GlorifyGodIsn’t it wonderful to wake up each day with purpose? The greatest purpose of our lives is to glorify God. The Westminster Shorter Catechism states: “Man's chief end is to glorify God, and to enjoy him forever.”

We glorify God by seeking to please Him in everything we do and by allowing Him to change us into His likeness so that we reveal Him to the world.

Isaiah 26:15 tells us another way we glorify His name. “Thou hast increased the nation, O LORD, thou hast increased nation: thou art GLORIFIED.” God is a God of increase and therefore He is always glorified by increase. This was His plan from the beginning and He hasn’t changed His plan. Even in difficult circumstances. When the children of Judah were taken captives to Babylon, God sent a message to them: “Increase, and do not diminish” (Jeremiah 29:6). But they were captives in Babylon! Surely they couldn’t keep increasing in a land of captivity? But God reminded them to continue His plan because He wanted His name glorified in Babylon too.

Jesus continues the same theme in John 15:8: “Herein is my Father GLORIFIED, that ye bear MUCH fruit; so shall ye be my disciples.” God is not satisfied with little increase, but much increase. “But this is talking spiritually,” you say, breathing a sigh of relief. Yes, you’re right. God wants us to be fruitful in every area of our lives--revealing more and more of the fruit of the Spirit and having a heart to lead more and more souls to Him.

But the principle of God’s Word is always first that is which is natural, and then that which is spiritual (1 Corinthians 15:46). To want to bear fruit spiritually, but not naturally is a foreign concept to God. He wants us to increase naturally and spiritually. He wants us to have natural children and spiritual children.

We do not glorify God by stopping life; that’s the devil’s strategy. We glorify God by embracing life.

Blessings to you today from Nancy Campbell

Painting: Newborn by Steve Hanks.

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HospitalityLifestyleHospitality is the lifestyle of the Kingdom of God

~ Nancy Campbell

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TooMuchTalk"Too much talk leads to sin. Be sensible and keep your mouth shut."

Proverbs 10:15 NLT

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PreparingChildrenWhat counsel do you put into your children’s lives? I want to put God’s counsel, don’t you? Proverbs 19:20, 21 says: “Hear counsel, and receive instruction, that thou mayest be wise in thy latter end. There are many devices in a man’ heart; nevertheless the counsel of the LORD, that shall stand.”

We have plenty of man’s counsel all around us. We are bombarded with media propaganda and liberal education for our children. Our public schools no longer teach from a biblical foundation, but from a humanistic philosophy. Is this really what we want for our children? Is this what God intends for our children?

Rather, God holds us responsible for what goes into our children’s minds and hearts. Do they receive a godly education each day? The teaching that enables them to be wise in their latter end? The instruction that prepares them to continue walking in the ways of God as they leave our homes?

God’s counsel stands; humanistic wisdom fades.

God needed 40 years to get Moses’ Egyptian education out of his system before He could use Him to lead His people out of slavery. And he still faced opposition when he stood in Pharaoh’s court. Moses told Pharaoh he was taking the people out of Egypt, a three day journey, to sacrifice to the Lord. Pharaoh tried to get him to leave the children behind, but Moses would not compromise. He would not go to serve the Lord without all the children with them (Exodus 10:8-11).

God’s instruction is “the way of life” (Proverbs 6:23 and Matthew 7:13, 14). Man’s ways lead to deception and destruction (Proverbs 14:12; 16:25; and Deuteronomy 30:19).

Are you choosing life for your children?

Be blessed today,

Nancy Campbell

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WhoRulesAre you carrying a burden today? Sometimes you feel totally bowed down by burdens. Did you know that God does not want you to carry these burdens. He asks you to give them to Him (Psalm 55:22.

God spoke through the prophet Jeremiah: “Thus saith the LORD; Take heed to yourselves (guard your souls), and bear no burden on the Sabbath day nor bring it in by the gates of Jerusalem” (Jeremiah 17:21). This Scriptures speaks about the literal Sabbath, but we are blessed, through our Lord Jesus Christ who is the fulfillment of the Sabbath, to live in a continual Sabbath.

How can we live in continual rest? God commanded the people that they must not bring any burdens through the gates of the city on the day of rest. The word for burdens is “masa” and depicts the packs upon the backs of the donkeys or camels. It can even mean an utterance, especially of doom.

If you want to live in the rest of Christ, you must leave your burdens at the gate of your heart. Yes, many trials, heartaches, and burdens come your way. But you must not lift them up and carry them through the gate of your heart and mind. Leave them outside! God is able to bear the burden that you cannot bear. Don’t bring self-pity, depressions, constant worrying, and tensions inside your heart.

God continued His message: “If ye diligently hearken unto me, saith the LORD, to bring in no burden through the gates of this city on the sabbath day . . . Then shall there enter into the gates of this city kings and princes sitting upon the throne of David . . . “ (verses 24, 25).

There can only be one king on the throne of your heart. It is either King Jesus or your burden which you make king. When you choose to bring burdens into your soul, they become king! They rule your thought life and everything else. When Jesus reigns as King in your heart, you will live in rest. When you make your burdens preeminent, you live in tension nod stress.

Who is king in your life today? Jesus Christ who is your Rest, or your problems and worries?

May you live in rest today,

Nancy Campbell

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BurdenBearerFurther to my post this morning about living in rest, here is a poem for you:

Is your burden heavy, is it weighing you down?
Do you no longer smile, all you wear is a frown?
Are you feeling stressed out? Your body’s in pain?
Are you confused, tormented, feel like going insane?

Hang on a minute! You don’t have to endure this strain,
There is a Burden-bearer who will carry your pain,
He left the glory of heaven to come and die for your sin,
And carry your burdens, anguish, and sorrows on Him.

Give your heartache to God, He’s promised to carry it all,
To try on your own, you’ll only stumble and fall,
He’ll not only carry your burden, but sustain you too,
Holding you up in His arms to see from His point of view.

WhenWorryComesAll you have to do is come to the foot of the cross,
Hand over your burden and all that is dross,
Give up your rights to do it your own way,
Trust your life to His hands and He’ll lead each day.

He is your Savior, Deliverer, your Resting Place,
Your Fortress, your Shield, and your Hiding Place,
Your Sustainer and Helper with everlasting arms
Who’ll carry you through storms and bring you to calm.

He is your Fountain, the fresh Eternal Spring
Who takes your sadness and makes you sing,
He is your Comforter, Healer, and He is the Dew
Who comes with His mercies each morning anew.

He is your Hope, your Refuge, your Song,
Strengthener, and Shepherd who carries you along.
He is Almighty God who bears your sorrow,
Give it to Him today, don’t wait ‘til tomorrow.

~ Nancy Campbell

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GodMakesWayIsn’t it so wonderful that our God is the One who MAKES A WAY! Yes, in every situation. The Bible tells us He makes way through:

1. TEMPTATIONS (1 Corinthians 10:13).
God promises us that in whatever temptation or trial we face that He will make a way for us. There is no situation too hard for God.

2. MOUNTAINS (Isaiah 49:11).
Does the situation you face seem like a mountain? How can you ever get over it or through it? It’s not too hard for God. He can make a way through for you.

3. THE SEA (Psalm 106:9; Isaiah 43:16; 51:10; and 63:13).
Do you feel you are drowning in despair? Don’t look at the “pounding waves.” Look to the Lord. Trust in Him. Believe in Him. He will not let you drown.

4. THE WILDERNESS (Deuteronomy 8:15, 16; Isaiah 35:6b; and 43:19).
Do you feel dry and thirsty? Do you feel as though you are wandering around and around in the wilderness? Do not despair. God has promised to MAKE A WAY for you even in the wilderness. Believe His promises.

5. THE BIRTH OF A BABY (Psalm 22:9; 71:6; and Isaiah 46:3).
God also makes a way every time a little baby is born. It is a seemingly impossible situation for the baby's head to come through such a tiny opening. But God does it. He makes a way. It is God who brings the baby safely forth from the mother’s womb. Every birth is a mighty miracle. Put your trust in God, not man.

What a wonderful God we have. When we look to Him and trust Him, He ALWAYS MAKES A WAY!

Many blessings, Nancy Campbell

P.S. Please take a moment to look up the Scriptures. They are the most important part of this post to read and will bless and encourage your heart.


Further to my post above, I think of a chorus we used to sing when I was a child. The words are just as powerful today and I’d love to share them with you. They were written by Oscar C. Eliason away back in 1929. Oscar was dying of TB in a Minneapolis hospital and a minister came by one evening and prayed for him. The next day be began to improve and he continued to improve to such an extent that the doctors confessed a miracle had happened. He then wrote this chorus:

Got any rivers you think are uncrossable?
Got any mountains you can’t tunnel through?
God specializes in things thought impossible
And does the things that others cannot do.

And here are the words to the verses:
Be of good courage God spoke unto Joshua
When o’er the river God pointed the way,
Jordan uncrossable, things seemed impossible,
Waters divide as they march and obey

Battles to win they would meet with their obstacles,
Jericho’s walls too must fall to the ground
God never failed, He stood back of his promises,
Walls had to crumble as they marched around

God is the same and His Word is dependable,
He’ll make a way through the waters for you,
Life’s situations by Him are amendable,
Mountains and hills He will part for you too!

P.S. If you would like to listen to the song, you can google it to hear a You Tube.

The other day I wrote this post, GOD ALWAYS MAKES A WAY. On Sunday a visiting speaker sang a beautiful song on this very subject. I'll post the words for you:

When I face the giants, when I face the storm
I will put my trust in the name of the Lord

When I face the mountain, when I face the sea
I know the Lord will deliver me

God will make away thru the storms that I face
God will make a way
God will make a way thru every trial that I face
God will make a way

Lord give me the courage to trust and believe
You are the God that will deliver me

Even in the battle I will not fear
Why be afraid when God says I am here

God will make a way thru every storm that I face
God will make a way
God will make a way thru every trial
God will make a way

Words and music: Gene Schmidt

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YouRHealerWhat do you do in your home each day? Oh my, I know you do so much, and you have so much more to do than you can fit in a day. But how do you “go about”? Let’s read about Jesus in Acts 10:38: “ God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Ghost and with power: who went about doing good, and healing all that were oppressed of the devil: for God was with him.”

Most of us “go about,” but Jesus “went about doing good, healing all that were oppressed.” If we are born again, Christ now lives in us and wants to continue going about doing good and healing. “How can I do that?” you ask, “when I am stuck in these four walls with all my children?” Dear mother, every step you take in your home, you can go about doing good. God calls the job list for wives and mothers in Titus 2:3-5 “good things” (check it out). The word is “kalodidaskalos” and it means “valuable, beautiful, and lovely things.”

Sneaking up to your husband and giving him a kiss and a cuddle is a good thing. Nursing your baby on the rocking chair, and reading stories to your little ones are good things. Mothering and training your children are good things.

But you can do even more than good things. Jesus Christ is in you to bring healing. And there is always someone who needs healing in a family. Is your husband downcast in spirit because of difficulties at work or wondering how he will pay the bills? You can bring healing to his spirit (Proverbs 12:25). Or is their estrangement between you and your husband or someone in your family? Christ is in you to bring healing and restoration.

You notice one of your children are not their usual selves. You sense something is wrong. Go to them in the power and wisdom of the Lord, pray with them, and bring healing to them.

Is one of the children sick? The first thing to do is pray. God is our source and our Healer. And He also gives healing remedies. Be a researcher to find out God’s healing herbs and ways. Antibiotics and certain drugs can be life-savers at certain times, but please don’t rely on them. They are a last resort. Seek God’s healing ways. Jesus Christ wants to go about in you as a Healer. Healing everyone that is oppressed in your family, whether in body, soul, or spirit.

And why did this happen with Jesus? Because “God was with him.” God is also in you by His Spirit. Embrace His abundant life. His healing life. And pour it out to everyone in your family. As this becomes your daily habit in your home, it will be the normal thing to do when you are out and about. When you meet someone at the supermarket who is downcast or needs healing, you’ll minister to them and pray for them. It will be automatic because it is the habit of your life at home.

Expect miracles as you bring the healing of Christ to your family today.

In His love,

Nancy Campbell

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DoULuvChildrenOf course you do. When you become a mother you can hardly grasp how you can love someone so much.

But how do you love your children? Sometimes we love with a sloppy love. Instead of training, we laugh at their naughtiness. Some parents fear to discipline and take a stand against unrighteous standards with their young people in case they won’t love them. They just want to be their friends. We love them so much that we fear to discipline and train them. Instead of understanding that our children are not only our blessings to dote on, we forget that God has given them to us to train for His purposes.

True love wants the best for our children. We don’t want them to grow up disobedient, selfish, lazy, ignorant, and with an entitlement philosophy. We want them to grow up obedient, hard-working, diligent, and well-spoken adults who will bring blessing to this world. We don’t have a low standard, but a high standard for them--a biblical standard.

This does not happen automatically. It takes consistent training--day after day. But we will not give up, because we are training them on God’s behalf. They are ultimately God’s children and we are responsible to Him for the way we educate them.

Proverbs 19:18 says: “Chasten thy son while there is hope, and let not thy soul spare for his crying.” The Good News Bible challenges us: “Discipline your children while they are young enough to learn. If you don't, you are helping them destroy themselves.”

Are we preparing our children for a blessed future or one of sadness and destruction? It takes daily consistency on our part.

Be blessed,

Nancy Campbell

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NewPrayerBoxesI have just added two new prayer boxes for our Family Devotions. We now have six different prayer boxes from which to use each day when we have our Family Devotions together.

Do you use a Prayer Box in your home? We find it such a wonderful blessing in our home. I wrote about different kinds of prayer boxes in the last issue of Above Rubies, # 92. Did you get to read the article? If not, you can go to the link:

I have a corner by our dining room table that now holds six prayer boxes:
Our World Changing Prayer Box
Our Family Prayer Box
Our Israel Prayer Box
Our Marriage and Family Restoration Prayer Box
Our Capitals and Cities Prayer Box
Our Thank You Prayer Box

Our new ones are OUR ISRAEL PRAYER BOX which I have written cards with needs for Israel of which there are so many. We can’t really make this an optional box because we are commanded in God’s Word to pray for Israel and His people.

Psalm 122:6, 7: “Pray for the peace of Jerusalem: they shall prosper that love thee. Peace be within thy walls, and prosperity within thy palaces.”

Isaiah 62:6, 7: “I have set watchmen on your walls, O Jerusalem, who shall never hold their peace day or night. You who make mention of the LORD, do not keep silent, and give him to rest till he establishes and till he makes Jerusalem a praise in the earth.”

It’s a good idea to bring God’s promises to Him as you pray for Israel. To be inspired by God’s promises go to:

Our other new one is OUR MARRIAGE AND FAMILY RESTORATION PRAY BOX. Isn’t it sad that so many families are fragmented? So many marriages are falling apart or even separated and wanting divorce. I write the names of these families and couples in our box. Marriage restoration can only happen by the power of the Holy Spirit. Nearly every day I claim the promise in Zechariah 4:6: “Not by might, nor by power, but by my Spirit, saith the LORD of hosts.” But as we pray we can see God do mighty miracles.

We alternate our boxes. We usually always use our Family Prayer Box with the names of all our family and extended family each morning and evening, along with one of the other boxes.

In our corner, we also have our hymnbooks. We sing worship songs at church, but like to use the hymns for our Family Devotions. Once again, we have four sets of hymnbooks to choose from--a set of hymnbooks with the words and music, a set of little hymnbooks with just the words, and two sets of HYMNS WE LOVE TO SING, Volume 1 and Volume 2 that I have put together of our favorite hymns. We often use these ones when we have lots of children because they are pretty rough on the hymnbooks!

I would love to hear what prayer boxes you use in your home.

Love from Nancy Campbell

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HouseHomeToday as I rocked my four-month old little girl to sleep I thought of how I'm not able to make our rental a home for my family and how nice it will be to finally have our house built so I could make a home. I then realized that making a home has nothing to do with the size or worth of the home--renting or owning.

Making a home is more of a heart matter--serving and loving the family that God has given us to love, train, and cherish and doing it faithfully. I also realized that just because a mother chooses to "stay at home" doesn't mean she is building her home. She could be tearing it down with her words of discouragement, bitterness, and selfishness. With the Lord's help I truly desire to build my home, wherever "home" may be.

Here is a poem I wrote about it:

There’s a house that’s always empty while the family gads about,
Chasing empty dreams and pleasures--always feeling they’re burned out,
Spending all their strength on worthless things that soon will pass away,
Not living for eternity, but only for today.

There’s a house without a Bible being read from faithfully,
Hungry souls and empty hearts who are starving spiritually,
There’s a home without a mother to cherish and to train,
Neglecting her first calling; all other works are vain.

This house could be a home if she would seek to live God’s plan,
But she thinks she’ll find fulfillment in the love and praise of man.
There’s a house with a searching mother on how to make a home,
She desires to build God’s Kingdom, but she cannot do it alone.

She asks for the Lord’s forgiveness for wasting many years,
Fully knowing that His calling will cost sacrifice and tears.
Now there’s a home with a Bible that is read from faithfully,
A home that is built on prayer and a life lived purposely.

There’s a home that accepts God’s children as a blessing from His hand,
A home that’s filled with treasures--children loved and planned,
There’s a home that has a table for the family to find rest,
Hearts at home are happiest, hearts at home so very blessed.

There’s a home that has an altar where petitions are daily made,
A home where the love of Christ is beautifully displayed.
A house or delightful home--which one will you pursue?
The choice which God has given is fully up to you.

El Dorado Springs, MO 64744

Dustin and Kristin's blessings are Emma (15), Rylan (12), Ellie (7), Nathan (3), and Elizabeth (4 months).

Painting by Firmin Baes

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SoftTenderThere was a time when females were equated with softness, and men with toughness. I believe that females should be strong. We need to be strong physically. Childbearing and caring for a family is not for wimps. We need to also be strong emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. We must be strong to stand against the devil and all evil that would come against our home and family.

The Proverbs 31 woman is described as a strong woman: “Who can find a virtuous woman? for her price is above rubies.” The word “virtuous” is “chayil” and means “strength, valiant, and is usually used in the context of an army.”

But although we need to be strong, we must not lose our softness. It is one of the beautiful characteristics of being female. I love the way the Hebrew uses organs of the body to express emotions and affection. There are four different Hebrew words for “womb “ in the Bible. Let me share the meaning of just two of them.

Racham” comes from the root word “to fondle.” It means “to cherish a babe in the womb, to love deeply, to be compassionate, to show tender mercy and pity.” This word is used interchangeably in the Bible for the womb of a woman and also to describe God’s compassion and mercy.

Meah” comes from a root word meaning “to be soft.” It refers to the internal organs including
the reproductive organs--the bowels, womb, and uterus. It speaks of man’s emotions and also
of God’s emotions.

The womb is more than a literal place to conceive and nurture a babe. It is the seat of our compassion and tenderness. As we embrace our womb and childbearing, we return again to a soft spirit and tender heart. And ultimately we reveal the wombness of God--His compassion and tenderness.

God has chosen His female creation to reveal His mercy and tenderness to the world--firstly to our children and then to a hurting world. No wonder 1 Timothy 2:15 says that we will be preserved through embracing childbearing. We are saved from becoming tough and hard. Motherhood keeps us soft, tender, and beautiful in our femaleness.

Be encouraged today,

Nancy Campbell

Painting by Steve Hanks

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GodlyMothers2Godly mothers are the greatest need of the nation!

You are involved in the greatest building program in the nation. As you build a strong family and dynasty, you build a strong nation. You are the greatest need of the nation!

Nancy Campbell

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CityCountryMany families shave a hankering to get out into the country where they can raise their children away from the temptations of the city and live a more natural lifestyle. But often they cannot fulfill their dreams. The husband’s work is in the city and that’s where they have to be!

I want to encourage you that if God has placed you in the city, you will still be blessed. Your blessing is dependent on walking in obedience to God’s commandments, not whether you live in the city or the country.

Currently we are blessed to live in the country. I love it. We have children and grandchildren all around us. What bliss! But I didn’t raise my own children in this environment. We lived in the city. On the Gold Coast of Australia our home looked out on Jupiter’s Casino! And this is where we raised our teenagers!

Yes, I was cast upon God. I walked the beach every morning crying out to God to keep my children in this sinful environment. And God was faithful. He is always faithful. You can trust Him as you walk in obedience and holiness before Him.

I read this beautiful promise this morning: “May people blossom in the cities like the grass of the field” (Psalm 72:16 ESV). It reminded me of the wonderful promise in Deuteronomy 28:3 (the blessing chapter) where it says: “Blessed shall you be in the city, and blessed shall you be in the country.”

Claim the promises.

Blessings from Nancy Campbell

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TomorrowsFutureMothers of children, can you not see
The world of tomorrow asleep on your knee?

~ R. Bridge

Painting by Jessie Willcox Smith

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EarthquakesHurricanes“’The great events of this world,’” says someone, “are not battles and earthquakes and hurricanes. The great events of this world are babies. They are earthquakes and hurricanes.’” . . . Oh, the secrets that lie all about us hidden from our eyes! We glance at a tiny child, and we do not see, we do not know, what a thunderbolt of the Almighty is wrapped up in that little child.”

~ Rev. Edward Taylor Sullivan

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GoodQuestionThe education of our children is a big part of our mothering. It is a responsibility that God has given to us as mothers. It’s not something we can hand over to someone else, unless we know that person is teaching our children a biblical worldview and the understanding of God’s ways for mankind from the Bible. We are responsible to oversee the education of our children from God’s point of view because we are nurturing and educating them on His behalf.

William Booth, the founder of the Salvation Army, challenges us to ask this question regarding every opportunity of learning for our children: “‘Will this learning help my children to love God more, and to serve their generation better?’ If it seems likely to do so, to quality them more effectually for saving souls, fighting the devil, mastering sin, and following Jesus Christ, secure it for them, if possible.”

He goes on to say that after we have taught our children all that is necessary to carry on the duties of everyday life and business affairs, we should then decide that “they shall learn nothing that cannot really be pressed into the service of God, and used for the salvation of souls.”

Psalm 1:1, 2: “ Blessed is the man that walks not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor stands in the way of sinners, not sits in the seat of the scornful, But his delight is in the law of the LORD; and in his law doth he meditate day and night.”

Does this picture the education of your children?

Blessings, Nancy Campbell

Painting: “The Reading Lesson” by Léon Augustin Lhermitte

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OneGenerationWhat a blessing to partake of the promises of God. Isaiah 51: 8 says: “My righteousness shall be forever: and my salvation from generation to generation.” We notice here again the twins of righteousness and salvation.

But I love the promise that God’s salvation continues from one generation to the next. Claim this for your children, your grandchildren, and the generations to come. Pray not only for your children, but for the generations to come.

Colin’s great grandmother lived in their home when he was a little toddler. He doesn’t remember her, but his mother shares how she was a great intercessor and lived a life of prayer in her older years. She not only prayed for the people around her, but specifically prayed for the coming generations. The family live in the blessing of these prayers and we are now beginning a seventh generation from this godly woman who prayed for her descendants.

This has also inspired Colin and me to pray for the coming generations and we do this when we pray for our children and grandchildren each day.

We have such a merciful God. He says that He visits the iniquity of the children up to the third and fourth generation, but then stops! That is His mercy. But He keeps covenant with those who keep His commandments for a thousand generations! Hallelujah! Read these Scriptures: Exodus 20:5, 6; 34:6, 7; Deuteronomy 7:9, 10; 1 Chronicles 16:1`5; and Psalm 105:8.

What a responsibility we have as parents to keep God’s commandments and walk in His ways. We pave the way for God’s blessings to a thousand generations.

Proverbs 20:7: “The just man walketh in his integrity: his children are blessed after him.”

Psalm 25:12, 13: “What man is he that feareth the LORD? . . . his seed shall inherit the earth.”

Psalm 112:1, 2: “Blessed is the man that feareth the LORD, that delighteth greatly in his commandments. His seed shall be mighty upon earth: the generation of the upright shall be blessed.”

May you and your family be blessed today,

Nancy Campbell

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FollowPassionatelyWe mostly receive one baby at a time, but sometimes two! I was blessed to have twins many years ago and I used to say: “There’s only one thing better than having a baby and that’s having two babies!” We also read about twins in the Bible; not only physical twins, but character twins. It’s fun to look out for them. You will have already noticed “faith and love,” “grace and truth,” and “prayer and thanksgiving.”

Another set of twins you will notice over and over again is “salvation and righteousness.” They are inseparable (Isaiah 46:13; 51:5, 6, 8; 56:1; Romans 1:16, 17; 10:10). When we are saved, we are saved to righteousness. The scepter of God’s kingdom is a scepter of righteousness (Hebrews 1:8, 9). He holds out His scepter of salvation and righteousness to us. When we accept, we enter into a kingdom of righteousness. When we accept Christ as our Savior, we also accept Him as our righteousness. If we don’t want righteousness, we don’t want salvation.

Matthew 5:6 says: “Blessed are they which do HUNGER AND THIRST after righteousness: for they shall be filled.”

Matthew 6:33 says: “Seek ye FIRST the kingdom of God and his righteousness.”

I am challenged by Isaiah 51:1: “Hearken to me, ye that follow after righteousness, ye that seek the LORD.” The Hebrew word “follow” is “radaph" and means “to run after, chase, hunt, pursue.” It is not a complacent word. It’s an intensely active word. It’s not moderate action, but that which takes all our strength, sweat, and exertion.

We are to follow after righteousness ardently, avidly, devoutly, diligently, eagerly, earnestly, exceedingly, fervently, intensely, passionately, perseveringly, persistently, powerfully, relentlessly, steadfastly, strenuously, strongly, unfalteringly, untiringly, vehemently, vigilantly, vigorously, wholeheartedly, willingly, and zealously! It’s the same word used of soldiers chasing down their enemy until they are destroyed, even when they are tired. “Faint, yet pursuing” (Judges 8:4).

What is the standard for righteousness in our homes? Does our desire for righteousness influence our children? Does it make them want to pursue righteousness? They will not be turned on if all they see is religion and legalism. But when they see our hearts hot and passionate for God because we are in love with Christ who is our Righteousness, they will want to live in the joy of His kingdom too.

Yes, righteousness begets joy. Hebrews 1:9 tells us that because Jesus “loved righteousness, and hated iniquity, therefore God, even thy God, hath anointed thee with the oil of gladness above thy fellows.”

You cannot separate salvation and righteousness. Christ came to save us from sin and give us His righteousness. Seek to be a family who all PASSIONATELY FOLLOW after righteousness (Hebrews 12:14).

Be encouraged today,

Nancy Campbell

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BeautifulLifestyleWe all know the Titus 2:3-5 passage in the Bible where the older women are instructed to be “teachers of good things.” The Mirror paraphrase of the Bible says that it is “irresistibly beautiful teaching.” The phrase in the Greek is “kalodidaskalos” from two words:
1.”didaskalos” meaning “ teacher, instructor,” and
2. “kalos” meaning “good, beautiful.”

Actually it is more than that. Would you like to know the full meaning of this word? Sorry, there are too many descriptions from the Greek Lexicon so I’ll just add a few more for you: “kalos” also means “excellent in its nature and characteristics, magnificent, surpassing, precious, useful, suitable, commendable, admirable, valuable, virtuous, worthy, praiseworthy, honorable, beautiful to look at, and beautiful by reason of purity of heart and life.”

God describes the lifestyle of being a submissive and loving wife, mothering (embracing and loving children), and keeping the home as beautiful and admirable. They are not insignificant or to be despised. This lifestyle is so valuable to God and to society that God actually says that when we reject it we “blaspheme the Word of God.” Please don’t get mad at me! I didn’t say those words, the Bible says them!

I like the J. B. Phillip’s translation of these words. Instead of saying them in the negative, he turns them around to the positive and says that when young women embrace this beautiful lifestyle it is “a good advertisement for the Christian faith.”

It’s the same word that is used in Matthew 5:16: “Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good (kalos) works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.”

Embrace your beautiful lifestyle today, dear wives and mothers. It is beautiful to God. It is precious to our husbands. It is valuable for our children. And it is magnificent for the blessing of society.

Love from Nancy Campbell

Painting by Mary Cassatt

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