CannotSilentThe following is a writing from my granddaughter, Meadow, which she wrote on her Facebook. I would love to share it with you. I know you will be blessed . . . .

I have decided to make another exception to post something political. On second thought, I think it's bizarre that this is a political topic, because once upon a time, both parties would never have even considered that this would become a political issue . . . So, let's not call this a political issue. This is a basic human's right issue.

I am sharing this after being inspired to see so many of my brothers and sisters in-Christ stand up for something many of us believe in . . . Life.

I have always been passionate about the topic of pro-life. And I know plenty of others who are, too, but sometimes I wonder if God placed this issue to be so strong in my heart so that I would especially defend it. This has been a topic I am willing to stand up for, despite being criticized . . . which I have been plenty of times.

The most bizarre criticism I can think of, is was when one woman angrily compared me to Hitler because I was apparently forcing my opinions onto others (this is when I wrote a pro-life article that was comparing the abortion holocaust to the original holocaust and it was shared on a public fan page). But I can only laugh at the absurdity of that statement, while at the same time, be saddened by her opinion.

Another bizarre time was when I realized that pro-choice people who were getting abortions saw people like me who were there to persuade them to choose life, as their enemies. They would have been thrilled to see us arrested (though, we were doing nothing illegal). I remember feeling baffled and hurt at that realization. I was there to peacefully show that I cared and wanted what was best for them and their children. But I was despised for it. I'm not saying this to make you feel sorry for me, but to show the persecution that can come from defending life.

I know what many pro-choice people like to say . . . pro-life people do too much talk and no action. But I have nurtured this cause by writing articles, writing a pro-life song, recently filling out an application to counsel at a pregnancy crisis center (even though I don't know if anything will ever come out of that) . . . and by personally going to an abortion clinic several times to try to talk to women out of getting abortions. But I know that there is much, much more that we need to do.

People would like to argue that I don't really know what those women are going through, so I have no right to judge them. But I have seen first-hand some of those women at their most vulnerable moments.

People say that many people get abortions because they are too poor, I watched couples arrive at the clinic in fancy cars.

People say that women get abortions because it is their choice. I have seen a woman drive away from the clinic in tears because she must have felt like that was her only “choice.”

People say that the man has no say in the matter when it comes to abortion. I have seen a father fall to the ground paralyzed in the parking lot at the abortion clinic, because his girlfriend was about to murder his child and he didn't know how to stand up for the child. He was rushed out in an ambulance. After that the woman chose life.

I have seen people literally laugh at the fact that they were about to kill a baby. I've seen people be in total outrage that we would dare tell them what they're doing is wrong (one man threatened violence). I've seen people be so self-conflicted and torn about whether or not it was really the choice they needed to make.

I've seen people turn around from the clinic and choose life.

I know that some of them were struggling to ignore their conscience that murder was wrong. I know that there were demons in that facility . . . I felt the darkness. Sometimes the weight of the darkness was so heavy in that place that I would be so depressed while I was there and even awhile afterwards.

I am sharing all of this to show you what I have seen. Please don't tell me that I am ignorant and don't know where other people are coming from. If you look at the statistics from a study in Florida, most abortions don't happen due to rape or because the mother's life is in danger. They mainly happen because the baby is somehow interfering with the mother's life.

Have you ever considered why mothers turn on their own babies? The connection between a mother and her baby is one of the most powerful things that God ever created. It is something beautiful by God's design . . . and Satan hates what God loves.

God created the womb to be the safest place in the world for a baby to grow in . . . so Satan has tried to turn the womb into a grave.

God created a mother to live her life for her baby and be willing to give her life for her baby . . . so Satan has deceived mothers into thinking they should live for their own lives and even take the lives of their babies.

God created men to be protectors and defenders of women and children . . . so Satan has tried to push men to use women, leave them, and neglect their own children.

God created families to love and take care of each other, and be the foundation of a strong nation . . . so Satan has tried to weaken families and our nation by trying to prevent children from being born in the first place.

This is not a war against pro-choice people. This is a war against the darkness of the world. This is a war against serving the idol called "Pro-choice" that devours human sacrifices. This is something that not only needs to be changed in the government, but more importantly, in the hearts of men and women.

Many people are defending the rights of women and people of other races. But if we are really fighting for equality, that means we should fight for the rights of ALL people . . . including the unborn.

This is not an issue we can tolerate with silence. Everyone has a right to live.

MEADOW HALL (Pearl Barrett’s daughter).

Meadow, who is now married to Kendall Hall, is in charge of Social Media for Trim Healthy Mama.


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