NotByMightYesterday I posted the Scripture: “Not by might, nor by power, but by my Spirit saith the LORD of hosts” (Zechariah 4:6). I am posting it again today. In fact, one day, I would love to get a beautiful painting with this Scripture to put on my wall. Not a little one, but a huge one!

I speak this Scripture out every day as I cry out to God for the people for whom I pray and for the nations of the world. I have no power to change people’s hearts or work miracles in nations; it is only the moving of the Holy Spirit, and therefore I am cast upon Him.

This Scripture was also the cry of my heart yesterday and last evening. And truly God moved by His Spirit. No man can take any glory. In His mercy God came and answered the cries of millions of His people all over this nation, and the world, as we pleaded for mercy to save us from an agenda of progressivism, of murdering babies, of appointing liberal supreme court judges, the influx of terrorists into our nation, hidden corruption, lies, and more.

We were not fighting flesh and blood, but principalities and powers. And the surprised liberal media had no idea of the thousands of praying believers across the land who believe that “Righteousness exalts a nation: but sin is a reproach to any people” (Proverbs 14:34).

That’s why only the power of the Holy Spirit could bring down “the great mountain”! The words following this Scripture say: “Who art thou, O great mountain? . . . thou shalt become a plain.” God brought down a huge mountain last night.

We humbly give God the glory. But we cannot relax and think it is all over. It is only the beginning. We must seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness more than ever. We must cry out for revival in the church and across the land. We must be faithful to pray every day—pray individually, pray as families, and pray as groups of believers. God comes by His Spirit in answer to prayer. Amen.

Humbly and thankfully,

Nancy Campbell


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