BiggerThinkOur redemption is far bigger than we can ever fathom. Jesus Christ not only died to give us deliverance and forgiveness from our sins, but He became a partaker of our flesh and blood so that we can become partakers of His life ( Hebrews 2:14). His glorious, victorious, perfect, joyful, longsuffering, loving, and powerful (dunamis) life!

This is amazing! This is revolutionary! If only we can truly get the revelation and live in it. Dear precious mother, you are not on your own in your little home, mothering and teaching your children. In fact, you can’t do it in your own wisdom and strength! But if Christ dwells within you, you share in His life. He wants to live His glorious life through you--in your kitchen, cooking meals, sorting out squabbles, and bringing peace and joy to your home.

Hebrews 3:1 states that we are “PARTAKERS of the heavenly calling.”

Hebrews 3;14 states that we are made “PARTAKERS of Christ.”

Hebrews 6:4 states that we have been made “PARTAKERS of the Holy Spirit.”

2 Peter 1:4 states that we have become “PARTAKERS of the divine nature.” The “divine nature”! Not our fleshly nature! Jesus Christ wants to live His divine nature through you! He wants to share it with you. He wants you to share it with Him. Not just at church, but every day and every moment in your home with your children. Right now.

You are not convinced? Listen to John 1:16 talking about Jesus the Word who “was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth. . . . And of his FULLNESS HAVE ALL WE RECEIVED, grace for grace.” This is not talking about a scanty bit of grace, but an abundance of grace for every situation you face each day. You share in His fullness!

“Dear Father, please help us to get a glimpse of the glory and divine life that You want us to live in each day. Save us from living on the crumbs and imprisoned to our fleshly reactions when you have invited us to share Your divine nature. Help us to live in the fullness of your grace for every challenge we face. Thank You in Jesus’ name. Amen.”

Don’t live normally today, but supernaturally.

Nancy Campbell


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PO Box 681687
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Phone : 931-729-9861
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