HigherVisionThere’s more to motherhood than feeding and clothing our children, isn’t there? It’s not hard to do that even if you are holding down another job. However, there is far more! It’s not enough to care for their bodies; it is even more important to care for their souls and spirits. I not only want our children and grandchildren (and great-grandchildren) to grow up to be good citizens--I have a greater vision.

I want children who love God above all else.
I want children who are growing into the likeness of Christ.
I want children who love righteousness and abhor evil.
I want children who have a biblical mindset and stand for God’s truth.
I want children who will not compromise godly standards.
I want children who will not be tainted by the spirit of this world.
I want children who will not give in to the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, but who will pursue the will of God.
I want children who love God’s Word and love to pray.
I want children who will blaze across this world with the gospel and message of truth.

I am sure this is your longing and prayer too.

Bless you today, Nancy Campbell

Picture: Some of our grandsons (and a friend) praying together before they go out to bring Jesus to the world around them.


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