InHomeNowIn our family we read THE DAILY LIGHT at our morning and evening devotions. We love it because it is only the Word of God, Scriptures put together on a particular subject. Did anyone else read it this morning? Wow, what convicting Scriptures. In this short reading I counted 21 attributes of God which He wants us to manifest in our daily lives. I’ll list them for you--full of mercy, graciousness, longsuffering, abundant in goodness, abundant in truth, lowliness, meekness, longsuffering, forbearing one another in love, kindness, tenderheartedness, forgiveness, purity, peaceableness, gentleness, easy to be entreated, full of good fruits, patience, love and all without partiality and without hypocrisy!

It is impossible for us to work these beautiful attributes up in our own flesh. They come from God. They are the life of Christ. But the amazing truth is that He dwells within us by His Spirit. Therefore, these attributes also belong to us. We are often (I am anyway) of being guilty of not living in the fullness of the redemption Jesus Christ wrought for us upon the cross. He not only died to save us from our sins, but rose again to dwell within us and fill us with His life. He wants to live His life through us. He wants to manifest these beautiful attributes through us.

God’s grace gives us eternal salvation, but God’s grace also enables us live in the power of God right here on earth. Titus 2:11,12 tells us that God’s grace enables us to live “soberly, righteously, and godly in this present world.” Not the next world, but this present world! Right in your home. Right in your kitchen when children are screaming, the baby needs you, and everything needs to be done at once and you don’t know where to turn! God’s grace is available for you right now. His godly life, filled with patience, longsuffering, forgiveness, and gentleness is within you now.

Embrace the truth. Thank God for His life within you. Accept it by faith and walk in it. Don’t wallow in your self-pity, but live in the fullness of the life of Christ who dwells within you. This is your victory. This is your glory--CHRIST IN YOU!

May God save us from denying the power of the cross of Jesus Christ and living defeated lives when He wants to live His victorious life in us--in the midst of whatever we face right now!

Be blessed,

Nancy Campbell


I mentioned this devotional book in my post above. We particularly love it because it only has God’s Word. The more of God’s Word we can get into our children the better! One of the great advantages of this devotional is that it provides prepared Scriptures on a certain theme for EVERY MORNING AND EVERY EVENING OF THE YEAR! You don’t have to wonder where to read in the Bible. All you do is turn to the date and it’s all there for you! A marvelous blessing for husbands who don’t feel confident about leading devotions--it’s all prepared for them!

To purchase this book, go to:

To find out ideas about how we use this book in our home, go to:


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