BalancedLifeMen, grace on its own can be very unbalanced. It can tolerate evil. It may not necessarily approve evil, but tends to overlook it.

Truth on its own can also be very unbalanced. It tends to coldness and harshness. Harshness tends to cut people off who do not agree. Truth is revealed as coming through Moses and all those who did not obey it completely would be cut off without mercy (John 1:17 and Hebrews 10:28). It is difficult for some people to be gracious and sweet towards people who offend them or those they do not agree with (on many things, or even just a few things).

The answer to this problem is to reckon ourselves to be crucified with Christ to the old, hard, unforgiving nature and learn to receive and apply the sweet grace of Christ to all those who you find offensive.

On the other hand, there are many Christians who are not offended by evil such as fornication, adultery, pornography, and homosexual activities, etc. They are sweet towards them and treat these sins as normal. They believe they do not need to lovingly confront them with the claims of Christ and His call to holiness. They believe we should love these people no matter what, and make them feel comfortable around us, even in their sin.

The answer to this problem is that these Christians who believe in a cheap grace gospel need to get a revelation of the truth. The cross of Christ cost Him everything, including His own precious blood. It was our sin that He bore on the cross in order for us to be set free.

The truth is that God hates sin, but loves the sinner and gave His only beloved Son to free us from all sins and bondages. Jesus Christ was not only love and sweetness (although this was a great part of His life), but He was all about hard-nosed truth. He spoke judgment on all sin and called men to repentance.

Jesus Christ was full of two seemingly apposing truths, but they met perfectly together in Him. He was full of grace (sweetness and love) and truth (pricking thorns).

Be encouraged.

Colin Campbell


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