BeautifulWorksMany people today work in jobs that are not satisfying. It’s a paycheck and that’s all. As mothers we are very blessed to be in a job career where we do beautiful things. We are so privileged.

“Beautiful things?” I hear you say. “ I’m trying to keep a messy house clean. I’m doing the same mundane things every day. What beautiful things am I doing?”

Titus 2:3 exhorts the older women to be “teachers of good things.” The word in the Greek language is “kalodidaskalos.” It comes from two words:
didaskalos - teacher, instructor
kalos - beautiful, good, worthy, valuable or virtuous for appearance and function.

Therefore, when Titus 2:3-5 speaks about loving our children, loving our husbands, being submissive to our husbands, and keepers at home, it is talking about BEAUTIFUL works. They are beautiful in God’s eyes. They are beautiful in the eyes of your husband. They will also be beautiful in your eyes when you understand they are God’s perfect will and His ultimate plan for you.

Embrace your beautiful role wholeheartedly. When you get up in the morning, thank God for the privilege of having such a beautiful career. Thank Him for the privilege of nurturing your little ones with God’s love and compassion. Thank Him for the joy of cooking and preparing meals for your family. Oh yes, 1 Timothy 5:10 tells us that this is also a beautiful work: “Well reported of for good (kalos) works: if she has brought up children . . .” The words “brought up” mean to not only nurture and raise your children, but to feed them with food!

Thank Him for the privilege of loving your husband and making your home a sanctuary for God. And yes, thank Him for all the challenges you face, because how could you expect to escape challenges and difficulties when you work full time in the most important career in the nation?

Love from Nancy Campbell


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Email Nancy

PO Box 681687
Franklin, TN 37068-1687

Phone : 931-729-9861
Office Hrs 9am - 5pm, M - F, CTZ