DoWeThinkSome people think that Dad can take the place of Mom at home. I would like to lovingly address this. I believe we should make all our decisions in the light of future generations. We dare not make any decision just because it seems "good" for the present, for every decision affects generations to come.

Often it can be very convenient for the father to stay home because the wife can get a better paying job. However, just because she can earn more, does that make it right? God created different roles for the male and female. He created women to be the nurturers, nourishers, and nest builders of the home and family. A father can do this to a certain extent, but not with same anointing as the mother. He created men to be providers and the Bible tells us that a man who does not provide for his family is worse than an infidel (1Timothy 5:8).

Of course, there are many husbands who work from home or who have home businesses. This is great and a blessing to the whole family. However, the father gives himself to his business, and as the children grow, maybe incorporate them into it. He does not take over the management of the home or the nurturing of the children as this is not his role (1 Timothy 5:14).

Often a husband finds it difficult to get work. However, when the wife takes over his role, she undermines his purpose as a man. We bless our husband when we embrace our role and don't interfere with his role.

Society today blurs the roles and the differences God created in the man and woman. Both male and female are needed to reveal the image of God and we walk in God's perfect plan when we embrace who God created us to be. It is easy to fall into the trap of living by "situational ethics." We do what we think suits us the best and what is most convenient at the time. Situational ethics may work well in the situation, but it may not be the truth.

The truth is not always easy to walk in, but we must do it for the sake of our family and the for the sake of future generations. Marriage and family life is disintegrating all over the nation because many do what they think is best. However, there is a huge difference between what looks good and right and what is truly right and best. Two times the Bible repeats: “There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof ae the ways of death” (Proverbs 14:12 and 16:25).

We show to our children and future generations God's perfect plan by the way we live. Our children have a right to grow up seeing their mother as the nurturer and loving her home. They have a right to grow up seeing their father taking the responsibility as the financial provider of the home. Our children imbibe God's way to live by watching us. God wants our children to see this distinction. It is healthy. And it is for the preservation of family life in this generation and the generations to come.

The roles of male and female and continually being blurred in this generation. What will happen to the next generation?

Isaiah 55:8-9: "For My thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are Your ways my ways, saith the Lord. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways, and My thoughts than your thoughts."

Be blessed,

Nancy Campbell


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