WhoRulesAre you carrying a burden today? Sometimes you feel totally bowed down by burdens. Did you know that God does not want you to carry these burdens. He asks you to give them to Him (Psalm 55:22.

God spoke through the prophet Jeremiah: “Thus saith the LORD; Take heed to yourselves (guard your souls), and bear no burden on the Sabbath day nor bring it in by the gates of Jerusalem” (Jeremiah 17:21). This Scriptures speaks about the literal Sabbath, but we are blessed, through our Lord Jesus Christ who is the fulfillment of the Sabbath, to live in a continual Sabbath.

How can we live in continual rest? God commanded the people that they must not bring any burdens through the gates of the city on the day of rest. The word for burdens is “masa” and depicts the packs upon the backs of the donkeys or camels. It can even mean an utterance, especially of doom.

If you want to live in the rest of Christ, you must leave your burdens at the gate of your heart. Yes, many trials, heartaches, and burdens come your way. But you must not lift them up and carry them through the gate of your heart and mind. Leave them outside! God is able to bear the burden that you cannot bear. Don’t bring self-pity, depressions, constant worrying, and tensions inside your heart.

God continued His message: “If ye diligently hearken unto me, saith the LORD, to bring in no burden through the gates of this city on the sabbath day . . . Then shall there enter into the gates of this city kings and princes sitting upon the throne of David . . . “ (verses 24, 25).

There can only be one king on the throne of your heart. It is either King Jesus or your burden which you make king. When you choose to bring burdens into your soul, they become king! They rule your thought life and everything else. When Jesus reigns as King in your heart, you will live in rest. When you make your burdens preeminent, you live in tension nod stress.

Who is king in your life today? Jesus Christ who is your Rest, or your problems and worries?

May you live in rest today,

Nancy Campbell


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