BabyShowerOn Sunday afternoon we enjoyed a lovely baby shower for sweet Christiana and her precious baby, Liliana. Christiana is Serene’s daughter-in-law. Aunty Melissa is holding little Liliana.

~ Nancy

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ThreeGenI would now like to catch you up on the happenings of last weekend. There is never a dull moment during any of our weekends, or any day of the week, at our home here on the hilltop with many of our large family living around.

Last weekend began with rejoicing and ended with great need for prayer. Saturday afternoon we enjoyed a lovely bridal shower for our granddaughter, Meadow who will be married to Kendall Hall on the 10 September. We had a lovely time doing fun things and then ending in praying over Meadow (always the best part).

Here is a picture of Nana Nancy, Mother Pearl, and daughter Meadow at the shower.

~ Nancy

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YourIDYour identity is “the state of having unique identifying characteristics held by no other person or thing.” People have said to me that women should not find their identity in motherhood, but only in Christ. Will you please forgive me if I challenge that statement? Yes, I believe that every born again Christian has their identity in Christ. I live my life by the truth of Colossians 1:27: “Christ in you, the hope of glory.”

However, that fact that Christ dwells in us and is our life is not negated by our gender. God is the One who created the genders and each season of life. A baby’s identity is that it is a baby, hopefully with fat chubby cheeks and roly poly thighs and arms--the only time we drool over being fat! A child’s identity is in being a child. We put up with their childishness, enjoying their free, innocent, and uninhibited ways.

We expect a male to walk in the identity of a male--showing strength and offering protection to women and children. We expect fathers to have the identity of a father and take the responsibility of providing a home, embracing and providing for children, and being the leader in the family.

What about the mother? To say we do not have an identity as a mother is to go against everything God says. It goes against the way He created us. God created women with a womb and breasts to embrace, nurture, and nourish life. Being female and to embrace the way God created us is our true identity. To resist motherhood and embracing children and to oppose the great career of homemaking is to deny the identity God mandated at the very beginning of creation (Genesis 3:20; Psalm 113:9; and Titus 2:4, 5).

You do not negate your identity as a mother because of your identity in Christ. Rather, because Christ indwells you, your motherhood is enhanced, intensified, and abundantly more joyful, overcoming, and glorious! When Christ dwells in you, He changes how you think and everything you do, but He doesn’t take away your identity of motherhood, because He gave it to you in the first place!

Be encouraged.

Nancy Campbell

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DelightfulHomesThe first home was called the Garden of Eden and was the prototype of all homes to come. In the Hebrew Eden means “delight” and this is God’s intention for our homes. We mothers set the tone for our homes and it is our mandate to make them a delight--a delight for our husbands, all our children, and all who come into our homes.

We see a continuation of this thought in Micah 2:9 (ESV) where the word “delightful” is used again to describe homes. It is used in a context of judgment, but we see the truth: “The women of my people you drive out from their delightful houses; from their young children you take away my splendor forever.” God is angry when women are taken out of their homes, which is their rightful place.

Different translations use different words to describe their homes. The CEB calls them “cherished homes,” the MLB and Moffat call them “happy homes,” and the Knox and CJB call them the “homes they love.” I love that, don’t you? We are meant to love our homes. More than that, we are to love being at home and love making our home a delightful place.

Not only is God angry when women are taken out of their homes, but He is even more concerned when children are taken out of the home. God’s plan and intention is for children to be nurtured and nourished in the home, not outside institutions. A number of translations state: “You have robbed their children of my blessings forever.” The TLB says: “stripped their children of every God-given right.” Wow, that’s powerful. It is a God-given right for children to be cherished and nurtured by their mother in the home.

Isn’t it wonderful how God reveals His heart in so many surprising places in the Bible?

Have a wonderful day making your home a delightful place,

Nancy Campbell

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ExcuseHouseSome houses try to hide the fact
That children shelter there,
Ours boasts of it quite openly,
The signs are everywhere!

For smears are on the windows,
Little smudges on the door,
I should apologize I guess
For toys strewn on the floor.

But I sat down with the children
And we played and laughed and read,
And if the door bell doesn’t shine
Their eyes will shine instead!

For when at times I’m freed to choose
The one job or the other
I want to be a homemaker,
But first I’ll be a Mother!

~ Anon.

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YouAreHeartDear manager of the home, beloved of the Lord,

Your power as a mother cannot be ignored,
You are the heart and the Queen of your home,
Making a haven of love so your children won't roam.

As you nurture and teach your children each day,
Train them, discipline them, and oversee their play,
May you be filled with joy and overflowing with love
That God has given you these "gifts" from up above.

Each precious child is a blessing from the Lord,
You will no longer ever have time to be bored!
You have the greatest career in all of the land
As you teach your children to follow God's command.

Lift up your head; be proud of your calling,
It's an eternal work and totally enthralling.
I know that you often feel tired and worn,
But confess God's Word, His truth He has sworn.

"The joy of the Lord is your strength," God states
And whatever He promises He never negates!
As you shine with His joy, you'll be a testimony to all
That embracing children is God's perfect will and call.

Don't be intimidated by those who don’t embrace God's way
Who limit their children and leave them each day,
As you receive God's "rewards" and at home with them stay
You'll be a beacon light to save others from going astray.

Your sweet, gentle spirit is precious in God's sight.
As you serve in your home with all of your might
You are revealing the spirit of Jesus the King
Who showed us how to serve in everything.

May God bless you and strengthen you each new morning,
May you know His faithfulness each new dawning,
May God's presence be with you in a mighty measure
As you train your children for God's purpose and pleasure.

~ Love from Nancy Campbell

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AMother.jpgWho helps to cheer the daily round?

A Mother!
Or smoothes our cares when they abound?
A Mother!
Who makes the home a haven sweet,
With love and comradeship complete?
Where turn each night the eager feet?
A Mother!

Who softly croons a cradle song?
A Mother!
Or soothes her babe the whole night long?
A Mother!
Who tends with such unwearied care,
Her household, and her children, fair?
Who bears them up to God in prayer?
A Mother!

~ Anon.

Painting: Bedtime Story by James Bernardin

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MyTreasureTreasure have I!

Not gold or fame,
But flesh, blood,
My own, my name,
Richest and dearest of all possessions,
My babies, my children.

Body, spirit!
Not cold objects
In ivory towers,
But mud and skinned knees,
Rocking-chair nights, and calls at dawn,
Beauty, love and all things rare,
My jewels, my children.

Love of all loves!
Not flashy sentimentality,
But bone and breath,
Sacrifice and heartache,
Lasting past death
And memories of unmatched happiness.

My children,
Forever in my soul.

~ Sharon Davies

Picture: Lauren Robertson with her precious baby. Lauren used to be one of our Above Rubies helpers. She is now married with two children.

The above poem is published in QUIET REFLECTIONS FOR MOTHERS, a book of beautiful poems for mothers. Go to:

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TheyWatchYou“As is the mother, so is the daughter” (Ezekiel 16:44). Isn’t this a challenging statement? Our children become like us. They watch us all day long. If we are sour and miserable, always complaining and sighing, then expect whining children! If we keep a smile on our face and praise the Lord, even in the midst of difficulties, our children learn this behavior also.

I am also challenged by the words of William Booth, the founder of the Salvation Army. Back in 1884 he wrote: “Your children are young, and perhaps cannot read their Bibles at present; but now, and as they grow older and all the way up to manhood, they ought to be able to read the will of God expressed in your life. SO BE SURE YOU WRITE IT PLAINLY, AND IN LARGE LETTERS. You will always be in sight, and they can read you by night and by day all the year round.”

And here’s a little poem called (not written by me):

There are little eyes upon you
And they're watching night and day.
There are little ears that quickly
Take in every word you say.
There are little hands all eager
To do anything you do;
And a little girl who's dreaming
Of the day she'll be like you.

You're the little angel's idol,
You're the wisest of the wise.
In her little mind about you
No suspicions ever rise.
She believes in you devoutly,
Holds all you say and do;
She will say and do, in your way
When she's grown up just like you.

There's a wide-eyed little girl
Who believes you're always right;
And her eyes are always opened,
And she watches day and night.
You are setting an example
Every day in all you do;
For the little girl who's waiting
To grow up to be like you.

Have a great day,

Nancy Campbell

P.S. I am not sure of the author of this poem. I have read of three different names for authors, although most times it says “Author unknown.”

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OnlyBibleChrist has no hands but our hands to do His work today;
He has no feet but our feet to lead men in His way;
He has no tongue but our tongues to tell men how He died;
He has no help but our help to bring them to His side.

We are the only Bible the careless world will read;
We are the sinner's gospel, we are the scoffer's creed;
We are the Lord's last message, given in deed and word;
What if the type is crooked? What if the print is blurred?

What if our hands are busy with other work than His?
What if our feet are walking where sin's allurement is?
What if our tongues are speaking of things His lips would spurn?
How can we hope to help Him and hasten His return?

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DiffPictureAs I read God’s Word I notice a different picture than what see in many families in the body of Christ today. It seems that the Biblical picture is too old-fashioned for modern believers today. Too archaic. Too straightjacket. And yet it is the way of power. It is the way of obedience. It is the way God planned for His people. But then again, many people think they know better than God, don’t they?

In Jeremiah 18:11,12 God says: “Return ye now every one from his evil way, and make your ways and your doings good. And they said . . . BUT we will walk after our own devices.” How easily we tend to walk our own way rather than God’s way. God’s way is usually so different to the way of the world and we don’t want to be too different!

When the Bible talks about the coming of the Lord, it reminds how we should be living. It’s good to be reminded, isn’t it? God says that in the light of His soon coming we should live . . .

holy lives in all our conversation and behavior (including conduct and dress)
godly lives
looking for the coming of the Lord
diligently seeking to live in God’s rest and peace
denying ungodliness and worldly lusts (obliterating them from our lives rather than tolerating them)
purifying ourselves

Is this the picture of our lives? What about our children’s lives? Are we passionately praying and leading them into this lifestyle? Or are they much like the culture of this world?

You can read the above in the following Scriptures: 2 Timothy 2:19; Titus 2:11-14; Hebrews 12:14; 1 Peter 1:14-17; 2 Peter 3:11-14; 1 John 2:15-17; and 3:2, 3.

Love from Nancy Campbell

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ConsumingPassionI don’t know about you, but when raising my children I was not content for the status quo. Although our children have all grown and have all done amazing things in this life (and they will yet do greater things), I was not really so much interested in what fêtes they would accomplish, but only that they would have a consuming passion for God and His kingdom. This was my passion that they would have this passion!

This doesn’t just happen. We as parents have to be totally dedicated to God. If our children see halfheartedness in us, they will gravitate to halfheartedness. They always gravitate to the easier way. It takes hours of prayer and crying out to God. It takes steering them in a paths of righteousness and true holiness.

It breaks my heart that the majority of children today know more about their video games than they do of God’s Word. Dearest mothers, what do you want your children to be filled with? Do you want them to be FILLED with the truth of God’s Word or are you happy for them to be captivated with Pokémon and similar games that consume children today? What are the standards you have for your children? If you want children who are totally consumed with a passion for God, you can’t allow them to be consumed with the worldly games of today. I guess it comes down to the question: WHAT DO YOU WANT?

A Christian man recently wrote: “I personally have been in churches that were supposedly ‘filled with the anointing’ and watched the children in the seats in front of me playing Pokémon and dungeons and dragons while the parents ‘worshipped God’.” They must be consumed with it to be doing it in church. The sad thing is that many Christian parents are now consumed with these games! This won’t turn this nation around to God. How can this be happening in such an hour of desperation?

If we want our children to be radical for God, we better start being radical ourselves. If we want our children to grow up to turn this nation back to God, we better steer them to pursue God, not the occultist junk of this world.

I have to confess that I am tired of status quo, average, sitting on the fence, halfhearted, lukewarm, compromising, and following the trends of the world Christianity. I’m tired of the continual lowering of godly standards among God’s people.

But it all comes back to us parents. What is our consuming passion for our lives? What is our consuming passion for our children’s lives?

~ Nancy Campbell

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JosiahShelbyJosiah and Shelby who will be married 16th October.

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KendallMeadowMy granddaughter, Meadow and Kendall Hall. They will be married on the 10th September.

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2RedheadsI have inundated you with a number of family pictures the last few days, which I rarely do. However, I thought I'd catch you up with a little family news and two coming family weddings. How we love weddings!

Many of you know Meadow, Pearl's oldest daughter (Trim Healthy Mama Pearl). Some of you have followed Meadow since she was a baby! She used to come and sing at Above Rubies retreats. The Lord has now brought into her life a most wonderful young man, Kendall Hall (I'll post a picture), and they will be married the 10th September. Not long to wait now. We will celebrate her bridal shower this coming Saturday, 13th.

Shelby Potter was one of our Above Rubies helpers. Shelby came to help on two occasions, both for a number of months. She has now moved on to work for Trim Healthy Mama full time. My brother's wife and family live nearly next door to us and are part of our extended hilltop family here. In fact, Melissa, my brother's daughter, looks more like me than my own daughters. Melissa and Cal are blessed with 11 amazing children and while working with Above Rubies Shelby fell in love with Josiah Calhoon, their eldest son (I'll post a picture of them too). They will be married the following month 16th October. So you'll soon have more family wedding pictures to enjoy.

~ Nancy

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HappyfamilyAfter staying for a week to rest after giving birth this sweet little family return to their home. Selah and her husband, Samuel with their three little ones: Sammy, Eureka, and newborn Kyrah Joy. Selah and Samuel are wonderful parents and are also in the process of adopting three children from Liberia (from where they originally come). These are children of family members who have passed away, one through Ebola. The hard part is the long wait to get these children. Selah is Serene's oldest daughter.

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3GrandsonsThree of our grandsons--Cedar Allison, Arrow Johnson, and Vision Allison.

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GreatGrandDaughterHere is another one of our sweet little great-granddaughters. Christiana with Liliana, her second daughter. Christiana is Serene's daughter-in-law.

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FatherLoveHave you ever seen such a precious father/daughter picture? Jack Simpson (Rashida's husband) with their little daughter, Ezzie (our great-granddaughter). Rashida is Evangeline's daughter.

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Above Rubies Address

Email Nancy

PO Box 681687
Franklin, TN 37068-1687

Phone : 931-729-9861
Office Hrs 9am - 5pm, M - F, CTZ