PrayerAnsweringGodPsalm 34:6: “This poor man cried, and the LORD heard him, and saved him out of all his troubles.”

Since last Monday night, when our relative/ neighbor had a serious head on collision, we have witnessed miracle after miracle. On Sunday morning Cal stood up and shared God’s Word with us--a walking miracle! Arden’s massive swelling around his shoulders, neck, and arm pits is disappearing . Isaiah who was speculated to be in a coma for months or years is now sitting up in a wheelchair and entertaining us when we visit him. We have so much for which to praise and thank God.

Despite all our short comings we are blessed by His mercies towards us as a family. This week we are in our eleventh week of meeting together as an extended family (adults and children) to pray and worship God. He is doing wonderful things in all our lives. Even though Arden has had the assistance of alternative protocols, as well as a low dose of chemotherapy, we all know that His turn around is miraculous and has to be the hand of God. We give God all the glory. He has not suffered any feelings of nausea, is becoming hungry again, and the color is coming back to his body. We have prayed that the chemo will have no negative effect on his good cells and God is answering our prayers.

We have Scriptures printed up all around the walls which we claim as we pray each night. One is Isaiah 10:27: “And his burden shall be taken away from off thy shoulder, and his yoke from off thy neck, and the yoke shall be destroyed BECAUSE OF THE ANOINTING.”

Although this passage refers to Israel and the Assyrian bondage, we are encouraged that the taskmaster’s bondage and yokes which the enemy seeks to lay on us through disease and sickness can be destroyed because of the anointing of the Holy Spirit.

Be encouraged.

Colin Campbell


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