HoldTongueWhat are you speaking into your husband and children today? Words of life and encouragement? Or words of negativity, fear, doubt, complaining, and unbelief?

My, our little tongue has such power, doesn’t it? James 3:6 tells us that even though our tongue is so tiny, “it defileth the whole body, and setteth on fire the course of nature; and it is set on fire of hell.” This chapter reminds us that a huge ship in fierce winds can be turned about with “very small helm.” A large horse can be bridled with a little “bit.” Animals, birds, serpents, and even sea mammals can be tamed, but not the tongue (without God’s help).

The other Sunday in church my husband asked everyone to “hold their tongue.” Try it. Your tongue just doesn’t want to be held! It resists!

The only One who can help us bridle our tongue is the Holy Spirit who lives within in. How does God speak? He speaks in righteousness (Isaiah 63:3). Therefore, if we are born again by the Holy Spirit, He dwells within us and enables us by His anointing and power to also speak righteousness. Only He can help us to hold our tongue when we would rather retort back to our husband. Only He can help us speak kindly when we would rather fly off the handle. He is the One who enables to speak life and encouragement to our children.

Therefore, instead of complaining all day long, let’s be like David who said: “My tongue shall speak of thy righteousness and of thy praise all the day long” (Psalm 35:28).

Psalm 37:30: “The mouth of the righteous speaketh wisdom, and his tongue talketh of judgment.”

Psalm 119:172: “My tongue shall speak of thy word: for all thy commandments are righteousness.”

Psalm 145:21: “My mouth shall speak the praise of the LORD.”

Psalm 8:7: “My mouth shall speak truth.”

I know you can’t do this in your own strength. Nor can I. Let’s confess the life of Jesus and His righteousness that dwells within us. Only then can we speak righteously.

Have a positive-speaking, faith-building, praise-giving, and righteous-speaking day,

Nancy Campbell

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MyChildrenI loved this following post I read on Facebook the other morning--written by Allison Frost Hartman. She wrote: “People ask me every day, ‘How do you do it with nine children?’ Well, this past week I experienced life with only one child. My parents graciously offered to keep all our children except the baby for VBS.

Now my question is to you all with only one or two little ones: ‘How do YOU do it?’ It was a nice week to spend with my husband, Daniel, and baby Solomon. However, I would not want to do it for very long. I learned this week that our household needs every single one my people--the little ones and the big ones. It may be a loud, crazy, messy, chaotic house but I love it! God knows what we need, and I NEED MY CHILDREN.”

I enjoyed some of the comments to her post also: “I agree. I am lost without my children and I like them right underneath me as crazy as that sounds! I won’t even let my mom or sisters keep them, especially overnight. I feel so lost without them under me.”

“I don't know what to do with myself with my children not around. It makes me really regret all the time I wasted before children! My goodness, I would have been able to conquer the world!”

God’s Word is certainly true when He calls our children “blessings,” not “nuisances”!

Enjoy your children today,


Picture: Daniel and Allison and Hartman and their lovely family.

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ClothedInStrengthShe is clothed in strength and dignity and she laughs without fear of the future.

~ Proverbs 31:25

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PureHeartIt is important for mothers to keep a pure heart before the Lord.

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YouWontDrownLife is rarely easy. Motherhood is not easy. We continually face challenges, but I want to remind you that God is with you in all of them. Read again this wonderful promise from Isaiah 43:1, 2 (RSV): “Fear not: for I have redeemed you, I have called you by name, you are mine. When you pass through the waters I will be with you; and through the rivers, they shall not overwhelm you; when you walk through the fire you shall not burned, and the flame shall not consume you.”

It’s easy to complain, “I’m going through such a fiery trial. How will I make it?” Or, “I’m going through the waters. I hope I don’t drown.” Dear Mother, this is the wrong confession. Look again at this wonderful promise from the Lord. He says that when you go through the waters, you will not drown! He promises that when you go through the fire, you will not be burned! When you go through these trials, He reminds you: “I will be with you!” You do not go through them on your own. God is with you!

Can I encourage you to change your confession? Instead, pray: “Father God, thank You that You are with me. I’m going through the fire, but because You are with me I will not be burned. I will come through this trial without the smell of fire upon me. Thank you, Father.”

Or you may like to pray: “Father, I am going through the waters, but I thank You that You are with me, and therefore I will not drown. Thank you for your presence with me in this trial. Thank you, God, I trust you.”

God is with you today,

Nancy Campbell

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YourWallsIsaiah 49:15, 16: “Can a woman forget her sucking child, that she should not have compassion on the son of her womb? yea, they may forget, yet will I not forget thee. Behold, I have graven thee upon the palms of my hands; thy walls are continually before me.”

Dear Mother, do not despair. God has not forgotten you. The walls of your home are continually before His face. He watches and hovers over you. He takes note of all your mothering and serving in your home. Yes, right into your kitchen with the challenges of cooking meals and your little (and big) children all around you.

When everything seems to be going wrong, reach out to the Lord and acknowledge His presence. Stop and pray: “Thank you, Father, that You are here with me. I acknowledge Your presence in my home. I thank You that You watch over the walls of my home. Fill this room now with Your presence and Your peace. Thank you, dear Father.”

Not only does God watch over your walls, but if you fear the Lord, He encamps around your house. Psalm 34:7 (HCSB) says: “The Angel of the LORD encamps around those who fear Him, and rescues them.” The angel of the Lord can refer to a messenger of God, but most theologians believe this Scripture speaks of the Lord Himself, the captain of the hosts of heaven, encamping with His warring angels around those who fear Him. He sets His warriors with sleepless eyes to guard on every side of your house. I love to think of God’s angels all around our home. Thank Him for His divine protection over you and your children.

Zechariah 9:8: “I will encamp about mine house because of the army.” This Scripture speaks of God’s house, the temple. However, it also relates to us. Have you dedicated your home to God? If so, your home belongs to Him and if your home belongs to Him, He will guard it.

The NLT says: “I will guard my Temple and protect it from invading armies.” The enemy continually seeks to invade the sanctuary of our homes--to bring in his evil ways, to take away our unity and peace, and to cause confusion. But as you walk in the fear of the Lord and give Him the preeminence in your home, He promises to guard and protect your home even while you sleep. Don’t you love this wonderful promise?

Hebrews 1:14: “Are they not all ministering spirits, sent forth to minister for them who shall be heirs of salvation?”

Hebrews 13:5, 6: “I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee.”

Claim these wonderful promises for your home and family today,

Nancy Campbell

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mother with everyone pulling at herI remember one time when our children were little, and I had so many other things pressing upon me. I felt I could not cope any longer. Have you ever felt like that? I woke in the morning to read my Bible and pray, which is the habit of my life, and poured out my inadequacies to the Lord. As I read, I was amazed! the words were exactly how I felt.

My reading was in 2 Corinthians chapter 1 and I could not believe it when I got to verse eight: “For we would not, brethren, have you ignorant of our trouble which came to us in Asia, that we were pressed out of measure, above strength, insomuch that we despaired even of life.” That was me! I was pressed out of measure. It was more than my strength could take, although I hadn’t got to despairing of life! May be you have felt like this sometimes too.

What did Paul do when he was in this situation? I kept reading: “But we had the sentence of death in ourselves, that we should not trust in ourselves, but in God which raiseth the dead. Who delivered us from so great a death, and doth deliver: in whom we trust that He will yet deliver us.”

At that moment, God gave me a revelation. I saw the light. I realized that I was trusting in myself and my own resources! Of course, my resources were not enough to carry me through. When I trust in myself there is nothing to learn on. I repented: “I am sorry, Lord,” I cried, “I repent of trusting in my own strength. I forgot that You are my Deliverer. I confess out loud that You are my Refuge. You are my Rock on which I can lean. You are my Strength. You are my Song. You are my Hope! I hand everything over to you. It is yours. I trust you, dear Father.”

As I did this, great peace swept over my soul. Although this was years ago, I can still remember, later in the day, trying to think of all the problems that were weighing me down. Can you believe it? I could not even think of one of them! It was all in my mind!

It’s amazing the difference that comes to us when we put our trust in the Lord instead of ourselves. So many of our worries, depressions, fears, and frustrations are simply because we try to manage in our own strength and with our own resources. All the while God waits for us to put our trust in Him.

Do not try to carry all the burdens of the day yourself. Roll your burdens upon the Lord. He has promised to sustain you and His promises never fail.

Be lifted up today,

Nancy Campbell

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pressurediamondsPressed beyond measure; pressed to great length,

Pressed so intensely, beyond my own strength,
Pressed in my body and pressed in my soul,
Pressed in my mind till the dark surges roll,
Pressure from foes and pressure from friends,
Pressure on pressure, till life nearly ends.

Pressed into knowing no helper but God;
Pressed into loving His staff and His rod.
Pressed into liberty where nothing clings,
Pressed into faith for impossible things,
Pressed into living my life for the Lord,
Pressed into living a Christ-Life out-poured!

~ Source Unknown

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ACleanMindYesterday we talked about the angel of the LORD coming to Joshua the high priest, in Zechariah’s time. Not only did the LORD come, but Satan came too. Now let’s continue the story.

Zechariah 3:3: “Now Joshua was clothed with filthy garments, and stood before the angel.” Who was clothed in filthy garments? A wicked unbeliever? No, it was the high priest. None of us are exempt from getting our clothes contaminated as we walk in this evil world. Unless we keep short accounts with the Lord, we can often be unaware that we are wearing clothes (I am speaking spiritually, but of course it could apply physically) that are filthy and grieving the Holy Spirit who dwells within us.

However, as we come into the light of His presence, He exposes the darkness and the things that displease Him (Psalm 19:14). And He waits to clothe us again with His garments of righteousness (Isaiah 61:10). Zechariah 3:4 continues: “And he answered and spake unto those that stood before him, saying, Take away the filthy garments from him. And unto him he said, Behold, I have caused thine iniquity to pass from thee, and I will clothe thee with change of raiment.” The WEB translation, plus many others say: “rich clothing.” The YLT98 and ISR98 translate it “costly robes.”

Our garments of salvation are costly garments. We receive them through the sacrificial blood of Christ shed for us upon the cross. Let’s embrace these costly garments and wear them each day in our home. Let’s not negate the power of the cross of Christ. How blessed we are to put on fresh, new, clean garments each new day (Ephesians 4:23, 24).

Not only do we receive costly garments, but a head piece. Zechariah 3:5 says: “And I said, Let them set a fair miter upon his head. So they set a fair miter upon his head, and clothed him with the garments.” The word “fair” means “clean and pure.” God wants to take away from us the unclean, unbelieving, doubting, bitter, and impure thoughts with which Satan tries to fill our minds and instead give us a clean turban.

Can we allow the Lord to purify our minds today? Let Him come into our minds with the searchlight of His holiness. As we confess ours sins, He forgives and clothes us with a pure turban of clean, wholesome, and filled with faith thoughts (Romans 12:2 and 2 Corinthians 10:4, 5).

Wear your beautiful garments in your home today, given to you at the great cost of the precious blood of Jesus (1 Peter 1:18).

Be blessed today,

Nancy Campbell

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SubmitToGodWe need to get two facts straight: Satan is our accuser (Revelation 12:10), but Jesus is our advocate (1 John 2:1).

We see a picture of this in Zechariah’s vision. He sees “Joshua the high priest standing before the angel of the LORD, and Satan stand standing at his right hand to resist him” (Zechariah 3:1). This wasn’t a heathen who didn’t believe in God. This was the high priest, the one who had the most privileged and honored position before God. No one is exempt from Satan’s buffetings and accusations, even the most ardent believer. Maybe the adversary (1 Peter 5;8, 9) is getting at you today, He whispers his accusations, lies, and deceptions into your ears. That’s where Satan likes to be--right next to you, at your right hand.

But this is not his place. The right hand is the place of power and authority. The only One who deserves this place is Jesus Christ who defeated Satan at the cross and now sits at the right hand of the Father. The adversary acts as though he has authority, but it has been wiped from under his feet through the power of the blood of Jesus when He died upon the cross. At the cross, Jesus defeated the devil and the power of death.

But the devil doesn’t give up. When he comes to your right hand and speaks his lying thoughts into your mind, do not receive them.

Most translations say that Satan was at the right hand of the angel of the LORD. The New Century Version says he was “standing by Joshua’s right hand to accuse him.” Either way, he has no permission to take this place. He is usurping his authority that does not belong to him. It only belongs to Jesus. Give Jesus the authority in your life, not the devil.

How wonderful that we have an advocate who resists Satan on our behalf. Listen to these words: “And the LORD said unto Satan, The LORD rebuke thee, O Satan; even the LORD that hath chosen Jerusalem rebuke thee.” The NCV translates it: “The LORD said to Satan, The LORD says no to you, Satan! The LORD who has chosen Jerusalem says no to you!”

I am sure there are thousands of time when our Advocate has said no to the accuser when he has come to trip us up. Often we are unaware of the intercession on our behalf by our Savior, Jesus Christ who continually intercedes for us. But there are also many times when He wants us to resist the devil too. God fights for us, but we also have to fight. We have to take up our authority through the powerful name of Jesus and resist the devil, send him kicking, and say no to his deceiving, lying, and accusing thoughts.

Remember dear mother, the accuser has no authority and no right to come along side you. You do not belong to him. When you become a child of God, you belong to Him. He has all power and authority at the right hand of the Father and He also wants to come to your right hand with all His mighty power to enable you to live in victory and push back the devil.

Be encouraged today,

Nancy Campbell

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FamilyFirstIt's time we put FIRST things first!

Family is the FIRST institution God ordained, before the church and before government. Strengthen your family!

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IfWePrayI love the words of the following poem, written by a dear friend of mine who is a missionary to the native Indians up in the mountains of Panama.

Often we try every other answer before we pray. If only we could realize the power of prayer. We face a huge challenge in our family at the present. So what are we doing? The family members who all live around us on the hilltop here gather together nightly (EVERY NIGHT--we are committed to storm the gates of heaven) at 7.30 pm to all cry out to God. We know God is our answer and it is to Him we go. Sometimes we have up to forty of us. Oh what power there is in corporate family prayer.

The amazing thing is that as we cry out to God for Him to show forth His mighty power in the situation, God is working in us. He is doing wondrous things in all of us, and in all the children’s lives, as we pray. How wonderful to see the children, even down to the youngest, pressing into God and crying out to Him.

If we will pray
God will move mountains
He will move nations
He will do the impossible

If we will pray
The skies will open
With glorious sunshine
Or much-needed rain

If we will pray
God promises to hear us
How gloriously He'll answer
And the world will be changed
If we will pray ...

~ Patricia Holmes

What desperate situation are you facing in your life, or your family? Cry out to God. Yes, many times we have to do more than pray a little prayer. We have to cry out to God with all our hearts.

Be encouraged today,

Nancy Campbell

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MiseryThink about yourself.
Talk about yourself.
Use "I" as often as possible.
Mirror yourself continually in the opinion of others.
Listen greedily to what people say about you.
Expect to be appreciated.
Be suspicious.
Be jealous and envious.
Be sensitive to slights.
Never forgive a criticism.
Trust nobody but yourself.
Insist on consideration and respect.
Demand agreement with your own views on everything.
Sulk if people are not grateful to you for favors shown.
Never forget a service you may have rendered.
Be on the outlook for a good time for yourself.
Shirk your duties if you can.
Do as little as possible for others.
Love yourself supremely.
Be selfish.


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WhatGodLikeThe very first thing God did after creating man and woman was to bless them (Genesis 1:28). You can also read Genesis 17:16 and 49:25 which are only a couple of so many Scriptures of how He wants to bless us.

But God was not satisfied in only blessing us. He also says:
I will love you (Deuteronomy 7:13, 14).
I will show mercy to you (Deuteronomy 7:12; and 13:17).
I will have compassion on you (Deuteronomy 13:17),
I will do good to you (Deuteronomy 30:5-9).
I will rejoice over you for good (Deuteronomy 30:9).
I am for you and will turn to you (Ezekiel 36:9-11).

Don’t you love these promises? What a wonderful God we have. But . . . God says something to us immediately after each one of these promises. After each one He says, “And I will multiply you.”

The way God wants to show His love, blessing, and compassion to us is to bless us with children. They way He shows His goodness to us is not always with material possessions, an easy life, and getting everything we want, but with the blessing of children from the womb.

Is this the God you love and worship, or is it some other god?

Many blessings to you today from Nancy Campbell

Painting by Lucia Coghetto.

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ThreeMasonsThe following is a little story to encourage you:

A man once came upon three rock masons at work. “What are you doing?” he asked them.
“I am carving these stones into the different sizes,” answered the first.
“I am earning six dollars a day,” replied the second.
“I am helping to build a great cathedral,” commented the last.

Only he had caught the vision of the great work he was helping to accomplish! ~

A woman once came upon three mothers at work. “What are you doing?” she asked?
“I am doing the weekly washing,” answered the first.
“I am doing a bit of household drudgery,” replied the second.
“I am mothering three young children who will someday fill important and useful spheres in life. Wash-day is part of my grand task in caring for these souls who shall live forever,” replied the third.

Only she had caught the vision of the great work she was accomplishing!

Painting: “Laundry Day” Canvas Art by Diane Leonard

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InTheLapGod, the Almighty Creator, lays the next generation in the laps of the mothers!

~ Rev. Edward J. Sullivan

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LagBehindDo you have little ones all around you? Are you “with child”? During these times of your life God does not expect you to do all the things you were doing before you became pregnant and gave birth. He understands you are a mother and He gently leads you. You do not have to keep up with the front of the flock. While you are pregnant and have little toddlers, you do not have to feel guilty if you lag behind for awhile. The Good Shepherd waits for you to catch up.

Listen to His words to you in Isaiah 40:11: “He shall feed his flock like a shepherd: he shall gather the lambs with His arm, and carry them in His bosom, and shall gently lead those that are with young.”

You are already doing is a full-time job. There is no greater way to serve the Lord and please His heart. You do not have to do extra things to please Him. Give yourself totally to nurturing your little lambs. You cannot do it effectively if other things, even other service for the Lord, competes for your time and attention. Even if you don’t do one extra thing in the day, you are already accomplishing great things.

The Good Shepherd understands that the mother who is “with young” or who has little lambs must not be hurried. She should be restful and peaceful. Isn't it true that we mother so much better when we are rested in our souls and bodies? If other things crowd in to make us tense, it is our children who receive the brunt of our tension.

One pregnant mother says that when she receives calls to be involved in this and that, that she answers, “I’m sorry, I am not able to help at this time. I am full-time gestating.”

Let the Good Shepherd gently lead you.

Love from Nancy Campbell

Painting: “Mother and Child” by Junko Ono Rothwell

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EachNewDayGod promises us in Deuteronomy 33: 25: “As thy days, so shall thy strength be.” I’m sure you love this promise, but have you read it in context? It’s in the passage of the prophetic blessing upon the tribe of Asher which says: “Let Asher be blessed with children” and then it concludes with “As thy days, so shall thy strength be.” Isn’t that amazing?

God doesn’t bless us with children without giving us the strength to nurture and train the children He gives us. This promise is tailor made for parenting.

You may think, “How on earth could I ever cope with another child? My hands are full already.” Dear Mother, God is your strength. He promises to give you strength for each new day. He doesn’t give you strength for tomorrow, but for TODAY. And He doesn’t give you strength and energy for a baby that has not yet come to you. If God sends you another blessing from Heaven, He will give you the strength when that baby comes.

What a wonderful God we have. He tenderly watches over you and cares for you.

Be blessed today,

Nancy Campbell

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DoneTodayI nursed a baby ‘till he slept,

I held a toddler while he wept,
I played a game of hide and seek,
I squeezed a toy so it would squeak,
I pulled a wagon, sang a song,
Taught a child right from wrong.

What DID I do this whole day through?
Not much that shows, I guess it’s true,
Unless you think that what I’ve done
Might be important to someone
With bright blue eyes and soft blonde hair,
If that is true, I’ve done my share.
~ Anon.

This poem is published in QUIET REFLECTIONS FOR MOTHERS, a book of beautiful poems for mothers. Go to:

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ForgotToTellThey said that I was crazy to let myself get fat
And to give up that super job that I delighted at!
They told me I’d be sorry as each morning I was sick,
But they didn’t tell me how I’d feel when you began to kick!

They told me how my life would change and that I’d sit and weep
For time to make a peaceful bath, for uninterrupted sleep,
They said my home would lose its shine and that I’d get depressed,
But no one ever mentioned that you’d sing while nursing at my breast.

They tried to raise my consciousness to think about myself,
They begged me to go out alone to help my mental health,
They told me that by leaving you I could improve our bond,
But no one told me that you’d notice I was gone!

They said that Day Care’s just the thing and Nursery’s all the rage,
To encourage “independence” in a baby just your age!
They said there’d be no money with the mortgages all due,
But they all forgot to me how I’d fall in love with you!
~ Source unknown

This beautiful poem is published in QUIET REFLECTIONS FOR MOTHERS, a book of beautiful poems for mothers. Go to:

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Above Rubies Address

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Franklin, TN 37068-1687

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