MeadowKendallWedGod loves weddings. Weddings brings families together. They are God’s design. His plan. His delight. In fact, God equates His blessing upon a nation with weddings. Jeremiah 33:11 describes it: “The voice of joy, and the voice of gladness, the voice of the bridegroom, and the voice of the bride, the voice of them that shall say, Praise the LORD of hosts: for the LORD is good; for his mercy endureth forever.”

The Hebrew word for “joy” is “sasown” and means “cheerfulness, joy, mirth, and rejoicing.” The Hebrew word for “gladness” is “simchah” and means “blithesomeness and glee, exceeding gladness and joyfulness, pleasure, and mirth.” Wow, you can’t get much more joy than this, can you? This is the joy God has about a young man and a virgin being joined together. This is the joy we have as we celebrate with them.

Meadow and Kendall’s wedding began at 4.00 pm on Saturday. The seven bridesmaids and five flower girls walked down the aisle in an idyllic outside setting. Then came the beautiful bride on the arm of her father. It was picture perfect. The pastor began his opening remarks. He hardly got started and the wind picked up. They sky grew dark. The thunder boomed and all of a sudden, before we could believe what was happening, drenching rain poured down. Wedding party, mothers and babies, and guests all ran for cover! The pouring rain drenched everyone, including the bridal couple!

What a way to start a beautiful wedding. But our spirits were high and no one minded at all. The bridal party soon got in position again in the reception hall and the wedding service and vows continued. Even Meadow and Kendall, who love everything to be perfect, were not fazed at all. In fact, God broke up the perfectness and everyone celebrated all night!

We cannot put God in a box. Later Serene said, “God is not a tame lion. We cannot tame him and push Him around. Surely God would never allow one of my children to have cancer!~ Surely God would never allow one of my children to have a serious accident and brain injury. And Surely God would never allow it to rain on MEADOW’S wedding! But God is bigger than all our situations and He is still in control and we can totally trust Him.” Everything He does is good. Amen and Amen.

After the meal we had loads of speeches as bridesmaids and groomsmen and others told stories about Meadow and Kendall and affirmed all their wonderful attributes. Such a very special couple. Many commented on the kingly anointing on Kendall’s life and the queenly attributes of Meadow. Speeches are very much part of all our family functions, and especially weddings. And then everyone danced and rejoiced as God wants us to do at weddings.

I’ll send more pictures in another post.




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