EpicenterThe great preacher and author, Dwight L. Moody confessed, "If I could relive my life, I would devote my entire ministry to reaching children for God!" He understood the power of investing in a child's life. Dear mother, you are in this very ministry! Every day and all day! What a privilege. There is nothing more powerful you can do. The investment you pour into your children not only blessed them, but the world. Even more--future generations, and eternity!

Don't let the enemy fill you with his lies that motherhood is insignificant. You are part of the greatest work in God's kingdom. When the people brought children to Jesus, the disciples shooed them off, thinking Jesus would not have time for the children. This made Jesus angry and He let them know. "Do not push these children away. Do not ever get between them and Me. These children are at the very center of life in the kingdom" (Mark 10:13, 15 MSG).

Mother, you are at the very epicenter of life in God's kingdom!

Enjoy it today,

Nancy Campbell

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DontBlockAn important question. Are our homes stagnant or flowing with joy and life? Psalm 46:4 (Jubilee) gives a description of the homes of Jerusalem: "There is a river, the streams of which make glad the city of God, the sanctuary of the tents of the most high." The city is filled with gladness because streams are flowing from the homes of the city.

What are these streams? They flow from the river of the Holy Spirit (John 7:37-39 and Romans 5:5). As mothers, we have a responsibility to "make glad" our home. The words in the Hebrew mean "to brighten up, to cheer up, to rejoice, to make merry and very glad." The only way we can do this is to be filled with the Holy Spirit and allow the streams that flow from Him into our lives to flow out from us to our husband and children.

What are these streams? They are streams of love, forgiveness, sweetness, healing of the soul and body, holiness, encouragement and building up, compassion and kindness, tenderheartedness, humility and meekness, longsuffering and patience, and streams of forbearance and peacemaking. These streams can only come from the river of the Holy Spirit.

Do you make your marriage glad? Do you make your motherhood glad? Do you make your home glad? Are these streams flowing from your life or are they stagnant? Don't allow the debris of self-pity, discouragement, despondency, unforgiveness, and discontentment to block up the river.

Let the river of life flow in your home today,

Nancy Campbell

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HowBeHappy“She always made home happy.” This was an epitaph a husband inscribed on his wife’s grave after 60 years of marriage. What a powerful life. Imagine 60 years of making a home happy.

Could this be written over my grave, or yours? Do we consciously seek to make our husband happy? Do we intentionally bless and encourage our children each day? Do we seeking to make our home a delight? Or are we too busy taken up with our own problems, self-interest, or self-pity?

Can I tell you a secret? The best way to get out of the doldrums and depression is to forget about yourself and bless someone else. “How can I make someone happy when I feel so lousy?” you ask. Forget your feelings. Just do it. You will be amazed at what happens.

When you make others happy, you become happy. As you become happy f, you make others even happier. Your husband will be happier. Your children will be happier.

This is the way to go, mother! Start making someone happy right now. If your husband is around, sneak up on him and give a big kiss and cuddle. Or call him at work and tell him you love him. Do something special for one of your children.

What a great goal for today. Make your husband happy, your children happy, everyone you meet happy--and guess what, you'll be happy!

Blessings from Nancy Campbell

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NoOneCanDear mother, can I ask you what voices you listen to? There are many voices in this world, all vying for preeminence in your mind. Humanistic voices lure you away from the heart of your home, the place God divinely provided for you to raise your children. Deceptive voices tempt you to get involved in more and more things that take your time away from your home and family.

God has innately put in you what He wants you to do. Listen to your heart, dear mother. Listen to God's voice. Your children need YOU, not daycare, not a caregiver. No one else can ever love and care for your children like you do. No one else can be sensitive to their physical needs, and especially their innermost needs as you.

Someone else can replace you in your career, your organization, or even extra church activities, but no one can adequately replace you as the mother of the children God has given you. You were born for this mission. It is your destiny.

Embrace your high calling today,

Nancy Campbell

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IAmPeacemaker"Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God" (Matthew 5:9).

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IfMothersPrayTake time to pray for your children each day.

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FearOfGodDo you walk in the fear of God or are you ruled by other fears that inhibit you from doing and being all that God wants you to be?

1 Peter 1:17 says: "Pass the time of your sojourning here in fear."

Matthew Henry writes: "Those who will not submit to Christ shall be as a bird that wanders from her nest, which shall be snatched up by the next bird of prey. Those who will not yield to the fear of God shall be made to yield to the fear of everything else."

To walk in the fear of God frees us from the bondage of all other fears.

~ Nancy

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UnseenGuestA mother shared with me recently how she understands biblical truths far better when she does something tangible. It helps the truth to become part of her life.

We talked about how God talked and fellowshipped with Adam and Eve at the end of each day, “the cool of the day” (Genesis 3:8). A little breeze is beginning to blow. It’s the time of the day when we relax after the day’s work--God had already established the principle of work with them (Genesis 2:15). It’s the time of the day when we eat and fellowship together.

God still wants to come to our families at this time of the day, the time when daddy comes home from work and everyone gathers together to eat and communicate with one another. The time when God wants to specifically visit with us and be present at our table. Sadly, God waits in vain in many homes. He comes at the “cool of the day,” but no one is home. There is not even the smell of food cooking? Where is everyone? May be still battling the traffic as they come home from another extracurricular activity.

And yet God is waiting at home to be present with us at our table!

My friend decided to purchase a special plate to put at the table as they set the table for the evening meal each day. She said that this will remind her that Christ is with them as they sit together.

Christ is the head of our home,
The unseen guest at every meal,
The silent listener to every conversation.

Do you remember these lines? They graced our wall when I was child growing up and impacted my life.

Welcome Jesus to your table.

Blessings from Nancy Campbell

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BrightenUpAre you feeling glad today? Or perhaps, you can’t find anything to feel glad about at all. Everything is going wrong.

Just a minute. If you can’t find something to be glad about, there is SOMEONE you can be glad about. We can always be glad in the Lord. Look above your problems and begin to praise the Lord. Confess who He is to you. He is your Deliverer, your closest Friend, your Joy, your High Tower, your Hiding Place, your Life, your Light, your Peace, your Strength, your Redeemer, your Rock, your Victory, and so much more. What more could you want? You have all you need in Him. Yes, you can be glad and rejoice. Forget all your dreariness and be glad in the LORD!

Let’s look at some of David’s confessions:

Psalm 68:3: “Let the righteous be glad; let them rejoice before God: yea, let them exceedingly rejoice.”

Psalm 64:10: “The righteous shall be glad in the LORD, and shall trust in him; and all the upright in heart shall glory.”

Psalm 40:16: “Let all those that seek thee rejoice and be glad in thee: let such as love thy salvation say continually, The LORD be magnified.”

Psalm 32:11 says: “Be glad in the Lord, and rejoice, ye righteous: and shout for joy, all ye that are upright in heart.”

Psalm 9:2: “I will be glad and rejoice in thee: I will sing praise to thy name, O thou most High.” Read also Psalm 5:11; 9:2; 31:7; 70:4; and 104:34.

In all the above psalms, David expressed the tough times he faced and the innumerable evils that compassed him about. He didn’t have a lot to be glad about in the natural, but he rejoiced and was glad in the Lord. May God help us to follow his example.

The word glad is “samach” and means “to brighten up, cheer up, make merry, rejoice.” I know your circumstances may not be very bright, but you can brighten up in the Lord.

May you be lifted up in your spirits today,

Nancy Campbell

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TrueComforterThe Holy Spirit who dwells within us, if we are born again, is called the Comforter. What a beautiful name. The Greek word “parakletos” means “to speak cheerfully, to encourage, to come alongside to help, a legal helper, an intercessor.” Read John 14:26, 15:26; and 16:7-11.

Because the Comforter dwells within us to help and cheer us up, He also wants to comfort others through us. One of the evidences of the Holy Spirit in us is that we comfort others—our husband, children, and people who are part of our lives.

What do you think of when you think of a comforter? We think of someone who is kind, compassionate, consoling, encouraging, and who lifts us up. It also means they pray and intercede for us as the Holy Spirit does. I have to ask myself: “Am I a comforter to my husband, my family, and all I meet? Each new day? “Please help me to be a loving comforter to them, dear Father.”

However, we have to be a true Holy spirit comforter, not a counterfeit comforter. Just as we learn to discern the cries of our little baby, we discern the cries of our children. Sometimes they need consoling and comforting words. Sometimes they need our prayers. Other times they cry because they feel sorry for themselves or are mad with their brother and sister. This is not a time to side with their attitude. It’s a time to lift them up to see beyond themselves and teach them that life is not all about pandering to them, but also thinking about others. It’s time to pray with them and lead them to a higher plane.

There are many adults who still have this kind of attitude. I have often seen a woman crying and another rushing up to her and putting their arm around them as soon as they cry. Sometimes this is the right thing to do. The very thing they need.

But not always. Maybe they are crying because of self-pity. “Poor me. Everyone is against me.” Maybe they are selfishly thinking of their own agenda and want people to side with their side of the story. These women also need true Holy Spirit comforting—lifting up their spirits to see that God is bigger than their circumstances, that God is in control, that God is more interested in making them into the image of Christ than letting them stay in their state of self-pity and depression. Instead of siding with them, we need to encourage and pray with them, and lift them up from their miserable state.

I remember reading a book by Watchman Nee where he wrote of a woman who gently went to a woman who was crying. Instead of saying, “What are you crying for, my dear?” she asked, “Who are you crying for? Yourself or for someone else?”

When Jesus promised His disciples to send the beloved Comforter to them in John 16:7, He immediately states in the next verse that the Comforter “will reprove the world of sin, and of righteousness, and of judgment" (verses 8--11).

May God give us great discernment as we comfort. Let’s look to the Lord for His anointing as we comfort that we will comfort the way the Holy Spirit comforts—lifting us up to a new plane, not covering a wound with a patch of nice words when the problem still festers underneath.

Love and blessings,

Nancy Campbell

Picture: LOVE ONE ANOTHER--Art by Mary Engelbreit

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BlessingWorldIn the midst of your daily routine and challenges of mothering you can often forget the awesomeness of what you are doing. Do you realize, mother, that your children are not only a gift from God to you, but a gift from God to the world? Motherhood is so far-reaching. It's not confined to your little home. Each one of your children have been destined by God and have been in His heart from the foundation of the world. God has a special purpose for each one of them to fulfill. What a privilege to raise a child who is "a gift to the world"!

God said to Jeremiah: "Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you. Before you were born, I sanctified you. I have appointed you a prophet to the nations" (Jeremiah 1:5 WEB). The word "appointed" in the Hebrew means "a gift" and in other Scriptures is mostly translated "give."

Rejoice in the greatness of your calling today. You are nurturing and preparing children who have been appointed as a "gift to the world." As you nurture, teach, pray over them, and prepare them for God’s destiny for their life you will get to see the exploits God will do in their lives to bless many people.

This is the power of motherhood. It is not something you are doing for yourself. You are blessing the world!

Blessings today from Nancy Campbell

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Meadow wrote this song to her father when she was 13 years. She also recorded it on the father's CD, "Richest Man on Earth" which you can download or purchase from the Above Rubies bookstore:

Samantha, one of our Above Rubies girls made a video of this song with pictures of Meadow dancing with her father on her wedding day, 10 September. You will love it.

~ Nancy

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BeyondHumanWe have some old Alexander hymn books which we often use when we sing a hymn at our Family Devotions. I discovered this hymn and loved the words. I have never sung a tune to it, but I do want to share the wonderful words with you.

Far beyond all human comprehension,
Measured by an infinite dimension,
Wonderfully broad in its intention,
Is the boundless love of God.

Love divine surpasses all that human tongue can tell,
While on earth or in eternity;
Higher than the mountains where the soaring eagles dwell,
Deeper than the mighty rolling sea,
Love sufficient to redeem and set a captive free,
As shoreless and as endless as eternity.

Great enough to sacrifice with pleasure,
And to give away its richest treasure,
And to drink of pain in brimming measure,
Is the wondrous love of God.

Greater than my sin and condemnation,
Great enough to give me, full salvation,
And to fill my soul with jubilation,
Is the matchless love of God.

Deep enough for those in degradation,
Higher than the highest elevation,
Broad enough to take in ev’ry nation,
Is the boundless love of God.

How can we ever fathom God’s wondrous love? I don’t think even eternity will be enough to truly understand the greatness of our salvation. It is truly beyond our human comprehension. We should never let a day go by when we don’t thank and worship Him for His eternal salvation.

Love from Nancy

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CovenantKeeper“To have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do us part, according to God's holy ordinance; and thereto I pledge pledge myself to you."

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ReadyToGoDear mother, you are in the most power-packed and influential career in the nation. When you get up each morning, get dressed accordingly. Don't wander out in your bathrobe--you can't work in your bathrobe. Get dressed and ready for your great job for the day. Not only put on your clothes, but put on the right attitude.

Start the day confessing, "I love being a mother. I am in the greatest career in the nation. The children and I are going to have a great day today."

Now you are dressed. You have the right attitude and confession. You're ready to go!

Have the greatest day,

Nancy Campbell

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NeverMovedPsalm 125:1 says: “They that trust in the LORD shall be as mount Zion, which cannot be removed, but abideth forever.” What an amazing promise. When we trust in the Lord we will not be moved. We won’t be moved by negative thoughts. We sure have to have our shield up to push these back don’t we? We won’t be moved by what we see in the natural. Instead, we will see by the eye of faith. We won’t be moved by our circumstances because we know that God is bigger than our circumstances. He is the only One who can truly work things out the right way.

Begin by trusting God in the little things you face each day. As you trust Him in the little things, your faith will increase to trust Him in the big things. Instead of being miserable and in a nervous state, you will be happy. Proverbs 16:20 says: “Whoso trusteth in the LORD, happy is he.”

Many blessings to you today,

Nancy Campbell

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GodsProvisionGod is a dwelling God. He dwelt among His people of Israel, He wants to dwell in His people today, ands He promises He will dwell with us for ever in the eternal realm.

Yes, dear mother, He wants to live and abide in your life and in your home. Psalm 132:13-15 says: “For the LORD that chosen Zion; he hath desired it for his habitation. This is my rest for ever: here will I dwell; for I have desired it. I will abundantly bless her provision: I will satisfy her poor with bread.” God originally dwelt in the Holy of Holies in the temple, but you are now His Holy of Holies. I love the GW translation: “He wants it for his home. This will be my resting place forever. Here I will sit enthroned . . .”

God not only wants to abide in you but to rest in you. He wants to feel comfortable in your heart and home. And because He has made you His rest and His habitation, He takes responsibility for you. He says that He will provide for you. He will satisfy you with all your needs. You don’t have to trust in your own provision, but in His provision.

The NET translation says: “I will abundantly supply what she needs; I will give her poor all the food they need.”

Forget worrying how you will survive. Trust in your God who dwells within you. He has promised to provide for all the children He gives to you (Deuteronomy 28:4-6 and Psalm 37:25).

Be encouraged today, Nancy Campbell

Check this link:

Scriptures to check:
God is a Dwelling God: Exodus 29:45, 46; Leviticus 26:11, 12; 1 Kings 6:12, 13; Zechariah 2:10; 1Corinthians 6:19, 20; 2 Corinthians 6:16-18; Colossians 1:27; John 14:16-18; 15:5-7; and Revelation 21:3.

God is a Providing God: Deuteronomy 2:7; Nehemiah 9:20, 21; Psalm 34:8-10; 37:25, 26; 78:18-25, 32, 41; 127:2; Proverbs 12:11; Matthew 6:25-33; Philippians 4:5, 6, 11-13, 19; 1 Timothy 6:6-8; and Hebrews 13:5, 6.

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MeadowKendallWedGod loves weddings. Weddings brings families together. They are God’s design. His plan. His delight. In fact, God equates His blessing upon a nation with weddings. Jeremiah 33:11 describes it: “The voice of joy, and the voice of gladness, the voice of the bridegroom, and the voice of the bride, the voice of them that shall say, Praise the LORD of hosts: for the LORD is good; for his mercy endureth forever.”

The Hebrew word for “joy” is “sasown” and means “cheerfulness, joy, mirth, and rejoicing.” The Hebrew word for “gladness” is “simchah” and means “blithesomeness and glee, exceeding gladness and joyfulness, pleasure, and mirth.” Wow, you can’t get much more joy than this, can you? This is the joy God has about a young man and a virgin being joined together. This is the joy we have as we celebrate with them.

Meadow and Kendall’s wedding began at 4.00 pm on Saturday. The seven bridesmaids and five flower girls walked down the aisle in an idyllic outside setting. Then came the beautiful bride on the arm of her father. It was picture perfect. The pastor began his opening remarks. He hardly got started and the wind picked up. They sky grew dark. The thunder boomed and all of a sudden, before we could believe what was happening, drenching rain poured down. Wedding party, mothers and babies, and guests all ran for cover! The pouring rain drenched everyone, including the bridal couple!

What a way to start a beautiful wedding. But our spirits were high and no one minded at all. The bridal party soon got in position again in the reception hall and the wedding service and vows continued. Even Meadow and Kendall, who love everything to be perfect, were not fazed at all. In fact, God broke up the perfectness and everyone celebrated all night!

We cannot put God in a box. Later Serene said, “God is not a tame lion. We cannot tame him and push Him around. Surely God would never allow one of my children to have cancer!~ Surely God would never allow one of my children to have a serious accident and brain injury. And Surely God would never allow it to rain on MEADOW’S wedding! But God is bigger than all our situations and He is still in control and we can totally trust Him.” Everything He does is good. Amen and Amen.

After the meal we had loads of speeches as bridesmaids and groomsmen and others told stories about Meadow and Kendall and affirmed all their wonderful attributes. Such a very special couple. Many commented on the kingly anointing on Kendall’s life and the queenly attributes of Meadow. Speeches are very much part of all our family functions, and especially weddings. And then everyone danced and rejoiced as God wants us to do at weddings.

I’ll send more pictures in another post.



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TheSpotToday at 4.00 pm this beautiful oasis will be decorated and waiting the wedding of our granddaughter, Meadow Barrett (Pearl's daughter) who will be married to Kendall Hall. She will have seven bridesmaids and five little flower girls attending her. They are all upstairs getting dressed now. It's going to be a most beautiful wedding.

~ Nancy

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Above Rubies Address

Email Nancy

PO Box 681687
Franklin, TN 37068-1687

Phone : 931-729-9861
Office Hrs 9am - 5pm, M - F, CTZ