TreasuresWisdomGenesis 31:13: “I am the God of Bethel.”

Colossians 2:3: “In Christ are hid all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge.”

Bethel is a place where we can have revelations, visions, and dreams from God. Genesis 28:12 says: “And he dreamed, and behold a ladder set up on the earth, and the top of it reached to heaven: and behold the angels of God ascending and descending on it.” Dreams, visions, and revelations are mentioned numerous times throughout the Scriptures. They are some of God’s ways of communicating certain truths to His people.

Just because have the Scriptures, does not mean that we do not need these special visitations from God. Jacob’s dream of the ladder set up from earth to heaven with angels descending and ascending on it thrills my soul greatly. This ladder, accompanied by these heavenly messengers is still available to me and all God’s servants who believe in the God of Bethel. It is not that our eyes should in any way be taken off Christ and focused on angels. God forbid.

However, I am greatly encouraged and comforted by one of the great names of God--Jehovah Tsva-ah (Strong’s Concordance 6635). It is the revelation of The Lord of Hosts which is mentioned in Scripture too many times for me to count as I write this post. Although for your interest, this name of God is used 14 times in only two chapters of Haggai. It is used 53 times in the only 14 chapters of Zechariah. And 24 times in only four chapters of Malachi.

It reveals God as the mightiest Warrior and all-powerful King of Israel with His host of angels who surround the throne of God, His ministering angels, His military service. It is always in the context of warfare. If only we had eyes to see this great, powerful, and enormous army that God has at His disposal to help us to overcome all the powers of the evil one.

I love the lines in the beautiful hymn written by John Newton, “How Sweet the Name of Jesus Sounds” which we sang at our Family Devotions yesterday morning. Verse three says:

Dear Name, the Rock on which I build,
My Shield and Hiding Place,
My never failing treasury, filled
With boundless stores of grace!

Jesus Christ is our Treasury! He is filled with boundless stores of grace! Jesus is greater than Fort Knox where the gold of our nation is kept. The Lord of Hosts uses His angelic ministers to take from Heaven’s Treasury (Jesus Christ) and as we lay hold of these treasures, the angels communicate them to us in many different ways. Hallelujah.

Be encouraged.

Colin Campbell


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