AllToJesusWe often sing the hymn:
I surrender all,
I surrender all,
All to Thee my blessed Savior
I surrender all.

We sing with passion, totally abandoning our lives to God. It’s not so hard to do when we are with the saints in the presence of the Lord. But what about in the nitty gritty of life? Although we do these big “surrenders” every now and then, I believe that surrendering is not a onetime act, but a day by day experience. Actually, a moment by moment experience in each new situation we face.

Surrendering to God means giving up our will for God’s will in the practical areas of life. It’s surrendering to the daily “sameness” of managing the home and caring for our children. We’d like to escape, but instead we surrender with joy to our God-given nurturing anointing of caring for our children.

To surrender means yielding to the patience and longsuffering of Christ that dwells in me when I’d rather fly off the handle and give release to pent up emotions. To surrender means to be full of joy (which is Christ’s joy in me) when I’m feeling depressed and full of self-pity. To surrender means to stand on the promises of God’s Word which live and abide forever, rather than giving into my doubts and unbelief.

To surrender means to submit to my husband when he gives me direction or correction. Yes, this is surrendering to Christ. Heeding reproof and receiving correction is ;a spirit of surrender. That’s why a onetime act doesn’t cut it; it’s an attitude of surrender!

What about surrendering our bodies? Many Christians sing in church, “I surrender all” with their hands outstretched. However, if you ask them later, “Are you looking forward to another baby?” you may receive a negative remark such as, “No way, we’ve put a stop to all that.” They have not surrendered their lives after all. And yet Romans 12:1 says: “I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your BODIES A LIVING SACRIFICE, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service.”

Be blessed today,

Nancy Campbell


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