IComeThese blessed words, these powerful, prophetic words, “Lo, I come” are the ultimate message of Christmas. These Messianic words are prophesied in Psalm 40:7, 8: “Then said I, LO, I COME: in the volume of the book it is written of me, I delight to do thy will, O my God, yea, thy law is within my heart.” They are repeated twice in the New Testament in the passage in Hebrews 10:5-9.

The Scripture says Jesus’ words were written “in the volume of the book.” This can refer to the Torah, but I believe they were written in God’s book in the eons of eternity for Jesus is the Lamb of God, “slain from the foundation of the world” (Revelation 13:8).

To come to be our sacrifice for sins, He had to respond to His Father’s will, “Yes, I will COME.” He first came into the womb of a humble young maiden. He came from the magnificence of the eternal world to become flesh and blood. The “glory” of heaven and the “dearly beloved” of the Father came forth as a baby. Hebrews 10:5 tells us “a body hast thou prepared for me.” From glorious heights He came down to this sin-sick world, saying, “I come. I delight to come because I delight to do the Father’s will.”

He continued saying “I come” as He submitted Himself to the cross and the agony of taking the sins and sicknesses of world upon Him (Philippians 2:5-8). Our finite minds can never ever fathom the depths of His sacrifice for us. We will never ever fathom the heights of His love for us. All because He was willing to say, ‘LO, I COME.” “I come for you. I come to save you from your sins. I come to deliver you from the power of your self life. I come to give you eternal life.”

What is your response to His “Come”? Do you come saying, “Dear Lord Jesus, You gave Your life for me; I give you my life to serve you.” Do you come into His presence every morning when you wake? Do you come as a family to gather in His presence? Do you come throughout the day--looking to Him- and cast upon Him for He is not only your Savior, but your Rock and Fortress?

Jesus came for each one of us. Let’s be those who constantly come to Him. Never lagging behind. Never dragging the feet. But confessing as Jesus did, “I come, dear Lord Jesus, for I DELIGHT TO DO YOUR WILL.”

May each one us be in awe as we remember, at this season of the year, the miraculous and incomprehensible, supernatural incarnation of the Son of God.

In His love,

Nancy Campbell


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