LearnToFocusDo you ever get into a dream when reading or listening to God’s Word? I have the best intentions to not let my mind wander, but it still happens. Even this morning at Family Devotions as Colin read the Word to us I found my mind wandering. I started thinking about Bowen and Kahoru’s wedding that is coming in May. Help! I had to immediately focus again.

I notice the pattern God sets when He wants to tell us something. He wants to tell us something new every day! His Word is filled with truth and the way He wants us to live. Filled with treasures waiting for us to discover.

When God wanted to speak to Ezekiel in Ezekiel 40:4 the angel (or was it Jesus Himself) said to him: “Behold with thine eyes, and hear with thine ears, and set thine heart upon all that I shall show thee.” We must see by the eyes of faith. We must hear with our spiritual ears, listening for the voice of the Holy Spirit who is the interpreter of God’s Word. And we must set out hearts upon it. I cannot find a verse in the Bible that talks about getting it into our minds (although of course we will do this), but He commands us to get our eyes, ears, and heart involved.

That’s why I believe it is imperative to ask questions at Family Devotions when we read God’s Word to our children. If it is easy for our minds to wander, what about our children? They can begin dreaming about other things. Questions keep them focused on what God is saying. Questions keep them interested and attentive.

I find I need the questions too. There are times when Colin asks a question and I am guilty and must ask, “Darling, can you please read that Scripture again?” I didn’t comprehend it properly as I was not intently focusing at that moment.

Ezekiel 40:4 also speaks about our mouths! It says: “Declare all that thou see to the house of Israel.” Our mouths must become involved too. God wants to us to share with others what He tells us. We can only declare what is deeply imbedded in our hearts. If it’s not in our hearts, we have nothing to say. That’s why the Word must get into our hearts.

“Did not our hearts burn within us, while he talked with us by the way, and while he opened to us the Scriptures?” exclaimed the disciples about talking with Jesus. There’s nothing like true Christian fellowship when you can talk and discuss the Word together. However, I find it hard to find this today. When meeting with fellow believers I love to ask, “What’s God been saying to you from the Word recently?” It is so deflating to be returned with blank looks and silence. They have nothing to declare!

Dear precious believers, if we are opening God’s Word and tuning in our eyes, ears, and hearts, we’ll have so much to declare! To confess! To share with others to change their lives.

This is not only a challenge to ourselves, but in the training of our children. What kind of children are you training? Those who are being trained to stay babies, go to church once a week and open their mouths like little birds to receive food from the pastor or minister? Or are you training children to discipline their eyes, ears, and hearts to hear what the Spirit is saying. They are learning to hear personally. To hear for themselves. Not second hand. They are the children growing into mature Christians. I am sure no mother wants her children to stay babies in the Lord. We want them to be declarers of God’s truths and they can only do this as they get it into their hearts.

May you be anointed of the Lord today as you prepare mighty young men and women for God’s purposes,

Nancy Campbell

Don’t you love this famous painting? "Way to Emmaus" by German painter, Robert Zünd (1827-1909). My parents had this picture on the wall of the home where I grew up and I loved looking at it.

There are many paintings of the story of Jesus walking with the two disciples to Emmaus. I'd love to share two or three more of my favorites: This is a painting by James Tissot from "Pilgrims on the Road to Emmaus" (1884-1896).


Further to my post above, LEARNING TO FOCUS, here is another of my favorite paintings of the scene on the way to Emmaus: This is a painting by William Brassey Hole.


Here's just one more painting of the Scripture: "Did not our heart burn within us, while he talked with us by the way, and while he opened to us the Scriptures?" (Luke 24:32). Painting by Ira Thomas.



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