GreatMysteryYesterday’s post talked about Jesus coming to this earth. But Jesus is a “coming” Savior. He continues to come to us. He is our Bridegroom who delights to come to us. We behold the picture in Song of Solomon 2:8: “The voice of my beloved! Behold he cometh leaping upon the mountains, skipping upon the hills.” He bounds toward us, leaping, and skipping. No holding back.

Is this our response to Him (Song of Solomon 2:10, 13)? We read the bride’s response in Song of Solomon 1:4 is “Draw me, we will RUN AFTER THEE.” The language in our relationships should be “leaping, skipping, and running.” We long for His presence. We want to be with Him. We love to be in His Word. We love to be with God’s people singing His praises. It’s our life, the delight of our hearts.

But we go a step further. Ephesians 6:32 tells us about the “GREAT MYSTERY.” It’s not a little mystery, but a huge mystery. Yes, the Greek word is “megas” meaning exceedingly great. It’s the mystery that our marriage relationship is to be a picture of the relationship of Christ the bridegroom and His bride the church.

Do we have this attitude to our husbands? Do we come running when they need us? Or when they need us to do something for them? Or just to spend time with them? I am challenged myself.

How easy it is to lag behind. “Yes, in a minute, I’ve just got to finish what I’m doing.” Or it’s bedtime. Your husband waits for you in bed. “I’ll be there soon. Just checking my email. Won’t be a minute!” But an hour or more later you crawl into bed! This is not the picture of the mystery of the Bridegroom and the bride.

Our Bridegroom is a Coming Savior. Let’s be a coming bride. Let’s be a coming wife to our husband. This is how we reveal the mystery.

Blessings to you today from Nancy Campbell


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