ScrapsWhat kind of food do you eat in your home? Junk food or healthy food? I’m sure most of you try to eat healthy food as much as possible. As mothers we are very aware of our responsibility regarding what we allow our children to eat. I cared very much for my children’s bodies as they grew up. I never allowed junk food. Never had any refined foods, white sugar, or any of the “whites” (white flour, white pasta, white rice, etc.) in my pantry. I wanted them to grow healthy and strong. Apart from going to the emergency room for broken bones or the boys cutting their legs open throwing knives (!) etc., we didn’t even have a doctor for any of our children growing up.

But although I cared so much for their bodies, I cared even more for their souls and spirits. We didn’t feed our children scraps. Praise God, we live in a country where we have access to whatever food we want. They don’t have to live on scraps; we can give them the best food. But what do we feed their souls and spirits? Do we allow them to feed on scraps? I’m amazed that many Christian mothers don’t mind their children spending hours on Pokémon Go, Harry Potter, and many other negative and questionable games and books. Scraps for their souls.

What about their spirits? Many Christian mothers are satisfied to make sure their children attend Sunday School or church once a week. They are not diligent to daily (and that means more than once a day) feed their children a rich diet of God’s Word (Colossians 3:16). Once a week is equivalent to a few scraps.

Dear mothers, God has a RICH diet for us and for our families. Hear His invitation to you in Isaiah 55:12, 2 (GW): “Listen! Whoever is thirsty, come to the water! Whoever has no money can come, buy, and eat! Come, buy wine and milk. You don’t have to pay; it’s free! Why do you spend money on what cannot nourish you and your wages on what does not satisfy you? Listen carefully to me: Eat what is good, and enjoy the BEST FOODS.”

God does not want you to live on scraps. He wants you to enjoy the BEST foods--for your body, soul, and spirit. He wants to nourish your children with life-giving foods for their bodies, souls, and spirits. He wants you to live in abundance. But there’s one condition; you have to listen diligently to God Himself. You can’t do it your way. You have to search His word. You have to seek after His wisdom. Not your mindset, but His mindset (Isaiah 55:8, 9 - same chapter!). It’s only in Him that all treasures and riches are found (Colossians 2:3).

May you live on the richest of food,

Nancy Campbell

P.S. Here are some other translations of the above Scripture:
TLV: “Listen diligently to Me, and eat what is good, and delight yourself
in ABUNDANCE.” (Also AMP and NASB).
GNB: “You will enjoy the BEST FOOD OF ALL.” (God’s food is the BEST food of all!).
NCV: “Your soul will enjoy the RICH FOOD THAT SATISFIES.”
NET: “ Eat what is NOURISHING! Enjoy fine food.”
TLB: “Food that FATTENS UP THE SOUL.” (We must fatten our children’s souls and spirits as well as nourish their bodies).

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KeepBibleWhere do you keep the Bible in your home? On the shelf? We have lots of Bibles on our bookshelves. In fact, I have a whole shelf of different translations. Beside your bed? On the table? In the bathroom? On your iPhone? It’s great to have God’s Word in all these places, ready to pick up wherever you happen to be. But even if we have twenty or more Bibles in our home, it’s not enough. We’ve got to keep it even better places.

The Bible itself tells us where it’s meant to be:


Psalm 119:48: “I will meditate in thy statutes.” (Joshua 1:8; Psalm 1:2; and 119:15;130). Our mind is filled with God’s Word because we read it at every opportunity. We establish Family Devotions in our home to make sure our children receive God’s Word at least two times a day. More is better. They can never get enough. It is their wisdom, their education, their life, their guide, and their discernment to know what is of God and what is not.


Psalm 119:11: “Thy word have I hid in mine heart, that I might not sin against thee” We know we have to get it past our minds and down into our hearts. Have your children got God’s Word in their hearts? Is it settled in their hearts? Is it the foundation on which they base everything they learn? When we, and our children, have God’s Word imbedded into our hearts, it keeps us walking in God’s way and never veering to the right or left. I love Psalm 37:31:”The law of his God is in his heart; none of his steps shall slide.”

Read also Deuteronomy 6:6,7; Psalm 40:8; 119:34; 111; 161; Isaiah 51:7; and Luke 2:19, 51.


We think it is enough to keep God’s Word in our hearts. No, God wants it in our mouths. He wants it in our children’s mouths. He wants it in our grandchildren’s mouths. Isaiah 59:21 is God’s vision for us as we raise our families: “As for me, this is my covenant with them, saith the LORD; My spirit that is upon thee, and my words which I have put in thy MOUTH, shall not depart out of thy MOUTH, nor out of the MOUTH of thy seed, nor out of the MOUTH of thy seed’s seed, saith the LORD, from henceforth and forever.”

Is God Word freely in your mouth? Is God’s Word in your children’s mouths? When you are sitting together with them at lunch today, quote the beginning of some Scriptures. Stop half way through and see if they can finish the verse. Our children should be familiar with God’s Word. It should be coming out of their mouths.

Read also Psalm 116:10; 119:13; Romans 10:9, 10; 2 Corinthians 4:13; and Hebrews 10:23.


Psalm 149:6: “Let the high praises of God be in their mouth, and a two-edged sword in their hand.” Ephesians 6:17 tells us that the sword of the Spirit is the Word of God and is part of or armor. We can’t live without it. We can’t fight off the temptations of the devil without it (Hebrews 4:12 and Revelation 1:16). In fact Psalm 149:7-9 tells us more of the power of this sword we have in our hearts, mouths, and hands: “To execute vengeance upon the heathen, and punishments upon the people; to bind their kings with chains, and their nobles with fetters of iron; To execute upon them the judgment written: THIS HONOR HAVE ALL HIS SAINTS. Praise ye the Lord.”


What does Proverbs 4:22 say about God’s Words? “For they are life unto those that find them, and HEALTH to all their flesh.” The word “health” in Hebrew means “medicine, healing, a cure.” God’s Word translations says: “They HEAL THE WHOLE BODY.” The Knox translation says: “They bring life and healing to his whole being.”

When we constantly speak God’s Word OUT LOUD our body hears it. God’s Word is life and healing and the more our bodies hear it, the more they live in divine health (Proverbs 3:18 and 16:24).

Make sure God’s Word is in the right places.

Blessings from Nancy Campbell

PICTURE: Our grandson, Zadok Johnson, who passionately loves the Word, God's two-edged sword, and who seeks to win souls to Jesus each new day.

QUESTION: Did you get a chance to look up the extra Scriptures listed? It's not my words, but God's Words that changes our hearts and lives. Check them out when you can.

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AllToJesusWe often sing the hymn:
I surrender all,
I surrender all,
All to Thee my blessed Savior
I surrender all.

We sing with passion, totally abandoning our lives to God. It’s not so hard to do when we are with the saints in the presence of the Lord. But what about in the nitty gritty of life? Although we do these big “surrenders” every now and then, I believe that surrendering is not a onetime act, but a day by day experience. Actually, a moment by moment experience in each new situation we face.

Surrendering to God means giving up our will for God’s will in the practical areas of life. It’s surrendering to the daily “sameness” of managing the home and caring for our children. We’d like to escape, but instead we surrender with joy to our God-given nurturing anointing of caring for our children.

To surrender means yielding to the patience and longsuffering of Christ that dwells in me when I’d rather fly off the handle and give release to pent up emotions. To surrender means to be full of joy (which is Christ’s joy in me) when I’m feeling depressed and full of self-pity. To surrender means to stand on the promises of God’s Word which live and abide forever, rather than giving into my doubts and unbelief.

To surrender means to submit to my husband when he gives me direction or correction. Yes, this is surrendering to Christ. Heeding reproof and receiving correction is ;a spirit of surrender. That’s why a onetime act doesn’t cut it; it’s an attitude of surrender!

What about surrendering our bodies? Many Christians sing in church, “I surrender all” with their hands outstretched. However, if you ask them later, “Are you looking forward to another baby?” you may receive a negative remark such as, “No way, we’ve put a stop to all that.” They have not surrendered their lives after all. And yet Romans 12:1 says: “I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your BODIES A LIVING SACRIFICE, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service.”

Be blessed today,

Nancy Campbell

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StarkContrastMark 8:35 has always been a challenging verse to me as a mother: “For whosoever will save his life shall lose it; but whosoever shall lose his life for my sake and the gospel’s, the same shall save it.” We often feel that we give out more than we have to give as we pour out our lives in motherhood We feel as if we are losing our lives.

However, this Scripture takes on more meaning when we understand the full meaning of “save” which is the Greek word “sozo.” Dear mother, God promises that you will not lose. Instead, you will not only be saved, but delivered, protected, healed, preserved, and made whole by pouring out your life in this great and divine calling God has given to you.

We should also take the warning. This Scriptures tells us that we actually lose our lives when we try to save and pamper them. The word “lose” is “apollumi” and means “to destroy fully, to perish (literally or figuratively), to mar.” Most other times in the New Testament this word is translated “destroy” or “perish.”

Isn’t it amazing how we think the opposite to God? And yet His way is the way that works; our way always takes down a wrong path. God’s way leads to life; our way leads to destruction.

Blessings to you today,

Nancy Campbell

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AllTogetherSome women think they have it all together. Others feel like falling on the floor in a heap as they know they could never have it all together, especially if it means keeping a perfect home, perfect children, and perfect situations! Let’s face it. There is not a day that goes perfectly. Every day poses new challenges.

And yet Titus 2:4, 5 tells the older women to teach the young women to “have it all together.” Well, it actually says “to be discreet” in the King James Version. Would you like to find out what this word really means? I love the adventure of discovering what God is truly saying to us, don’t you?

The Greek word for “discreet” is “sophron” and comes from two root words:
“Sozo” which means “to save, deliver, protect, heal, cure, preserve, keep safe, and make whole.” And “phren” meaning “the mind.” Therefore it means to have a sound and whole mind.

We can never have it all together in our circumstances as we cannot control our circumstances. If we have babies and little children around us we can never have a perfect house with laundry and every household duty up-to-date. However, in the midst of chaos, babies and children, crying and loud noise, the weight of more to cope with than we think we can possibly accomplish, we can still have a sound and steady mind. We can have peace in the midst of the storm. This is what it really means to have it all together.

Let’s look at some other translations:

“To be mistress of themselves” (Moffat). This means that we are in control of ourselves. We have command of our emotions. We are self-disciplined. Not freaking out. Not falling to pieces. No matter what happens around us, our hearts and minds are fixed upon the Lord. What would I do without the wonderful promise in Isaiah 26:3, 4: “Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee. Trust ye in the LORD forever: for in the LORD JEHOVAH is everlasting strength.” I believe this is the underlying secret of having it all together--to keep our minds stayed upon the Lord, no matter what the situation.

“Orderly behavior” (Knox). Our example as a wife and mother must not bring discredit to God’s Word, but be a good advertisement to the Christian faith (Titus 2:5).

“To live wisely” (RSV and NLT). Not foolishly. Not gadding about. Not hankering after the materials things of this world and worldly entertainment. Not possessed by social media. We speak wisely. We act wisely. We walk according to God’s plan for wives and mothers, rather than fashioning ourselves according to the ways and trends of this current society.
“To be sober-minded” (WEB).

“To be self-controlled.” Many translations use this phrase such as NET, AMP, TLV, CJB, ESC, GNB, HCSB, LEB, MEV, and NIV. How can you be self-controlled? Stoically repress your emotions? No. We surrender to the Holy Spirit who dwells within us, for He is self-control. In fact, He is everything we need to have it all together. His life in us is “love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, self-control” (Galatians 5:22, 23). That’s everything you need. Instead of yielding to the flesh, yield to the Holy Spirit.

“To be sensible” (CEB, CEV, and NASB). Being sensible keeps our feet on the ground and act in a way that brings glory to God.

Dear mother, you may feel overwhelmed, the house may look chaotic, but you can still “have it all together” as you look to the Lord and allow His peace to fill your heart and mind in the midst of everything that is happening.

Have a wonderful day,

Nancy Campbell

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BestDoctorsYesterday we talked about “sound doctrine,” the healthy lifestyle God intends us to live. God also gives us pointers in the Old Testament to bring health to our bodies and to everyone in our homes.


“A SOUND heart is the life of the flesh” ( Proverbs 14:30). The word “sound” means “a cure, medicine, healing.” The New Living Translation makes it clearer: “A peaceful heart leads to a healthy body; jealousy is like cancer in the bones.” When we have peace in our mind and heart, we have health in our body. If we allow anger, distress, worry, jealousy, hurt, and bitterness, etc. to harbor in our minds, our bodies become sick. You can’t afford to harbor negative thoughts..

“That’s okay for you to say,” you reply. “You don’t know what I’m having to endure.” Dear friend, no matter what trial you face, God is bigger. You never get an answer by worrying and stressing out. When you hand over to God, He gives you peace and shows you the way.


“The tongue of the wise is HEALTH” (Proverbs 12:18).
“A WHOLESOME tongue is a tree of life” (Proverbs 15:4).
“Pleasant words are as a honeycomb, sweet to the soul, and HEALTH to the bones” (Proverbs 16:24).

Our words affect our bodies and the bodies of our children, and the atmosphere of our homes. If I suffer an ailment in my body, I don’t like to speak about it out loud. I don’t want my body to have the upper hand. I don’t want my body to give in to my negative words about sickness. Therefore I keep silent.

Our words also affect our souls and spirits and the atmosphere of our homes. Let’s speak life-giving words, health-giving words, encouraging words, and inspiring words. They are truly HEALTH (medicine and healing) to the bones! Quote Proverbs 16:24 OUT LOUD over and over again. It’s medicine to your body, soul, and spirit. It’s medicine to your children.


“My son, attend to my words; incline thine ear unto my sayings. Let them not depart from thine eyes, keep them in the midst of thine heart. For they are life unto those that find them, and HEALTH (healing and medicine) to all their flesh” (Proverbs 4:22).

The more you speak God’s life-giving words into your children lives, the more healthy lifestyle you will all enjoy.

Be encouraged today,

Nancy Campbell

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WantHealthyPaul writes to Titus and exhorts him: “Speak thou the things which become sound doctrine” (Titus 2:1).The word “sound” is interesting. The word is “hugiaino” and means “to be physically well in body, to be healthy, hygiene.” The Scriptures use this word in the context of health in 3 John 1:2: “Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health (hugiaino), even as thy soul prospereth.” Also Luke 5:31; 7:10; and 15:27.

In Titus it is used to describe doctrine and therefore means healthy doctrine. Doctrine that affects our health--physically, mentally, and spiritually. Bible doctrine is not something “airy fairy,” but the practical way God wants us to live in the nitty gritty of our lives.

Immediately following these words it gives practical advice to the older men, the older women, the younger women, the young men, and the servants. Each category receive their own specific instructions on how to glorify God in their daily lives.

Wives and mothers are not left out. We are told specifically the lifestyle God wants us to live: “To love their husbands, to love their children, to be sensible, pure, workers at home, kind, being subject to their own husbands” (Titus 2:4, 5 NASB). Other translations say we are to be “keepers at home, “busy at home,” homemakers,” and “home-lovers.”

Do you want to be healthy in body, soul, and spirit? Embrace the sound God-mandated doctrine God has given you.

Love from Nancy Campbell

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RiverFlowsGod’s water of life that He gives to us is pure, clean, holy, and life-giving. Revelation 22:1 says: “And he showed me a pure river of water of life, clear as crystal, proceeding out of the throne of God and of the Lamb.”

We go back to Ezekiel 47 and read again about the waters that flow from the sanctuary. These waters are not stagnant. They are flowing. They run out! They “go down into the desert,” to bring life to those who are parched, dead in their souls and spirits, broken-hearted, and in bondage to the enemy. They “go into the sea,” speaking of the dead sea where nothing lives (v. 9).

But this water of life, which is in us by the power of the Holy Spirit who dwells within us, flows out to bring life and healing. Every time we open our mouths, we pour forth healing and life-giving words. We pray life-giving prayers. We minister love and healing.

Ezekiel 47:9 says: “And it shall come to pass, that every thing that liveth, which moveth, whithersoever the rivers shall come, shall LIVE . . . EVERY THING SHALL LIVE whither the river cometh.”

Of course, this river of life pours forth first in our home--to our husband and children and then to the hurting around us.

Stir up the life-giving river of the Holy Spirit that dwells in you. Let it bubble up to overflowing to pour out to your family and all you meet.

John 7:38, 39 says: "He that believeth on me, as the Scripture hath said, out of his belly shall FLOW RIVERS OF LIVING WATER.”

What’s happening to your waters and mine today? Are they bottled up? Are they trickling out? Or are they flowing out to bring life and healing?

Let go of everything that bottles up God’s healing waters in you and become a life-giver to your family and the world.

In His love,

Nancy Campbell

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NotBeSilentThere are times when it is right to be silent. We all know the adage, “If you can’t say anything nice, don’t say anything at all.” It’s also good to remember, “If you can’t say something positive and faith-building, don’t open your mouth.” When we are accused unjustly, we should also follow Jesus’ example and keep our mouths shut. Jesus “opened not His mouth” when He was accused by his tormentors.

On the other hand, there are times when we must not keep silent. Psalm 30:11, 12 (NASB) says: “You have turned for me my mourning into dancing; You have loosed my sackcloth and girded me with gladness, That my soul may sing praise to You and NOT BE SILENT. O LORD my God, I will give thanks to You forever.”

We must never be silent when we face deception or evil. We will never compromise but always open our mouths and speak the truth. We will NOT BE SILENT.

We dare not be silent when it is time to pray. When we gather together for prayer, let’s open our mouths, pray, and NOT BE SILENT! It is so sad to be in a prayer meeting where there are long gaps waiting for people to pray. A real prayer meeting is when you can hardly get a word in edgeways because everyone is burdened to pray.

Let’s teach our children to open their mouths in prayer. At our Family Devotions we encourage all the children who can speak to pray. Even the little ones. Children can learn to become great prayer warriors. It saddens me when families come to visit and the children do not want to pray. Usually, it is because they are not used to praying together as a family in their own home. At our family prayer meetings, the adults have to be quick to pray for the children are jumping in and ready to pray.

What about singing and praising? When it’s time to praise the Lord, do we open our mouths with all our hearts, sing out loud, and NOT BE SILENT? Do we worship the Lord with all our hearts or only halfheartedly? Do we teach our children to worship the Lord with all their hearts?

What about speaking for Jesus wherever we go? Do we clam up or do we seek every opportunity to share truth and NOT BE SILENT?

How can we ever be silent? When Jesus came into Jerusalem at Passover time before His death, the whole multitude began to rejoice and praise God with a loud voice for all the mighty works they had seen. However, the Pharisees told Jesus to rebuke them. Instead Jesus answered, I tell you that, if these should hold their peace, the stones would immediately cry out” (Luke 19:40). Do the stones have to cry out around your home, or can they rest in peace?

Let’s become outspoken families for Jesus, talking about His love, salvation, and truth. Not having to be cajoled, but loving to pray, praise, and worship constantly. This is the normal lifestyle of a family on fire for God.

Have a wonderful day,

Nancy Campbell
Picture: Family Prayer Meeting

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HighPraisesHave a blessed day worshipping the Lord together as a family.

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BuildHandDear mother, you are in the greatest building program in the nation--building strong, godly marriages and families. Proverbs 16:14 reminds us that we are builders: “Every wise woman builds her house: but the foolish plucks it down with her hands.”

Building a godly family in this deceived and evil age is not for wimps. We passionately desire to build godly families who walk in holiness and the fear of the Lord. We want our homes to be sanctuaries filled with the divine presence of God. But the enemy lurks around waiting to knock us out. Waiting for opportunities to subtly come into our home and influence our children with deception and temptations.

Therefore, it is not enough to build. We have to be on the lookout. We have to guard our home on every front.

When Nehemiah came back to build up the walls of Jerusalem and the gates that were burned down, the enemy tried every way to thwart his plans. He didn’t want the walls of Jerusalem to be built up. Nor does he want you to build a godly family and train children who know how to destroy his works (1 John 3:8). He doesn’t want your walls to be strong to guard against his intrusions. He constantly lurks around waiting to attack and to subtly enter your home with his deceptions and temptations.

What did Nehemiah do when their enemies surrounded them? He told them to keep building with one hand and have their weapon ready to use with the other hand. Nehemiah 4:16-18 (ESV) says: “Half of my servants worked on construction, and half held the spears, shields, bows, and coats of mail. And the leaders stood behind the whole house of Judah, who were building on the wall. Those who carried burdens were loaded in such a way that each labored on the work with one hand and held his weapon with the other. And each of the builders had his sword strapped at his side while he built.”

Never give up building, Mother. But also beware of the devil’s devices. Put on your armor (Ephesians 6:10-18). Build with one hand and hold your weapons in your other hand. Make sure your sword is strapped to your side. Keep God’s Word in your heart and mouth, ready to resist the enemy and send him kicking. Jesus pushed back the enemy with the Word of the Lord which is the sword of the Spirit. Every time the devil came to tempt him, He said, “It is written” (Matthew 4:1-11). You can push back the enemy the same way Jesus did.

Be encouraged today,

Nancy Campbell

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TruthLoversFilling our children with God's Word is the greatest antidote to deception!

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ShallowPuddlesYesterday we reminded each other about digging deep wells. Away with shallow wells. Away with sitting on the fence--dabbling with the world and having a little bit of God when we need Him.

The land God brings us into is a land of deep springs. Deuteronomy 8:7 says: “For the LORD thy God bringeth thee into a good land, a land of brooks of water, of fountains and depths that spring out of valleys and hills.” You’ll be blessed by reading the rest of the chapter too.

God does not intend us to step around in shallow puddles, but draw from His living fountains and deep springs. The deeper we go into the pure water of the wells of God, the more we have to give to our family and to others. We have nothing to give from shallow puddles.

What about your family life? Do you seem to be always driving your children from this thing to that, rushing from one shallow puddle to the next? You have to take time to take your family to the deep wells. You have to reorganize your life to make time to gather the family for prayer and reading God’s Word each morning and evening. You have to take times for special times of prayer. You have to take time during the day to drop seeds of divine truth. You have to be quieted and filled from the deep wells yourself first.

Jesus said: “If any man thirst, let him come unto me, and DRINK (not sip). and he that believeth on me, as the Scripture hath said, out of his belly show flow rivers of living water” (John 7:37-39).

May you be a deep drinking family,

Nancy Campbell

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WellDiggerThe early patriarchs dug wells to get their water. They couldn’t survive without a well. We also have to be well-diggers in our spiritual life. Isaiah 12:3 inspires us to draw water out of the wells of salvation. Not just one well. Do you notice the word is “wells”? Plural! There are wells for every need we have in Christ.

God’s wells are deep. Deeper than you’ll ever need. But many times we dig shallow wells. We dig a little bit into God, but we are too busy pursuing the things of this life to dig too deep. We look to other sources for our help and sustenance rather than pressing into God Himself.

And watch out. Even when you dig wells, the devil is around trying to fill them up and stop you receiving the water of life. Reading the story of Isaac in Genesis 26:15 it says: “For all the wells which his father’s servants had digged in the days of Abraham his father, the Philistines had STOPPED them, and FILLED THEM WITH EARTH.”

Dear wives and mothers of children, let’s guard our wells. Don’t let them fill up with the things of this life--earthly things, shallow things, the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life. Too many Christians live shallow lives. Let’s go beyond the shallowneess and dig deep. Deep into Christ. Deep into His Word.

Let’s take our children deeper. Too many families live shallow lives. Are you satisfied for your children to live shallow lives, getting a little of the Bible here and there? They have a little bit of Christianity, but more influence from their video games and electronics. Or do you want them to become deeper in God. Do you want them to be true well-diggers? None of these things just happen. You have to teach them how to dig wells in God.

Sometimes you’ve got to dig out your wells. Get rid of all the mirky, dirty scum that’s settled on the top because the water is so shallow. Cast it out. Dig deeper.

God save us from being shallow and raising shallow-minded children. Amen.

Blessings to you today,

Nancy Campbell

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ProudMotherLift up your head.
Put a smile on your face.
And be proud to tell the world you are a full-time mother!

~ Nancy

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GuadingHome“But understand this: if the owner of the house had known at what time the thief would come, he would have watched and would not have permitted his house to be burglarized” (Luke 12:39 MLB).

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PraisingGod"In EVERY thing give thanks: for THIS IS THE WILL OF GOD in Christ Jesus concerning you" (1 Thessalonians 5:18).

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NegativeMindOur thought life is our biggest temptation isn’t it? It’s so easy to allow negative thoughts, unbelieving thoughts, doubtful thoughts, depressing thoughts, self-pitying thoughts into our minds. And worry! The worst! We are consumed with worldly matters of this life. We spend more time thinking about material things and the things of this earth rather than things which are above (Colossians 3:1-3).

God asks us the question in Jeremiah 4:14: “How long shall thy vain thoughts LODGE WITHIN THEE?” It’s true that these kind of thoughts constantly come to our minds. But we don’t have to dwell on them. My girls call them their “bucket thoughts” which they constantly throw out!

More importantly, please watch that they don’t LODGE in your brain. These thoughts may come, but throw them out as soon as they come. Speak the Scriptures OUT LOUD just as Jesus did when the tempter came to him (Matthew 4:1-11). You have power to overcome through the blood of the Lamb and the word of your testimony (which is also the Word of God). Read Revelation 12:11.

“Resist the devil, and he will flee from you” (James 4:7).

Enjoy an overcoming day,

Nancy Campbell

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IsaihaCarThis is a picture of the car from Isaiah’s accident. The interesting thing is that the opposite happened. Somehow he didn’t have his seat belt on, but it saved his life. He would have been killed immediately if he had the seat belt! One of these exceptions, but God was in it all. Praise the Lord.

I’ll let Evangeline tell the update which she wrote on her Facebook:
“Wrecker said . . . “Well, no one survived that one!”

Well, guess what--I know a God of miracles! Yesterday the doc told us we could be in here a year, also not knowing if there was any brain function or not. We told the doc you were all praying! We are praying! Thousands are praying! Well, “There's a party goin’ on right here!” They weaned him from some of the strong pain medication and he woke up and started pulling cords out! He tracked with his eyes and held up his fingers! The breaks are not his spinal cord, but the butterfly bones surrounding the cord. Yahoooo! But pain so severe he was thrashing around and they were scared it would put more pressure on the brain. Still on breathing machine. Keep praying and Hallelujahs being sung here!”

Please keep up intensifying prayers for Arden.

Love from Nancy

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ArdenEstherWe are now in our eighth week of praying every night as a family for Arden, Serene’s son, who is diagnosed with Hodgkin’s Lymphoma. Serene and Sam’s son, Isaiah was with us for our praying meeting Sunday night, praying along with everyone else for his brother (we often have over 30 of us each night praying, including all the children who are great prayer warriors). On the way home to Franklin Isaiah had a bad car accident. It took them two hours to extricate him from the car and he was life flighted to Vanderbilt.

IsaiahWe are now warring a warfare and fighting the good fight of faith, not only for Arden, but now for Isaiah. We’d love you to join with us in the prayer of faith for two of Serene and Sam’s sons. At this stage Isaiah is still in a coma and hasn’t woken up. We are praying for a great miracle of healing for his brain which is their greatest concern. His back is also broken in three places.

Please only share this heartfelt need with those who have a heart to pray. We are so grateful for so many compassionate friends who are storming the gates of heaven with us. Thank you with all our hearts. And keep praying for Sam and Serene as they carry this heavy burden.

~ Nancy
Photo Left: 20 year old Isaiah

Photo Right: Arden and Esther, the day after their wedding in February of this year.


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Above Rubies Address

Email Nancy

PO Box 681687
Franklin, TN 37068-1687

Phone : 931-729-9861
Office Hrs 9am - 5pm, M - F, CTZ