HeedingYesterday we talked about how “sound doctrine” is practical godly living. We read about the BEAUTIFUL things God wants us to do as wives and mothers (see BEAUTIFUL THINGS post below). However, Titus 2:5 goes on to say that if we don’t embrace this BEAUTIFUL lifestyle, that instead we become “a scandal to the gospel” (MOFFAT).

This sounds harsh, doesn’t it? Please don’t get mad with me. I am quoting God’s Word. As we look at other translations, starting with the King James Version, we can’t get away from the gravity of turning away from this lifestyle.

Blaspheme the Word of God (KJV).
Bring disrepute to the Word of God (NEB).
Bring reproach to the Word of God (AMP).
Bring shame on the Word of God (HCSB).
Discredit the Word of God (RSV).
Disgrace the Word of God (TJB, CJB).
Dishonor the Word of God (NASB).
Malign the Word of God (NIV).
Revile the Word of God (ESV).
Slander the Word of God (MLB, HCSB).
Speak evil of the Word of God (GNB).

It is not a pretty picture, is it? I’m sorry I need to write this, but I must be faithful to declare the whole truth, and not only half of it.

The word in the Greed is “blasphemo” and comes from two words:
Blapto – to hurt, and
Pheme – reputation.

Therefore, it means that when we do not walk in the beautiful things of Titus 2:4, 5 that we hurt the reputation of God’s Word.

Because there have been so few older women teaching the younger women how to love their husbands and children and how to be keepers at home, we now have a whole generation who have no understanding of God’s plan for women. They have not even seen the lifestyle before their eyes. They did not see it growing up in their own family. Many come from two-child families and were never around babies. They spent most of their lives at school and college and did not have time to learn the art of cooking and managing a home.

Many have embraced the workforce, rather than motherhood--many times living on fast food, with no time to sit together as families around a homecooked meal, enjoying interaction and family devotions together. Because of the “me first “and the “entitlement” mentality in our society today, many marriages are falling apart.

May our nation of Christians turn back to the beautiful lifestyle God ordained in the very beginning so that we will become a “good advertisement” for His Word and His plan that was devised in eternity.

Be encouraged today,

Nancy Campbell

Painting by Anna Silivonchik


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