NewPrayerBoxesI have just added two new prayer boxes for our Family Devotions. We now have six different prayer boxes from which to use each day when we have our Family Devotions together.

Do you use a Prayer Box in your home? We find it such a wonderful blessing in our home. I wrote about different kinds of prayer boxes in the last issue of Above Rubies, # 92. Did you get to read the article? If not, you can go to the link:

I have a corner by our dining room table that now holds six prayer boxes:
Our World Changing Prayer Box
Our Family Prayer Box
Our Israel Prayer Box
Our Marriage and Family Restoration Prayer Box
Our Capitals and Cities Prayer Box
Our Thank You Prayer Box

Our new ones are OUR ISRAEL PRAYER BOX which I have written cards with needs for Israel of which there are so many. We can’t really make this an optional box because we are commanded in God’s Word to pray for Israel and His people.

Psalm 122:6, 7: “Pray for the peace of Jerusalem: they shall prosper that love thee. Peace be within thy walls, and prosperity within thy palaces.”

Isaiah 62:6, 7: “I have set watchmen on your walls, O Jerusalem, who shall never hold their peace day or night. You who make mention of the LORD, do not keep silent, and give him to rest till he establishes and till he makes Jerusalem a praise in the earth.”

It’s a good idea to bring God’s promises to Him as you pray for Israel. To be inspired by God’s promises go to:

Our other new one is OUR MARRIAGE AND FAMILY RESTORATION PRAY BOX. Isn’t it sad that so many families are fragmented? So many marriages are falling apart or even separated and wanting divorce. I write the names of these families and couples in our box. Marriage restoration can only happen by the power of the Holy Spirit. Nearly every day I claim the promise in Zechariah 4:6: “Not by might, nor by power, but by my Spirit, saith the LORD of hosts.” But as we pray we can see God do mighty miracles.

We alternate our boxes. We usually always use our Family Prayer Box with the names of all our family and extended family each morning and evening, along with one of the other boxes.

In our corner, we also have our hymnbooks. We sing worship songs at church, but like to use the hymns for our Family Devotions. Once again, we have four sets of hymnbooks to choose from--a set of hymnbooks with the words and music, a set of little hymnbooks with just the words, and two sets of HYMNS WE LOVE TO SING, Volume 1 and Volume 2 that I have put together of our favorite hymns. We often use these ones when we have lots of children because they are pretty rough on the hymnbooks!

I would love to hear what prayer boxes you use in your home.

Love from Nancy Campbell


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