TimeofLifeThe Bible speaks about “the time of life” which relates to us as women. Every month we are blessed with a “time of life.” It is the time of ovulation during our monthly cycle, which can last from five to seven days. This is the time of the month when we can conceive; when we are able to receive life from God.

We read about this in Genesis 18:10 where God says to Abraham: “I will certainly return unto thee according to the time of life; and lo, Sarah thy wife shall have a son.”

We know of course that Sarah was past the time of childbearing. She didn’t believe that such a thing could happen and so God speaks again the second time! Verse 14 says: “Is any thing too hard for the LORD? At the time appointed I will return unto thee, according to the time of life, and Sarah shall have a son” (verse 14).

I believe that God restored Sarah’s cycle so that she could ovulate again and therefore God was able to come and visit her during her “time of life.”

Our “time of life” is also a time of “visitation” from God. We read again about Sarah’s conceiving in Genesis 21:1, 2: “And the Lord VISITED Sarah as he had said and the LORD did unto Sarah AS HE HAD SPOKEN (in Genesis 18:10, 14). For Sarah conceived, and bare Abraham a son in his old age, at the set time of which God had spoken to him.”

We read also of God visiting Hannah and giving her children. After Hannah had taken Samuel to live at the temple because she had dedicated him to the Lord, 1 Samuel 2:21 says: “And the LORD VISITED Hannah, so that she conceived, and bare three sons and two daughters.” She was blessed with five more visitations of God.

What a privilege to be visited by God. A responsibility too. Understanding this truth makes clear what we are actually doing when we choose a plan to stop life during the time of ovulation. We refuse a visitation of God. We thwart the sovereign plans of Almighty God. We say No to life instead of Yes. And when we stop one conception, it is not only one baby, but a dynasty to come!

Love and blessings to you today,

Nancy Campbell

P.S. You can read another story about the “time of life” in 2 Kings 4:16,17.

Picture: I was looking for a picture of a newborn baby. My lovely Above Rubies helper said, “I’ve got one of my mother and baby sister.” This is little Emmaline, about two minutes old. I wish you could see her mother, Misty. This is her ninth baby, and now she is happily expecting No. 10, but she just looks like a teenager.


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