. All children need to be involved from the youngest to the oldest. Make sure everything is cleaned up before you start homeschooling. This is just to get you started. You can think about the rest of your day. But make sure you also think about how you will prepare your evening meal and what time you will get into the kitchen to get it going.

3. Share the plan with your husband and ask him for any changes or better ideas. Pray over it together.

4. Gather the family together at a suitable time. Share with the family that you can't keep going the way you are. A family must run smoothly and so you have got a great plan to make it happen and you are all going to be involved. Then share the plan with the family and tell them their appointed tasks. You can also print it and pin it up where all can see it.

5. Be excited about it and let the children catch the vision. When you start your tasks in the morning, aim for a time to have them finished. No dawdling allowed! Teach your children to work hard and fast. You are training them for the future! You are training them to be successful employees, or far better, employers! You are training them how to run their home when they get married. They must know how to work hard, fast, and joyfully!

If tasks are done by a certain time, put a star on the fridge. At the end of the week, if there are a certain number of stars, plan a celebration. Go out for ice-cream. Have a special meal, or purchase a little gift for each of the children who played their part. Incentive is great. There is nothing wrong with giving incentives.

Blessings to you today,

Nancy Campbell

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AssimilateFightDo you wrestle against the devil and his evil works, or comply with his ways? Ephesians 6:12 reminds us to wrestle against the rulers of the darkness of this world. We have evil and deception all around us. What are we doing about it? Are we acquiesce or fighting? To wrestle means to fight hard to win.

We cannot be neutral. We cannot be tolerant towards evil. We must stand against it. We must fight and wrestle. If we don’t, we eventually succumb to the evil itself. Why are the evils of materialism, worldliness, feminism, socialism, progressivism, abortion, and homosexuality encroaching on our nation? Is it because God's people are not fighting against these powers of darkness?

Ephesians 6:13-14: “Wherefore take unto you the whole armor of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, too stand. Stand therefore.” “Withstand” means more than stand. It means to “stand against, to oppose, to resist.”

Let’s fight, and teach our children to fight. Stand up and speak out at every opportunity. Pray together daily as families and fight these principalities and powers in prayer. If we don’t, the next generation will be assimilated more and more into the ways of the enemy.

Never give up,

Nancy Campbell

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ReadingGodsWordGod speaks to us individually, but did you know that He also wants to speak to us as families? God is vitally interested in our individual lives, but He also sees us collectively as families. This is the way He planned for us to live, as families. Jeremiah 2:4: "Hear the word of the Lord, O house of Jacob, and all the FAMILIES of the house of Israel."

God wants not only you and your husband, but also your children to hear His words. This is why it is paramount to come together as families, evening and morning, and listen to God speak to us as a family as we read His Word.

We discuss together what He is saying to us a family. We learn together as a family. We press on in the ways of God together as a family. We pray together as a family. We do not leave our children behind.

As you hear God speaking to you as a family, you will be cemented strongly together as a family.

Be blessed,

Nancy Campbell

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LackWisdomI love the description of David from Psalm 78:71-72: “He chose David also his servant, and took him from the sheepfolds: from following the ewes great with young he brought him to feed Jacob his people, and Israel his inheritance. So he fed them according to the integrity of his heart; and guided them by the skillfulness of his hands.”

The word “feed” used here means more than feeding. It means to shepherd and tend to our flock. It means to associate with and have companionship. The shepherd has a personal relationship with each one of his sheep.

And how did David shepherd the nation of Israel? With skillfulness. The word in the Hebrew means “insight, intelligence, prudence, understanding, discretion and wisdom.” Shepherding is not for dummies! We need all the intelligence, understanding, and wisdom we can receive from God. And it is only from God we can receive it; our resources are not enough.

Don’t rely on the wisdom of the world and the culture around us. Seek God daily for His wisdom. Mothers must be truth-seekers, not only for ourselves, but for the sake of our children and the coming generation.

Be blessed today,

Nancy Campbell

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GodJoinedWho is your marriage all about? Is it all about you? Many couples live together, but are not bound together or even enjoy life together. They start off with great love, enjoyment, and enthusiasm but often their relationship grows boring and cold.

Why? I believe it's the "all about me" syndrome. What is my husband doing for me? How is my husband serving me? I have a right to be who I am and do my own thing. Soon the couple are living their own separate lives instead of being cemented together.

The very first marriage principle that God gave is oneness. Genesis 2:24 states that the married couple are to be "one flesh." We are not separate entities. We are one. We should think oneness. We should be yielded to one another to be "one flesh" as much as possible. We should be yielded to one another in one spirit, mind, and purpose to build our marriage and family.

We haven't got time to be pursuing our own life. Forget selfishness. It’s self-destructive. God has given us a mandate to build a family and establish His kingdom on earth TOGETHER! It’s a TOGETHER TASK! The more we become one, the stronger we become. The more fragmented we become, the weaker we become.

Be inspired in your great calling today,

Nancy Campbell

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Ps25 9Psalm 25:12: “What man is he that feareth the Lord? Him shall he teach in the way that he shall choose.” This is one of the many wonderful promises to those who fear the Lord. Don’t you long to know God’s ways? It’s only when we know God’s ways that we can teach our children God’s ways.

However, I notice that God teaches us in the way that HE CHOOSES. We have to be willing to do things God’s way, which is often contrary to our way, or even the way of culture around us. My husband says, “We want God to walk with us, but do we want to walk with God?” There’s a big difference. We want God to fit into our way of doing things, but are we prepared for God to change our hearts in order to do it His way?

Psalm 25:9 says: “The meek will he guide in judgment: and the meek will he teach his way.” Let’s keep soft and tender hearts towards the Lord, hearts that are willing to change and be conformed to His way rather than our own way.

Blessings to you today,

Nancy Campbell

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HolinessSeparatnessGod told His people of old, and I am sure we need to be constantly reminded today: “Do not learn the ways of the nations . . . for the customs of the peoples are delusional” (Jeremiah 10:1-3). Read also Leviticus 18:3 and 20:23). And yet we assimilate. When we look into the mirror of God’s Word we can be surprised at how much we are like the world rather than the standard of God’s Word.

That’s why it is so important to daily fill our minds and hearts with God’s truths and impart these truths to our children. Otherwise, we have no standard, except what we see around us, and often it is contrary to God’s way.

Why is it that Christian parents limit their families, and sometimes even scoff at having more children? Why do Christian parents want to send their children to state schools where the Bible and prayer (which are foundations of our nation) have been banned? What do Christian parents run their children around to every sport and extracurricular activity? Isn’t it because they have assimilated?

In many cases, the Christian’s standard of dress, movies, literature, and divorce, etc. lines up more with the world than God’s Word. And they think it’s normal!

Isn’t it time for a turning back? Isn’t it time for “normal” to be God’s normal, rather than the world’s normal?

What’s your “normal”?

Be encouraged today, Nancy Campbell

Some extra Scriptures to check out if you have time!
Isaiah 60:1-2; Jeremiah 6:16; 18:15; Matthew 5:13-16; James 4:4; and 1 John 2:19-21.

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