RightBornMy heart is filled with gratitude to God this morning for the historical win of President Elect Donald Trump in this 2016 presidential elections. As some of you know, I fasted and prayed for Senator Ted Cruz to win the GOP nomination. I loved his uncompromising stand for truth and righteousness. However, after he was dropped from the race, I had to re-examine my personal preferences and look at the bigger picture. Rather than voting for Donald Trump versus Ted Cruz etc., I felt obligated to vote for the Republican agenda which is light years ahead on conservative, godly values than the liberal, ungodly, extreme socialist agenda of Hilary Clinton and the Democrat party.

One thing above all that President Elect Donald Trump espouses in his agenda for Americans is victory for pro-life through the appointment of conservative pro-life judges to the Supreme Court. The slaughter of 50 - 60 million unborn babies since Roe v. Wade, including partial birth abortions, smears the ground of our beautiful country with innocent blood. This blood cries out for justice to the God of all justice.

Even more importantly, abortion sends a strong message to God that we do not believe that every baby He creates in the womb has the right to be born. Or have the opportunity through hearing and receiving the gospel message, to be conformed into the image and likeness of God. Abortion is a slap in the face of our creative God who wants his righteous image to be fruitful and multiplied.

The gospel of Jesus Christ is for every person in the whole word, no matter what color, location, or culture. Every baby born into this world should have the privilege to hear the gospel at least once in their lifetime. The declaration of the truth found only in Jesus has the power to transform every man and woman, and boy and girl into the image and likeness of God.

We received a great victory for life last night. Let’s be encouraged to pick up our swords and continue the fight for life.

Be encouraged.

Colin Campbell


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