Above Rubies Daily Encouragement Blogs

Through the weekly and daily devotionals you can be constantly encouraged in your great role of parenting, the highest career in the nation. You can also stay updated on what's happening with the Above Rubies ministry.

Strengthening Families Across the World through the encouragement of women in their high calling from God as wives, mothers and homemakers.


DontWearOutThe greatest temptation from the enemy of our souls is in our minds. Revelation 12:9 calls him “that old serpent.” The mind is where he seeks to attack us most, or should I say, even torment us. He brings to our minds thoughts of doubt, deception, despondency, rejection, anger, self-pity, and even despair. And yes, worry, worry, worry! If we are not aware of his tactics and do not resist them, they become bigger in our minds and he wins the victory.

Daniel 7:25 speaks about the coming anti-Christ (although this same spirit is already in the world): "He shall speak great words against the most High, and shall wear out the saints of the most High." The words "wear out" in the Hebrew mean "to afflict mentally." These words are only used in a mental sense. This is Satan's strategy. To wear us out in our minds with unbelieving and deceiving thoughts. If you are filled with worry, confused, and tormented in your mind, you can't function emotionally or physically.

Therefore, you must be on the alert. You don't have to let the enemy wear you out! This is not God's plan. You can't stop these thoughts coming to your mind, but you stop them embedding in your mind! You don't have to dwell on them for one minute! Resist them in the name of Jesus. Throw them out of your mind. They don't belong in your redeemed mind. My daughters call them “bucket thoughts” which they throw in the garbage!

1 Peter 1:13 says: "Gird up the loins of your mind." In Bible days the men wore long tunics and when doing physical exercise pulled up their tunic and tucked it in their belt so they would not be hindered. In the same way, we must eradicate of any thoughts in our minds that hinder us from walking in the victory which Jesus Christ died to give us.

Be encouraged again today with 2 Corinthians 5:4, 5: "For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds; casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity EVERY THOUGHT to the obedience of Christ."

May you have a victorious day triumphing over the wiles of the devil. You do not have to let him wear you out.

Blessings from Nancy Campbell

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FlourishToday2Yesterday we discussed whether we are wilting, just surviving, or flourishing in our home. God's will for you is to FLOURISH. Here's some ways to flourish in your home:
F Flavor your home with joy, sweetness, and happiness (what a nice flavor)!
L Love every moment of your mothering (rather than dreaming of when these days will be over).
O Offer your life as a living sacrifice (knowing that you save your life by losing it--Mark 11:35 and Romans 12:1-2).
U Unify your home by speaking peace into every situation.
R Revel in the joy of mothering and nurturing the precious gifts
God has given to you (knowing that your Employer is God Himself).
I Intentionally make positive things happen in your home (don't let the day lead you around in circles, but instead purposefully direct your day by the leading of the Holy Spirit). Make wonderful things happen.
S Sanctify your home daily with prayer, praises, and the washing of God's Word (Ephesians 5: 26).
H Heap hugs and kisses on your husband and children daily

God bless you in your home today.
Nancy Campbell

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WhichOneYouDid you know that God's plan for you is to FLOURISH? And He has a special place where He wants you to flourish? Guess. Yes, it’s in your home. Psalm 128:3-4 (TLB) says: “Your wife will be like fruitful vine, FLOURISHING within your home. And look at all those children! There they sit around your table as vigorous and healthy as young olive trees. That is the Lord’s reward for those who fear Him.”

You may not feel as though you are FLOURISHING. Perhaps you feel like a WILTING plant. You feel "half dead"! Or maybe, like some plants, you are barely SURVIVING. You get through each day, but only just!

God has more for you, dear mother. He wants you to flourish and bloom. I believe we only come into the flourishing mode when we embrace our mothering role with all our heart; when we know we are in God's perfect will. No matter what the hardships and challenges, we face them with joy. We are not dreaming of some day when we will be through these mothering days. Instead, we live every moment to the full. Every moment is an abounding moment because Christ lives in us and His life is not wilting, but full of life and power (John 10:10).

Embrace your powerful calling of motherhood. Make every moment a God moment. Think of yourself as a flourishing plant--abounding, blooming, blossoming, enlarging, expanding, flowering, growing luxuriantly, increasing, and thriving (Isaiah 54:2-3)! This is God's plan for you.

God bless you today,

Nancy Campbell

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FalseDoctrineDid you know that you don't have to teach false doctrine to pass it on to your children? You teach it by the way you live. Our children learn more from observing our lives than from what we tell them. Do your children see the image of God in you? Do they see you as a feminine, nurturing mother, the picture God wants you to reveal as a female?

Do they see you reveling in the heart of your home and gathering your family to sit together around the table for your meals? This is the picture God paints of a blessed family (Psalm 128:3).

Do they see your sweet spirit of submission toward your husband who is your head and covering? Do they see you delighting to serve? Marriage is a picture of Christ and the church and we certainly wouldn't expect to see the church ordering Christ around, would we?

Titus 2:3-5 describes the lifestyle God wants us to live and goes on to say that when we spurn this lifestyle that we blaspheme God’s Word. That’s because we reveal a false doctrine.

What kind of doctrine do you show to your children?

Blessings from Nancy Campbell

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NotByMightYesterday I posted the Scripture: “Not by might, nor by power, but by my Spirit saith the LORD of hosts” (Zechariah 4:6). I am posting it again today. In fact, one day, I would love to get a beautiful painting with this Scripture to put on my wall. Not a little one, but a huge one!

I speak this Scripture out every day as I cry out to God for the people for whom I pray and for the nations of the world. I have no power to change people’s hearts or work miracles in nations; it is only the moving of the Holy Spirit, and therefore I am cast upon Him.

This Scripture was also the cry of my heart yesterday and last evening. And truly God moved by His Spirit. No man can take any glory. In His mercy God came and answered the cries of millions of His people all over this nation, and the world, as we pleaded for mercy to save us from an agenda of progressivism, of murdering babies, of appointing liberal supreme court judges, the influx of terrorists into our nation, hidden corruption, lies, and more.

We were not fighting flesh and blood, but principalities and powers. And the surprised liberal media had no idea of the thousands of praying believers across the land who believe that “Righteousness exalts a nation: but sin is a reproach to any people” (Proverbs 14:34).

That’s why only the power of the Holy Spirit could bring down “the great mountain”! The words following this Scripture say: “Who art thou, O great mountain? . . . thou shalt become a plain.” God brought down a huge mountain last night.

We humbly give God the glory. But we cannot relax and think it is all over. It is only the beginning. We must seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness more than ever. We must cry out for revival in the church and across the land. We must be faithful to pray every day—pray individually, pray as families, and pray as groups of believers. God comes by His Spirit in answer to prayer. Amen.

Humbly and thankfully,

Nancy Campbell

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gulliblesTomorrow I will vote against Hillary. Forget politics, I must be faithful to my conscience. Because I belong to God’s kingdom, I belong to a kingdom of life. Therefore, I must vote for life, to save life, to preserve life, and to vote against murder. Dear fellow wives and mothers who love life, we must face the fact that to vote for Hilary is to vote for death.

She will continue her war against babies and 60,000 more babies will die in the womb every year, paid for by our taxes. She will repeal the Hyde Amendment, which bans the use of federal funds to pay for abortions (except for the life of the mother, rape or incest).

We cannot bury our head in the sand to the fact that she believes “The unborn person doesn’t have Constitutional rights,” right up to its due date. Another 18,000 or more babies will die each year in excruciating pain through late term abortions! How can we blindly let this happen?

Before Proverbs 31 gives the description of the virtuous woman, it first states: “Speak out on behalf of the voiceless, and for the rights of all who are vulnerable. Speak out in order to judge with righteousness and to defend the needy and the poor” (Proverbs 31:8, 9 CEB).

She cannot wait to appoint pro-choice unconstitutional Supreme Court judges and boldly states: “The only people that I would ever appoint to the Supreme Court are people who believe that Roe V. Wade is settled law.” She will continue to finance Planned Parenthood to do more and more abortions and sell the body parts. In fact, she stated, “I would like to see Planned Parenthood even get more funding.” Why did Planned Parenthood invest $30 million toward her presidential race?

And you know, of course, that this is issue is only the beginning of her destructive plans to bring down this nation that was founded on godly principles.

I do not vote for myself, but to save this nation from destruction. I vote for my children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren, and the generations to come. I don’t want them to live in a country where God’s original plan for man is totally violated. Already LGBT people have the same rights as lawfully married couples, and it will get worse. If we don’t vote against Hilary, we will see the beginning of Christian persecution. She has already told the nation that “Deep seated cultural codes, religious beliefs, and structural biases have to be changed.” Look out everyone.

But we have a chance today and tomorrow to stop this landslide of death and destruction of all moral and biblical values. It’s no use crying out for the life of the unborn after this election if we don’t take a stand today. It’s no use crying out because we face persecution when we have an opportunity now to vote against it. It’s no use complaining that terrorists are filling our nation if we don’t vote to stop it now.

We have the opportunity and power in our hands today and tomorrow to stop evil! “Who will rise up for me against the evildoers: or who will stand up for me against the workers of iniquity? (Psalm 94:16).

Here’s one more article to read amongst the thousands that are out there:

Let’s turn back the tide of evil,

Nancy Campbell

Dear readers, some folks commented on Facebook that we don’t have to worry about voting, but instead just trust God. Yes, I believe in trusting God, but we also must take action. Does a mother sit by when her child is in danger, or nearing a cliff? “I’ll just trust God,” she says as she relaxes.

No, she rushes to save her child. She screams out to save her child. She will lose her own life to save her child. God puts this fierce protecting instinct within us to save our children. We should have this same alarm as our nation rushes to destruction, because we want to save our children and children's children.

~ Nancy

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BabyFeet2Tell me, what is half so sweet
As a baby's tiny feet,
Pink and dainty as can be,
Like a coral from the sea?
Talk of jewels strung in rows,
Gaze upon those little toes,
Fairer than a diadem,
With the mother kissing them!

It is morning and he lies
Uttering his happy cries,
While his little hands reach out
For the feet that fly about.
Then I go to him and blow
Laughter out of every toe;
Hold him high and let her place
Tiny footprints on my face.

Little feet that do not know
Where the winding roadways go,
Little feet that never tire,
Feel the stones or trudge the mire,
Still too pink and still too small
To do anything but crawl,
Thinking all their wanderings fair,
Filled with wonders everywhere.

Little feet, so rich with charm,
May you never come to harm.
As I bend and proudly blow
Laughter out of every toe,
This I pray, that God above
Shall protect you with His love,
And shall guide those little feet
Safely down life's broader street.

~ Edgar Guest

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FulltimeMotherPut a smile on your face!

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TeasureMomentHere's a lovely quote by Marianne Neifert, which an Above Rubies reader sent to me. I'm sure you will identify with these same feelings . . .

"If I hadn't had children, I probably would have had more money and material things. I probably would have gone more places, gotten more sleep, pampered myself more. My life would have been much more boring and predictable. As a result of being a parent, I have laughed harder, cried more often. I have worried more and hurried more. I've had less sleep, but somehow I've had more fun. I've learned more, grown more. My heart has ached harder, and I've loved to a capacity beyond my imagination. I've given more of myself, but I've derived more meaning from life."

Isn't it true? We experience the delirious joys of motherhood and also the aches and pains of motherhood, but our lives are richer for them all. How much we would have missed out on if we hadn't been blessed with each child God has given us. And we get more than we start with. As each of our children marry and have children, we receive the blessing of grandchildren! That’s unbeatable! And then great-grandchildren. That’s even more amazing!

Dear young mothers, forget sighing and grumbling about all your frustrations. These precious days with your little ones go too quickly. My three oldest children are all over 50 years of age, but it still seems like one blink of my eye since the day they were born. As I look back on raising our children, do I regret that I didn't get involved in more activities outside the home or further my career? Oh no. I regret every moment I didn't spend with them. I never felt I had enough time to pour into them all I wanted to before they were gone and flown the nest.

Treasure every moment with the children God has given you, today.

Blessings from Nancy Campbell

Picture: Back when my twins were born, 1965 (Evangeline on the left and Stephen on the right). At that time I had three children under 17 months.

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PrayTogetherHave you begun praying as a family?

I love God’s Word to us in Leviticus 26:8: "Five of you shall chase an hundred, and a hundred of you shall put ten thousand to flight; and your enemies shall fall before you by the sword." What is the greatest way to destroy our enemies? By prayer and intercession.

Do we have enemies to fight? Yes. Many years ago, before we ever came to live in America, we made a visit to Disneyland and I watched an animated speech of President Abraham Lincoln. I have never forgotten hearing him say: “America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves.” Nearly 30 years later, we face this destruction, and right now at election time.

We have enemies of abortion where Hilary Clinton and all her hordes advocate murdering babies in the womb right up until the day they are born! We fight the enemy of euthanasia. I heard yesterday that now Obama Care states that chemotherapy is not allowed for anyone over 75 years of age. They want to eliminate the aged, and yet many men are, or have been, leaders of countries in their seventies!

Do you fear terrorists from overseas? They are already here. We have terrorist sleeper cells waiting for the right time to destroy us in every city in America. Hilary wants to bring them in by the thousands. We have the enemy of homosexuality which the Creator of mankind calls an abomination. Plus corruption and deceit and more and more and more.

How are we going to fight? Do you have three children in your family? Three children and mom and dad makes five! God says that five of you can put 100 enemies to flight. Twenty families of five can cause 10,000 enemies to bite the dust.

What about families with six, seven, eight, nine and more children? Think about all these prayer warriors. Just imagine if God-fearing families would really get to prayer! Don't let the devil get you so busy and so involved in other things (yes, even GOOD things), that you don't have time to pray and cry out to God for our nation. Don't let all your prayer warriors be wasted. Even little children can learn to intercede.

Praying together is THE MOST POWERFUL THING you can do together as a family. Amen.

Blessings from Nancy Campbell

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AreYouPrayingIt's hard to believe what is happening in our nation, isn't it? It’s difficult to comprehend the corruption in someone who wants to lead our country! There was a time when America was the least corrupt nation in the world. Now it is rife at the top! But we thank God for answering prayer. We have been praying earnestly and consistently for God to expose all deception, corruption, and the hidden agendas in our government. God is answering prayer and exposing it.

We must keep praying. Praying begins with families, not the church. Are you praying earnestly as a family each day for these coming elections which are just about upon us? This country is at tipping point. These elections will determine the course of this nation and ultimately the world.

We must pray and we most vote against evil—against corruption, against the murdering of babies in the womb right up until the day they are born (which is Hilary’s agenda), against euthanasia, against the appointment of liberal Supreme Court judges (which Hilary plans to do) and it goes on and on.

We have a friend who is very close to our family and recently he arrived with a replica of the LIBERTY BELL for us. And yes, it even has the crack in it, and the Scripture written on it which is on the original in Philadelphia: “Proclaim liberty throughout all the land unto all the inhabitants thereof” (Leviticus 25:10).

Our friend knows we have Prayer Boxes on different subjects that we use each morning and evening in our family prayer times. Now we use the Liberty Bell to pray for the nation (and now the upcoming elections). Each card tells a different need to pray for our nation. We find the prayer cards help to stimulate our prayer times, especially for the children, who often run out of ideas to pray. It teaches them to stay focused and gives ideas for prayer which they often don’t have.

If you are not currently praying, can you begin today? Gather your family together at your evening meal tonight and PRAY TOGETHER, Everyone around the table. Don’t just pray. CALL out to God to save our nation. You may have to rearrange your whole schedule. We can’t even consider that sacrifice when we consider that our nation hangs in the balances.

Can you imagine what could happen if every God-fearing, Bible believing family began to gather their family together morning and evening and cry out to God for this nation. We can quote 2 Chronicles 7:14 by heart, but do we believe it or do anything about it?

Luke 18:7-8: "Shall not God avenge his own elect, which cry DAY AND NIGHT unto him, though he bear long with them? I tell you that he will avenge them speedily."

Let’s take up our responsibility as God-fearing families.

Love from Nancy Campbell

For further reference, clink on these links:

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BlinkGoneYou’ll enjoy the lovely poem typed below, written by a dear friend of mine, Val Halloran. Val shares the message, and as an older mother I also reiterate it:

Slow down, dear mother. These days with your little ones go so fast. Make the most of every moment and every day with them. In a blink of your eye, they will be grown and left the nest. These are the most precious days of your life. I know they can be trying and overwhelming, but they are very precious years. Try to make time to record the special things they say and do. I thought I would remember, but as the years have gone by I have forgotten.

You only have their childhood to train them and it goes by so quickly. Don’t waste this great privilege from God by giving your God-given gifts to someone else to train. God has given them to YOU to train in His ways. Embrace every moment of your high calling from God.

Love from Nancy

I think back to the day you came
To bless me long ago;
All I knew about you was your name
And that I loved you so.

A tiny bundle, soft and sweet,
God's special gift to me.
Uniquely made to be like Him,
To live eternally!

The days and months flew quickly by;
I was told the time would pass;
But with lots of babes and work to do,
I didn't know then how fast.

I wanted more than anything
To lead you in God's ways,
To teach you that to live for Him
Was the reason you were made.

Now that you're grown and on your own,
And time to train has passed,
Though you say you saw faith in me,
I still wish I could go back,

To cherish more those fleeting times,
To show you of His love.
Though I tried to point you all to Him,
I'll never feel I did enough.

But I'll say to you what was said to me,
That as you love and train your own,
Slow down, enjoy these precious ones,
In a blink, they'll all be grown.

@2013, Val Halloran

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AreYouComingReading Psalm 95 this morning I noticed the inviting word, Come. In fact, the invitation comes three times. Let’s read it:

“O COME, let us sing unto the LORD: let us make a joyful noise to the rock of our salvation. Let us COME before his presence with thanksgiving, and make joyful noise unto him with psalms . . . . O COME, let us worship and bow down: let us kneel before the LORD our maker.”

God wants us to COME into His presence. We don’t just float into his presence. We COME. We act. This word in the Hebrew is a verb meaning “to walk, go, follow, lead, carry (maybe babies and little ones), pursue, march, and run.”

We come into God’s presence individually and collectively. We make effort to spend time with God personally. But the context of this Scripture is togetherness. We come collectively before the Lord, first as a family, and then as a body of believers.

You notice that each time it says come, that it says, “Let US come.” It’s not only me. It’s all of us together. We make time to come into God’s presence as a family each day. We do this morning and evening in our home. I am sure you have realized that this just doesn’t happen! Suddenly everyone appears at the correct time? No, we make it happen.

For our morning devotions, I make sure everyone in the home is up at a certain time, breakfast eaten, and ready to come into His presence as a family. Each member of the home comes. It’s “let US.” No one sleeps in. No one is left out.

At our evening gathering, we all gather at the table, enjoy our meal together, and then open God’s precious word and worship. This means everyone is present at the meal table. No exceptions, unless it is for something special. As the mother of the home, I must organize my whole schedule to make this happen every day. I want everyone in my home to COME INTO HIS PRESENCE, don’t you? Therefore, we must work to make it happen.

It’s all about COMING, ladies.

And what about our corporate gatherings, whether in small groups or large congregations? We still need to COME! We gave to get ready in time, once again organizing our schedule to make sure everyone in the family is ready. We get in our cars. We get to our gathering on time. Not late. We come with eager hearts.

We don’t come to sit like stuffed ducks. This psalm reminds us that we:
• Come to sing unto the Lord.
• Come to make a joyful noise to the Lord. Do you notice two words? Joyful! And noise! God wants us to sing to Him with everything within us—LOUDLY and JOYFULLY.
• Come with thanksgiving.
• Come with psalms (ready to share a revelation from the Word of God).
• Come with a worshipful heart.
• Come ready to bow down in worship.
• Come to kneel before the Lord our Maker.

Teach your children to respond with eager and COMING HEARTS.

“Children, it’s time for Family Devotions,” and they come running.

“Children, it’s time to come for the table,” and they come running.

“Children, it’s time to leave for church; we want to be early” and they come runnIng.

Many blessings to you today,

Love from Nancy Campbell

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GloryNationWe speak of the glory of God, often not knowing what we speak about. Our finite minds will never understand God’s eternal glory. Even in the eternal realm I think it will still be difficult for us to comprehend. However, God deigns to reveal His glory on earth—through creation and through His people.

He wants to be glorified in our lives—in our spirits and in our bodies (John 10:10 and 1 Corinthians 6:20). He wants us to do everything we do each day, even the most mundane and practical things, for His glory (1 Corinthians 10:31).

There are so many aspects to God’s glory, but are you aware of a specific glory God has given to you? In the book of Hosea, God tells Ephraim that He will take away their glory from them because of their sin. What was this glory? Let’s read it in Hosea 9:11 RSV: “Ephraim’s glory shall fly away like a bird – no birth, no pregnancy, no conception!”

God looks upon motherhood and the bringing forth of children as a glory. He told Ephraim they would have no more conception, no more pregnancy, and no more births. This was not only Israeli’s glory, but God’s glory.

Every new baby that is born is created in the image of God. They are born with the glory of God upon them. No wonder we experience such a special atmosphere in our homes when a new baby comes to us.

God wants to reveal His glory on the earth through our children. They are for signs and for wonders (Isaiah 8:18).

When we hold back conception; when we put a stop to the function of our womb, when we refuse pregnancy; and when we don’t want another baby, we limit the glory of God.

Let’s embrace our motherhood which is the glory of the nation. Let’s exude the glory of God.

Be blessed today, Nancy Campbell

Painting by Nora Kasten

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HeedingYesterday we talked about how “sound doctrine” is practical godly living. We read about the BEAUTIFUL things God wants us to do as wives and mothers (see BEAUTIFUL THINGS post below). However, Titus 2:5 goes on to say that if we don’t embrace this BEAUTIFUL lifestyle, that instead we become “a scandal to the gospel” (MOFFAT).

This sounds harsh, doesn’t it? Please don’t get mad with me. I am quoting God’s Word. As we look at other translations, starting with the King James Version, we can’t get away from the gravity of turning away from this lifestyle.

Blaspheme the Word of God (KJV).
Bring disrepute to the Word of God (NEB).
Bring reproach to the Word of God (AMP).
Bring shame on the Word of God (HCSB).
Discredit the Word of God (RSV).
Disgrace the Word of God (TJB, CJB).
Dishonor the Word of God (NASB).
Malign the Word of God (NIV).
Revile the Word of God (ESV).
Slander the Word of God (MLB, HCSB).
Speak evil of the Word of God (GNB).

It is not a pretty picture, is it? I’m sorry I need to write this, but I must be faithful to declare the whole truth, and not only half of it.

The word in the Greed is “blasphemo” and comes from two words:
Blapto – to hurt, and
Pheme – reputation.

Therefore, it means that when we do not walk in the beautiful things of Titus 2:4, 5 that we hurt the reputation of God’s Word.

Because there have been so few older women teaching the younger women how to love their husbands and children and how to be keepers at home, we now have a whole generation who have no understanding of God’s plan for women. They have not even seen the lifestyle before their eyes. They did not see it growing up in their own family. Many come from two-child families and were never around babies. They spent most of their lives at school and college and did not have time to learn the art of cooking and managing a home.

Many have embraced the workforce, rather than motherhood--many times living on fast food, with no time to sit together as families around a homecooked meal, enjoying interaction and family devotions together. Because of the “me first “and the “entitlement” mentality in our society today, many marriages are falling apart.

May our nation of Christians turn back to the beautiful lifestyle God ordained in the very beginning so that we will become a “good advertisement” for His Word and His plan that was devised in eternity.

Be encouraged today,

Nancy Campbell

Painting by Anna Silivonchik

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MallOrdersIf you stand for the Christian principles upon which this nation was founded and if you love to hear the beautiful carols and Christian hymns during the Christmas period, here’s your opportunity to take a stand. You can call or email the company who are banning Christmas carols from their mall this Christmas. I’m not sure about you, but I think it is wonderful to have Christmas carols play in the public arena during this time of the year. It is so uplifting.

I couldn’t get through on phone but emailed instead. Go to:

Blessings from Nancy

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BeautifulThingsI know you believe it is important to have a foundation of “sound doctrine.” You want to teach your children “sound doctrine.” You are not one who is “tossed to and fro with every wind of doctrine.”

Therefore, what is the sound doctrine the Bible talks about? In Titus 2:1 Paul writes to Titus: “Speak thou the things which become sound doctrine,” and immediately proceeds to tell the older and younger men, the older and younger women, and the servants how to act in their daily lives! This is what the Word of God calls sound doctrine--living godly in our daily lives.

Sound doctrine is practical living. In your home, in your kitchen, and mothering and training your children. That’s why Paul immediately follows the message of sound doctrine by telling the older women to teach the young women how to live. They are to be “teachers of good things.” The Greek word is “kalodidaskalos” and means to be a teacher of beautiful and valuable things

What are these beautiful things? You remember them. To be self-controlled, pure, to love our husbands and to be submissive to them, to love our children, to be keepers at home, and to be kind. These are all BEAUTIFUL things in the sight of God. No wonder the J. B. Phillips' translation says they are “a good advertisement for the Christian faith.”

What a privilege you have in your home today. You have the opportunity to practically live out sound doctrine. You have the blessing of doing BEAUTIFUL things all day long.

Have a BEAUTIFUL day,

Nancy Campbell

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HealingTongue2Speak life into your home today.

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StandingLifeYou can see the drawings or watch the YouTube. Clink on the links below:

Dear Reader, forgive me, I know these illustrations are horrific, but we cannot put our heads in the sand. We cannot stand idly by while babies are murdered in such a horrific way, and lawfully up until the time of birth.

Our God is a God of life. He creates every precious new life that is conceived. He loves each new life. He has plans and destiny for each special life (Psalm 139:13-16). And these lives are eternal.

The kingdom of God is a kingdom of life. If we belong to the kingdom of God we must stand on the side of life. If we do not cringe and cry at the devastation of life in the womb in this way, we belong to the kingdom of darkness which hates life.

We must stand against the candidate, Hilary Clinton, who unashamedly promotes the murdering of babies in this way, right up until the birth of the baby. We must do everything in our power to stop her anti-life agenda.

~ Nancy Campbell


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Email Nancy

PO Box 681687
Franklin, TN 37068-1687

Phone : 931-729-9861
Office Hrs 9am - 5pm, M - F, CTZ